Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Modern Slice of Life

Welcome to our Slice of Life RP in set in SOL CITY, very roughly based on Seattle, the Northwestern US Coast and Canada

If you enjoy Slice of Life and want a COMMITTED and PROVEN to last roleplay, then this is the game you have been looking for. We have a vested group of players and GM staff that genuinely enjoy the genre that would love to welcome you into the world we have created. We have plans for continued regular events and for an over-arching plot line that will allow players freedom to grow and expand with us and our fun environment. You will find that this game is unlike any other that you have encountered here on the Guild and that is why we think it is special.

Players here are encouraged to suggest an idea or submit a new location for our MAP. We invite players to add to the world their own ideas and concepts so that we continually expand. We were so fortunate in our FIRST CHAPTER to capture enough hearts and imaginations that we are setting off on a second journey for CHAPTER TWO which is where you find yourself now.

Fear not! You needn’t read a single page of CHAPTER ONE to freely participate in this current game. However, if you would like, the link to our first game can be found HERE. You will find that it was planned out and completed successfully.


SOL CITY is the largest city in the Northwestern US in our fictitious universe, taking the place of Seattle, the surrounding geography and even parts of British Columbia. Bright light and shining Sol City gained its name from being a beacon to early travelers and to this day, still draws the young and adventurous alike.

So explore enjoy, start anew and make your mark. The city awaits…

The Rules

Not scary don't worry


1. Observe standard RPing rules. No godmoding, no-metagaming, stay in character, and stay within the storyline. If you want to make any major changes to the story, ask us first. Be polite to the other members. You know the drill.

2. Write in third person, past tense. Try to make your writing coherent and legible. Although there's no official word requirement, avoid one-liners when possible.
2b. Move the plot when you post! This is a “slice-of-life” RP, but please try and focus on forwarding the story with every post you make. We don’t want every other post here to be your characters leisurely having tea or monotonously deciding on what clothes to wear. We have a very dynamic world here that you can use to develop your characters.

3. You are not your character. Your character is not you. Please don't be offended because someone else's character was mean to yours. Likewise, please do not carry real-life arguments into the RPG world. This applies to RPG Guild, Discord and any other platforms that may be used.

4. Primary character images need to be in an anime-style. Also no crossovers and no Mary/Gary Sue, please.

5. Try not to let anyone get left behind. If you and another person have posted back and forth several times, take a break and let the other players catch up. Of course, there may be times when only a few characters need to be involved in a particular scene; just don't get two days ahead of someone without giving them the chance to respond.

6. Stay active! Everyone gets busy from time to time, but if you’re going to be absent for a while just let us know. There’s no set amount of time allowed for before we start working around dormant players, but if you leave and stay gone without telling us, we’ll move on as we see fit and the plot will roll on without you. If you wish to come back after being naughty, we’ll talk.

7. This game is rated PG-13+, so just about anything goes as far as language, violence, sex, etc. However, you will need to observe standard guild rules should you feel that your posting is headed in this direction. Please read the Moderator posts concerning these topics.

8. Second characters are allowed. You have to be an active player and both male and female are allowed. You cannot RP with yourself, PERIOD. Please PM or Tag a GM or Co GM to confirm things if you have any questions regarding this and genders allowed at the time. WE WILL BE WATCHING THIS CLOSELY.
9b. Some characters may be "grandfathered-in" from Chapter One as the GMs see fit. Again, we will be watching this closely, particularly if you seem to post heavily with NPCs and not other players.

9. Obviously this isn’t going to cover everything, so the GM and Co-GM’s reserve the right to make decisions as situations arise.

In general the RP is using a permissive rule system, as long as events are not too likely to effect other players or alter the dynamics of the RP heavily. These actions do not require permission.

Events are rough backdrops and scenes and open to player interpretation within reason. If you are unsure about the application, PM a GM or Co GM to make sure, and consult with those player or players who may be effected before hand. If a secret or suprise action this is permissable via PM or discord etc.

This is to maximise creative options and make it open and easy to join and take part in RP.

Thank you for reading the rules! Hope you have fun RPing with us!

Current gender balance

Pending male : Pending female

Please consider this when planning a new character.
Gender status open

CS Sheet

Name: (First & Last, middle if you like)
Age: (needs to be between 18-35)
Appearance: (anime-style picture please, you can also include a description if you like)
Zodiac Sign: (His/Her personality doesn't have to be a perfect fit for their sign)
Special Talent: (Any particular thing your character is good at?)
Profession: (What you do and where you work)
Bio/Personality: (one paragraph minimum, more is fine) (If in chapter one, what were you doing)
Your character's favorite song: (We just think this would be interesting)
Actor or Actress who play your Character in a movie (Optional, we just think it can better help get a idea of your Character)

(Refrence images to plot elaments, or for helping to describe a charecter are allowed. Please make these in hiders, real life, anime or drawn etc are allowed in this case.)

The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.

Tell us about yourself:

*Your age:
*What part of the world are you from?
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: (if you're on your first year, that's totally fine too)
*How often do you have time to post? (this is just a general, honest question, no judgment)
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Put as much as you want.

"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater."


Public, Education and Atttractions

Food, Drink and Entertianment

Resedential Areas, Streets and Roads

Transport, Travel and Tracks

Media & Radio


Rescue Services

7 dead in an Australian Mass shooting, it looks like.

Well the whole blame lax gun laws debate that seems to arise every time is moot in this case. They have a extremely strict laws.

I'm guessing a illegal firearm involved?

Sad, but people will find a way however evil there intentions.
Character name: Trajqra Imperia
Gender: Female
District number:3
Age: 15
Appearance: smaller but lithe and faster than the older tributes, what she lacks I'm strengh she makes up for in speed and vicious tactics. Short blonde hair, she has a couple of electro tattoo that glow when pressed right, a normal thing in district 3. But hers line her face and upper body, giving her a slightly calculated phycopathic look.

Muscular but lithe, district 3 has good food and training.

Biography: Born in district 3, she had to fight for her place. To be a tribute, or even potential was to benefit your family.

Hers worked hard in the factories, but they worked hard, too hard and the drive from captial meant 60 hours, 72 hour weeks as per the norm. If she won, her family would prosper. They could escape the factory. Eif she fell, they may still earn somthong, placing well would ensure her sister and others would have to put in less tesarae, less meant less chance to enter the games. It was a honour to fight and all volunteered. Well most years it was not a given and sometimes the captial chose randomly be force.

The less chances the better.

She had to win. Or die trying.

Personality: Vicious to point of phycopathic when fighting, though a weakness too as can lose her sense of reason and logic.

Contracted heavily as she became so dark in order to feed her family away from factory and reduce chances of sister being selected. A dangerous balence that might have concquences.

Does she regret what she became yes.. Would she do anything to win though. Yes.
Marilnalia Romus. Sol International

Wednesday, main airport. And after a few days later.

The Chapter one Epilogue

Marinalia felt things did not work out well but just gave up trying to fight that particular argument in her head as he turned to leave for his flight. Yeah, she was a mess, and needed some time to get her head straight. Joels parting words did carry with her... Office work was not her thing and gave her too much time to think over everything that happened.

Waving to joel with abit of a resigned wave, life was just... Strange right now.

Have a safe flight.. Maybe see you when you get back.

Turning, she saw him vanish into the checkout gates, "This office stuff doesn't suit you". Quietly to herself, yeah... Maybe Ivan hm was about and had somthing late or delayed..."Yeah..well if we never meet again... You where right."

Heading into the office at dispatch and various pilot related tasks, she soon found Ivan, with a large coffee mug. She needed to fly again, even if was testing some planes that had just been repaired. She could fly thr majority of their non jet fleet, with a a little bit of time to read a manual. She never quite saw the apeal of flying jets, thr big ones where like flying a building. Everything was soo so slow at responding to a simple turn, landing was mostly on computers. It was like... Not flying but more a glorified button control.

know I'm off flight, but I'm going insane on the ground.. I
a. Willing to take any gig you got. Just get me somthing with a engine and contol columns.

Gotta be a job round here that needs doing...

A short while later and a quick stop by the medical section they had a gap on maternity leave at the flight training, and Marinalias 9 years experience on multiple continents plus helicopters and fixed wing made it pretty easy to convince the manager to let her help out. She already had been training someone to pass there helicopter liscense, and enjoyed it. If it gave her more time in the air, well flying cargo was kinda lonely at times... Maybe she would stick around and take the contract extension.


Later wensday Marinalia was queueing through old harbour as it seemed every single car was crawling about a fraction of regular speed, tail. Backs on the main road and more. Great, it was gonna take a while to clear. Clicking thr sat nav and finding a way round abit, not perfect but would cut out a abit taking a side road. Passing a modern apartment building... Well that was the delay.

Ambulance, police cars and more all on mass outside a building, a few police looked abit jumpy as she nosed out a side road next to it, though they only had closed off main road atleast, it was open and she just wanted to get home. Hopefully whatever this palava going on was, it was not as serious as it looked.

Seeing a few vans about joining the mass of first responders and law enforcement, yep definitely right choice going round. Forensics ans more.. That was going to be in the news for sure even if just about the traffic. A few minutes later she home, yep. Old Harbour traffic due to police incident, no further details. Bar some passer by shouting claiming some strange theory, making a anti police protest for the cameras. Nutty that one...


A few days later, she was headed back to old Sol Airport, the flight instructor role had slotted naturally in and once she got used to things.. It was more flight hours, less paperwork and she was starting to feel better about things. Sure it had its frustrating moments and some of the ones they got where a tad... Well they be lucky to fly a drone... But for the most part it was great. More regular hours, more flight time and the pay was the same pretty much. In fact with helicopters, single, double and quad engines it had gone up a a little.

She sti kept her neat office uniform just Incase.. She had to admit it looked pretty damn nice on her. When she wanted to wear it anyway. In a change of heart and deciding it might be better, she had made a small but important change, her ID now listed as Marinalia Romus Olympus, instead of Marilania R Olympus. She began to relise she might be abit more like her father at times than he thought.

Maybe she had finaly found somthing decent in the degenerate pit of a city. Texting as she waited for her student to come out of the briefing, she did her final checks on fuel and made sure the rotars looked good, oil was topped. The sun was out, aviators on, wings gleaming and her trademark coffee in hand. She had a full international plan. Foreign family and all....

Hey...things went.. Weird.

You where right though. Why are you always right? . Whatever happens between us. Thanks. I found job that's making me happy. I'm flying again, teaching new pilots. Life's turning around slowly, and.. Thanks for the nudge, intended or not.


With a quick re Read, and a send, locking the harness as she kept a close eye on her pupil, clicking the start up checks and sequences into place. They where a a fast learner, maybe try a landing at the ruins of a old industrialists Manor, long abdonned the large woods, cross winds and rougher surface would be a good test of what they learned.

Great your learning fast. So ease her up slow up to 750 altitude then we do a turn to South South East. Keep us at 130-150 MPH

We got a strong wind to West, 35 knots. So watch your drift. Get rougher if your go above 1000 for now. 750 is where you want to be.

When your ready.

The skies awaited.


Victoria Darya Romus

Austin . Texas . Late week and weekend . Hotel and flight back to Sol City

Victoria managed to wake up slowly and looked out thr bright sunny window in her private hospital room, pushing herself up she was Suprised and it felt easier, it was working.

She had been in the private hospital since late Tuesday and had been a if of blur of appointments, treatments and tests. She had managed to look up and grab her phone before noticing a pale grey hair. For most people her age that would be scary but she was amazed and ran it through her fingers. They told her it would take a while for thr natural hair colour to return, and she would still have to attend rehab. Hair you could use a short cut though.

Finding her balence still a a little off but it was slowly returning, she could manage better unaided and everything would take time to come together, looking in the mirror, it was not thr same Victoria that had left Sol, her hair was slowly turning a pale grey, her skin had taken on a more pale alabastor or porcelain , but far more healthy than her snow like skin before.

She would always be slight, and pale, they could not fix everything but now the woman who looked back in mirror was more like her old self. Reaching for her makeup and then laughing, some was ok but even the darkest foundation was now too pale, that was... A intresting but welcome problem. Clothes too, finding somthing but she was a different person for all intents... A shopping trip be needed before she return. Victoria wanted to reflect the new person. However scary, who was she now, what would she do, how was she going to reconcile the two people she was slowly becoming.

Several appointments later, she was leaving the hospital and thanks to the hospital being rather more equiped than she ever thought, in came a white haired, ice princess, out came a still pale but now long raven haired and a subtle purple detail made it stand out, and highlighted the intense near solid black.

She still needed somthing more fitting to her new self, transferring a sum out her luxumberg numbered account, even after buying a car it was not light thanks to lucrative security work and a deposit for a upgrade on Cerberous. She had helped make it, though coding had been OK, the pay was dramatically higher and though somewhat grey... Would keep her in a nicer lifestyle than before.

Only after a few bits, she found that her preference leant slightly to the more gothic style and now had a few dresses and tops in a slightly corset style, with more black, purples, reds and a much darker range in blues even cobolts much more intense and saturated than the pale tones she used to wear. It would take time to rebuild her look and what she was... Splurging a a little, she picked up a silver short necklace with a blood red jewal. Victorian engkish it claimed maybe ebwardian but it was nice and the contrasting blood red to her ice blue ring reflected nicely how she had changed.

On her way back to hotel, now loaded with bags, shoes and a new necklace glittering round her neck, replacements for most her make up have to wait, she reacted to certain brand but was able to get atleast a new foundation and concealer down in a Austin boutique. Flopping onto a large double bed she looked round and at pile of bags and boxes that reflected her change. Her suitcase reflected the old. How did you deal with such a huge change, maybe she was working too quick but changing into a new black and red slightly 50,s corset topped dress, twirling and not reconising the woman, this would take a while but it felt... Right. It would be her... It was her. It took... Time to adapt. In a fit of vanity, if anything she had ended up looking quite dramatic, but it worked... Her figure, her hair, everything suited.

Heading to eat, she stayed in but it was a nice hotel, and it was a practice run before she had to face anyone she knew, time to.... Learn this new Victoria. In a long mirror in lobby she sent Marilania a picture, she was certainly striking. Marinalia had only seen old pictures, her reaction would definitely be Suprised. Sending it to Maria, she knew it get to who she wanted, they would be Suprised but pleasantly, Vesarian had been fairly open on it and left her knowing he supported which ever road she decided to take. Though he probbly was glad to see the old Victoria return, well maybe a new version of the old.

Wondering what do about Milo, what would she do... She had a feeling there romance may be weaker... And this suddon change may be a end to that. Freinship maybe, they did share quite a few things even with the awkward space between them. She had to be honest, she needed a freind. Would he even give her the time of day...

At least, thinking such a radical change night mean a few people she not want to notice her, to be unsure if same person. Though seeing womans in blue micro dress that was way too short, well her face might be a funny one. What would people think? Would they reconise her or would she be anonymous? The truth only time would tell. What would the big firefighter think... They where nice to her, Ashton.. Yeah Ashton. T it would be rude to ask but being mute always made her extremely curious.

Transforming visually was easy but the hard part... Who did she want to be, what parts of her life did she want to leave with her snowy aperence and which parts did thr now raven reborn carry forward. That would take alot more thinking, she had a flight to catch early Monday back to Sol City, Deadalus meant Marilania got her discount on the whole bonus scheme they had. The complementary class of champagne was a nice touch too.

Plenty of time to think on who she wanted to be... But she did know, she would go back to her old work. Small websites never tested her skills. Victoria could do those in her sleep, slow, logical and time to get it all working yes. But it never had truly tested her ability.

Part of her was scared, another excited and other bits everything inbtween, she was utterly confused at times. It seemed becoming new... Had some more deeper layers than skin deep. All the time in the world but a a little fear grew... What of she was better off being her old self... What of thr new self would not work out, she had been the snow princess for some... 8-9 years... No 9, she had been her newnform for a day. The rational part of her mind was a tad overwhelmed by her suddon emotions. But it still retained some control of her faculties.

Remembering, she had to check before she left, her Aperence was somewhat different to her passport ands so, and would need updating. Right now she had a signed and autherised medical letter, with photos and all manner of official signitures confirming she was who she was. She should have gone for biometric passport when she updated. It would of saved alot of trouble.

Heading up to bed and twirling her fingers through the smooth black as it graduated into vivid purple hues, staring into mirror, it took a second to remember it was her, thr transformation had been fast, too fast probbly. Everything looking back was her... 9 years ago... Brought forward... Her past was her future, her past was also her past... In a strange logic. She never had noticed as so, but she managed most the walk about the hotel unaided, the city too had been easier, only now did she relise, the only cloud she saw on that front was what did she do with her hand now? She always held it like... That.

At least she would have work and other things to distract her, still a tiny bit unable to belive the changes a week had brought.

Texting in bed, she sent a single message, Milo had wished her. Well, between all the tests, apaountments and trying to work out who she was... She had forgotten alot of things.

I'm myself... Well old one, that's new... It's been alot to take in. Not sure quite who I am right now, what i want to become. Its pretty scary... But also... Liberating.. I've got a second chance.

Just got out of hospital today, past few days been a blur of tests and appointments.

Can I still call you a freind whatever happens?

Vika, Lady De Corvus.

Ps, you might not reconise me

Hitting send after nth edit, it reflected her mind too perfectly, on surface she was fine, below, she had the long task of working out who Victoria Romus was and wanted to become. The little hint at end, Corvus, Raven. Her sister had taught her a a little Latin and the majestic black birds, though somewhat misunderstood seemed a perfect match for her.


Heading back to to Sol City was.. Going to be a intresting experience as she passed through ID checks with medical paperwork and detailed information on her treatment and reasons for tmher sheer differences. With a medical clearance and a quick seach she passed through the TSA point and sat back relaxing in a large lounge. It was strange, the old Victoria striking pale general style got the odd stare or look of concern she was ill or somthing. Only needing the walking stick for the rough ground and odd step, it was nice to... Walk, to be more normal.. This time round the only looks the Raven haired woman got was the odd lingering look back as she stood out with distinct purple highlight details, and abit of goth... But a more feminine take on the style. Maybe she should check out some of the boutique sites in covanrt Gardens alternative stores... She probbly could have fun with somthing, a little more diffrent. Not too extreme but not highstreet either.

Life was... Definitely diffrent. Her new life was beginning, slowly and surely, she would have to make a new Victoria. She needed a new wardrobe too, somthing maybe abit more daring, or so... She felt more. Yes, confident, felt better about her self inward a d out.

Boarding, she still needed help to get her carry on into the top overheads, she would not gain any hight and being 4'9 meant she would struggle even if she was stronger. Thanking a man for helping her, she leant back and took her busuiness class seat. The cure process would take time, her progress had been good so far though. Still playing and running her fingers through the slightly shiny, but also a tiny bit more curly now black hair. It's graduations into vivid puples and blues and back into intense raven black. It was pure deep black. Her old colour, was now new.

The flight attendets compliment she had pretty hair, was.. Intresting but it made her feel good, reinforcing her decision to take the treatment.

Updating her Facebook, well she had to... She replaced the picture of ghostly Victoria to reflect herself, thr photo of her she sent to Marinalia in a nice 50's dress with corset detail on top, definitely a winner.. Once she tweaked the lighting so her hair stood out abit more. It was one more step to becoming someone else.

Below the clouds looked down like a carpet of white and greys , as she watched from her window seat, speeding towards to Sol City at hundreds of miles per hour. All the person next to her, saw was a tired alabastor skinned woman, with a rather bold choice in hair, a blood red jewal close round her neck. Not that he relised how symbolic it was, or how she was glad to be noticed on her own terms.

Everything had been pretty intense, ans her body was still changing, slowly, but surely. It was kinda tiring, and thr champagne did not help. Closing her eyes and pulling a blanket up, she fell asleep sleeping peacefully as they flew to Sol. She just hoped this was not all a dream.

(Mentioned in passing, messages or so)

@RoccanIronclad(Text sent weekend. Unless Milo had mastered time travel lol)

@Almalthia@Silver Fox(general references)

Marilnalia Romus. Sol International

Wednesday, main airport.

The Chapter one Epilogue

Marinalia smiled at a passing server she had talked to previously this week, the staff here where pretty nice and ultimately profeshinal. Though she did prefer that deadalus have you a few more uniform choices than some. The lovely outfits of some of a middle Eastern airlines where alot less flexible on what you could wear.

Though she did have to admit, the uniform suited her very nicely and yeas of swimming had meant it hugged her figure almost perfectly without looking trashy. Of course he was casualy dressed. Can take the winner from the Joel but the Joel out the winner.

, some things change. Some things stay the same.

Poking at his hoody, and casual outfit, not in a hostile way but more just a fact. It was good he had not become a different person due to winning. Sorry about what... Well she had opened the door, she would have to follow through if she even wanted to keep a freind. However difficult.

Pausing a second, she thought, her grey eyes locked in deep contemplation a short time as she structured or tried to her feelings about the disaster of a evening. There was alot of feelings and emotions floating about.

OK... So I bitch and a tad rude, and we'll then I ran off because I was afraid to admit weakness to Sio, Siahborn I think is how you pronounce her name... One with that blue dress, pretty red hair though.

Thinking of a dozen other words to describe that dress, she kept it polite despite the fact it was downright several inches too short for even a mini dress in her mind. She was not gonna drag that thought into this. It was exact Oposite of things she needed to do. Her hair was pretty though and it would of been ideal... We for a diffrent venue in Marinalia opinion bit not a gala event.

I was a pretty horrible person sums it up about right. I know I did alot wrong. I'm not sure I could of messed that evening up worse if I tried bar falling over drunk and flashing everyone. Glad I had tape to keep that dress in place!

I'm sorry I tarnished your victory party... It should have been... Well I should of been a better host and person.

But... Much I should be harsh Victoria, she was horible... She my sister and one of few I can trust totally here, who I can talk to and rely on... bar maybe you for some reason I cannot yet make sense of.

She in hospital right now, somthong meant to help I was told. It kinda makes it hard to be as harsh right now though for me. I Don, t want to lose her for another 13 or years.

Giving him a look that said he wanted honesty, and that she was opening the book, Victoria was very much a split point, she needed her but also relised she had been pretty nasty too. It was difficult to admit or put into logical reason. The two where close and th ings had taken a knock but the bond between them would take alot more than that to break. Maybe dent it abut but no where near break it in two. Joel might disagree heavily with her position but she was stuck between a rock and a hard place on that point, losing her sister would hurt alot more, and they had grown extremely close despite the strange times they had forst met and the events that had spiraled round.

Relsing how much she was unloading, but he did ask so, well he did get.

I Don, t have to explain but I will. I need to just stop hiding things.

Bob... His rough hands, that night, the foul drink whose smell still I vividly remember. Feeling sick and dizzy. Every single detail from the guy kissing my freind below stage, and the very words.

The capture brought all up what I tried to Bury... I tried to hide it away. It made the wound fresh again, a wound I did not let heal.

Not noticing he hand was shaking alot and she dropped the cookie remains on the floor, almost suprising for her... She almost thought to grab his hand. What was wrong with her... She was pretty confused why that instrinct had jumped at her.

his flight had started approach at the gate, it would only be a few minutes, maybe, 10 max to boarding as they unlocked the doors and did final cabin checks before hand. Laughing slightly at his comment about the flight deck.... Mayne not a plane fly one... But there one in airports hidden away corners. Several in fact in the training hangers here.

well that's a 777, they retired theirs years ago. Oh and FYI.. That's a airbus a380 coming into land, the gold and white one. direct flight from dubai. Not many airlines fly many of them bar middle esst. Too expensive. Enjoy thr view.

Theres a ground trainer we have here, old 747 cargo model, I probbly could even get you a "flight" on it. Its not used very much. I was trying to get hang of it... But too disconnected. Too big. Its like your flying but you cannot quite feel it.

First time I tried I managed to mess up my power up, spin the plane and fly it into a terminal because I forgot to power my port engines to full! I kinda crashed more than got in the air...

Pausing, she was unsure what to do or say. How where they parting and would they even speak again. It was all.. Unknown to say the least. Still laughing slightly from admiring there was somthing she could not fly very well. Though it would be like Joel driving a semi truck.

I should let you catch your flight. Stay safe, enjoy the sushi, avoid godzilla and Mothra. Hear those to get rowdy in Tokyo. The offer of thr mosquito flight still stands though.

Trying to end on a posetive note, and joking, she did want to try and at very least remain freinds, well if he let her after that evening. She had to admit to herself and heart she had done alot of damage. And it would take time to fully repair that night's fallout.

She was glad and somewhat more relaxed to have got that off her chest, at least he could take hr or leave her and know ernough to make his choice.


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