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For your consideration-

And I thought Oros was the perverted one…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia could only stare at the scene playing out before her with a mixture of confusion and disgust. “These bitches have the most fucked up kinks…” she muttered, while scowling at the entangled pair with utter contempt. Even when the two combatants separated, the Neon Tempest made no move to intervene. After all, she only bothered fighting other magical girls when they attacked her first. Or did something to really piss her off, like destroying a nice little flower shop. For all she knew, this was just the result of some inane argument, and so she was more than happy to simply let it run its course, albeit without her continued presence. Not only was the pathetic excuse for a fight boring in the extreme, but another familiar face had just made her appearance.

“Well, that fight’s got me feelin’ pretty energized, so I think I’ll go for another swim,” Nyxia told Sink Queen when the tentacled new arrival inquired what they’d be doing next. “Maybe check out that reef again. I’m not really a fan of crowds, and these other dumbasses seem to be involved with their own shit,” the Neon Tempest added, gesturing to her unconscious teammates, along with Oros, Shatterscape, and the unknown light girls. “Why?” she inquired with a raised eyebrow. “Know where I can find more Miseria to kill?”

As if there was any other way this could have gone...
-Ashley Avenir

Ashley simply grit her teeth as Elroy rattled off a litany of her supposed “offenses”, how she was nothing but a hypocrite who had murdered dozens of innocents and would have gladly murdered Betty and Trisha if Finn hadn’t been present to prevent her. Although a part of the high-tech heroine wanted to bite back that she had only killed when she had no other choice, that the recent debacle at the diner was a result of Finn’s recklessness, and that she had always planned to do everything she could to save Justin’s thralls, she knew that the time for words had passed. If the Immortal Volcano had even remotely been interested in resolving the situation diplomatically, he would have at least explained how protecting the train would still have ensured that the city’s civilian populace would be kept safe. Instead, he’d just chosen to insult her.

Fine. So that’s how its going to be.

Even as the freelancers charged and Raven asked for instruction, Ashley snapped out orders. “Cerberus, Timekeeper, take out the nuns,” the Knight of Tomorrow instructed raising her energy shield to join with Cerise’s. “Everyone else, engage Elroy!”

No sooner had Ashley said this then a neon green bolt of energy shot forth from the gleaming tip of her extended techno-wand, followed by an even larger energy sphere a moment later. With any luck, she and the twins would be able to occupy the Immortal Volcano’s attention, while Raven could move to one of the legendary freelancer’s flanks, or even above him, and fire a few rounds from her pistol at a spot not covered by his massive shield. Meanwhile, Mika and Finn should be able to use their increased speed and agility to attack the two fake nuns from the flanks or rear. The Knight of Tomorrow had little information on their exact capabilities, but she was betting that they were substantially less than Elroy’s, and so she would trust that the two youngest agents on her team would be able to deal with them.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Gold Projectile][Powerful][Damage X] = -108 mana


To MDP’s considerable joy, Lily happily allowed her to not only pet but hold one of her animal friends, eliciting a squeal of delight from the whimsical girl. “Like, thanky wanky sooo muchy wuchy, Lily Wily~! (giggle!)” she told the greenette as she eagerly took the offered ferret. “Awww~! You’re super duper softy wofty~!” she told her newest animal friend as she gave him a series of affectionate pets. “Yes you aresie~! Yes you aresie~!”

Meanwhile, Lily, ever her ditzy self, had offered Gaia the last of her three animal companions, seemingly unaware that it was Connie who had actually wanted to pet one of them. However, before the nymph-like young woman could pass the owl to her timid friend, Caroline offered Connie the bunny she’d been holding.

“O-Oh, u-um, t-thank you,” the masked maiden told Caroline as she took the offered creature, her mask forming an appreciative smile. “G-Gosh, he r-really is s-super fluffy!” Connie exclaimed as she began stroking the bunny’s soft fur.

Gaia smiled as she gently ran her elegant fingers over Dave the owl’s smooth feathers, happy to see that her dearest friend was enjoying herself. She was also greatly relieved that Caroline seemed to be behaving herself far better than during their previous encounter with her. Then again, the lack of Sakura’s presence likely had more than a fair bit to do with that, the botanical beauty reflected.

Shortly thereafter, Lily declared that it was time to move out, and Connie and Gaia handed the greenette’s animal friends back to her.

“O-Okay!” Connie confirmed with a nod as she mustered her resolve.

“Yes, let us be off,” Gaia agreed, her tone as serene as ever, despite her internal trepidation.

“Yaaay~!” MDP cheered, jumping up and down, even as she gave the ferret she was still holding a big hug. “Like, timey wimey to save the day~! (giggle!)”

About fuckin’ time!
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

“Fuckin’ finally! Nyxia exulted as she gleefully watched the Miseria’s bone ship break apart and then disintegrate completely thanks to her and Earthshaker’s combined efforts. The Rule Keeper was still aboard when the skeletal galleon began going to pieces, but the Neon Tempest wasn’t too concerned about her teammate. If anything, Roche’s impact with the sand would just charge her up with more energy, which could only be a good thing. Even though the remaining Miseria had begun evaporating into mist (giving credence to the teal-haired terror’s theory that destroying the bone ship was the key to finishing them off), after Nyxia made a nimble landing of her own, a quick scan of the beach revealed the presence of some new arrivals. In particular, an unknown magical girl in a witch outfit and the pink-haired shield girl from earlier, the latter of whom appeared to be engaged in combat with that girl with the giant metal hands Nyxia hadn’t bothered to remember the name of.


“What tha fuck is this shit?” the Neon Tempest inquired as she strolled over, giving the trio a contemptuous glare, before coming to a stop with the sky-pointing Omega Obliterator held in one hand, while the other rested on her hip. “Wrestling club tryouts?”

Armchair philosophy and relationship drama on top of a retro-futuristic ghost train? Only in Pax Septimus…
-Ashley Avenir

After leaping aboard the train, Ashley had only a precious few seconds to take stock of the situation before a voice caught her attention. The Knight of Tomorrow stifled a gasp when the owner of said voice appeared a moment later. Although she had never met him in person before today, Elroy Bates, the Immortal Volcano, was one of, if not the most well-known freelance espers in the world. G.E.M.I.N.I. had an extensive dossier on him, and it painted the picture of a highly capable and powerful combatant, one whose abilities outclassed those of her team and herself by a significant margin. As if that wasn’t problematic enough, he wasn’t alone.

The fiery-haired freelancer was flanked by two other espers, dressed in what could only be described as twisted mockeries of nun outfits. Even if their choice of attire didn’t manage to set off any red flags, Mika helpfully came right out and stated that they were the ones who had tried to kill her at the abandoned church, and had succeeded in killing Ellie. Plus, from Mika’s briefing, it was almost a certainty that one of their similarly-garbed associates had fought for Justin during the raid on his mansion. The fact that Elroy chose to brush off that piece of information once he learned of it just proved to Ashley that, despite his reputation as a dashing hero, the Immortal Volcano was nothing more than an amoral mercenary, willing to work for whoever was offering the biggest paycheck, regardless of how reprehensible they might be, and his ‘ends justify the means” remark only solidified that opinion. Even so, the high-tech heroine couldn’t help but feel that he’d said that to call her out. Then he shifted the topic to Finn (because of course everyone eventually does), but Ashley refused to allow a potential discussion of the young agent’s love life to derail things.

“We’re not the same,” she stated flatly before Finn could respond with one of his edgy quips. “G.E.M.I.N.I. works to protect helpless civilians, and although I’ve been forced to do some things I’ve regretted in my time as an agent, it was always in pursuit of that goal.” She took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing as she tightened her grip on her techno-wand. “I’m sorry if it’s going to interfere with you getting a big payday, but this behemoth is going to put a lot of innocent people in danger, so it has to be stopped.”

She didn’t want to fight if there was any chance of resolving the situation diplomatically, but the Knight of Tomorrow was no longer so naive as to think that there was any real chance of that happening, and the moment combat became unavoidable, she was fully prepared to make the first strike.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)



All aboard!
-Ashley Avenir

Upon reaching their destination, Ashley was somewhat surprised to find that the twins wished to serve as scouts. At first, a pair of supportive healers seemed like a poor choice for such a role, but when they suggested that Finn accompany them, things became considerably clearer. The kind-hearted pair obviously wanted to put some breathing room between the young agent and the source of much of his stress, something the Knight of Tomorrow was in full support of.

“Roger,” Ashley confirmed with a nod as she watched the trio head out, thankful that Finn was being at least somewhat cooperative.

If anything, whatever the young agent had been through recently had left him in an even worse state than he’d been in at the end of the last operation, and Ashley fervently hoped that the twins would be able to do a better job of addressing that situation than she had. Yet, if an impromptu counseling session was their plan, they wouldn’t have much time to conduct it.

“Here it comes,” Ashley breathed as a faint, but rapidly brightening pinpoint of light pierced the curtain of rain in front of them. “Get ready, everyone,” she instructed, smoothly shifting into the esper state as she did so.

Even as an annoyed Mika inquired where their scout team had run off to, Binky darted out from where she’d been hiding and leapt in front of the approaching behemoth. Ashley was so shocked by her green-haired mentor’s sudden appearance that she almost didn’t notice their target’s own bizarre aspect. True to it’s codename, the behemoth was indeed a train, albeit a spectral, art-deco, Gernsbackian, retro-futuristic vision of what a 21st century train might look like. Binky had succeeded in arresting much of its momentum, but the Knight of Tomorrow knew full well the limits of her mentor’s mighty abilities, and that time was very much of the essence. Thus, when Cereza appeared and advised them to move with haste, Ashley was in full agreement.

“You heard her, agents!” the high-tech heroine shouted as she rushed out of the van and leapt for the electrically-charged engine’s side platform. “We have a train to catch!”

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)



Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Unfortunately, despite her teammates’ best efforts, the skeletal galleon had not been destroyed. In fact, it was now pointing directly at where the Neon Tempest was battling on the beach. Although she wasn’t exactly possessed of omnipotent levels of awareness (she had no idea that Morganite and her witchy friend had shown up, for instance, or maybe she knew but just didn’t care?), but the movements of so massive an object were hard to miss, especially when she’d been hoping for another shot at said object herself. Now, it seemed she would get her chance…

“Stupid fucking asswipes…” Nyxia snarled as she kicked another Miseria into one of its many companions. “Do I have to do everything myself?!”

Slamming the Omega Obliterator deep into the ground, even as the bone ship sprouted an enormous propeller, the Neon Tempest used it as a pole upon which to swing herself horizontally with considerable speed, her legs shooting out to smash against all the swarming Miseria in a circular arc. Once a moment of breathing room had been achieved, she fired her gargantuan weapon, sending both her and it blasting into the sky. After attaining sufficient altitude, the teal-haired terror swung the energy cannon around so that it was pointing down at the now rocket-propelled pirate ship. At such close range, it was impossible to miss, and to her allies’ credit, it seemed they had at least managed to get rid of the annoying captain. Thus, Nyxia’s subsequent teal-tinted torrent of annihilation was sure to strike its intended target without being deflected away at the last second.


Yet, even as the ruinous beam lanced down upon the vile vessel, the Neon Tempest noticed that Roche was still aboard. However, this was actually a bonus, since she knew from experience that the tribal girl would be unaffected by her weapon’s destructive energies. Indeed, if Earthshaker was struck, the code keeper would be able to absorb the energy, using it as fuel for her own efforts to break the bone ship into a million pieces.

As much as hated to admit it, Nyxia had to concede that sometimes, this whole “teamwork thing” did have its advantages.

What, don’t like shooting galleries? Well, I know some other games we can play…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

No one would ever accuse Nyxia of not being incredibly single-minded and hyper-focused, at least when it came to slaughtering Miseria, but that didn't mean the teal-haired terror was entirely oblivious to pertinent changes in her surroundings, especially when they related to potential threats, or adaptable enough to respond to them. As such, when the hoard of Miseria assaulting her began using their swords to reflect her beams, just as their captain had done, the Neon Tempest swiftly adjusted her own tactics as well. Instead of continuing with her blinding barrage, she simply began using her massive weapon to smash her attackers into paste with a series of mighty swings. To deal with her airborne foes, she would pick up a random Miseria, toss it above her, and then use her beloved weapon to hit it into one of its flying companions like a misshapen baseball. It was only when even more of the creatures began emerging from the sand at her feet that Nyxia’s beams once again shot forth from her point defense drones, the neon lances of teal energy vaporizing each of the unarmed Miseria as soon as it emerged from the ground. Any that managed to avoid the ravening beams would find themselves stomped flat by a powerful thrust of the Neon Tempest’s high-heeled foot.

“Ya fuckin’ shit stains are sneaky little bastards, ain’t ya?” Nyxia observed as she violently ground a Miseira’s head into the sand. “That’s fine by me,” she added with a wicked smirk. “It just means I get to kill ya up close an’ personal!” Giving voice to a peal of psychotic laughter, she grabbed a sword-wielding Miseria by the head and promptly blew it apart with an energy blast from her glowing palm.

For the moment, Nyxia had once again reached an equilibrium, but even so, she knew that her enemies would just keep coming as long as their skeletal ship still existed. She had dearly wanted to claim that prize for herself, but it seemed she would need to rely on her teammates to accomplish that objective. And, hopefully, not take too much longer to do so…

I have a bad feeling about this…
-Ashley Avenir

Giving voice to a small sigh of relief when it seemed that the tense situation had finally been resolved, if only for the moment, Ashley refocused her thoughts on the coming operation. With the addition of Paradise and the twins, their team’s size would reach six members, the same number of agents that had gone on the raid against Justin’s mansion about a month earlier. To say that particular operation had gone rather poorly would have been a fairly massive understatement, and that was with a decently well-coordinated team, composed of mostly veteran agents. This impending operation, on the other hand, promised to be at least equally difficult, and the Knight of Tomorrow was growing increasingly concerned that her current, dysfunctional team of embittered (and possibly unhinged) teenagers, along with more experienced agents with whom she’d never worked before, would be utterly incapable of meeting the challenge ahead of them.

“Hello,” Ashley greeted the final three agents as they piled into the van, the high-tech heroine mustering the most welcoming smile she could manage, given the circumstances, while doing her best not to roll her eyes after hearing Finn’s little quip. “It’s good to see you all again.”

She had met Raven, aka Paradise, shortly after the bird-themed agent had transferred in, and while the Knight of Tomorrow hadn’t gotten to know her exceptionally well, the young woman seemed pleasant enough, and brought a welcome level of maturity that was in distressingly short supply of late. It also didn’t hurt that Raven shared a similar ultra-tech aesthetic to Ashley’s own. Unlike the more combat-oriented Paradise, Cereza and Cerise were healers and administrative specialists first and foremost. In fact, in her time with G.E.M.I.N.I.’s Pax Septimus branch, Ashley hadn’t once seen the pair take part in a field operation, even if their miraculous post op medical treatments had made them figures of considerable renown, both among their fellow agents and the imperiled populace of the city in general. With that in mind, the high-tech heroine couldn’t help but worry that the crimson-haired siblings would be more than a bit out of their depth in the middle of what could very likely become a full scale battle…

Initially, Ashley had considered employing freelancers to bolster her team’s numbers, but that idea turned out to be something of a disappointment. The latest post on Noble Spark’s Shimmer page was a comic review that was nearly three weeks old, while Elzy’s Shimmer page made it quite clear that she only handled issues involving goblins. The city’s other freelancers, such as Dead Head and Gale, had either taken other jobs, or didn’t want to risk dealing with a threat of this magnitude, especially so soon after the Diver’s catastrophic visit. Thus, the Knight of Tomorrow was forced to resign herself to the fact that the motley collection of espers surrounding her was all she had to rely on.

Truly an unpleasant thought, indeed…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


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