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“By the Lorcanthic Legions of Lyropia, what egregious effrontery is this?! Thyerg’Octolys roared in outrage. One moment, he was entering a new reality plenum, ripe for conquest, and the next, he had found himself imprisoned within some form of transparent-walled containment capsule. Even more galling, his myriad tentacular appendages seemed to be tightly bound by several restraining bands, each twisted into knots of fiendish complexity. Yet, even this was no match for one such as he. With a mighty surge of poly-plenumic power, Octolys burst free from his confinement and took stock of his surroundings. As far as he could perceive, row upon row and level upon level of similar containment pods stretched out before him. Clearly, this was a prison of some sort, though what manner of being might presume to imprison him, the Domiarch of the 94837568th Negaprism, Octolys could scarcely begin to guess. Yet, such ponderings would best be conducted at a later juncture. At the present moment, escape was the foremost priority, something several of his fellow prisoners seemed to agree with as they emerged from their own capsules. Yet, it would not do to move blindly into potentially perilous surroundings. Thus, a scouting operation was called for. However, before he could launch a single biomechanical dark matter fighter, a voice sounded within the depths of Octolys’s mind…

It spoke of an artifact of great power, hidden within the center of this place, this “toy store”. It was a mask that would supposedly grant greatly increased speed and reflexes to whomever donned it. A boon, to be sure, especially for his ponderous cannon crawler, but could the strange voice be trusted? Could this not merely be some form of trap? In all actuality, the mysterious voice’s revelation did little to alter Octolys’s plan. There remained only one real course of action. Thus, employing his tendrils to pull himself to the top level of his prison block, and taking care to avoid the attention of his fellow prisoners who had begun barbarically brawling far below him, Octolys gazed across the multilayered labyrinth and, upon locating the centermost point, prepared to launch a scout fighter to investigate the veracity of the voice’s claim. However, to the eldritch being’s great shock, the fighter seemed utterly incapable of flight, its ultra-advanced dark matter propulsion systems completely inactive. Yet, Thyerg’Octolys would not allow such a setback to deter his plans. Instead, he simply wrapped a tentacular appendage around the craft and flung it at its destination. He only hoped that when it arrived, at least some of the veil of uncertainty surrounding these perplexing circumstances would be lifted…
On the far side of the universe from the Milky Way’s local group, one can find a particularly imposing galaxy cluster. The extraordinarily expansive domain of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium, its thirteen thousand galaxies are encompassed within and linked together by an ultra structure of nearly unimaginable size. The myriad star systems of each galaxy are encapsulated by Dyson spheres, each linked together by techno tendrils spanning light years, the stars themselves surrounded by shimmering Dyson swarms and spinning gyro dynes drawing staggering amounts of power even as they hold their imprisoned stars in a state of perpetual entropic equilibrium via chronological manipulations far too complex to comprehend. Yet, this is but a mere microcosm of the processes being enacted upon the galaxies in which they reside. Indeed, the great spirals have themselves been enclosed in massive spheres of biomechanical matter and linked together in an intricate web of mega worlds stretching out into the infinite cosmos beyond.

An unequivocal Type III civilization, on the cusp of attaining Type IV status, the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium stands utterly unopposed in its corner of the universe, the surrounding civilizations left to either flee before its inexorable expansion or wait to be inevitably subsumed into its titanic totality. And at the heart of this all-encompassing array, this mind-numbing network of nodes, resides the grand and glorious capital, the prime node, the hyper hub, the central crux core, Vaastator itself. This planet-sized eldritch horror is the genesis point of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium, its heart, brain, and soul, the galaxy cluster-spanning ultra structure serving as nothing more than an extension of its own incomprehensible being. Thus, if one wished to destroy such a stupendously powerful civilization/entity, this is where they would strike.

So it was, that an eldritch biomechanical technomantic vessel of an unfathomable level of super-scientific advancement materialized in the midst of this ostensibly inviolable sanctum, bypassing all its metaphysical, multilayered defenses with effortless ease. Of course, such a violation could not be tolerated, and the presence of this unwelcome intruder was immediately responded to. Over a hundred million warships of the most frighteningly formidable types surged forth from a plethora of portals to engage the mysterious foe who dared to threaten their supergalactic sovereign. And they were not alone. Joining the myriad million-meter long ultranoughts, meganoughts, and hypernoughts were billions of dark matter mecha-mystic demigods, each mountain-sized titan ten times more powerful than any Earth-born magical, and then elevated by eldritch energies to pinnacles of physical, psionic, and preternatural power even further beyond.

Yet, as the full, cataclysmic might of the Invincible Champion Legion and Eternally Triumphant Armada converged upon the abhorrent invader, as destructive power of such unfathomable potency that it could rip whole galaxies asunder fell upon the source of their ire, a horrifying realization began to dawn on the dauntless defenders. The explosive might of two hundred Big Bangs, the hyperspacial, megaspacial, infraspacial, negaspacial, ultraspacial, and gigaspacial energies, the dark matter, negamatter, antimatter, and omnimatter polymorphic projectiles, had all achieved absolutely zero effect whatsoever. Not only was their foe utterly undamaged by their apocalyptic assault, it was utterly untouched as well. Indeed, if one word could be used to describe their barrage of biphasic blink cannons, dark energy ray emitters, singularity super guns, cosmic string projectors, tachyon lances, ghost particle beams, ultra challenger grade variable spectrum reality disintegrators, and megamystic annihilation spells, that word would be “laughable”.

“Nyahahahaha! Is that really the best you’ve got?!” Doctor Nykannis, Queen of the Mad Scientists cackled as she watched the pitiful assault on her flagship from the ARGO’s command throne, the arc of panoramic holodisplays an entirely unnecessary aesthetic choice in light of her full-spectrum neural link with the ARGO’s transcendent, soultech AI. “Is this actually your full power?! she inquired with a mocking sneer. “This isn’t even an annoyance! I heard you were supposed to be one of the strongest things in the universe, but this is just pathetic! I gotta be honest, I expected a bit more of a challenge from a civilization capable of building an energy collection array around an entire galaxy supercluster, but seeing as how I built one around this entire multiverse, I guess that was just wishful thinking,” she added with an annoyed sigh as she stroked the wiggling tendrils of the multicolored eldritch blob sitting in her lap. “Turns out, you’re nowhere near my level. Here, let me show you what real power looks like…”

Although a great deal smaller than her previous, planet-sized Ramina-class flagship, the ARGO was far, far stronger, a fact Nykannis was only too happy to demonstrate. Opening like the petals of some eldritch, biomechanical flower, the APEX-grade omninought unleashed a mind-bending barrage of two trillion metaphasic multidimensional monopole missiles and five billion Dark Energy Hyperetheric Homing Lasers to “soften-up” the myriad warships and mecha-mystic demigods’ defenses, each polymorphic probability manipulating, chrono-correcting projectile and beam hitting their assigned target with one hundred percent accuracy, despite any and all attempts at evasion or the plethora of point defense systems they possessed. After this, the full brunt of the destructive power they had hurled upon this horrific embodiment of eldritch biotechnomagimechanical mastery, and completely absorbed by its fractal harmonic polycosmic convergence clusters, was now disgorged back at them in a devastating deluge of pure obliteration. It was perhaps at this point that the precious few survivors of that cosmic holocaust began to fully grasp just how stupendous the gulf separating their own abilities from that of their frightening foe truly was, that they faced nothing less than a numinomorphic Star Bastion taken to the very apogee of advancement. An instant after that, and they would find themselves utterly erased from existence, their very creation canceled out by the starkly inconceivable energies of axionic annihilators, hyper-quantum omni-aetheric chrono-catalytic excision lances, tetra-tachyonic tesseract turbo bores, cross-continuua polychronal numinoscopic nullifier rays, and several dozen other reality editors too incomprehensible to describe.

Yet, even this display of near-omnipotence was not enough to dissuade resistance. From out of a newly opened string of portals poured forth still more ultra-advanced biomechanical warships and eldritchly empowered cosmic titans. However, Nykannis chose to send a swarm of numinospheric omnifighters composed of naked singularities and sentient cosmic string to deal with these latest annoyances. After all, she had a far more important target to focus on…

While the APEX-grade autonomous attack craft laid waste to the new arrivals with phantasmal polymorphic paraphasic psionic pulse conductor coils and cross-continua coalescence cannons, the ARGO moved into position to attack Vaastator itself. Even now, the eldritch sovereign’s psionic screams of rage were reverberating on several trans-aetheric spectrums, but the Monarch of Mad Science simply tuned them out. “How pitiful,” she remarked to her pet as the creature watched the unfolding slaughter with wide eyes atop trembling stalks. “They had to have known this was gonna happen sooner or later. I mean, even if I didn’t pay them a visit, it was only a matter of time before Laat came knocking. There’s no way he’d pass up a prize this big! I’m just glad I was able to get here first! Now, let’s see just how tough you are…”

In less than a second, the results of several dozen spy rays, finder beams, and various other data accumulators filled the mind of the Mad Scientist Supreme, causing an amused smirk to spread across her face.

“Huh, looks like you’ve actually got a fairly impressive array of polyphasic, hyperharmonic, omnidimensional protection systems set up,” Nykannis noted, while kneading her eldritch pet’s tentacle-covered form. “But I think I have just the instruments for this particular operation.”

At that, a pair of enormous crackling portals tore open on either side of the eldritch orb, before vomiting forth two planet-sized Nth-space omniphasic numinoform nega-reality spheres, which smashed into either side of Vaastator at several billion times the speed of light, like a pair of giant ball bearings. These cataclysmic impacts were more than enough to comprehensively shatter every last layer of the eldritch entity’s defenses, leaving its cosmically horrific core utterly exposed to the ARGO’s final killing blow.

“First we crack the shell,” Nykannis explained to her polymorphic pet with a wickedly gleeful grin. “Then we crack the nut inside…”

Glowing and crackling with pent up power of the most starkly inconceivable kind, the ARGO disgorged a devastating deluge of neo-omega hyper-zithronic omnidimensional veilbreaker beams. This staggeringly stupendous bombardment was immediately followed up by an expulsion of the very crystalized quintessence of destruction, an utterly irresistible force of comprehensively complete ontological unmaking, second only to the unfathomable energies of the Storyslayer itself (And Vaastator, while certainly impressive, was not even remotely close to being a worthy target of those energies).

“Nyahahahaha!” Nykannis cackled as the eldritch spheroid burst apart under the full fury of the pinnacle of poly-plenumic power. “This is where the real fun begins!” she told her pet as the strange creature’s eyes widened atop their shuddering stalks. “Since Vaasty here was linked into every node in this biomechanical, transgalactic array, making him pop like a zit’ll cause a chain reaction that’ll tear the whole thing apart! So, let’s move to a suitable location to watch it happen!”

With but a thought, the ARGO teleported itself far beyond the boundaries of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium, and waited. It wouldn’t have to wait long. Within seconds, strings of dazzling detonations blossomed across the gargantuan, galaxy cluster-encompassing giga structure’s shuddering surface as hundreds of its component galaxies were violently rent asunder.

“Now, I know what you’re probably thinking,” the Monarch of Mad Science told her enraptured pet. “How the hell can we watch this process happen so fast if it’s just moving at light speed? Wouldn’t it still take several millennia just to see even one of these galaxies tear itself to shreds? Well, you’d be right! That’s why I encapsulated the whole damn thing in a time dilation field! Nyahahahaha! Now we can watch the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium’s cataclysmic collapse in under thirty seconds!”

Sure enough, after that half a minute of apocalyptic fury had elapsed, every last trace of the Grand Trans-Galactic Vaastatorian Imperium had been utterly erased from existence.

“Nyahahaha! That went even better than I’d thought it would!” Nykannis declared approvingly. “Then again, I probably shouldn’t have expected very much from Vaasty and his goons. After all, they’ve got even less protagonist power than fucking Celia, and when was the last time she was relevant? Anyway, the nine unified galaxies really owe me big for helping them out like this. It’s a shame they don’t have anything to give me that I actually want. I mean, there’s already a giant crystalline statue of me in front of their Academy of Super-Scientific Supremacy. But that’s okay,” she added as she stroked her pet’s squirming technicolor tendrils. “I just happen to know someone who does…



And you guys probably thought these things were finished with, huh?
-Doctor Nykannis, Queen of the Mad Scientists

The next instant, the ARGO was once again floating in the familiar yellowy-green nebulosity that filled the space above the biomechanical, technomantic towers of The Lab. Teleporting down to the surface, Nykannis arrived just in time to see a pair of guests enter through a portal.

“Well, well, well… Look who’s back from her adventures!” the Monarch of Mad Science greeted, giving her visitors a broad grin, while unceremoniously dumping her pet into a crackling portal of her own creation. “And it seems you’ve made a new friend, too…”

“Yeah,” Kate replied with a slightly awkward chuckle. “This is Oracle Morowa,” she added, gesturing to her companion. “But I’m pretty sure you already knew that. Morowa, this is my old pal, Nykannis.”

Doctor Nykannis,” the mad scientist corrected with a raised finger.

Morrowa’s eyes darted around the strange space, but didn’t settle on anything. Her grip on Kate’s hand tightened as she surveyed every incomprehensible techno bobble she saw. ”Ah…” Her eyes settled on the tiny doctor, who was about her hight, albeit far younger in appearance. ”Yes, Kate’s told me a bit about you.” After a sharp inhale, she added ”Doctor.”

“I’ll bet she did!” Nykannis replied, her maniacal grin growing even broader. “After all, my incomparable super scientific genius is a pretty amazing conversation topic! Even so,” she added, adjusting her glowing goggles. “Seeing my awesomeness first hand is a trillion times better than just hearing about it!”

“Speakin’ of,” Kate interjected. “I was hopin’ you could help Morowa with a bit of a lifespan extension. Y’know, as part of my payment for gettin’ all these photos for ya?” she added, holding up her camera.

“I was referring to giving her a tour of The Lab, but I suppose that works, too,” Nykannis conceded. “In fact, we can do both! Although I’ve got a feeling she’d prefer it if you were the one serving as her tour guide…” the Monarch of Mad Science added with a sly smirk. “So,” she continued, turning to Morowa. “You just want a few extra centuries, or full immortality?”

”Wah?” She stepped backwards, cautiously. Her eyes darted between Kate and Nykannis. ”Centuries? Immortality? Did I ever say I wanted to live longer?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. After a moment of contemplation, she spoke up again. ”I mean, of course I’d love to live longer. B-but would there be any drawbacks? Am I going to be a zombie or turned into some kind of…” She waved her hand around herself. ”...Anything around here?”

“Are you saying you don’t like my creations’ aesthetics?” Nykannis inquired with a raised eyebrow. “Well, whatever,” she added with a dismissive shrug. “You wouldn’t need to look any different from how you do now, unless you wanted to.”

“And, uh, Wisdom told me about how you wished you had more time to spend with me,” Kate added with a sheepish smile. “So I kinda thought you’d be happy if we could make that happen.”

The moth woman pursed her lips. ”Right.” She raised her finger and, after looking between the two, eventually settled on Nykannis to address first. ”I’m just not use to receiving things without there being strings attached. Your creations look… Interesting, but-” She held her chin. ”Maybe I should take that tour with Kate first, and then I’ll get back to you, okay?”

“Wow. I really wasn’t expecting you to be so nervous,” Nykannis remarked with an annoyed frown. “But I understand where you’re coming from. As it happens, I owe Kate here quite a few favors in return for completing her recent assignment even if she did remove one of my favorite sources of amusement in the process, and this is one of them. Anyway, you can go on your little tour now, but I’ll need that camera before ya head out,” the mad scientist added, holding out her hand.

“Sure,” Kate replied, relinquishing her camera into the demented doctor’s care. “And you can take these, too,” the photographer added, producing a pair of cards.

“So, ya lost your little pets, huh?” Nykannis asked with a smirk.

“Yeah,” Kate muttered. “Wisdom turned ‘em into playing cards for that stupid game of hers, but I’m confident an unparalleled super genius like you can get ‘em back to normal in no time,” she added with a grin.

“I’ll get ‘em back to normal and then some,” the Monarch of Mad Science replied with a wink. “You know me, I always take things to the next level! Nyahahahaha! And that goes for your little life extension, too,” she added, turning to address Morowa. “As a bonus, I’ll give ya an interdimensional link to your home reality plenum. That way, you can still use your divination abilities in other universes! Whatdaya think of that?!

”It certainly sounds good, yes.” She took Kate’s hand again. ”But I think we can continue this conversation once I’ve seen the rest of your lab. This is all very new to me, and quite different than the ponds and trees I’m used to.”

“By the time you’re done, I’m sure you’ll see how much of an improvement it is, and how incredibly amazing I am! Nyahahahaha!” Nykannis replied with a peal of maniacal laughter. “Have fun, you two!” she added, before stepping through a rectangular portal of glowing, yellowy-green energy, which promptly closed behind her.

Given their location, it was unlikely that any amount of distance would put Morrowa and Kate in a place where Nykannis couldn’t hear and observe them, if she so decided. But the moth woman did seem to relax as she got further away from the small scientist.

”It’s been so long since I’ve been able to just experience life without knowing what the future holds. I apologize if I do not seem as confident as I did when you met me. It’s just a lot to take in, being here.” Her eyes moved to a tube filled with techno tentacles submerged in a clear fluid, its purpose unclear to her. ”Did Wisdom tell you why I wanted to be with you?”

“Uh, yeah, Kate confirmed hesitantly, the first hints of a blush beginning to color her cheeks. “She did. Soooo, I, uh, guess this place is kinda overwhelming, huh?” the photographer asked in a half-hearted attempt to change the subject. “Even with as often as I come here, I still can’t help but be impressed by all the stuff she’s got goin’ on,” she added with a chuckle. “There’s nothin’ to worry about, though,” she hastened to reassure her companion. “As long as you’re a guest, this place is perfectly safe. Even if we get lost, there’re plenty of guides to help us out, and Nykannis’ll always know where we are.”

”Yes, I can see why you speak so highly of her.” She wasn’t looking at the lab though, only Kate. ”What I don’t see is why you want to extend my life. I don’t think you’ve thought that far ahead. Yes, having a longer life would let me spend a great deal more time with you, but for what?” She leaned on a railing. ”Kate, you… maybe you don’t know, but the days feel much longer for me than most. I feel like I’ve known you my whole life, and in many ways I have. It must be strange to know so little about me yet hear me talk like this. But Kate, even if we have an eternity to spend together, do you think you could ever feel anything like what I’m feeling for you now?”

Kate bit her lip. “I… I don’t know…” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “I mean, despite having been alive for so long, I’ve never really done the whole ‘romance thing’ before. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give it a shot!” she hastened to add. “I think you’re really cool, Morowa, and I’d really like to keep hangin’ out with ya. I just thought… maybe you’d like that, too. Y’know, to be able to spend more time together, even if it’s only as friends.”

”Is it that hard to see things my way?” Morowa looked to the rest of the lab, and finally pointed at a giant glowing orb. ”Do you know why a moth will fly into a flame?” She moved her hand in front of the light source, and it became apparent how bright it was. Her face looked green, except for where the shadow of her hand was cast on her face. ”There are a lot of theories, but they all revolve around confusion. Moths did not evolve in a way that allows them to properly deal with artificial lights or man made fire. They don’t know how to deal with it, and it destroys them.” She looked back at Kate. ”I imagine I could have lived a relatively normal life if I never learned of your existence. Perhaps the idea of living a hundred years longer or even forever would have excited me. But now that I know you exist, you are all I want.” Her lips twitched into a smile. ”Of course I want to spend more time with you, even if it’s just as a friend. But keeping that up for years? Or centuries? I don’t think you realize how painful an experience that would be.”

Kate swallowed. “Well, uh, I’ve been around for a few centuries already, and I haven’t gotten bored yet,” she replied with an awkward chuckle. “But I guess that’s because I get to travel to so many interesting places and meet so many cool people,” she added, giving Morowa a genuine smile. “And I suppose if I ever did get tired of living so long I could always have Nykannis make it so that I started to age normally, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”

”I’m not surprised you feel that way.” Morowa turned to some techno organic structure covered in lenses. She didn’t know what she was looking at, but didn’t seem bothered by it. ”But I have, essentially, lived the majority of your life and even parts of a few others. I wouldn’t be an oracle if I didn’t. I cannot say the wonders you experience bring me quite the same joy.” After a moment, she looked back at Kate. ”But I will try, as will you, correct?”

“Uh, yeah, of course,” Kate reassured her. “I mean, I just wanna do whatever makes you happy, Morowa, especially after everything I’ve put you through…”

”I can’t ask for more than that.”

The rest of the “tour” proceeded rather uneventfully, with Kate showing Morowa the aspects of the labyrinthian, continent-spanning laboratory she thought the moth woman would find at least somewhat appealing, such as the botanical bio-dome clusters with their jungles of genetically modified, hyper-enhanced ambulatory carnivorous plants and precognitive perceptive projector panoplies. Soon enough, they were ready to return to Nykannis, who greeted the pair with a maniacal grin.

“What did ya think?!” the mad scientist asked Morowa. “Pretty amazing, right?!”

“Uh, I think Morowa’s used to more rustic and natural settings,” Kate explained before the moth girl could.

“Yeah, most Oroses seem to be that way,” Nykannis noted with an annoyed scowl. Morowa only shrugged her shoulders.

“So, what have you been up to lately?” the photographer inquired in an effort to change the somewhat awkward subject.

“Well, I deployed the various nanoscopic reality shunt projectors that should keep the Wonderlanders from setting foot in everyone’s favorite shithole,” Nykannis began. “Then I tested out a few new weapons, mocked the younger version of everyone’s favorite failure and the other residents of everyone’s second favorite shithole with Jen, did a few dissections, gave the aforementioned failure an urgently needed pep talk, and took my new flagship out for a test drive, although I think I need to find a more suitable opponent for it than the last pitiful specimens I used it on…” she added. “Anyways, that was all before you dropped by. While you’ve been showing your new pal around, I finished analyzing the data you collected on all the various Oroses you’ve encountered, and I got to wondering, what if I created my own Oros? Y’know, find a suitable candidate in some backwater reality plenum before Aigorost can lay claim to them and empower them myself? So that’s just what I did! It took a bit of searching, but I eventually found a universe that Aigorost hadn’t sunk his edgy, perverted-as-fuck tendrils into yet. After that, I needed to find the inhabitant of said universe who he’d select to be his champion if he actually did have knowledge of it. That would’ve just taken a few simple tests, a process even further expedited by all the information you provided on precisely what makes an Oros an Oros. But where’s the fun in that?! So instead, I gathered the most likely candidates by offering to host ‘magical girl tryouts’ in which I put the motley collection of hopefuls through a series of absolutely hilarious ‘tests’. Of course, I’d already figured who the winning candidate would be after the initial screening process, but it was still highly amusing to watch things play out.”

“Yeah, that sounds like you,” Kate replied with a chuckle, while shaking her head.
“So, who was the lucky winner?”

This young lady,” Nykannis revealed, manifesting a holodisplay showing the lady in question. “Meet Isra Mahmud, codename: Osiris.”

“What, no Oros title?” Kate inquired.

“Sadly, no,” Nykannis replied with a tired sigh. “I mean, Osiris kinda implies it, but really, if I’d have to call her anything, it’d be Oros the Failure.

“Uh, why’s that?”

“Because, as Wisdom so eloquently put it, the thing that really makes an Oros an Oros is disappointment, the fact that none of them get what they want, and Isra has everything her heart desires. There’s no unattainable goal that’s forever out of her reach, and while she’s succeeded in carrying out every task I’ve assigned her, the simple fact that she’s completely content with her life means that all the time and work I put into her was nearly a total waste. Still, even if she’s not a real Oros as I’ve chosen to define them, she has at least some use,” the Monarch of Mad Science added. “I’ve been having her gather these things called Heart Crystals, which are basically her universe’s version of Cosmic Ominversal Infusion Numinospheric Synthesizers. As power sources, they’re not exactly novel, but I figure if she gathers, say, fifty of them and uses them on herself, she might reach the level of an actual Oros. Even if she doesn’t, I think I’ve come up with a suitable use for her after her current task is complete…”

“How’s she doing with that?”

“She’s been at it for about a month, and she’s already collected twenty-four crystals, so it shouldn’t be too much longer. Time moves much faster in that universe compared to this one,” the mad scientist explained. “So I’m confident she’ll have gotten all fifty before the Penrose Pack even sets foot in Wonderland. Speaking of, it looks like she just finished getting number twenty-five.”

In a flash, the holodisplay shifted to the conclusion of a battle against a bizarre barbed wire rock hippo. As they watched, the monster crumbled into dust and Osiris claimed its glowing Heart Crystal.

“Nice work, Osiris,” Nykannis commended her creation after opening an audio link. “I hope my lack of instruction wasn’t too disconcerting for you,” she added with a smirk. “I’ve been a little occupied chatting with some guests.” Although she could have easily split her consciousness in order to attend to both parties simultaneously, she honestly didn’t much care about keeping a close eye on the activities of what was essentially nothing more than a failed experiment. “Before you return to your bath, I’d like you to stop by The Lab for a moment. There’s something important I want to discuss with you, and I’d prefer to do so in person.”

The scantly-clad cyborg didn’t look back at her master, nor did she nod or even give a verbal affirmation that she had heard the request. She sprinted away from the ruins of the monster, and her bladed tail yanked a crystal out of the rubble as she fled. After turning a corner, she flicked her tail and seemed to cut the air right in front of the spectators in the lab. The cut opened up, and the holographic became physical as Osiris hopped off of the holo table and landed on the ground.

”Nailed it."

— Isra Mahmud

Osiris didn’t acknowledge Kate or Morowa. She dropped the crystal into her hand before kneeling in front of Nykannis. She extended her arm and held the crystal out for the wise doctor. ”I believe that makes twenty-eight.”

Morowa’s eyes shifted from the newly arrived to Kate.

“It seems your lack of higher education left you with an inability to count,” Nykannis snarked as she took the offered crystal. “This is only the twenty-fifth. Unless you procured some without telling me,” she added.

Her eyes rolled upward, as if trying to peer inside her own head. ”I don’t think I’ve hidden any of them from you.” She withdrew her hand. ”Maybe it was only twenty five...” After scratching her chin a bit, she suddenly had a eureka moment. ”Now that I think about it, I may be getting the price for that dress I was looking at mixed up with the number of crystals I had collected.”

“Probably…” Nykannis deadpanned. “Anyways, this is my old pal, Kate, and her new pal, Morowa,” she informed Isra, while gesturing to the photographer and oracle. “They’re the guests I mentioned.”

“Sup?” Kate said, while holding up a peace sign.

Isra’s eyes lazily drifted from Kate to Morowa. The two looked at each other for a few seconds before her eyes drifted back onto Kate. She gave the photographer a wave before returning her attention to her boss. ”Did you need me to do something with them?”

“With one of them, at least, in a manner of speaking,” Nykannis replied. “Tell me, Osiris, have you ever been disappointed before? Have you ever looked forward to the culmination of a project you’d put so very much work into, only to have it ultimately turn to ash before your fucking eyes?”

”I’ve been disappointed a few times.” She nodded. ”When we were in Rome a few weeks ago I got a new dress tailor made, but the fabric didn’t match my hand bag.” She hung her head. ”I still think about it…”

“I’ll bet you do,” Nykannis snarked. “Well, my recent cause for disappointment was on a significantly higher level. See, a certain someone wanted to try their hand at challenging the biggest local big shot, and I thought it would be interesting to see if he could actually succeed in doing that if sufficiently enhanced,” the mad scientist explained. “However, after some associates and I spent valuable time giving him every possible upgrade and advantage, he just noped out of life like a total fucking pussy! Therefore, in order to not be deprived of the fight I was so very much looking forward to, I needed to enact a contingency plan. You see, if anyone else is going to stand a chance against this particular tinker toy with delusions of grandeur, it’s an individual known as Oros. Thus, I had Kate here collect copies of enough Oros iterations from across the multiverse to form a team that will descend upon said afore mentioned tinker toy at an opportune moment and attempt to kick her shit in! Now, I have no idea if they’ll actually succeed, but I do know that their chances will vastly improve if they have someone to lead them into battle, which, incidentally, is where you come in,” the Monarch of Mad Science revealed, pointing a boney finger at Osiris. “Unfortunately, at your current power level, you’d be utterly unfit for such a role, which is the primary reason why I’ve been having you collect all those Heart Crystals. Once you have all fifty, I want you to use them to empower yourself enough to reach a state worthy of assuming such an important position. Before you get back to that, though, I’d like you to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of your team. I’ve just beamed the full data package on them into your brain, but since you’ve been so used to working alone up till now, I think it's a good idea for you to participate in a few training exercises with some simulations of them. You can use testing chamber epsilon,” she instructed, gesturing to a just opened portal. “It should be rather familiar to you,” the Mad Scientist Supreme added with a smirk. “So, any questions?”

”Not really.” She sighed. ”I’ll get on it.” On her way through the portal, she mumbled something about the bathwater probably being cold as the portal closed behind her.

Once Morrowa was sure Osiris was gone, she addressed Nykannis. ”So you intend to use all this to give her a failure she can grow from?”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly be opposed to seeing her actually succeed,” the Monarch of Mad Science replied. “But yeah, this is sort of a win-win situation as far as I’m concerned. Still, having her fail against Penny isn’t exactly going to do much to help her become an authentic Oros,” she added. “Since I don’t really see her giving too much of a crap either way. Then again, she did seem kinda annoyed about having her bath ruined, so maybe I just need to inflict disappointment on her in small stages…” the mad scientist mused, tapping a finger against her chin in thoughtful contemplation. “Anyway, speaking of disappointments, what about you? she asked Morowa. “Have you finally come around to accepting my generous offer to fix your biggest one?”

”Something like that.” Morrowa reached for Kate’s hand, but then stopped herself.

“What’s the matter?” Nykannis inquired. “Still feeling nervous? I told you, it’ll be completely painless! Or are you afraid you’ll stop being an authentic Oros once you finally get to have that unattainable thing you’ve been longing for?”

”More that because I’m an Oros I do not think it’s possible to give me what I want. I’m sure you are familiar with attempts to extend the life of octopus, Doctor?”

“Indeed I am,” Nykannis confirmed with a nod. “And I’m not surprised you know about them, too, considering how powerful your oracular abilities can be,” she added. “But to address your point, those particular attempts were made by people who were, for all practical purposes, cavemen smashing rocks together. My capabilities are considerably more advanced,” the mad scientist explained with a grin. “Plus, it’s something of a hobby of mine to do things everyone else considers to be impossible.”

”That’s fine.” The moth girl groaned. ”But you can’t fault me for being a little nervous, right? I already said I’m fine with it, so we can start when you are ready.”

“Well, I could go all out and make this a big flashy spectacle like I usually do,” Nykannis began. “But I get the feeling you’re not into that kinda thing, so we can just keep it simple,” she added, snapping a finger. “There. It’s all finished,” the mad scientist declared. “Feel any different?”

”No, but I am aware of what you did.” She blinked. ”You’re one of a kind, doctor.”

“Don’t ever forget it,” Nykannis instructed with a smirk. “I mean, I could pack all the stuff you saw here into a space the size of a grain of sand, but I like the aesthetics of having it look so imposing,” the Monarch of Mad Science added. “Anyway, what are you two gonna do now? You saw all the places Kate’s ever been to and all the people she’s ever met, right?” She asked Morowa. “Are there any in particular you wished you could visit?”

”Kate has seen so much, I’ve probably forgotten more than I can remember. However, I’m sure we can go on our own adventures.” She turned to Kate. ”Do you have any business trips lined up?”

“Well, before she commissioned me for the whole ‘Oros thing’, Nykannis wanted me to photograph some creatures called Caustic Bovines,” Kate explained. “So I guess I’ll be doin’ that next.”

“You guessed right,” Nykannis confirmed with a smirk. “They really are fascinating creatures,” the mad scientist continued. “From what I understand, they seem to essentially be the equivalent of multiversal antibodies, acting to keep non-native visitors out of reality plenums that meet certain, as yet unknown, criteria.”

”Sounds like something Kate would have encountered several times over already.” Morowa smiled. ”But it doesn’t matter to me. Caustic bovines, based chickens, I’m sure it will be a fun adventure.”

“Oh, I have no doubt,” Nykannis agreed, her grin broadening. “But you make a very good point,” she commended the moth woman. “You would think that with all the traveling Kate has done, she’d have run into at least one Caustic Bovine by now. As it happens, I’ve done even more omniversal traveling than Kate has, and I’ve never encountered one, either,” she continued. “At least not firsthand. It would seem that they only seek to prohibit passage to and from universes with specific plenumic signatures, signatures like the one possessed by Esper World, for instance.”

“So let me guess, you want me to go there and act as bait for these things, right?” Kate asked with a wry smirk.

“Close, but not quite,” Nykannis replied with a raised finger. “As it happens, the length of time an outsider spends there also appears to be a factor. For example, your old pal Parr stopped by for a short visit that apparently went unnoticed by the Bovines, or at least unreacted to. On the other hand, a certain bespectacled chatterbox who you’ve already had the pleasure of meeting two different iterations of has been staying there for several weeks, although I have it on good authority that she’ll be strongly encouraged to return home in the near future. Anyways,” she continued. “While I’m sure she’d probably leave before the Bovines take offense to her presence, I figure having both of you there along with her will greatly expedite the chance of them taking action, at which point you can take a snapshot of them for me to study.”

”How do you know if they exist?” Morowa asked.

“Via secondhand experience,” Nykannis replied. “I’ve heard about them from various sources, most of whom I consider to be at least somewhat trustworthy. In particular, Jennifer, the False Witch of Time, told me that a certain smug bitch was being chased by them when she paid her a visit. Incidentally, said smug bitch was able to employ one of my inventions to utterly eradicate them,” the mad scientist added with a gleeful smirk. “It’ll be very interesting to see if your two pets will be similarly effective,” she told Kate as she tossed the photographer’s restored whistle back to her.

Morowa opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. ”I guess that’s worth checking out then.” She looked to Kate. ”I think I’ve taken in as much ambience from this place as I care to at the moment. It sounds like we’ll be back before long. Was there anything else you wanted to do here?”

“Not really,” Kate replied with a shrug. “Wanna get a bite to eat and relax a bit, before starting our first adventure together?” she inquired.

”We could do that.” Morowa strode with Kate towards an open portal. ”Did you have any place in mind? In the waking wood there’s a traveling treehouse that I’ve always wanted to eat at, but never had a reason to stop by.”

“Sounds good to me,” Kate replied with a grin. “There was a pretty cool treehouse restaurant in Fae Creek that I went to a few times with my roommates, although you probably already know all about that,” she added with a chuckle.

“Have fun, you two,” Nykannis told the departing pair. Once they’d left, she settled onto her hovering command throne and activated a holodisplay. “Now, let’s see how Osiris is doing…”

From what the display revealed, the Egyptian-themed technomantic magical girl seemed to be leading the various simulated Oros iterations in a fairly competent manner, although they didn’t appear to have made even a single dent in the simulated Queen of Penrose. But that wasn’t really a problem. After all, there was plenty of time for further strengthening and refinement. Even as the training simulation continued to run its course, the Monarch of Mad Science brought up another display, which presented a detailed, multilayered schematic of the CAPRICORN. If any craft in this reality plenum was going to provide a suitable challenge for the ARGO, Bionic Bonnie’s ship would almost certainly be the one to do so. Next to it, she activated a third display, depicitng the results of a full data scan on one of the lagomorphic cyborg's grief seeds, an item that promised to be an interesting topic of study, to say the least.

Extending a tentacular, multi-lensed optic-stalk from the side of her glowing goggles, Nykannis employed it to keep watch over the initial trio of displays, while she turned the majority of her attention to her just-activated panoramic interdimensional viewer. One of her finder beams had recently located a suitably amusing replacement for the now safely-home Parrthineas E Doxxon the First, and as she watched a shuddering package on a seemingly innocuous toy store shelf burst open, she looked forward to seeing how his antics compared to those of the chrono-manipulating canine…

Can words really solve anything in Pax Septimus?
-Ashley Avenir

By this point, it came as no great surprise to Ashley that the double blast to Elroy’s midsection did little to deter the famous freelancer. What did surprise her was the Immortal Volcano grabbing onto her shield, and then carrying her with him as he leapt into the air. At first, the Knight of Tomorrow was certain that this was the prelude to her fiery-haired foe throwing her off the train, but instead, Elroy seemed content to simply hang suspended with her in midair over it. From her lofty vantage point, the high-tech heroine could clearly see the battle that continued to rage below. Things weren’t going well for the agents. No one seemed to be injured, but between the fake nuns and the train’s spectral crew, they were completely pinned down. At this rate, there was no way they would be able to complete their objective before the behemoth reached the city…

The disheartening scene was almost enough to make Ashley miss Elroy’s latest quip.

“At least one of you has their priorities straight,” she muttered.

Yet, even as she said this, the train entered Pax Septimus’s urban core…

Ashley gasped in horror at the sure to be imminent cavalcade of destruction, yet, to the Knight of Tomorrow’s stunned amazement, no harm to the city or its populace was forthcoming. Predictably, Elroy didn't miss the opportunity to take another shot at her expense by pointing out the obvious, before flinging her back onto the train. The high-tech heroine landed nimbly next to Cereza. Rising to her feet, she was greeted with the sight of Elroy before her, the two fake nuns at his flanks. Swiftly moving to place herself between the miko and the charging freelancers, Ashley reinforced her shield with techno-mystic power even as the Immortal Volcano began asking questions that pierced her defenses far more effortlessly than any attack ever could.

She wanted to refute them, wanted to merely brush them off as a tactic to break her focus, but no matter how hard she tried, things just didn’t add up. Why had they been assigned to attack this behemoth first? Why wasn’t it harming anything? And why had Elroy thrown her back onto the train when he could just as easily have cast her away, like his associates had attempted to do with Finn and Mika?

“I can’t say that any of this completely sits right with me,” Ashley conceded. “And I’d prefer not to destroy Peace Train if I can help it,” she added. “But even if nothing’s being harmed right now, can you honestly guarantee that will still be the case when it gets to wherever it’s headed?” the Knight of Tomorrow asked, fixing Elroy with a pointed glare, but making no move to take any further aggressive action.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Silver Self][Shield][Reflect] = -120 mana


Welp, now I know why I couldn’t be bothered to remember this metal-handed moron’s name.
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

“Night, huh?” Nyxia mused as she watched Sink Queen depart. She’d definitely have to look into that, albeit only after substantially increasing her power. Yes, as much as the Neon Tempest hated to admit it, the squid girl was correct in her assessment of her and her fellow club members’ current level of strength. The recently vanquished Giga Miseria had been a challenging opponent, and one she wasn’t entirely certain she could have bested alone, no matter how dearly she might have wished to believe otherwise. Thus, continued training was most assuredly in order, although she was somewhat unsure of how exactly to go about it. Giga Miseria seemed to provide the greatest power increase, but if her current capabilities only allowed her to hunt them during the day, she would need to come up with a reliable way to lure them out. Perhaps she and Roche would be able to brainstorm some ideas, but that potential conversation would have to wait. As she’d told Sink Queen, she wasn’t really in the mood to socialize with others, although as it transpired, Shatterscape seemed intent on forcing her to do just that…

“My baby and I feed on Miseria,” Nyxia replied, giving the metal-handed maiden an annoyed glare, as if she was addressing a complete moron who’d just asked her something utterly idiotic like “what’s an airport?”. “I couldn’t give a fuck about these two dipshits,” the Neon Tempest added, gesturing to the pair of light girls. “Fighting them isn’t gonna make me any stronger,” she explained as she turned to depart for the mangled remnants of the pier, leaving Shatterscape and her pretentious commentary behind. “Or keep anyone else from sharing my brother’s fate…”

Why can’t any of my plans ever work out?
-Ashley Avenir

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Ashley’s team didn’t exactly have the greatest teamwork. Since his shield could only protect him in one direction, she had intended for at least one of the multiple, multi-angled attacks to find a breach in Elroy’s defenses, but poor timing and coordination meant that the Immortal Volcano was easily able to deal with each of the various attacks in turn. In the span of mere seconds, Ashley’s twin bolts were absorbed by Elroy’s massive shield, before that shield was swiftly repositioned to block an all-too-slow arrow from Cereza, while the freelancer simultaneously used his gloved fist to deflect one of Raven’s pistol rounds. Then he went on the offensive. With his free hand, he lobbed a blazing magma ball at Raven, the Bird of Paradise barely dodging in time. An instant later, he darted towards Cereza, slamming his shield into the redhead with considerable force and knocking her onto her back. Yet, the Immortal Volcano didn’t follow up on this successful strike, instead opting to turn his attention towards Ashley…

As Elroy led with his fist, the Knight of Tomorrow brought her shield up to block the blow, while simultaneously thrusting the gleaming prongs of her techno-wand under the famous freelancer’s guard to fire a pair of energy bolts into his midsection at point blank range. She was dimly aware of Mika and Finn’s attempts to engage the fake nuns being equally unsuccessful, with the latter apparently being hurled off the train for his efforts, but she was far too occupied to spare much thought to that at the current moment, or to the charging specters. She had to trust that her fellow agents would be able to handle themselves, and that she could disengage from Elroy long enough to fend off the train’s ghostly defenders…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Silver Touch][Damage X] = -72 mana

For your consideration-

And I thought Oros was the perverted one…
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

Nyxia could only stare at the scene playing out before her with a mixture of confusion and disgust. “These bitches have the most fucked up kinks…” she muttered, while scowling at the entangled pair with utter contempt. Even when the two combatants separated, the Neon Tempest made no move to intervene. After all, she only bothered fighting other magical girls when they attacked her first. Or did something to really piss her off, like destroying a nice little flower shop. For all she knew, this was just the result of some inane argument, and so she was more than happy to simply let it run its course, albeit without her continued presence. Not only was the pathetic excuse for a fight boring in the extreme, but another familiar face had just made her appearance.

“Well, that fight’s got me feelin’ pretty energized, so I think I’ll go for another swim,” Nyxia told Sink Queen when the tentacled new arrival inquired what they’d be doing next. “Maybe check out that reef again. I’m not really a fan of crowds, and these other dumbasses seem to be involved with their own shit,” the Neon Tempest added, gesturing to her unconscious teammates, along with Oros, Shatterscape, and the unknown light girls. “Why?” she inquired with a raised eyebrow. “Know where I can find more Miseria to kill?”

As if there was any other way this could have gone...
-Ashley Avenir

Ashley simply grit her teeth as Elroy rattled off a litany of her supposed “offenses”, how she was nothing but a hypocrite who had murdered dozens of innocents and would have gladly murdered Betty and Trisha if Finn hadn’t been present to prevent her. Although a part of the high-tech heroine wanted to bite back that she had only killed when she had no other choice, that the recent debacle at the diner was a result of Finn’s recklessness, and that she had always planned to do everything she could to save Justin’s thralls, she knew that the time for words had passed. If the Immortal Volcano had even remotely been interested in resolving the situation diplomatically, he would have at least explained how protecting the train would still have ensured that the city’s civilian populace would be kept safe. Instead, he’d just chosen to insult her.

Fine. So that’s how its going to be.

Even as the freelancers charged and Raven asked for instruction, Ashley snapped out orders. “Cerberus, Timekeeper, take out the nuns,” the Knight of Tomorrow instructed raising her energy shield to join with Cerise’s. “Everyone else, engage Elroy!”

No sooner had Ashley said this then a neon green bolt of energy shot forth from the gleaming tip of her extended techno-wand, followed by an even larger energy sphere a moment later. With any luck, she and the twins would be able to occupy the Immortal Volcano’s attention, while Raven could move to one of the legendary freelancer’s flanks, or even above him, and fire a few rounds from her pistol at a spot not covered by his massive shield. Meanwhile, Mika and Finn should be able to use their increased speed and agility to attack the two fake nuns from the flanks or rear. The Knight of Tomorrow had little information on their exact capabilities, but she was betting that they were substantially less than Elroy’s, and so she would trust that the two youngest agents on her team would be able to deal with them.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
PRO-TEK 4000 Defensive Surgery Implement | Kevlar Coat, Kevlar Padding, Medical Supplies x 2, Flash Bang, Tazer, Clip Light
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2), Purify (6), Homing (2), Avoid (2)


[Gold Projectile][Powerful][Damage X] = -108 mana


To MDP’s considerable joy, Lily happily allowed her to not only pet but hold one of her animal friends, eliciting a squeal of delight from the whimsical girl. “Like, thanky wanky sooo muchy wuchy, Lily Wily~! (giggle!)” she told the greenette as she eagerly took the offered ferret. “Awww~! You’re super duper softy wofty~!” she told her newest animal friend as she gave him a series of affectionate pets. “Yes you aresie~! Yes you aresie~!”

Meanwhile, Lily, ever her ditzy self, had offered Gaia the last of her three animal companions, seemingly unaware that it was Connie who had actually wanted to pet one of them. However, before the nymph-like young woman could pass the owl to her timid friend, Caroline offered Connie the bunny she’d been holding.

“O-Oh, u-um, t-thank you,” the masked maiden told Caroline as she took the offered creature, her mask forming an appreciative smile. “G-Gosh, he r-really is s-super fluffy!” Connie exclaimed as she began stroking the bunny’s soft fur.

Gaia smiled as she gently ran her elegant fingers over Dave the owl’s smooth feathers, happy to see that her dearest friend was enjoying herself. She was also greatly relieved that Caroline seemed to be behaving herself far better than during their previous encounter with her. Then again, the lack of Sakura’s presence likely had more than a fair bit to do with that, the botanical beauty reflected.

Shortly thereafter, Lily declared that it was time to move out, and Connie and Gaia handed the greenette’s animal friends back to her.

“O-Okay!” Connie confirmed with a nod as she mustered her resolve.

“Yes, let us be off,” Gaia agreed, her tone as serene as ever, despite her internal trepidation.

“Yaaay~!” MDP cheered, jumping up and down, even as she gave the ferret she was still holding a big hug. “Like, timey wimey to save the day~! (giggle!)”

About fuckin’ time!
-Nyxia Torrentia, Neon Tempest of the Ultraviolet Rainbow

“Fuckin’ finally! Nyxia exulted as she gleefully watched the Miseria’s bone ship break apart and then disintegrate completely thanks to her and Earthshaker’s combined efforts. The Rule Keeper was still aboard when the skeletal galleon began going to pieces, but the Neon Tempest wasn’t too concerned about her teammate. If anything, Roche’s impact with the sand would just charge her up with more energy, which could only be a good thing. Even though the remaining Miseria had begun evaporating into mist (giving credence to the teal-haired terror’s theory that destroying the bone ship was the key to finishing them off), after Nyxia made a nimble landing of her own, a quick scan of the beach revealed the presence of some new arrivals. In particular, an unknown magical girl in a witch outfit and the pink-haired shield girl from earlier, the latter of whom appeared to be engaged in combat with that girl with the giant metal hands Nyxia hadn’t bothered to remember the name of.


“What tha fuck is this shit?” the Neon Tempest inquired as she strolled over, giving the trio a contemptuous glare, before coming to a stop with the sky-pointing Omega Obliterator held in one hand, while the other rested on her hip. “Wrestling club tryouts?”
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