Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Most Recent Posts

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether - Friday Evening

Marinalia remembered thr last time she saw Ashton was a rather bad night for her, Victoria was blind drunk and she was badly upset with things. In hindsight they had kinda caused a few problems for themselves, and not reacted the best to events but that was 20:20 and at thr time she was befuddled by emotions, arguments and alcohol. Her and her family's women had never had the best of luck it seemed.

Ashton, yep, she definitely had been through the mill of life abit and picked up a few scars, unlike Marlin who could far more easily hide hers. Long as she not wear a bikini or so, no one would notice the scar from that mugging gone wrong.

With a smile Ashton responded to her offer of a drink with a steering wheel gesture, a shake of her head and a little gesture. Thanks to traveling alot around the world she had become fairly proficient at translating gestures and actions. Everyone spoke English but some better than others, so you had to be willing to improvise a a little to make things work out. Did they not use Uber, maybe a cab... Dragging someone out as designated driver was OK if you switched and changed it around abit. It was not kind to ask someone to do it all the time. Not knowing the situation, she assumed Ashton volunteered though.

Uber, its not too bad on price of you book in advance.


Laughing slightly at how random a person falling into your lap was and hiding behind drinking her glass of wine, she was going a little easier than previously having learnt her rather hard lesson about getting drunk at events without family around to help her or freinds. Marinalia had become more cautious in Sol.

Some woman, yeah, she was sure she had seen her before entered, had she? She looked familiar in some strange way, rather tall and athletic.. Unless she had seen her at Luna sports when she went for her regular swim, could have been there, she did seem to fit thr rough mould of the place. As she aoroached, she thought about saying hello before they made a sharp detour away and seemed spooked by somthing. Most strange. Definitely dressed for the night, abit more casual than others but it worked for her. Marlin rested her leather jacket on her lap as fairly warm in the vennue, just below the knee dark boots dangling off thr stool as a cooler night with a partially backless slightly shorter little black dress. Some might say "basic" white girl, but it was also a classic that worked for most events too.

Outside there was some kind of small commotion and so going on outside, the loud engines before, maybe someone had arrived in fancy dress or had a dramatic wardrobe malfunction?

Sat at the bar, you had a good view round the club so ideal space to see what was going on, the noise and little reaction outside had tweaked her curiosity. Tonight was definitely not going to be a boring one though and it seemed like it might get intresting. This time round she was going to stay miles away from the firing line should the assholes 3 return. After landing there buddy in jail, they likely be unfriendly...

@King Tai@Silver Fox

Replies come tommrow for anyone relevelent :)
Hey, this looks great and I would love to apply, if that's alright with you. Would I post the character here first and then if she's approved move her over to the Character's thread?

Also, I don't know if this is a silly question or not but, how do we decide on an occupation? Are there already existing places in the city and we decide where we work, or do we just make the places up ourselves? Sorry if this has been asked before and I just didn't notice. I'm getting a bit lost in all these posts and I have no idea how I'll ever manage to catch up xD


Pick any you want, existing and your own invention. Some of our locations began as player creations and work places. CS system is right, just tag me and Pilatus when your done, as we both approve them first.

And if you need help jumping in, just ask us!

We welcome new players, and we always help you link in if your want and need it.
Friday Evening

Friday Evening 'til Late . Event . Karaoke and Open Mic with Live Music at Club Aether . Winter's Evening and Slightly Cooler, Need a Jacket . Unseasonably Warm .

"Hey, hey! What's this I see? I thought this was a party?! LET'S DANCE!" Footloose, 1984

Break out your bling, put on your dancing shoes and maybe forget your dignity, it's Friday Night, and it's a

Club Aether welcomes everyone to their famous Friday nights with both live music and opportunities for anyone to take to the stage and strut, sing and be footloose and fancy free enjoying the night away at one of the city's best clubs. Though the venue tends to favor more metal and a heavier vibe, there is a good range available and most people may find something they like, hopefully something new. While the club may be a bit grittier than regular tastes, give it a try, maybe you like it, you only know if you go.

Open Evening 'til Late. It's worth the wait. Don't be Late!


SOL source of News since 1895

Man collapses at Zoo on Wednesday

Sol City Zoo announced that a male who collapsed at the City Zoo was taken to Sol Memorial that afternoon. Local citizens and a staff member near Bear Mountain rushed to his aid and gave food and water until the man could be taken for further treatment. Sol City's Citizens continue to show that the light that makes SOL City famous is not just the bright night scenes but also the kindness and welcoming nature of its people. The exact names of those who helped are not being released.

Though we have had no further news on the man, Star Messenger wishes him a fast and full recovery.

Reports of someone trying to enter, and challenge an animal to a duel in a Zoo Spokesperson's own words where unfounded, "All our animals are accounted for and in good health. In a update to previous events, the Gender of Pokey's Calf is still unknown and keepers do not want to risk interfering as mother and calf are in a delicate stage of bonding."


Daedalus Airlines announces new flight training program

Deadalus Airlines has announced plans to recruit new pilots and add to its training center based at Old Sol International. The company training manager was quoted when we where invited to see a training class recently: "We are investing in Sol City, its people and if you ever had a dream to fly, now is a once in a life time chance to try."

Many of the pilots we spoke to at the centre come from varied places close and afar, one of there newest instructors, a Female Pilot from United Kingdom who requested we not publish her name praised the expansion and told our reporter who joined in on a lesson. "Its best job in the world, We don't need you to have experience, Just work hard and be willing to learn. Its not always easy, but it always rewarding"

Anyone who wishes to join the program or find out more information can find out on their website, or phone up and arrange an appointment at the Old Sol International training centre and see things for your own eyes.


Cyber Crime on the Rise

With the continuing work of the mayor's approved Federal taskforce, criminal elements in Sol City are seeking more opportunities in the nebulous digital realm. A spokesperson with the taskforce stated that cyber crime in the area was on the rise as the streets prove to be significantly less profitable than in days past. While spokesperson wouldn't give Star Messenger an exact figure, they did go on to say they are shifting a significant amount of attention to combating cyber crime around Sol.

Citizens should be vigilant as ever in their daily business when using bank and credit cards as well as any online correspondence they deem to be confidential.



SOL CITY continues to experience a much warmer than usual Winter season. Friday evening should be a comfortable night. You will need a jacket but its warmer than the past 12 year averages. The reported cold front is delayed due to warmer conditions, though citizens are advised to keep some basic supplies stocked just in case the weather changes rapidly.

@King Tai
Well I can add one lesson.

Planning. Planning and forward thinking.

Its how me and someone else got two well off the ground, and completed one.

Its what day you launch, using times people most likely on, considering how you advertise and where. There's alot motmre stratagy than posting up and hoping it sticks.

Oh. Forgot to get you one.


Our discord, not required to join as we post all important announcements in OOC but its more for fun.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether - Friday Evening

Marinalia gave a small smile watching thr bar, and the rather awkward couple was rather plain cute together, and ended up raising a cheer in thr background as a ship seemed to set sail and push off from the docks. Raising a wine glass in return to the womans rather extravagant shout out the bar, it was fun people watching and this bar was far from a boring place to watch the world.

Yep! Cheers!

It was fun to be out, and it was more intresting than being sat at home. She had been feeling a a little stuck and trapped by things and a night out in the city seemed to be a good cure. While the house as quiet, private and safe, it could be rather lonely in a sense. They where set back from the road behind tall gates, and the garden was behind the house enclosed by mature trees. Hedges and walls. No one could see into it though, and given the recent weather held this weekend, it might be nice to catch abit of sun, in the late afternoon as things began to warm up properly. The parisian home had been built a long time before the Olympus family purchased it, 1800 somthing. It was old and had large fire places, grand windows and thick walls to make most and adapt to the northern climate. Firewood was kept in one of the garages, just in case though it never had been cold ernough to ever require it.

The pretty woman next to her with pale blue hair handed over a card, at first it seemed a a little strange but her name was definitely not as regular and had to read the name a few times to work out the exact pronunciation. At least she seemed fairly kind though placing her accent and rather mixed up name, part eastern, part northern. It was rather diffrent though this city seemed to attract those different and seeking intresting places and people.

Thanks, you too! Im new to a metal bar.

No cards I'm afraid, I teach people to fly though. Office views are unbeatable!

Happy she had got the tone right for a metal bar, Victoria had a far better wardrobe for this kind of thing, though she was son diffrent in height and build was impossible to borrow anything. Jewellery maybe but both sisters already regularly borrowed the odd necklace and so. Her necklace of 3 silver moons glittering over a planet was somthing she always wore though, it was simple but a old gift, and one she wore regularly just using different lengths of chains. As for her job, her love of flying came across even when she was not dressed in uniforms, flight jackets or happily giving the middle finger to gravity. Of all the things she could do, the job at flight school was perfect.

Nothing her words as she had turned over to Ashton a second to thank her, Victoria was close, and she was glad that someone had looked out for her.

Went out with my godfathers family in Moscow. Multi day hangover. Water. Always water!

Laughing slightly, she noticed another person approach the busy bar... Wow how busy was this place, she never had been to this part of the city at night, no wonder some of the other venues where more quiet. He seemed a a little shorrter for a guy, and approached Ashton practically landing her lap, it certainly was a strange sight ans he turned red as a tomato.

This was gonna be a night that took both the sisters a while to describe and catch up on, maybe get the uber to swing by Frying Nemon for fish and chips and curry.

Outside there was a loud roar greatly muffled and muted by the noise inside , she only could tell as as a pilot Marinalia was better tuned to the sound of engines, and monitoring one, it was faint but that was definitely a loud car... Whatever it was. Whoever it was wanted to make a show of there arrival and had the car to do it. Personally she preferred her landrover, so much more comfy than the hightly tuned monsters, ahd the fact of havong a useful boot space, tail gate and so. Range rover would be cool, but they where rather expensive to buy and hard to rent over in the US.

@Alex_The_Great@MissCapnCrunch@Pilatus@Rodiak@Silver Fox
I'm from Dallas. I can say firsthand, foreigners are pretty common, even not counting Latin Americans. Especially in colleges. My first class in college, native-born Americans were actually in the minority, and of my five closest acquaintances in that class, three were born outside the US, and one was a first-generation American.

At my High School, Americans were in the majority, but even still, there was a noteworthy population of kids from outside the states.

America is so huge and varied, its kinda cool that way.

Well, you could ask 100 people and get 100 unique answers. From small country towns to the southern border, bright and famous cities to edge of the world Alaskan remote as they come settlements.

Statistics are nice, but they mostly average. And averages rarely play out on paper and on the ground quite the same.
Reply to people should be tommrow

Ive been enjoying a day of excellent food :)
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