Avatar of PrinceAlexus


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Corsairs' Special Invitation


By random drawing, you have received a special invitation in the mail to the very exclusive Corsair Club courtesy of Knight Enterprises and Knight Hotels for tonight’s game. Always one to court the locals where his construction projects are underway, Marcus has personally authorized a select number of passes that will allow access to the upper level for unlimited food and drink while the game is played. Enjoy lounge seating, Diamond-level service and watch the giant awning retract as you take in a warm summer night of baseball.

Miami Rebellion guitarist, Levi Campbell will be leading off the night with the national anthem along with a flyover from Navy Squadron 31 and first pitch thrown out by the mayor. Rumor has it that the rest of the band will be in attendance though how they mix with the mayoral entourage should make for an interesting evening.



Hello sports fans and Delta Dwellers tonight is an fantastic night for the ball game at Diamond Stadium. Skies are clear and the beers in the concession stand are the only thing cool on the coast tonight.

Delta City does not get better than this. Enjoy!

Modern Slice of Life

Welcome citizens of the Guild to our adventure

Hello and welcome to our intrest check. Please sit down, read and enjoy a complimentry digital cookie. We are back with a new offering for the guilds food citizens.

This game will be of a familiar tone and concept to what you may have seen or participated in before, but with a more focused and involved approach from the leadership. There is no magic or dystopian angle for those of you reading this that may not be familiar. It’s simply a game of everyday people living out their lives in a fictional/fun city setting. Drama, action and romance bring the world to life how you want it to be.

What you make of it is up to you. No silly rules, just be sensible, have fun and respect your fellow players.

Always a few unexpected twists and turns just to spice things up and keep interest and new membership flowing. We are wide open to suggestions and we want this to continue to be a growing community project that brings our fictional city to life.

Everyone is invited to take as much stake in the game as they please. Your plans/input/ideas are going to be valued, i.e., you can expect things like time skips and major events to be discussed in the OOC or Discord openly and feedback encouraged.

If you have a idea, we always open to suggestions on how we can best tailor our game to fit the players and make things work for everyone.

We want you to know that we’re committed to sticking with the game and if you decide to join then know that we would like a commitment from you as well. We’re not asking for a blood oath here, but if you wish to join, the main thing we ask ia that you please consider a long-term approach for your perspective character rather than just a single scene that you may be envisioning that lasts a few posts and then fades.

So to sum all this up, we just want to continue a fun Slice of Life RP. We're not going to vanish like ghosts and are committed to making a fun RP for everyone as long as they want to play with us. We both enjoy the genre and will continue to do things differently, embrace ideas from everyone and also keep it alive with our own to make sure things stay fresh and creative.

Our last game lasted, 506 posts, 8 months and many great moments later, we wrapped up secuessfully at our planned end. Welcome to slice of life. Done diffrently.

So, if you want to join or have any questions please drop us a line here., we don't bite! (I already killed the vampire last time.. Your OK. Just watch out for the zombie...)

The problem with guns isnt a lack of legislation against them. The problem is that people think legislating against them is enough.

It seems to me that neither Democrat or Republican in the US and neither Labour or Conservative in the UK are tackling the causes or crime, only the after effects. When someone's already involved in organised crime, its too late.

Take, for instance, the town of Addiewell in the UK. Disasterous amounts of child abuse, neglect, drug and alcohol abuse, assault... All kinds of horrible things. But the town also has an 80% unemployment rate. There are no jobs available, and no business seems to want to touch the place. Then the parents inflict that on their kids and the cycle begins anew when the kids have kids.

I honestly believe if we're going to tackle gun violence and organised crime, we need to tackle poverty at the same time

Alas. There's your problem. Due to crime rates etc people not want to invest, lower texes means services and schools degrade thus making it worse. And things carry on down and down.

As things spiral down its harder and harder to turn things around.

And when it's that low its vert expensive to reverse and that's money people do not want to spend.

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