Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Aye, ive done it, some customers are older, foreign, and many other things.

IT IS YOUR JOB TO ADAPT TO THEM, sometimes you cannot help them, and struggle to understand but that is where you call over someone else who may be twin language or better able to help.

theres always a way round, you just got to think on your feet and find it.

(this was highlighted as this is the main point of any customer service)
Hi! Just dropping in to say I'm gonna be working on a character for this, right now I'm thinking Taxi driver or bartender/waitress, will see what I decide haha

Great, more the merrier
Thinking bartender, social worker, teacher/professor, family doctor, as just some ideas.

What's one profession we dont have yet?

Pretty open, we can double up professions abit, there's plenty of charecters to interact with who diffrent :)

One bartender, one college educator.

I would love to join! I was wondering if I could play RP two women? To even out the ratio a little bit more.

Yes, but Im going to ask you play with one first, and see how you manage before taking on two at the same time. We do allow it though.

Important rule is to not RP with self, other than that your fine and dandy.

Thanks. :)
Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether . Friday Evening

Marinalia watches the woman finish her run and despite a shakey start came through and ans produced a solid peformence in the end, all it took was a alittle confidence. Smiling to her as she passed, distinctive blue hair... Very blue.

Great peformence.

Heading up thr blonde in a shorter black dress headed up and smiled before taking the mic and with a rusty start she found her voice a out a, 3rd through and soon was belting it out without a care in the world. Though Freddy Mercury might not be entirely aproving of her rendition. It was a rock bar, and it was a classic band. He'll they where British too... Time to give the Americans some culture. Bit by bit, she found her groove, dancing slightly to the song. Well if you embarrassed self... So it properly.

As the song carried on her nerves at being rusty managed to be overwhelmed by the adrenaline on ans fact she had not sung at all like this in years was forgotten. The song was complicated and with a few managed words she finished up confidently, blowing a kiss to a crowd and heading off the stage and passing the mic to the next person.

He looked... Diffrent with spacers, and a few things. Wait he was one who was trying to talk to Vika... Yeah he was right? Well he seemed to... Did someone scare him off.. She had only caught a second before it was her turn on stage.

good luck. Crowd seems friendly. Warmed em up for you

Smiling as she handed it over mic, she had the same eyes as her sister he had been staring at, both with matching grey, speaking in a very English accent despite her travels. It had remained pretty strong and crisp.

Maybe they should go here more often. It was seeming fun, and being quite glad Victoria had dragged her out this evening.

@Majoras End@Zaxter996

Victoria went a a little pink but mostly she just looked slightly less pale as she was not used to being the centre of attention, firstly the guy nearby came up, and was pure flirt. Taken aback by the whole situation she smiled and her grey eyes twinkled slightly. She never had been the woman they all tried to go after... This was somthong new... It was always Marlin.

He was... Yeah he was a singer from the Sirens... Was he the singer... He was definitely a member of that band. It had taken her a while to reconise as she had not quite followed and they looked diffrent from last time she had seen somthing about them. He was pure cheese and the kids was sheer drama but part of her loved it... The other side was her rational mind fighting his voice that seemed to be pure magic. How did she end up in such situations... She did have a ring, a ice blue diamond one no less but it was on the opposing side to that ring finger, there was no chance it coming off, it had been on her finger so long bar a few hospital treatments that it was slightly indented and a white mark into there. The ring had been tight when she first wore it but now it was just a extension of her.

Pulling her hand away after the kiss like a old fashioned lafy for show, she was determined not to just fall for the first cheesey line... However well presented it was, though her eyes did glitter slightly at the sheer randomness.

Hi, my name... But you could steal my powers!

Well... I have to credit you for the strongest cheese this side of France!

Now I reconise you, trying run my ship aground on the rocks are ye! A sirens call.

Laughing slightly and taking a drink from her vodka and coke, he definitely had a effect but she was sobre ernough to not just fall totally into his magical tones and be turned quite that easily with one line. She definitely was enjoying herself though. She was joking back, he was a in a bad and probbly expected it easy... Well he was cute but could not just let him have everything on a silver platter.

Victoria, that depends how you impress me. I normaly only fall over because I hate heals. What brings you to this bright beacon of a city?

Adding with a smile and a small challenge back, it was more fun that way, and she did not want to be seen as some easy woman who was turned by a single line and a old fashioned gesture. However much it was definitely confident and that could be pretty attractive.

Then someone rolled in, quite litalaly to be true. He did roll into the situation, introducing self and remarking that she worked in computers... Wait did she give off some pehermaone that told him that... Why they reconised each other made little sense but they did... Her response was a fraction colder at first... She was a person, not a job title but warmed more. Though it took on a slight tinge more Russian accent into the British.
It tended to vary abit at times.

A skill I'm yet to aquire. Up my perception start? You must be a higher level. Alcohol, vodka is good at any temperature though. Half Russian facts.

Victoria Romus. And yes... But security, pay was much more generous, and websites are too easy.

Just thought we would take a chance on a place, it seems pretty nice set up here so far, bit of fun. So, you going to go up and have a go on stage tonight?

Good going Mali!...

Tapping her feet as her sister gave some old classic rock a go, sure a few did not seem to enjoy but she found her a feet and delivered a pretty solid showing, even if there may be a few die hard fans who dislike her performance, waving as she belew a kiss to the crowd. It was pure show off but, well when you where on stage... You where on stage.

Joking slightly to him, she t glanced between the two, and though it was a unsusl situation for her kept calm.. Least externally. Inside, she was Suprised but how much attention she recived. Patting down her rather short dress just incase, she had layers on, and so, but even so it was habit. It was not exactly a dress she would wear on its own. She had teased him abit but he did blurt things out to her abit.. She was not entirely helpless.

Tonight was definitely a few suprises...



Do you need one more person?


We definitely open. Welcome to Sol City.

Check the gender ratio first please as we have somewhat a male bias right now.

Any questions please ask.
Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Mixed locations about the city . Friday Evening

Marinalia gave Victoria a tap as her grey eyes caught a man looking over at Victoria, long haired, ear thing and so, he definitely looked like a regular and seemed to be trying to busy himself with a friend. oh he definitely was bad at playing the decoy, indicating which side to look over at. oh, she definitely looked striking in the new style, and the intense black hair contrasting against her pale skin. Victoria glanced over a second with eyes almost the twin of her sisters, yeah he defenitely was trying to play like he never did anything. his attempt to hide was not the best though.

Victoria gave a slight blush and turned back to her drink, this was new for her. she was not used to being the one that got noticed, at least not for being like normal... everyone noticed her with her white hair and skin like snow, but this was new.. they where looking at her not for just standing out but for something else. Her outfit and style was quite the head turned, it suited her size and looking in the tall mirror by the stairs on way to there Uber, oh she looked the part.

Marinalia, gave her a nudge, and decided to have a little fun, she forced her out, well they where out they might as well enjoy it, the stage seemed to taken, and plus she had never tried to sing in a long time, well nothing more than on the sofa or in the shower...

Victoria glanced over, in a English accent Tinged with Russain, deciding to stick to her natural one, and hered them going on about doing instead of watching. she had been forced to watch somewhat by her illness, now she could get what she wanted more. even if a few things remain a little out of reach.

Never to late to start doing something. maybe even say hi you know

I'm not Draculas bride, I Don, t bite.

Laughing slightly and turning back to her sister, she did have a blood red short chain and small gemmed necklace that looked like a good gothic horror prop. Late Victoriaian, Victoria... It was a nice conincedence.

She did enjoy her gothic horror... Given her style, and nature, it had kind of been the start of the road... Plus her leaning to Ravens as a spirit animal. A a little dark and mysterious. They where beuterful when you appreciated them though.

Mina more me, shame, but you have right hair colour for her.

Hey, Dare you sis. You sing I sing.... You made me come out! Only fair Vika. abit of Queen...

Maybe... You first Marlin!

Laughing, Radio Ga Ga would be difficult and she was rusty as hell but what the hell. It would show her sister her up abit and be abit of silly fun. Heading over, she saw a man in wheel chair go over too... New Vika was certainly bring noticed. The woman was still on stage so she waited a little for it or clear. Waving to Victoria, she left her to watch her light jacket as she slid if off revealing a little black dress with backless details and a fitted style stopping above the knee. Not ideal for the venue, but it short ernough for a club but not stripper short either. It worked for her athletic figure though, and a slight lift on a shorter boot.

Victoria hered a nouce from the side and turned to see a man in a wheel chair, a orange suit of all things arguing with a woman... She was... Somthing diffrent to be sure. Tea... At a metal bar. They even served tea... Like the hardest tea ever? Wheel chair, fairly smart and brightly dressed, he was a charecter to be sure.

Looking over, he was... She amhad a job offer from university at one point. wait a was he someone she saw before, she had a meeting but the pay from Blaxckshild was alot better. She,d remember someone right. She barely noticed above the sound of the music. Just ernough to hear him come up. She knew well an s anyone to try and look past people's disabilities. Until a few weeks ago she could barely walk without a stick. People where people... Some just had a few disadvantages.

Oh...hi, tea... Il get out way if they go all coyote ugly...

She, s not bad... Once she got going.

Tapping a foot to the woman who was singing on stage and despite looking nervous seemed to juts throw herself into into it and enjoy the momment. Wait.. Blue hair... She had seen blue hair before recently. Probbly not same person, its a big city.

Marinalia stood off to side, and talked with someone about the song, waiting and finishing off the glass of wine, it could be fun... And keep her sister off her back about things. After all things she had been in abit of a pit... Time to try and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air again.

@Conscripts@Majoras End@Zaxter996


can i get the OOC type post removed from the IC section.

Thanks in Advance

Yeah, I know, that's why I said nevermind. You only said he was fed until he was taken to the hospital though, so I'm going to make sure all the irresponsible bits of the story are canon!

i kept it vague. its only a short article so no exact details.

it works better that way anway
Oh no no no! I'm working on the post now, you can't keep a Moore in a hospital!

EDIT: Ok, never mind… Just read the news properly, but damn it, I'm keeping the events that took place before that!

you made the News though :)
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