Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Footsteps Sports Bar Marinalia - wensday Afternoon


Marilania sipped a mug of coffee, she had poured the pot in a mug and left that on the table.it certainly was making her a tiny bit nervous but it also was nice to get out of thr house, meet diffrent people and also have abit of fun. She had not had a night out in a few weeks, but this was a way to ease herself back into the world.

She did have a good collection of stories and moments flying in multiple countries, Italy she definitely missed the food, wine and... Men... Out there. It had been a warm summer but her tan had not lacked for a while after that job. Alaska had been difficult, challenges, storms, mountains and more. It had been a true challenge for a pilot but the people had been great and the scenery was some of the best in the world. Bo turned out to be a physical therapist, that definitely was a suprise for a man who was a giant who he thought would not have such a gentle or refined touch being a huge guy.

That's definitely unexpected. Not in a bad way! Still, you help people, that's good.

The storms off Alaska definitely where abit combative... Bit of change from Amalfi coast previously. Food though... Those stories might take a while though.

The whole scar thing was a little bit of a difficult point, she hid it alot, party because she did want it misread. She had been mugged. Things went bad, next things she knew she felt pain and alot of blood. It was difficult especially when it cost her a chance to swim on a national team potentially.

She only really wore a bikini sunbathing and the whole having a large private balcony and back garden made that easy, no one would ever see, and she was OK with that. Plus abit more freedom too. The new house had a few perks. Answering his questions was not always going to be a easy answer but he had genuinely asked her too. She noted the guys laughing about. And joking. They seemed a motley lot but not quite as scary as first apeeared. Still nervous a a little but she did not have quite the same foreboding.

Its kind of mixed, I had to leave one love but gained another. Though by the myth, well diffrent to TV! You might want a diffrent hero then.

Oh... I swim.. Just not competive anymore. The edge is so narrow, it not take much to fall off. Congratulations, that may be a decisive opinion though.

He seemed pretty normal, well normal as anyone she seemed to meet was, almost everyone in this city had been a charceter, good, bad, evil bastad or plain strange and distant. Rleising she was monopolising his time, though she was a attractive woman and probbly could get away with it, but she was not feeling like exploiting her charms today.

Turning slightly, with a smile, she was just in a suprise social situation and so, it was not a planned event in any sense though. It had been a random idea to come for a steak and coffee instead of facing more Sol traffic. One that paid off somewhat.

just came here randomly after work. Il not monopolise your celebration. Your not what I expected. Good of course. Il be at the bar till traffic calms if you want. Traffic on park view road is basically grid locked right now. Worse than old harbour route right now.

Maybe see you at Luna Sports one day.

With a wave and turn, hearing the group jest abit at him havong bumped into a pretty woman after her coffee, and alot she did not hear as she headed over to bar and gave Tommy a wave and quickly replying to a message off Victoria about picking up some milk from earlier. Diffrent house, same problems, just a few bigger ones. Tea without milk was just plain wrong.

Propped on a barstool, she gave Tommy a freindly glance and ticked off a few things in a small diary, noting her flight hours and such, it was easier while she remembered everything than bits and bobs later, and she loved her liscense too much to risk it. Paperwork sucked but if she wanted the fun, you had to take the suck side too. The files in office probbly would of made a good doorstop.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

That's a funny way of spelling Piper.

Dat Gattling laser though. He took down a beoamoth without much fuss.

And took about 4 full enclave kill teams unloading everything at him simalatianously to even create even a dent in his health. That guy could tank the alien blaster!

Can piper do that?

I'm more a fallout fan than skyrim :)

Ps Fawkes is the greatest companion ever...

I think i know what you're getting at here, but I'm a little concerned others won't be able to follow it. Need to let @PrinceAlexus weigh in. Also, a little more defined history would help. Saying that the character has no known history gives you the ability to write in whatever you want as the story goes on. While we don't ask for a lot, just a little would be helpful there.

Seems like an interesting concept though and would probably fit in with some of the other characters.

Yeah. @Marx if you clarify the details abit more it would help. We Don, t have issues with meta gaming and so. It does make it harder to get a idea what kind of charceter we have here.

Defenitely intresting idea, and it has potential but a a little bit of background info that's solely Meta than IC would not hurt us to understand things abit better and how it all slots in.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Footsteps Sports Bar Marinalia - wensday Afternoon


Marilania was Suprised when the roughly built and rather bulky spoke was a deep but we'll, rather civilised tone for someone hanging about in a "Scar off" or whatever they called it and looking like they all got punched by chuck norris with a flaming cactus.

Still keeping her attention on the guys and sipping a coffee as Tommey waved over. Yeah that was definitely Tommey! He was in a smart suit and all though this time, she was sued to seeing him in race overalls and more casual wear. Giving him a more relaxed smile, and a slightly more comfortable with herseld than the emotinal mess he had previously met the few weeks before. The consuling and safety she drew from her new home was working wonders, Bob was sliding more from a haunting thought to a past nightmare, a nightmare it would always be but it was being forced back into the past.

With a slight glance realising, she did not want to seem to be rude to the other, the guy seemed polite ernough and she knew Tommey. Adding a explanation and if thr photo of a pink stunt plant in a perfect x cross with the winning race car on the old Sol a airport in a neck to neck air vs land race midway through thr lap.

We met before, before the grand prix. I was flying that day, he a good egg.

Looking over to Tommy, shake returned a freindly wave and gave a slight twirl showing off her patches combined with nicely fitted office uniform of a skirt, blouse with wings and uniform jacket under her full flight jacket. It was not flirty, more just showing she was feeling better about herself. Strangely she seemed a little more at ease. Well tommey was about. She knew him. She still was a little bit nervous about everything going on that minute previous but less so than before.

Hey Tommy. Hope last few weeks gone well.

New job, things seem to be looking up.. Big wig office day. Mr Lorax

Adding with a a little smile, it was abit cheeky but hey. They had already made the joke once when he got a package addressed under the same name. She stopped short of asking him where the trees where. A a little bit more of her old self was beginning to poke out with time, little steps, thry said it would take time to ever get past some of the events that happened before and that was alright. Long as she was making progress.

Keeping a eye on both prole, she did not want to seem rude, just more was glad to see someone she knew too. Most people she knew in city where from work and the fee freind ships she had made where not always the most stable.

At least her late lunch had not been a boring one.

Just so it's in here as well- will be gone this weekend c: gonna get a reply up today; but next one won't be till Monday.

Great, and Don, t worry, post when you can. We know everyone has more or less free time than others.

Reply should be today, or tommrow. Depends how busy my day is and what time I get home :)
Finally got a post up! yay me

Welcome back to the adventure :)

Guild seems to be stable again.

Hopefully that was the only bump in the road.
In Be Random 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

Things are less fun when you permantly float...

Unless you somehow manifested a non universe present athema... But then again that require a pylon network...

*oh. *

Bouncey castles are fun... Did I just ramble...
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