Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Find someone who loves you like Kurt loves dinosaurs.

Lol. Museum was written perfectly by the way :)
In Be Random 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

Clem is clem.

Clem is?

Clem + clem = clem

What is the answer to clem..
I feel a need... A need for speed and a floaty nap in the corner... :)

Theres also pokey the rhino but she abit tougher..
Right, ok, now I just need to reintroduce him. I'm thinking of sending him to join the zoo crew, following the tradition of having him slowly starving to death when he meets them, and maybe consider eating the bear, or at least implying it.

Yep... We do our best to stop your dieing!
Alright, here he is! The new and 'improved' Joseph Moore! I hope you're all ready for a more eccentric, loveable goofball than the serious downer who made a suit out of cardboard last season! This time, he'll probably cut loose and make some Hawaiian shirts out of it instead!

Your cleared ok, as you where in previous and cleared.

COme, have fun in SOL :)
<Snipped quote by Rabidporcupine>

Your always welcome back, and yeah the balence is a a little off but we can always make it work somehow. We never give up.

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Wednesday Afternoon - Coffee Pot - "MiLady Corvus returns anew"

@Silver Fox

Victoria let Ashton order and gave her a smile at the whole of her reaction, she did enjoy her job and it tested her skills alot more than her previous one. It was more than that as well and a vaguely normal life for her which was somthing people took for granted. With a nod and polite smile she just added it onto her bill, it was a nice way to enjoy the day with a friend, the other option was home, and being alone in the large house. She loved it but you could also feel rather cut off from the world as you had high walls, gates and trees meaning they had a little island of calm but also isolation too.

your welcome, blimey.. You and my sister are coffee twins.

Yep, works been great, intense but great.

Laughing kindly at first comment. Marlin had a rather sweet tooth, she could drink the ocosianl o e only though. Victoria did not know the full side details of the fire, and just assumed Ashton was the hero of the day. She had hered her what she assumed the others at party, from a distence anyway for a second. It seemed they would have a suprise when Ashton came back to work. She did not know much more than that and had been pretty drunk, Victorias somewhat underweight build and spirits did not agree even if she had a leaning to them...

Ashton heroics here mostly off the news story, she gave it a second glance and relised how lucky she was to escape that kind of thing alive. She must have been a cat in her former life.the whole crime was strange, but it Coinsided with the rise in cyber attacks and attempts to hack things.

Hearing a Buzz coming from her handbag, and rifling past her car keys, a folded up walking stick, a few dozen receipts and so other normal things. She probbly should clean it out more often. Unlocking it and Seeing a text from Marlin, she gave a quick KK to the message and saw a unknown number, had to be Ashton? Yep it was.

Sipping a coffee as she told her phone to apcept messages from Ashton, she had the security quite high and a few extra modifications to maintain her digital privacy. It was a little effort to make but she had all the time in world at time, and updating her little modifications was easy. Replying quickly, Ashton was definitely alot more clear in text than rough actions. She had already moved in so that was that. The offer of help was nice though.

Hey, it's nice to be able to talk at last!

Oh.. Already moved in. Been about 2 weeks or so. Ensuite, even a garden to enjoy the sunshine, well when it's warm ernough. After all we been through feeling safer is nice.

Thanks for offer though :)

Thinking a second, this afternoon was surprisingly normal for Victoria as the enjoyed some of her cake. She did have to watch what she ate abit but she was getting slowly more able to walk about and gaining more independence. Work was nice, the people where a strange bunch but they got on. It people where always a odd group.

Works nice, I enjoy it, everyone's abit strange but always talented at whatever they do. Pay is great and I've been made very welcome. Still.. Needs more women lol.

I can, t say too much detail.. It not be secure security otherwise! My job does matter though.

How have you been managing? And Ummm.. Now we can communicate maybe a a little more about you?

Oh.. And il give you a lift back if you can fit... I only drive a mini convertible Though.

There messages where quite long but being messages you could put alot more in, and it was harder to express everything and she tried to help with a few gestures as she did it. Talking was always easier, but Ashton had her own quirks, and so did Victoria to be fair, and it made life more intresting though. She looked round and saw a pair sharing some eggs, and a dinner, and so. It was a nice cafe to chat though, they looked a a little diffrent but everyone was more intresting when there unique. @CaptainSully@MissCapnCrunch.

A few couples gathered, and she felt a a little pang.. She missed that a fraction. It was nice to have someone to be close to, well the right person and Milo had not turned out well, Thete always was new chances.

She looked fairly pretty and he was dignified if not relaxed... Thete was somthing between the two of them, maybe nor friends or relationships. But they where... Somthing. They knew each other and so, people watching and she found it quite fun. It always was intresting what bonds and linked people. She did not try to draw attention and just glanced quickly, all they might notice is a flash of grey eyes from a pretty pale Raven haired woman with a red and black corset topped dress and blood red gem round her neck on a short necklace. A normal person... It was nice to be normal.

*Floats n clqps*

Reminds me of....... Creeeeed...

Tanks behind bushes where a favorite of his..
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