Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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@Silver Fox@PrinceAlexus

My post was written on my phone, sorry if there are any mistakes!

I do mine on phone, Don, t worry :)

It was a good post.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether - Friday Evening

Marinalia felt a buzz as she left the stage, walking back over to the bar and noticed Victoria seeming to be with a taller man who was holding her hand, and the two seemed to give a impression that they definitely where a a little intresting.

The stage was a a little quieter and things and she was wondering who would come up next, the previous ones had made a good go and carried range in songs. It definitely was a fun night here being and everything. Maybe she would have to go with more Victoria on her ideas. Work had let her make a few friends with a range of different people and they had different worlds, and let you find out about different places. That was where they had found the metal bar night.

Heading back over the bar, dancing along slightly to the musix where she had and retrived her fake leather jacket from behind the bar who had kept it whole she was singing. It was a cooler night and despite being a cheap one, it would be a cold trip home, especially in a partly backless designed little black dress. It looked good on the athletic and long haired blonde though, and she looked round the bar spot that had been taken by Victorias man she had attracted. Noticing a free spot next to a extremely tall woman. Wait... Yeah she reconised that was one with Victoria at party and a woman, who was dressed a slightly more Conservative black dress, and a leather jacket and rather distinctive pale blue hair.

Ashton... Was that her name Victoria has said? She has a cane now, and was not dressed as fancy as Marlin had last seen her, she definitely had been hit by a rather extreme somthing in her life. Sliding into a spare seat between them, it felt safer than the one near the guys being a lone female in a bar. Victoria would be busy for a while, though she looked in a good mood.

Excuse me, looked a a little safer over here. Plus you had good dress sense. I'm Marinalia Romus. Nice hair by the way.

White wine please, large one please.

Smiling and joking slightly to the woman at the bar, hard to miss with hair that pale blue, her aunt had ice blue in hers, but only highlights. It tried to break the awkward, and she put some cash down on the bar and a small tip with it rounding off the sum to the bar keep. Keeping bar staff on side was a good way to try and be a little safer. She had become a little more conchous of the fact after events previous.

Turning back to Ashton, she gave her a small bid recognising her, she had become more comfortable using her dad's surname and varried abit between the two more than solely using Olympus. People found it a tad confusing as there family naming system was almost solely M names, so being Romus Olympus was a handy distinction she had to think.

You must be Ashton? Olympus Heavy Engineering Gala at city hall?

Thanks for helping my sister that night, she was a a little drunk, speeking of drinks, you want one?

Noticing Ashton just leaving her friend who seemed to have a date and wondered if she had randomly picked a guy up, or it was planned as she had brushed past her on approach... Yeah she was sure she had seen them together at party, thr memory was foggy in booze and emotional wreckage though. The details of the night where a a little blurred and distorted, some clear as day, others almost entirely forgotten.

Looking about, she wondered what suprises and people the night would bring. There was a man near where Victoria was leaving in a pretty distinctive orange suit, wheel chair too... Certainly different. Victoria had been a little sharp with him it looked from a distence, but not. Strange, maybe he was someone from work or so... The lot she described in the department and others had a few ecenntrics... Very very smart and skilled... But just a a little strange.

Her grey eyes glanced the man a second, stood with some woman... She was not a partner... Too... No... Somthing between them, not quite love, not hate, but trust. Despite her blonde stereotype, she could be perceptive when she wanted to. Down the bar, a couple... Awwwwwww! OK they where adorable. Awkward but adorable in thr distence.

@Silver Fox@CaptainSully@MissCapnCrunch@Conscripts@Rodiak@Almalthia


I am unsure why you mentioned me XD

Oops... Sorry forgot about the top tag.

I edited a old Victoria title from previous but forgot to untag you.


Have a digital cookie and a kitten that sings to make up.
Citizens welcome :)
Hey folks, real life is getting real unruly real quick, so I'm sad to say but I gotta withdraw from this RP.

Thanks for having me, and I hope that everyone has a great time!

You always welcome back if things calm down.

Life before RP but if life let's you RP, always welcome.


Missed tags on post by mistake.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Wednesday Evening . Club Aether . "Daughter of Persephone"

@Silver Fox

Victoria blushed a a little at the description, she had to admit he was smooth as hell, not that she minded, just she was not sure what she exactly wanted at this point, though it never hurt to have a a little fun. He seemed pretty handsome and had a certain charm. How far she let him go was not sure, but for now she just wanted to enjoy the momment, and break the mould a a little she had cast for herself.

Giving him a smile, she had a alternative view point on things, and had certain aspects that varied, especially with some of the strange things she had to face in life.

I always found a certain affinity to Melinoe, daughter of Persephone. its hard to explain. I have had a strange life, and the odd similarity.

A Siren.. Be careful lest you sail to close to the rocks, and Atropos cut your fate short.

Adding with a slight smirk, he was not the only one who had read about the Greek myhts and legends, though it was a a little fun to trade the responses, and a nice little challenge. A goddess both black and white, deathly pale had somehow resonated with her own status in life, she was both black and white quite in the literal sense. The aspect of her being goddess of madness, well that was a curve ball. Her notice had been when she had seen a beuterful painting in Moscow of her, a split image and at time, seeing that such pale, and illness could still evoke beutey.

Taking his hqnd with her much smaller one, he might get a dance, and maybe a kiss but if he got somthing more might be a a little harder, she did not just want to be too easy and someone's extra notch on a well carved bed post. Hiding it, she was a a little nervous as before she had been alot more frail and dancing was not always the easiest, without being seen to be so close to someone. Sliding off the stool she was quite abit shorter even with the small heal, and slender figure was displayed in a fitted dress and tights, that helped make the rather short dress decent.

All in all the black did suit, a deep red and gold bracelet contrasting along side the blood red gem dangling from her neck.

Excuse me, may the codes ever be in your favour.

Still. Nice to meet someone else who understands the joy of well laid out Python and C++

Joking slightly to the man in the orange suit, and realising that he was over foot taller as she took Eathens hand, well that was not hard though, everyone bar some kid was taller than she was, and this was a bar... So everyone would be. It was just somthing she had to get used to. He was strange, and she had been a a little sharper, but after events, she did not like to be just a... Whatever person.. She was a person. Computer person she was happy, but that was only a part of Victorias life.

Looking over, with her grey eyes twinkling slightly in the club lighting, playing off her jewallry and silverry raven broach she had added randomly before he headed out... Another misunderstood creature she seemed to attract to.

Shall we then Eathen.

Laughing, OK they where turning the whole Greek thing overdone, but it was funny to be doing iy in a metal club of all places. Turning her head and causing the blues and purple vertical highlights, to merge into the deep black and out again in a rather pleasing effect. Victoria was going to have some fun, and a dance did not mean she had to do anything more, though nothing risked nothing gained. Had to open the door first.


Looks great. All seems to be in order. @Pilatus checks them over to, once they approve it, post over to CS and join in the fun :)
@Odin True, but at work we have an asian tradie who comes in and spends about a thousand per visit on jobs he's working for. I remember him cause he's an older guy who's bald but has a rat-tail at the back of his head (seriously awlful haircut), and cannot speak a lick of english.

Thousand per week, 52 weeks a year... it can add up in the perfect storm.

Also.. one person talks, and another and another...

sooner or later word gets out you treated one like crap, and another may not come to you.
Well, I suppose in Kitties defense, she has every right to ignore them for this and look like a jackass in response. I suppose I can understand the frustration living in a country where Turkish, Morrocan and Arab as well as Afro-American slang has taken over as the 'voertaal' in a way.

I just think responding like that makes you look like a massive cunt. But there's no laws against being a cunt. I don't think Kitty will change my mind (I am sure of that) but I don't think I'll change hers either.

There are facts that if you do that too often you might not be in a job to ignore them any more.

ive dealt with impossible custumers, and yeah there frustrating but this is where thinking on feet and adaptions come in.

it might be impossible for you, but not someone else.
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