Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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Died laughing maybe :)


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Victoria Romus. City mixed locations

Victoria. Monday Lunch. Mixed Harbour

The Chapter one Epilogue

So... That went well... Until he admitted being shot, and what... How did he end up shot over a weekend and now is not even in a hospital fishing... What kind of medical care did they have in Sol City? Surely have some kind of thing that happened. Did they let you out this quickly here?

Leaning against her stick and wondering that it be like to be less, or even not reliant on it day to day... What would she do with her hand.... It had become... A permanent thing.

Shot... Shouldn't you be in a hospital? That's not exactly a minor wound...

Yes... The cargo was... Diffrent. I got taught how to strip and fire a Ak47.. OK 103.. Technically, and fired a 40mm defense system.. ... not Trap a cord.

Though i did get to see some amazing places, most will never visit..

She kind of had a strange upbringing, Father away 6 months a year, losing her mother when she was young and more. He had taken her to see Africa, maybe not the safest bit of Africa but it had been fun and she had sren things, been able to do things that many people never would get to do.

Victoria had to admit she was not exactly normal...

Then came the whole explanation... Jackie, Paige, blackmail, illegal fire arms and more besides... She had come to try and find a answer to her question about if to go for the treatment or not and now only had yet more questions... His thinking, was he even thinking... How could she say she needed time to process all this without offending him or that she had too much on her own mind as it was.

OK... So you thought... That hiding all that and expecting me to understand all that from a few words on a doorstep? Your a strange egg...

Umm... That's alot to take in...

Im kinda gonna be away for a week or so anyway. I have a medical appointment in Austin. Either way... It will change things...

She paused a second, might as well. If it was gonna sink, or be a over.. Maybe they could at least remain civil or talk... She probbly could not judge him quite as harshly as she had. Plus being shot...

Well.. I might end up different.. Good or bad different. Iif it goes wrong... Well I won,t be needing my Mini..

So.. I'm. Can we talk when I have less on my mind? Il bring you back some sweet tea or so. I Don, t even know what to think right now.

Maybe lunch when we get back and I'm less confused, worried, scared and thinking straight about things...

Confused somewhat where anyone even stood at this point, they both had so much on there minds, she could not even think straight about important issues. A week or so in Texas probbly was a good idea. Good or bad. She may return as she was or stuck as before... Either way there would be no more stuck in the middle. She probbly sounded crazy... But hey, right now she was a bit crazy. She had been asking fish for opinions. The coffee had sank and not sure how fish liked coffee... Hopefully sweet.

Il see you in a week or so... Come as things do... Good luck trapping some fish.

Also well... In spirit of... I may have hurt a Blue BMW that night... Walking in I may have fell against it, on your drive and caught it with my ring... Diamond might leave a mark...

Oh and hope the fish like... White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles. There goes my Sol bucks... Might wake the fish up abit and Youl snare some more!

Giving a wave she headed away with more questions than she had begun with... Well she could visit Milo after either in a wheelchair or she could... Could be cured. A medical treatment that could lead to a cure. She had been a few times to have set up procedures in Sol and London. With this one... It was the decider.

Climbing into her car, she dropped the roof and drove past in a red convertible mini, stripes on the hood and everything. It was stereotype maybe... She had one previously in UK but it had been crashed into and written off... Shame she loved her little pink and white mini... Though she cringed now at her colour choices at 17-18...

Tuesday she was headed to Sol International for a deadaus internal to Texas, let the dice fall as they may.

Also she might have caused the combination Ed fisherman of world to cry out in pain and so...



If Aaron wants to takw it...
I've used up my DT I think.

>>casts heal od anyone needs it.
>>if not casts protection and on self and then others. To help...

For free xp....

Il wait for people move to let me up minus rereading on lava!


Jim Bob tries to use his gun.
If not punches spiders and scowls at the aggressively.

'I am the law! "
"this is no monster mine"

Romus Sisters . City mixed locations

Victoria. Monday Lunch. Mixed Harbour. Marinalia Wensdaymorning. Sol International Airport .

The Chapter one Epilogue

It was a rather quiet and awkward ride back for the sisters, bot where upset by circumstances and it would take a few days at least to warm relations back to a normal level. A rather quiet and awkward ride back in a darknened SUV. Marilania sighed, great, a ball a guy and it all went fucked up... Not even thr good kind of fucked.


Victoria was slightly sombre, after they had said there various good byes, she knew she could restore relations with her sister eventually, but not quite now. Sio, Milo, why did she bother with this city except for fact Marinalia was having such a bad time with things. Much as forst she could not leave her alone to deal with everything. Maybe she could make up sorting out the shopping later once she got her car.

A nice little pot in a numbered bank account In Luxembourg, it had a use to keep payments anonymous when doing grey jobs and she rarely had accessed it. Designing cerberous, well it's security systems, patching a few radio commands channels to be encrypted between designed sets. Designing high security systems. She did Web design and apps, wanting to avoid grey work... But grey work always seemed to draw her back. Well the large pay packet did...

Milo... She was unsure what was going to happen there.

Arriving back. Marinalia headed pretty much straight to bed and dumped her dress on the chair, kicking off thr heals and massaging her feet she feel asleep near instantly. Not quite crying but she felt it all the emotions of thr morning, and evening hit home at once... She probbly was gonna take a few days off. She could not fly like this. Safety mattered more than a few late deliveries.

Victoria sighed as she headed to bed, Marinalia near banked her but that was to be expected. The night was a disastor. Remembering thr medic... Oh yeah. That guy who said I might die.... He was a charmer... Not exactly kind to his date either... They seemed a tad... Unromantic.

Marla was gonna have a field day though... They where meant to be medics...

At least Maria and Vesarian had finally admitted they loved each other. 27 years was a long time... And some 5 since the two sisters had med.

It was the morning as she had a flight to catch, Monday had been a lazy day and Milo and her had gone to the park with their son for a a little family time. Half the office could not belive she was same, pushing a pram and pretending to make aeroplane noises women as the ice queen. She had a rather compartmentalised personality.

As Milo seemed to be lazily asleep in his business class seat, Marla was always amazed. He could sleep anywhere... Jeez. It was like he just flicked a switch. Seeing little Michael fast asleep, she felt content with life. Even if traveling trans Atlantic with a young kid had been hell on the way there. This time. He had been sleeping most of it.

Tapping out the last of her email. She had only hered later from Victoria that the medic woman had been underage... Blimey... They could of got them shit down...

Technically under there rules. They where not meant to have anyone below 21 present thanks to the whole silly city drinking ordiences at the hall. Why could they not just use 18?

To SCVRS command.

Good morning local time.

My neice informed me of a intresting fact yesterday, though I was too busy to raise it, enjoying a day out in your fine city with my family.

Sending a under age woman, who seemed not to relise it was a alcoholic event. Risked our event being shut down. I am much aware of laws, as I planned it. You risked our event..

A male paramedic was quite rude to several members of thr family, next time please consider who you send more carefully. We also had a gap in medical coverage. While nothing happened. This is not ideal.

I hope your woman is feeling better. She was feeling under the weather that night. She was quite polite. If underage.

Much as the event was a success.. I request you reconsider your events planning provisions. A copy has been sent to mayor as a matter of record. If you wish to to discuss please reply or call me on my extension listed below in GMT 0 office hours.

Yours sincerely.

Marla Olympus. Prof, Dr MD.
Senior medical officer.
Olympus Heavy Industries.

Wanting to add more, Michael soon woke up and sighed slightly, it was gonna be a long flight, maybe she could cuddle him back to a restful sleep and keep the other passengers happy at least while they rested.

Monday came for Victoria and she already found the apartment empty. Marinalia has scribbled a note about going for a swim and that her car was ready early. It was polite, there was no X which was a obvious sign that she was still frosty.hoping at least that get some of the stress out her system, and maybe clear air a a little she leaned against counter and sighed. Seeing the monthly figures, with costs apps and websites plus taxes.... If she wanted to make any money she had to go back to security work... Her rent contribution, re hab..it all was not cheap. Least the car was paid outright from where numbered account in Europe.

She could always sell if after... And she needed some form of transport bar a uber. Contrary to what people thought she could legally drive. Plus Marinalia was not always about when she needed to get about.

Other things nibbled at her minds concerns, she had tried to ignore it but no... She did not want to worry her family, they knew... But she never had quite revealed the extent of risks too. She had told her dad, but not many more bar Maria knew exactly. She had worried them ernough times over her life. If only she had not messed things up... She have someone up talk to.

That morning, she was surprisingly able to function and soon had recovered from thr evening by late morning. For some odd reason she got drunk quick but burnt thr alcohol off at a normal rate and had stopped drinking earlier at Gala.

Locking the door, she headed out to find her freedom.

Walking over slowly, she found the dealership, rental place and signed off her paperwork before waiting with a coffee as last things where signed off. Hitting send on the funds electronically, they soon pinged into the dealerships account within a few minutes. Soon with a rumble engine a red mini, folding soft top and white stripes down thr bonnet. It was cute, but also a fun city car. The weather had improved abit and after a short lesson on the car, she activated the auto folding top and pulled away. Sunglasses on, wind flying by and engine quiet up front. It was not the biggest car but was perfect for her.

Driving out of thr city centre and pulling up a a small foreign supermarket, hopefully some food from home might try and bridge the gap with her sister. Heading onwards, she found herself near the final round armoury for some reason... It escaped her why she had driven this way... Somthing about guilt? Least the river was... A place to think. Reminding herself, he would reply if he wanted to take she headed out to the harbour for a walk, atleast outside the apartment she was distracted by things... Anything.

Parking and raising the roof near thr Harbour in a small car across from a large black truck... There we here alot of those in the city.

Walking by the harbour. It was abit noisey... But nice.. A place she could think on things and if to go ahead with the treatment.... Talking almost at the water as if it would give her a answer.

what would you do.... Risk what you have for what you lost.... Or keep what I have a cripple...

Is a chance to be who you should be worth it? At the risks of being... Like I was....

Sighing. The water would not give her a answer, it was not like Sol had a lady of lake advice line.

Noticing a fisherman next door, she had walked this route a few times and never seen one there... Strange. Then she recognised him, feeling her stomach twist somewhat. Kilo... Milo... How... Of all the things... The suprise caused her to drop her coffee in water she had picked up. A White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles. Her sister always favoured them when she was feeling sad, she had not got much through it... It was rather sweet to drunk quickly before it fell in the water with a splash.

Sorry... I was just talking to my...

Umm... Hey Milo... Of all the people to bump into.. Had a good weekend?

Fish snaring well on the reel stick? Cord, or hook thingy?

Making awkward small. Talk, she wanted to run but that would not work quite, one she could not run, two she did not feel like it would help any more than the damage she already done this past week. She knew gak all about fishing, it was a sport that held very little intrest to her, was it a sport, a hobby? She had strangely for her size after being unable to carry on athletics, apart from computers become fair with a 12 gauge shotgun, shooting clay pidgions. Despite her light build she could do it for a short time, taking a rest and a decent padded butt. Surprisingly she had also been taught how to use a Ak47 while on a trip to Africa. Despite the noise and recoil it had been quite fun.

Unsure what to do, she was not exactly a normal situation for her. She was with someone she had hurt, and she probbly had butchered fishing terms more than relationships.

Marilania had left early, Victoria was still fast asleep as she left a note. She did not want to see her this morning, she cared about her but... There alot of ice to break. The message cod not hert though. She knew how much Victoria liked being mobile. Though how she afforded it had decided not to ask. She never was particularly open about some of the work she had done.

Leaving, she drove down to the Luna Sports area, now free of Traffic and last of the race trucks gins or departing. It was handy. Parking was bad if not. Reminded of thr happy moments, how had it gone so wrong...

Several kilometres later, she had been swimming for a while and her water proof fit bit tagged and bleed the 4.5 km mark. That was ernoug.h. Her stress was reduced and was a theopy in itself. Next after showing and drying off she found herself at a place in city for counselling. A victim support service. She was a mess, much as forced she admitted she needed.

The week went on, and things with Victoria did warm up, she had tried to being her some local food and help out. It had been welcome, it would take more time but things where getting alot better.

Wensday came, she was leaning back in her chair in a quiet office. Neat office uniform with just above knee smart Skirt. Low heals and a light jacket. She had a few choices but this one was most comfortable one she found. That mattered in office. She had paperwork to do, the days off meant she had time to catch up a a little and no one else was in office. She was unsure what to do about Joel, she had sent a odd message just wishing him well and and a safe trip. Moaning about traffic round the international and dumb drivers not knowing their lanes. What happened was anyone's guess.

She was still hurt, it still hurt deep in places and others had noticed, she had quietly taken lunch with some of the women, a d enjoyed quietly watching thr airport from the old control tower. It was not used much for anything near rest of old airport was rubble, and rebuilt. It was merely a handy spot to mount the airpirts radio beacon. It was a nice view... Sol was a surprisingly beutherful city. She had tried to pretend but everyone had had been able to tell, her eyes and body language had been unable to hide what cover up make up and pretence tried. Everyone had rallied round though, despite being a big company the pilots where a small group and kept things close. She was helping someone's daughter with swim training, she was good working with her. Her fears had been weakened. They had helped a junior pilot on helicopter test. They had helped her.

Thinking back and working on her paper work at Sol International hub. She had been asked to cover for a illness, everyone else was busy checking things and she was running office solo. Extra checks since the whole incident, flight hours to record, blood tests and more... It was a mountainous pain the ass... Luckily the sofa was comfy and the coffee free!

Maybe she should book that plane for a flight some day... It was a open gift and already covered. It would be fun and relaxing to do a few high speed laps. She probbly was not going to have company though. Sadly... Part of almost considered rebounding... But everything was too raw right now. They still talked but she was unsure... Parts of her where all pulling in diffrent directions.

There was a few flights that concerned her department and a cargo flight due at some stage.. From east... Somewhere. She was only bothered about times and if it needed signing off rather than departing airports. They all had to undergo the same forms and customs declarations. Cargo normaly flew in via Old Sol but this one was too heavy for the runway lengh.


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