For your consideration-

Name: Thyerg’Octolys
Thyerg’Octolys’s current predicament is merely the latest in a long line of indignities and humiliations suffered over the course of several millennia. Always in the shadow of his vastly more talented elder brother, Thyerg’Xolys, Octolys constantly sought to gain the recognition and respect he believed was his rightful due. Sadly, his belligerent and arrogant attitude won him few friends or supporters, and despite his best efforts, all his myriad plans and schemes seemed to end in utter failure. Already having grown embittered by his brother’s seemingly endless successes, Xolys’s attainment of a coveted apprenticeship under the renowned Xozooth the Xorcerer, Master of Xhar’doth, was the final straw. Octolys abandoned his family collective, never to return. Pledging fealty to the mighty eldritch horror known as Vaastator, Octolys was granted command of a small contingent of the tyrannical entity’s forces, just a few hundred biomechanical warships, filled with several million monstrous warriors. At long last, Octolys seemed to be getting the power and influence he had long felt was his due, yet, in reality, Vaastator saw his overly ambitious servant as little more than an expendable pawn. Tasked with establishing a foothold in a distant universe, upon his arrival in the new reality plenum, Octolys found himself ensnared in the machinations of the mysterious Toymaster, his mighty, Lovecraftian form reduced to nothing more than a child’s plaything.
That said, shortly after his departure, Vaastator, along with his entire galaxy cluster-spanning domain, was utterly annihilated by a certain Queen of the Mad Scientists, so maybe he dodged a bullet.
But probably not.
Toy Specs:
Once roughly the size of Earth’s moon, Thyerg’Octolys’s eldritch body is currently about twice the size of a baseball. And made of rubbery plastic. He is armed with several large tendrils and three implanted hexa-harmonic omni-spectrum hypermatter harpoon projectors, the latter of which, while menacing in appearance, are just single pieces of sculpted plastic and are thus incapable of actually firing any polydimensional projectiles. He still retains his supplementary invasion force, but it has been appropriately downsized into a mere two dark matter warriors, a pair of biomechanical dark matter fighter craft, a single dark matter attack beast, octo-emissary, octomorphic support platform, and chitinous cannon crawler. The last of these bears special mention, as it is the only aspect of Octolys’s forces to actually feature a functioning weapon, the cosmic cross-continua hyper-quantum singularity coil cannon having taken the form of a spring-launched plastic projectile weapon.

Name: Thyerg’Octolys
Thyerg’Octolys’s current predicament is merely the latest in a long line of indignities and humiliations suffered over the course of several millennia. Always in the shadow of his vastly more talented elder brother, Thyerg’Xolys, Octolys constantly sought to gain the recognition and respect he believed was his rightful due. Sadly, his belligerent and arrogant attitude won him few friends or supporters, and despite his best efforts, all his myriad plans and schemes seemed to end in utter failure. Already having grown embittered by his brother’s seemingly endless successes, Xolys’s attainment of a coveted apprenticeship under the renowned Xozooth the Xorcerer, Master of Xhar’doth, was the final straw. Octolys abandoned his family collective, never to return. Pledging fealty to the mighty eldritch horror known as Vaastator, Octolys was granted command of a small contingent of the tyrannical entity’s forces, just a few hundred biomechanical warships, filled with several million monstrous warriors. At long last, Octolys seemed to be getting the power and influence he had long felt was his due, yet, in reality, Vaastator saw his overly ambitious servant as little more than an expendable pawn. Tasked with establishing a foothold in a distant universe, upon his arrival in the new reality plenum, Octolys found himself ensnared in the machinations of the mysterious Toymaster, his mighty, Lovecraftian form reduced to nothing more than a child’s plaything.
That said, shortly after his departure, Vaastator, along with his entire galaxy cluster-spanning domain, was utterly annihilated by a certain Queen of the Mad Scientists, so maybe he dodged a bullet.
But probably not.
Toy Specs:
Once roughly the size of Earth’s moon, Thyerg’Octolys’s eldritch body is currently about twice the size of a baseball. And made of rubbery plastic. He is armed with several large tendrils and three implanted hexa-harmonic omni-spectrum hypermatter harpoon projectors, the latter of which, while menacing in appearance, are just single pieces of sculpted plastic and are thus incapable of actually firing any polydimensional projectiles. He still retains his supplementary invasion force, but it has been appropriately downsized into a mere two dark matter warriors, a pair of biomechanical dark matter fighter craft, a single dark matter attack beast, octo-emissary, octomorphic support platform, and chitinous cannon crawler. The last of these bears special mention, as it is the only aspect of Octolys’s forces to actually feature a functioning weapon, the cosmic cross-continua hyper-quantum singularity coil cannon having taken the form of a spring-launched plastic projectile weapon.