Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Coffee Pot Victoria - Footsteps Sports Bar Marinalia - wensday Afternoon


Marilania was waiting as for a refill on the coffee she was drinking and saw a mountain of muscles and rowdy guys walk into the bar, all big, some bigger, one of them was a utter giant though and looked like had walked out the Got box set she was watching last night in bed. They where definitely a bunch of charecters and causing ernough of a stir around to makw a little zone of clear bar around there table.

More of a problem was that they had her Coffee refill mistakenly taken with there rather large and alcoholic round of drinks and if she wanted her cafine fix Marinalia would have to go over and claim it back from the muscle bound monsters. After the attack at Jaxx night that kind of situation made her alot more nervous than before and and fumbled about her bag for somthing, sliding a can of CS spray and a stun gun concealed depper in her bag.. After recent events she had taken things more seriously but stopped short of her aunts suggestion of a dagger, Marla always took things to the extreme.

Dressed in a flight jacket with a multitude of patches including a UK flag, gold wings and a bunch of various airline badges from Europe to Alaska. With a slight tap as she dropped off the barstool and patted down the fitted office skirt part of her more formal uniform. She did not quite like the 4 stripe designs and just wore the gold wings.

Heading over, slightly scared though her accent was pure British, with long blonde hair and a athletic figure built from years in the pool. It was pretty intimidating but she wanted her coffee more. Tapping the giant slightly and reaching over to get the coffee pot off the tray. Nerves kicking in, her accent was approaching cut glass old British. Standing at 5'5 she was aloy smaller and shorter than this mountain of a mano.

Expectkng the odd jeer or comment at that, she tried to remain clam as possible and just get her cafine fix and not wanting to wait the age a busy bar would be for a new round.

Excuse me, you have my coffee.

Just after my cafine fix.

Yeah, the nerves caused by group probbly did not help the servers memory, they seemed rowdy but not the same sense of dread or thr bad vibes she got off the jazz night group though. They where rowdy but not... The malichous nature was not there.

She had to admit, the man mountian made her curious out of sheer nature of being so huge, you rarely saw people that large and they always had a decent story.

@Silver Fox

Victoria waves aside Ashton weak protest against paying, she earned it and let her gesture to menu options before she placed a quick order to a server and turned back to Ashton, with a slight twirl as her hair was graduating between the colours in motion.

Taking a a little time to work out the what Ashton meant, yeah she had changed alot and appreciated the compliment.she had changed alot but definitely felt better in herself now.

Yep, I still Don, t like hospitals though!

I even started a new job, so things seem abit better than you last met me. Not quite so much of a mess now.

Ashton always took some guessing to work out exactly whst she meant, OK? Alright? She seemed to be implying she was not hurt badly and Victoria could understand that look, having been well on receiving end of it a good few times. Feeling a skittle bad about it but it it was hard to when you knew someone was healthy last time you met them.

As she handed over the article, yeah she definitely missed that as she was out of it, tests, or appointments in hospital and so. She had mm spent the week busy and so, barely even had time to message anyone yet alone check the news. Ashton had been, well a hero... A slightly foolish hero perhaps by a hero none the less. No wait... Was it... She might have been flying out that morning and had a early night. Impressed, and slightly Suprised... She jumped 5 floors, burns, legs and she was walking about... Her doctors had a fit at far less!

Wow.. Hero of the city then. Congratulations.. Though get well soon and back to work. That was extremely brave of you, though maybe be more careful! You might run out of lives.

Yeah, I probbly was heading to Texas probbly that morning, left very early for well..what made me... Like me.

Woah... Sol got.. Dangerous.. That and the stuff from work... Damn. That's scary... Those places well protected... No wonder security was nervous.

With last part as more a comment to her own thoughts, arson attacks, sharks on the Web, round up of local criminals... And a baby Rhino born, well that was adorable. She would have to register a name. Bit of fun to make up for the dark tidings. Pokey... Pokey and polo? Hopefully not rhino with a hole though. Cardinal might be intrested knowing that orgonozed crime and so was seeming to go crazy of late alongside the feds. He might want to go careful on his searches she knew he deny.

Finding a note pad she acquired from work. "Black Shield Security and Defense Research." with thr image of two Greek soldiers from Theres back to back with spears drawn and Sheilds raised, wrongly attributed to be Spartans alot. They did not have best reputation at a all, but she trusted Ashton somewhat. She gave her a good feeling about things. Writing down a phone number and a address in Park View. Would be nice to keep in touch anyway. Even if phone calls not work. Though there new home was alot more able to welcome guests than the old.

Keep in touch in future? I'm kinda staying in city for abit.

Moving house is never fun though!

Laughing slightly, and talking n gesturing over coffee and some cake, it was a nice way to send a afternoon. Normal even, espechily after a somewhat busy day dealing with Sols newfound cyber bait that seemed to waking every fish after scraps possible.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Alright, I'll keep that in mind :)

Also it's just a small thing but maybe just include a sma header to so where you are, it does not have to be fancy even just a bold sentence above your post.

It makes a potentially complicated fact multiple posts in multiple locations easy as pie.

Home made apple pie... :)
Finally got my first post up! Let me know if there's anything wrong with it :)

Next time, just tag a player your interacting with etc more as a way so everyone knows who is aiming to talk to, or watch or so to who.

Just makes life easy.
First post is up!

Kurt gonna look at them big ol' lizard bones.

Congratulations first ever visitor to the OK Sol museum :)

Discord link

Join the cities grape vine of gossip!

Anyone new who joined recently.. Here is our discord.

All important info is listed in OOC for maximum viability and ease of access but it's just our chat Corner for general chat, back and forth discussion etc and more.



If you got sorry for the extra tag, if not join if you like..
It's just a fun extra to the RP.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Wednesday Afternoon - Coffee Pot - "MiLady Corvus returns anew"

@Silver Fox

Victoria was waiting, as the encriptions locked one by one, point to point and behind 1024 bit codes, youd spend weeks just trying to identify where and where it was sent before you even stood a chance at breaking into the data being transmitted. it was slow as hell for anything but simple text but closest you could get to unbreakable for the present. green lights and codes flashed across until the chat screen finally opened, it was a public wifi but the advanced security easily compensated for any risks.


<Milady>Know why SOl so active right now. its a feeding frenzy right now

<Cardinal>Sol, you know i don't go down the rabbit hole anymore

<Milady>Sure about that . Oscillating security keys are not widely known . had to be one of the musketeers

<Cardinal>False . you know the suits likely have that tech . We where not only ones working in shadow realms . Business but we had so much more

<Milady>I made that security key . you think i not tell . Bullshit . That was fun, we never would of worked long term

<Milady>True . your not only smart one . your talking to one . We never tried . your threat map is way up . Il look . i aint going deep though . Im tiny bit curious now . Thanks X . Still a chance V .


Sure, he knew more than he let on and she knew more than was revealed, it was a dance they always played and had done for past few years. They had worked together when she was back in England, dated and spent a few memorable nights in Moscow on a job "sharing to save money" as they had started out. well they both knew that had been a lie but hey. It had ended, it never was going to last, well maybe... that looked at the time about as likely as England winning the world cup though.

Still the mystery was proving ever deeper, someone big had a intrest on SOl alright and Victoria had a bad feeling it would be not a good reason that the city had drawn the eyes of a larger fish. there was always minows but the great sharks always swam with purpose and reason. they never did anything just for fun.

Pausing from her thoughts Victoria noticed someone was approaching and felt a nudge as her coffee made little rings in its surface, looking up she spotted the slightly goofy wave of Ashton, yeah had to be her. No one else she had met was as distinctive in Sol so far. Bar maybe the red headed cop.. she was definitely pretty though her hair stood out in her mind for some reason. Drama not so much, red hair yes now.

Looking up with the same grey eyes, though her skin tone was more like alabaster and her hair raven black rather than ghostly white it used to be. Blinking slightly and noticing a cane, and what looked like some definite injuries. Yep, that definitely was Ashton but she had certainly been busy of late. The level of change in Victoria she was surprised she had made the link, having to look up, the treatment had not changed her height in anyway, but she was dressed in a black and red corset topped dress, something the old Victoria never would have worn. a Blood red stone glittered on a short necklace round her neck, a symbolic purchase of her anew. Victoria looked a tinge gothic, but with the pale skin and dark hair, the look did suit her nature and disposition. More importantly, for first time in years she felt like she was in charge now, not the illness.

With same English accent adding the tinge of Russian she had the Gala, ashton was nice to her that night, pretending to be someone else, not in this situation. Some things like her hand position was hard to break and seemed to instiively want to reach for a stick that was not there getting up and so, but after all 9 years of habits was hard to break and she still needed it at times. she never would be fully back to old health but was far better than her former self.

Hey, I changed abit. Still Vika, I got cured of a sorts. This is the real me hidden under the illness.

Sit, rest your .. well i know what standing about with a stick is like. its not always easy.

She had the posture ok, but at the angle she used she used did not look perfectly comfortable, though she had 9 years to master it forced by circumstance and health. She was honest, this was her before she had fallen ill, it was her returned. The risks had been worth it, 70% chance of success, 30% stuck in a wheel chair, but when you had lost so much it was worth the risk even if she would never be a athlete again.

Gesturing for Ashton to join her and kind of nervously running a hand through the raven black hair as the vertical highlights of purples and blues graduated though, Victoria gestured to Menu in a welcoming manner, she could at least buy her a coffee for looking after her that evening. If ashton reconised her, would anyone else but she seemed to be confused to so perhaps she could pass for someone else even to guests at the party? that would be fun to test anyway, might be a handy ability, all she needed was some decent sunglasses and perhaps a change of makeup style?

You looked after me, seems im returning the favour, Want a coffee?

You where kind to me when i was feeling abit down and more vunrable, least i can do.

Looking slightly concerned at the stick and her seeming new crop of injuries, she did not want to quite open that door so directly and obviously though. Folding down the laptop to be polite, Cardinal would be to busy digging, he pretended to be interested but he loved a good mystery. one of the things that had brought them together for a time in the first place. looking back, she shook her head slightly at old thoughts and eyes snapped back to present and Ashton.

@Silver Fox

Your reply be later today won, t make you wait too long :)
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