Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Mixed locations about the city . Friday Evening

Marinalia had a busy week and looking forward for a weekend to relax and maybe see what was going on in the city, being a flight instructor was not always the most relaxed job but she loved it none the less as her student eased down the power to land with a a little bit of a jolt having not quite got there touch right. Letting them try first, not too many mistakes, and she went back over the whole landing procedure before she waved them off for the weekend.

ease it back slower next time. Good progress, let's go over the drill first, it's mostly there, so let's try and have that one test ready by next weekend.

Thursday was fairly calm and she had spent a few hours helping in classroom, and then talking to a few prospective applicants. They had not formally announced things but a few already in pipeline had come to have a look. Marinalia did not mind, everyone had to start somewhere. Most never had flown more than a few hours, so they where mostly starting from square one.

Putting past thoughts aside, Friday night was coming and they had planned to go out for first time in a while, life had been so busy, now it was calm, Victoria had insisted that Marlin get out and be abit more normal again. Her sister was right, she should get out and about. Driving out of the airport giving guards a wave and cruised down the main highway and home, what did you wear to a metal place? This club had a night on near centre Point. Gliding through the gates and pulling up in one of the garages of the Manor, it definitely had a better feeling. Somthing about the place felt like home.

Past the large more open lower level and up the stairs to the living room and it's tall glass windows that overlooked the gardens and light streamed in the park side through the glass and the 3 story open entrance area. For a city house in North America it was light as a Italian Villa and felt like a another world, its own little world in the chaos and frantic city.

Texting Joel. She had no idea when he would of got back, but probbly should be by now. He said 2-3 weeks and it was nearly 3 weeks since he had departed for Japan. She did not know what to say, but she wanted to try and not burn down what was left of the bridges.

Hey Joel.

Hope you had a good trip in Japan, and it was a safe flight home. Not sure when you back, so hopefully I'm right.

For what's it worth... Thanks. Things are alot better now. New house, new job. Back flying and happier.

Finishing off and re reading it, before sending it a few times, she enclosed a picture of her happily in front seat of a helicopter, with flight school livery and a in aviators, flight jacket and the classic office uniform.

Not sure if it was a good idea to add, but it just showed she had managed to get past things abit more and also she loved that picture anyway.


Marlin was busy getting ready on the 3rd floor, her clothes scattered about and throwing the doors open a door to her small living room that a joined the bedroom in frustration and flopped onto sofa. After a few minutes she ended up picking a fitted black dress, shorter and above the knee and a slightly more daring partly backless design. Keeping with her silver necklace of 3 moons over a planet swapping it onto a longer chain hanging a a little lower than day to day short chain close to her neck, and a little black fake leather jacket. Nipping over to bathroom and sorting out her hair and make up... She definitely looked striking, a replacement for the dress she had worn at jazz night and was taken as evidence.

Twirling a a little in a full lengh mirror in bedroom, it looked good, and ended up going with healed leather boots, the city was a a little cooler than she was used too and strappy heals however pretty, lost to a more practical choice. They still showed off her long toned legs well, and all said and done. She had to say she definitely looked quite good and watched the tree sway in garden from balcony, enjoying abit of fresh air and calming down a little before she head to head out.

Victoria had been working a few extra hours thanks to the recent cyber attacks hitting a all time high, and her part time days and become nearly full time at the end of the week. Blimey they where a real pain at times... Not always difficult just alot of work to keep out thr big fishbwherevyet to reveal themselves.

Friday the jokes had come thick and fast, when her rarely ever used title was discovered by someone on her formal ID, as it had to display it as legal birth name. "Lady" Victoria Darya Romus. There was no money in it, and so. It and a few bits and bobs where all that remained. It never carried any use in America anyway. They would get bored... Eventually... For now she had hered about ever bad joke they had, and a few requests for Lara croft outfit to work as a a little off colour humour. Trying to concentrate on work she ignored the joke of the day.

Returning back from she had exchanged a few messages with Ashton over the past few days and sent a cheerful message wishing her a good weekend. Pulling out the underground car park and turned down through the traffic to Park View, gliding past the larger homes that bordered the park, many with tall gates and walls, or planting. They all valued there privacy even of a few definitely looked worse for wear and needed love and someone living there.

After a quick dinner, she logged into her computer, there definitely was somthing going on, the city situation was plain strange. She had only had time to glance at paper. Mostly a man fell ill at the zoo, and Rhino was plain adorable. The office was quiet, it faced the garden and leant back as the computer booted up.


<Milady>Hey, wake up C, I know your up . Things have got crazy here . The maps are going insane . Got any clue?

<Cardinal>Hey V . I saw . I saw, I saw, you not changed much! . Somthing is up, Cowboys, Indians, even the bandits . It's like wild west

<Milady>Wild west . I mean I know Feds are about . City news while back . This is somthing different

<Cardinal>Feds yeah . But some talk of Bounties and Feds and crims, be Careful V . Not just digital . Probbly all talk though but take care

<Milady>you gotta be joking, it's real life not westerns . I will . Next you say John Wayne is ranching in the city park lol

<Cardinal>life is stranger than fiction . Desperate companies paying big right now though ;) . One of the banks had a blip even . Idiots probbly still using XP

<Milady>Cash rich Brain poor . Got to get ready to go out . Il let you know if I hear anything . I cannot risk my job though . 6 figures, they definitely pay well . Goodnight C, stay safe

<Cardinal>I should charge more . Same . All mighty doller . Goodnight V . Take care . We always made a good team


closing the computer down she headed out and felt glad they where talking more again, though the used the private encrypted system as both knew how insecure and monitored the main websites where. The encryption was point to point and solely could only be accessed when you knew the exact method to decide the data and the equation that roated the security keys. On top of that get 1023 right, and one wrong and the system would lock you out and rotate the key. It was paranoid but she had made good money bring paranoid.

Heading upstairs she found a rather short black and dark purple dress, with dark tights and studded biker style ankle boots. Sticking with her simple small blood red necklace, she added a bracelet in similar colours. It certainly looked nice and suited her new style. Short but it was not trashy.

She did look rather slight as it was fairly tight but she had to work with what she had. A simple make up later, mostly foundation, lips and her eyes. She kept it all in a similar purples and red range to suit her outfit. Keeping her skin lighter balenced nicely to the dark clothes, brighter blue and purple vertical highlights in her hair and throwing a light weight dark jacket with a red lining, they had a cloakroom but it might be a wait outside and she hated the cold. Adding a little silver raven pin added to her dress, it was a fun little nod. She liked ravens for some reason. She had a somewhat affinity for there birds despite there nature of carrion animals.


Victoria had her arm looped Round her sisters as she nudged her in, Marlin needed a night out... And Vika would make her. She had been Suprised at her new look but admired Vika looked gorgeous tonight and the changes had definitely upped her confidence in herself and image. Marlin was not quite so sure on the metal club but she had gone for more a light biker chick look with fake leather jacket and long blonde hair hanging down her back.

There was some kind of event outside or someone big had come i a nd lot of shouting as the two women handed over the local cards they used here, though they gave the bouncer a little flirt and wink as they went by into the club. Not sure what to exoect given the previous ruckus outside. They had quickly arranged the local cards they needed for the area. It had its own ID. It was strange but the clubs where meant to be safe here, and had a reputation for good nights and no nonsense attidutes to trouble makers.

They saw a handsome group relaxing by the bar, and a few others and so where gathered getting drinks. A man on stage was belting out the PA in the club. Well this night was definitely not going to be dull! Victoria gave a once over and laughed, they definitely at least looked diffrent. A gothic, punk and a more causal guy. Victoria found herself sliding more to alternative look of layer, now she felt more comfortable to express herself and her identity.

Cute Targets but the bar! Let's go. Oh come on... Let's have some fun

Suppose It cannot hurt... Next time I'm deciding where we go!

Matching grey eyes scanning the bar before two sisters wandered over, one slightly dragged by the other and both wondered what the metal bar had for drinks... More spirits than anything, but a good range... Though they both knew that would be a hard start to the night. They passed a man wheel chair and orange suit that stood out in the darker venue, excusing selves past politely and tapping feet to the rather lively group on stage.

one white wine please and a single Vodka, extra coke for my sister.

Smiling to the bar woman as the two women, one a taller more athletic blonde in a shorter black dress and fake leather jacket, and much smaller raven haired slightly gothic woman found a spot at bar before they would have to fight to get through later on. Going lighter on drinks, this was not there party, and recent events had made them more cautious. Marlin was a little more cautious than Victoria who seemed to have come into her own in the past month or so, Marlin was happy for her, and glad to see her sister living and enjoying life.

It was time to have some fun but on there own terms abit, they where dressed to show after all, even Marlin seemed to slide a a little out her shell and the old slightly cheeky self snuck it's way out abit more. They looked after each other.even of others did not understand.


Friday Evening

Friday Evening 'til Late . Event . Karaoke and Open Mic with Live Music at Club Aether . Winter's Evening and Slightly Cooler, Need a Jacket . Unseasonably Warm .

"Hey, hey! What's this I see? I thought this was a party?! LET'S DANCE!" Footloose, 1984

Break out your bling, put on your dancing shoes and maybe forget your dignity, it's Friday Night, and it's a

Club Aether welcomes everyone to their famous Friday nights with both live music and opportunities for anyone to take to the stage and strut, sing and be footloose and fancy free enjoying the night away at one of the city's best clubs. Though the venue tends to favor more metal and a heavier vibe, there is a good range available and most people may find something they like, hopefully something new. While the club may be a bit grittier than regular tastes, give it a try, maybe you like it, you only know if you go.

Open Evening 'til Late. It's worth the wait. Don't be Late!


SOL source of News since 1895

Man collapses at Zoo on Wednesday

Sol City Zoo announced that a male who collapsed at the City Zoo was taken to Sol Memorial that afternoon. Local citizens and a staff member near Bear Mountain rushed to his aid and gave food and water until the man could be taken for further treatment. Sol City's Citizens continue to show that the light that makes SOL City famous is not just the bright night scenes but also the kindness and welcoming nature of its people. The exact names of those who helped are not being released.

Though we have had no further news on the man, Star Messenger wishes him a fast and full recovery.

Reports of someone trying to enter, and challenge an animal to a duel in a Zoo Spokesperson's own words where unfounded, "All our animals are accounted for and in good health. In a update to previous events, the Gender of Pokey's Calf is still unknown and keepers do not want to risk interfering as mother and calf are in a delicate stage of bonding."


Daedalus Airlines announces new flight training program

Deadalus Airlines has announced plans to recruit new pilots and add to its training center based at Old Sol International. The company training manager was quoted when we where invited to see a training class recently: "We are investing in Sol City, its people and if you ever had a dream to fly, now is a once in a life time chance to try."

Many of the pilots we spoke to at the centre come from varied places close and afar, one of there newest instructors, a Female Pilot from United Kingdom who requested we not publish her name praised the expansion and told our reporter who joined in on a lesson. "Its best job in the world, We don't need you to have experience, Just work hard and be willing to learn. Its not always easy, but it always rewarding"

Anyone who wishes to join the program or find out more information can find out on their website, or phone up and arrange an appointment at the Old Sol International training centre and see things for your own eyes.


Cyber Crime on the Rise

With the continuing work of the mayor's approved Federal taskforce, criminal elements in Sol City are seeking more opportunities in the nebulous digital realm. A spokesperson with the taskforce stated that cyber crime in the area was on the rise as the streets prove to be significantly less profitable than in days past. While spokesperson wouldn't give Star Messenger an exact figure, they did go on to say they are shifting a significant amount of attention to combating cyber crime around Sol.

Citizens should be vigilant as ever in their daily business when using bank and credit cards as well as any online correspondence they deem to be confidential.



SOL CITY continues to experience a much warmer than usual Winter season. Friday evening should be a comfortable night. You will need a jacket but its warmer than the past 12 year averages. The reported cold front is delayed due to warmer conditions, though citizens are advised to keep some basic supplies stocked just in case the weather changes rapidly.
Friday Evening

Friday Evening 'til Late . Event . Karaoke and Open Mic with Live Music at Club Aether . Winter's Evening and Slightly Cooler, Need a Jacket . Unseasonably Warm .

"Hey, hey! What's this I see? I thought this was a party?! LET'S DANCE!" Footloose, 1984

Break out your bling, put on your dancing shoes and maybe forget your dignity, it's Friday Night, and it's a

Club Aether welcomes everyone to their famous Friday nights with both live music and opportunities for anyone to take to the stage and strut, sing and be footloose and fancy free enjoying the night away at one of the city's best clubs. Though the venue tends to favor more metal and a heavier vibe, there is a good range available and most people may find something they like, hopefully something new. While the club may be a bit grittier than regular tastes, give it a try, maybe you like it, you only know if you go.

Open Evening 'til Late. It's worth the wait. Don't be Late!


SOL source of News since 1895

Man collapses at Zoo on Wednesday

Sol City Zoo announced that a male who collapsed at the City Zoo was taken to Sol Memorial that afternoon. Local citizens and a staff member near Bear Mountain rushed to his aid and gave food and water until the man could be taken for further treatment. Sol City's Citizens continue to show that the light that makes SOL City famous is not just the bright night scenes but also the kindness and welcoming nature of its people. The exact names of those who helped are not being released.

Though we have had no further news on the man, Star Messenger wishes him a fast and full recovery.

Reports of someone trying to enter, and challenge an animal to a duel in a Zoo Spokesperson's own words where unfounded, "All our animals are accounted for and in good health. In a update to previous events, the Gender of Pokey's Calf is still unknown and keepers do not want to risk interfering as mother and calf are in a delicate stage of bonding."


Daedalus Airlines announces new flight training program

Deadalus Airlines has announced plans to recruit new pilots and add to its training center based at Old Sol International. The company training manager was quoted when we where invited to see a training class recently: "We are investing in Sol City, its people and if you ever had a dream to fly, now is a once in a life time chance to try."

Many of the pilots we spoke to at the centre come from varied places close and afar, one of there newest instructors, a Female Pilot from United Kingdom who requested we not publish her name praised the expansion and told our reporter who joined in on a lesson. "Its best job in the world, We don't need you to have experience, Just work hard and be willing to learn. Its not always easy, but it always rewarding"

Anyone who wishes to join the program or find out more information can find out on their website, or phone up and arrange an appointment at the Old Sol International training centre and see things for your own eyes.


Cyber Crime on the Rise

With the continuing work of the mayor's approved Federal taskforce, criminal elements in Sol City are seeking more opportunities in the nebulous digital realm. A spokesperson with the taskforce stated that cyber crime in the area was on the rise as the streets prove to be significantly less profitable than in days past. While spokesperson wouldn't give Star Messenger an exact figure, they did go on to say they are shifting a significant amount of attention to combating cyber crime around Sol.

Citizens should be vigilant as ever in their daily business when using bank and credit cards as well as any online correspondence they deem to be confidential.



SOL CITY continues to experience a much warmer than usual Winter season. Friday evening should be a comfortable night. You will need a jacket but its warmer than the past 12 year averages. The reported cold front is delayed due to warmer conditions, though citizens are advised to keep some basic supplies stocked just in case the weather changes rapidly.


@HachiRoku@Rabidporcupine@Almalthia@RawrEspada4@Majoras End@Saarebas@Zaxter996@RoccanIronclad@Cairo@Conscripts@Pilatus@BuriedComic7@Alex_The_Great@LetMeDoStuff@Silver Fox@MissCapnCrunch@CaptainSully
I'll probably edit it in just a bit.

No worries, if not let me know ans can always ask for a deletion :)
Oh… Oh balls.

You can edit or I can just request a deletion.
24 Hour Time Skip Warning

Temporal Jump will be to Friday Evening . Club Aether . Open Mic and Karaoke Night

Ok, so those new to Sol City, we are going to make a time skip to Friday Night. You are free to fill in your time between as much or little as you like in your opening post. Every skip will vary in time covered and Event(s) open. Events are not forced but are more fun if you attend as often they have alot of drama and character interaction.

In general, this event is just a bit of fun to bring characters together and create some good interactions and spawn friendships, frenemies, enemies or maybe something else. :)

If you have any questions, please ask us, we don't mind! Ask away!

So, break out your bling, and let loose on a Friday night of fun, and a night at one of Sol City's premier night spots.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!
24 Hour Time Skip Warning

Temporal Jump will be to Friday Evening . Club Aether . Open Mic and Karaoke Night

Ok, so those new to Sol City, we are going to make a time skip to Friday Night. You are free to fill in your time between as much or little as you like in your opening post. Every skip will vary in time covered and Event(s) open. Events are not forced but are more fun if you attend as often they have alot of drama and character interaction.

In general, this event is just a bit of fun to bring characters together and create some good interactions and spawn friendships, frenemies, enemies or maybe something else. :)

If you have any questions, please ask us, we don't mind! Ask away!

So, break out your bling, and let loose on a Friday night of fun, and a night at one of Sol City's premier night spots.

As always, if you feel that you are not ready to skip. PLEASE speak up!

@HachiRoku@Rabidporcupine@Almalthia@RawrEspada4@Majoras End@Saarebas@Zaxter996@RoccanIronclad@Cairo@Conscripts@Pilatus@BuriedComic7@Alex_The_Great@LetMeDoStuff@Silver Fox@MissCapnCrunch@CaptainSully

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Wednesday Afternoon - Coffee Pot - "MiLady Corvus returns anew"

@Silver Fox

Victoria gave the woman a gentle smile if she got up and placed the purse back where she knew she would not drop it. Losing your purse and money was a real problem and even a danger in some cases and icey as people made out. She did have some compassion even of she could turn it off for work purposes. It was a ability some found a a little... Strange, and unsettling.

Feeling her phone buzz in her hand, what do you do. So you turn away from one, or turn to the other, deciding to turn back she was still polite.

you got lucky with your purse, be careful miss, I should get back to my friend, have a good day.

Returning over, she sat back down dwarfed alot by Ashton being so small, sitting next to her made her relise quite how short and lightly built she was at times. She had finished about half the coffee, the only advantage was caffine and alcohol took less to take effect... Or disadvantage. She enjoyed spirits but her body disagreed. Returning her slight smile and abit more relaxed, Ashton seemed a genuinely decent person who just wanted to help people.

Ashton message was fairly long and quite deep, she had asked as it meant she could just out what she was comfortable putting and avoided awkwardly asking and finding out she offended her. Espechily with Ashton m, it was not always easy to tell some things. Ashton certainly had a busy life, and a few sad but also achievements. It was alot to pack in a short time.

Thanks... London is nice, I miss a few things about home if I'm honest.

I was a track athlete, well until I fell ill when I was 14. Team sports where less my thing. Afterwards... Well I learnt both sides of digital security...

Oh... I'm. Sorry but I'm glad you found a nice family, and home it's definitely a. Nice area you grew up, I like it'd calmer and quieter than old harbour. You certainly been busy with life, and intresting one! I had a feeling there was more to you than a boogie board and hand gestures could represent.

I'm glad you found your thing it seems. Even if that is running at flaming buildings! Maybe just be careful!

I have a few things of my mother's. But I'm scared to wear them incase I lost them, there safely locked away.

Oh.. Sorry I must get back soon, I have a few things to take care of back home. And a old friend to contact. He might have a clue to unravel a problem..

Nothing stopping you traveling Ashton, if you truely want to:) I managed I was well... Me.. If you want to see world... Go see it.

Hotting send. It was alot to reply to and take In, growing up in London, they shops and lights was great, the places where only a short tube away for almost anything and history projects where easy when massive museums only next door. Losing her mother and then the illness had taken there toll though and she had fallen in with a bad crowd for abit before swaying back into the grey, sometimes dark grey but she stayed strictly out the black and darkest aspects.

Ashton tale was... A intresting one to say the least. A a little sad in places but she was a product of a intresting past, and seems pretty happy with her future outwardly anyway. It explained her array of scars and so at least if nothing else. From. A orphan, to park view, military and a firefighter. She definitely was not one to do things by halves. And then a hero of city no less for a time, Ashton was definitely not a let others do things person.

She missed travel, she was able bodied and healthy abet scarred. If Victoria could see places with alitle help, Ashton definitely could go out and explore if she wanted.

She definitely had to contact cardinal again and find out more, they knew each other too well, previously at times, particularly closely even if not seriously together. Too well anyway to be a ale to lie about both havong a intrest in what might be going on, at least for there own preservation, if not gain. Two brains where better than one and there skill sets complemented somewhat. Another reason they had got so close, even if that was past, friends still. They could least could on other when there was somthong going on.

He would be digging about, carefully, but he definitely would slim. Up somthing to start a lead to whatever had triggered the digital feeding frenzy. Also a rumour in office of a recent attack on a cop or so. What the hell was going on in Sol...

Putting some cash down, she paid for what she promised Ashton and her own stuff, packing up her laptop and note book she was working on before she was so distracted. Adding a nice tip. It probbly was a good idea Id she wanted to stop by here more often.

For a GM this is a delight. You can create characters types and roles that need to be filled and simply let others work within a boundary to sell the character right and boom you've got a coherently directed story. But for the player you'd have to be down for seeing the story and characters the GM is making come to life without intruding beyond the subtle actions and turns the characters can make.

Maybe to bring a medium you could have the GM lay out roles that need to be filled and character archetypes and such. Have people apply with a brief summary of their idea of a character. You choose the one that you like the most as GM THEN you let them make a CS, and work with them on it also so you both are happy with it. As the story progresses as long as the players feel like they are making a change in how things progress then its fine to keep it rather narrow in progression. You want to get to point a to b and so forth with the in between being something everyone can agree on would be fun and work with the story.

It needs a balence, you need allow enough room to keep people allowing some creativity.

Like maybe having to have certain classes or roles but beyond that rest is up to player on direction.

Ie, knight, rough age and rank.
Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Wednesday Afternoon - Coffee Pot - "MiLady Corvus returns anew"

@Silver Fox

Victoria was relaxed and just enjoying her afternoon cafe visit, it defenitely was a good choice to pick for a stop off on her way back from work. Despite its high ceelings, large windows and light and airy style back home, thr large rooms and more did make her feel a a little lonely at times, but the peace and quiet the sense of security was definitely helping there mental wellbeing. The long main room was one her favourites and had large range of tall windows to the garden and large glass doors facing the entrench and views of the park from the balcony that wrapped round the 3 story and glass roofed entrench Hall. It was all very impressive as the double aspects lit the large home very well for a city home. It was there little oasis of peace.

Thanking her for offering help, she had moved in and to be honest traveled extremely light thanks to just flying in for a short time in planning. Now she was staying abit longer she had some things sent over from England she had in storage, thanks to things going on Victoria had not quite unpacked everything yet, though the extra clothes would mostly be useless, the odd dress still suited, shoes and so where handy to have a few more options.

pop by if your ever about. It faces the park so easy to find.

Its no bother before you even ask, Marlins Grandmother used to host a entire formal events there, she loved it. One person is easy.

The house was more than suited to entertain, it could entertain a decent sized fuction probbly, one person and a nice coffee and lunch in the garden was hardly a challenge to find room for. Even thr conservatory if it was cold, and the more homely second and third floors.

Her job she was unsure how much she could reveal, she did cyber security for them and given how thr company was not always popular, and her work was sometimes a a little grey. She kept it quiet and decided that of she felt like opening up more she could later on. The less people knew we a tly what she did, the less bother she would have.

When she texted back, what to ask about Ashton? She barely knew anything about her, Ashton probbly had her at a major advantage. A a little summery of things, it was random but she did not what to say, family abit about her life and so, she had traveled abit too. She did not admit but she had lost her mother when she was younger and that still got to her abit, quietly seeing how her half sister waswirh Maria, though he, and later her family had become a close family even if things where abit strange on a family tree. They did not have too much as Darya was not most shopping person and family was not wealthy. The few items they did have including her wedding ring, jewarly, letters and so where locked safely in a vault deep under London and safe, Vesarian hoped at least one of those items would be removed and worn one day if she met the right person. The note book she found written to Victoria , and expressing her hopes and love for her daughter had been a extremely difficult thing to read.

Maybe a a little summery? You must have a intresting life.

I grew up in England, my mum, Darya was Russian, I grew up in one the outer areas of London, my dad's english though, Im a duel citizen. I became "Elsa" when I was 14 and used to be a track athlete, and well fell into computers after. American football whatever it is, is confusing.

I traveled a fair bit, though Russia was always fun, even got invited to a few nice events in St Peterburg and more.

Nothing round as Ashton was typing it out, a old memory passing by and she his her eyes a second from Ashton, pretending she was tidying her her hair and that she had somthing in her eye. She gave the two at the far table a wave back, they where definitely intresting pairing, and one seemed a a little embarrassed by somthing going on.

Maybe a couple waiting to happen, she always was abit of a "Shipper" acording to Marlin, but picked up on things quite well around her. Turning her head back she noticed somthing thr floor causing her vertical highlights and blues and purples to merge and layer in a pretty pattern. It was only friendly to wave back, never know she might bump into them here another time and say hello.

Spotting a rather tired looking woman drop her purse as she went by, she definitely was sleepy as going by and sitting down. She was fairly pretty and had a striking blue hair style too. Someone else who was a little more varried in there style.

il be back in a second, she dropped somthing. I know how problematic losing a purse can be.

Telling Ashton, she walked over to her table and tapped her shoulder gently, flattening her dress slightly where it creased as she walked to by. Victoria stood 4'9 and was wearing red and black dress, corset topped and slim fitted to her slightly underweight frame. With a English accent tinged with a little Russian, she could change that but that was her natural accent, able to go anything from off the boat English to native Russian. She was not the same pale ghost of a person she was before, but she still would always be a far smaller size than most people, and struggled to put on a healthy weight. @Majoras End

The woman looked like she was half asleep, but better she find the purse and return it than someone take it for walkies. Looking down with cool grey eyes, and a attempt to seem open about it. It was just returning a purse, nothing major.

Miss? You dropped your purse by my table. Thought you'd probbly want that back of you wanted to buy a coffee.

Don, t worry, its all there.

Giving Ashton a gaonce back, she did not want her to think she was leaving her, just dropping off a purse someone dropped. Much as she was considered a ice queen, she was not entirely cold to the core. Just selectively cold which some people thought was worse or better. The answer did not bother her too much.

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