Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Park View, Xia's and Swan songs music event . Late afternoon Thorsday to Tuesday

Marinalia had teased Xia a few times on way there but not too heavily, it was too icey to not keep her mind on the road, and the larger weight of 4x4 meant any skid despite 4 wheel drive would be worse to bring under control than a car. She was a fairly good driver, even if she had picked up a few bad habits driving in Europe and could be a tad aggressive when people where being idiots. Mariailania did enjoy Xia's company, and her old self slipped out it's shell though a alittle carefully. She had been hit pretty hard and still was fairly cautious about opening up, but gave Xia a chance, rather strange way of how everything worked but hey. That was life, when you thought you had it all figured out... Bam!


At Swan songs she did not think to heavily about the whole meeting with her cousin, he was just a loud mouth to her anyway. They where 10 to a doller and everywhere. Xia, wait, her memories of that night where both sharp as just happened or fuzzy and broken up more than a cubist painting, she remembered seeing Xia at thr bar, but anything else relating to her was just haze. Whatever those drugs where, well Bob deserved every single day he got behind bars. Even his rich patrons would struggle to get him out this hole. Xia, well she decided not to being up she was the lady in thr black dress, those wounds took time to heal. I'm comfortable with any of em. Mali?
Yeah, my sister hered my baby cousin call me it and never let up till it stuck. Now I just use it round freinds and family.
well soon or be two cousins eventually, Marla was expecting again, they where happy, it had not been easy for her, but she was happy, and definitely one scary one to get between her and her kid... Mamma polar bear... Mind off things, yeah. I need that. I swear this city is a village.. seeing two people she saw at the club night, sat with someone she had met a few times, it was like the universe was playing games with how random they could be without a pattern!

Ethen, well he was alone this time.m, and she could see why Victoria had decided to approach him, and half drag her over... It was nice to see her happy though, though the less said about the Milo disaster the better. Glancing over with a pair of eyes so so similar to her sisters slate grey, and the matching rings on there fingers, some traits where definitely dominent down the family line. She let go of xias hand but did linger abit close, she was fine with general background just not ready to be so obvious in front of someone like that. Her comfort levels would grow. Just needed her time to be more like her private self in public.

She masked her concernes with a smile and a clear cut but warm English accent that gave away less, falling into a almost automatic calm response. Some lessons had failed to stick, that one had stayed with her,that and the whole fact she pointlessly knew all the "propper" ballroom dances, part of the whole hostess stuff. And oddly, a fair go with a sabre, because apparently the private school taught you how to dance a waltz, and gave you options to learn how to use a sword, and options to fly a helicopter and ride a horse. Sometimes it all was a tad sureal. oh hi Ethen. I was saying this city is like a village at times...

Just came to get out the house, flight are still grounded for least another day, saw a event on and decided it was a good idea. Reminds me, thanks... I need to check before I go for a gift.
shaking her head, though laughing slightly, his musical tones, well Victoria had claimed that egg, that was a unbreakable rule. So she teased him abit, It was harmless. Wrong sister Prince charming. Snow White is in the other castle.

We had a excellent lawyer, though my trip adviser review about the acomodatuons, 10/10 not booking there again.
open and gesturing him to sit down, he was abit of a show off but he seemed to be genuine about it, so it worked and came across as more confidence than pretenchous. He just was a shoe man, they never turned it off. Pausing a second, she did not how to put them, freind, couple did not fit, and she was cautious not to expose there thing too much as Victoria had asked her. She did however try to match Ethen abit, it seemed to get message across better. Plus she was not ashamed of her "friend" so played abit with the introduction, just a tiny bit nervous of physical interactions. Xia, a rather lovely friend I've come to trust. Xia, well meet Ethen, Prince Charming meet Xia. He,s a aquaitnece of Victoria's she gave him a small nod, she was not about to expose anything with so many eager ears around and about, however distracted. There was no caribian princess in Disney so gave her a small non verbal sorry. You seeking music, or just like us. Feeling pot bound at home in the blizzard? That or just need more armour polish?

Noticing Marcus order a beer. Wait, same guy from the club, the one that ran of before trying to talk to Victoria. Wow. Village or what. Giving him a friendly wave. He might run, he might hang around. Was Victoria and her that scary to be around? Hey stranger. Seems this is definitely a village not a city.

Only one sister this time. Not two.
with a small laugh about the bar event, he had made a abit of a runner after Victoria had smiled at him. OK. She was the darker sister, but her soul hardly matched her hair colour. Unless you where certain people who seemed to think so. No black hair this time. On stage tonight? he was at the bar, Ethen was, Xia, well Xia was not randomly with her. They had somthing alittle more complicated, though that would take time to work out what normal was for the two of them, if that was the path fates decided would happen.

@Pilatus@King Tai@Almalthia

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" and Maria Olympus

City museum post Dirty Harriet and back to Park View . Tuesday Lunchtime. "Daughter of Persephone"

Victoria and Maria finally calmed down after the caffine somewhat began to less effect the older Olympus woman, her usual habit of caffine, plus her daughters idea of a pick me up that was less sweet tooth and more sweet berg. Well add a energy shot from this... Rebelion. Wait, that was the brand in the new business to watch segment, had a alot of side lines in racing, sports and so. Victoria did not seem to belive her and forced a peppermint tea, and a yogurt into her before she was convinced. Medically speaking, her attempt woukd of done little, the drug had to naturally disperse but she appreciated the care and concern.

Il be fine Victoria. Joel, wait. He was the guy Marlin liked at the Gala. He a strange egg for sure. Victoria calmed abit, plus she did not fancy of having to explain to the family how she broke Maria, especially to Marla. She definitely was a much more skilled ice queen than Victoria was and did not play well with others, was made for the youngest sister of the pair. Not twins as some had claimed. Joel... Well Joel and Marlin even Victoria was confused what they had between em. They where not dating. Not quite freinds, but also seemed to be at a level that let him almost prank her. OK, just wait till you drive back to the hotel! That's Joel. I'm not sure, I'm not sure words explain how and why any of this works. Very strange egg that one. Not a bad egg though. Maria seemed happy ernough with that explanation, since when did anything the sisters do was easy or simple? Well her and Marla had a few intresting adventures so could not begrudge the younger Olympus ladies there excitement. Even if it did make her rather worried.

A little later while Victoria left for a rest, the shock of the shooting she was at seemed rather delayed, she was very much like Vesarian locking things away in neat boxes. Only it had its downsides. A quick hug expressed everything though, no cane. She was a alittle unsteady but that was to be expected after evading what the media said was a shooting, every little else. Victoria did not quite belive the news, too much shit was happening too quick to be entirwly conicdental event. Cardinal might help her make sense of it. That wild West cop was there. Thr club. There was somthing going on, the puzzle was there but none of the pieces made a picture, it was like playing chess, poker, and snakes and ladders at same time, with no idea which rules where which. You knew, but there was no order or logic to it.

Then it hit her as she lay back in bed doodling, Jayne Wayne, Cow boy cop. Milo, Milo! He was with her, he was in some dodgy stuff and admitted it. Then she happens to be at scene of two events, a shooting, a bar fight. Milo was from.... Delta city, she must not be local. That meant she might not be a normal cop. Of course that opened up way too many doors. It might be a total fabrication but she was sure that some way, all chaos becomes a pattern. She had not become a skilled digital security and encryption expert for no reason. Sol was indeed a tiny world though, she had checked the old program and recognised a name and picture as miss Murphy. The red head from the Gala who spoke Russian. This city never made anything simple or easy. Whatever was going on, strange did not even begin to cover it.

Maria took advantage of the Raven haired woman's rest, striking, summed up her choice in colours especially with her eyes contrast to pale skin. Shaking aside the thoughts, on colours, she still could have anything wedding related altered slightly to accommodate the three women. Finding her compact laptop in her bag, Maria remembered a few contacts and a old trail of emails from Marla regarding previous events soon found her the one she was looking for. It would have to be a Fwd or two. But with right care, luck and careful writing it would make it to its intended place. Thry would have there wish, a event would be coming to the Manor, it was a alittle diffrent but it would be a opertunity to ensure they found some contacts in the right places, and also an excuse to dress up, properly.

Hitting send, she had made up a proposal for the man she belived to be heading the event, of he was serious, the others would get involved as the time came along if it went ahead. Though given the offer, situation and so, it seemed like she had found some fairly solid ground to base her proposals on.

The world often seemed to underestimate the older Olympus sister, always quieter than the more combative Marla, more diplomatic and less impulsive than the other. However, Marla was not only one who had learned off there mother, just how to apply the arts in a more subtle way, yet still able to play the social games and navigate just as effectively.

Victoria had a few minutes before she had to head down to eat sitting up slowly as she had felt a alittle, off. Putting it off as a reaction to stress and the whole saga that the day was. She had tried to back and forth a few messages with Ethen but the cell system was still not quite all back n running at full speed so that proved a alittle patchy, even with her tweaks to the phones code, the infrastructure was rhe problem. Hey Rock star :)

I'm safe, someone turned the museum into a action movie, so that exhibition you wanted to go to might be changed somehow.

I'm with Maria, we have a few things to work out but it's good. We needed to.

Stay safe. This goddess would not mind another night of madness at some point ;) I know normal dates are tricky, (unless we can find a way round the parasitic press ;) , though I'm scared also what those women at club would do!) but I think my sister knows a good picnic spot at a old ruined Manor outside the city if we wanted a quiet momment some time and a chance to away from the city and so.

Have fun!
Vika x x
Hitting send, she did not know when that message would get there and sat rewriting it a few times not wanting to imply too much. Or too little. Why did she have to like intresting men... They where always complicated, but others just sent her to sleep or tried to force normal on a very abnormal Victoria.

Remembering certain complicated times. Cardinal. Typing out a fairly lengh email with her worries about the city. The two where a good sounding board and if anything did ring true, She was sure that he would spot the patterns too. All the random events, well random was not possible to her. There was always a level of order somewhere. However small. It was why she was so good at her job. She found patterns and links where others saw random data. Normaly email was less secure, but they had there own channels though it would take a good few hours to process the data from point to point. It would take years maybe decades for someone to decode that forcefully without the core equation to the system, one only Victoria truly knew about.

Face claims. Whatever fits the situation and genre to be honest.

Colour codes, I think letting people use there own layouts as long as all the key details are in works well. It means people can personalise and maybe be more invested.

Right.... Main image and use hinders and appendix images. Easier to read.

As above, provide the categories, long as there filled and done, it's not a issues. Especially with slice of life. Let people decide what extra info they want to add.

Try to get to know players or learn abit about them, it seems to have worked, on both 350+ and 500+ post roll play Ive done with help. We even completed one, so I can say our ideas where not a failure!

In general. No hard and fast rule.
Adapt to what works.
No point fighting the tides of RPG.
<Snipped quote by Universorum>

Works fine on phone. Tablet? Not so much... Write up is just a bunch of white squares.

Phone. It's all sqaures.

I shall have a post up tomorrow, friends. Still fighting off this cold.

Hope it quits soon :)
Don, t worry, I'm only just even started part of my post for the plot segment. Yet alone the more complex interactions.

F2P I find almost worse. Least I know if I buy a game, I get the game.
Not a constant drip feed of extras.
Even expansions, or dlx. Fine. Just give me everything.

Plus late game is nigh impossible minus paying.
Just so you know. No one on mobile can read your intrest check.
You might want to add a "translation" to help you maxamise intrest :)
Losing ain't worth that!

50 dollers. A loss. That ain't worth dieing over. Jeez.

Well no one would have expected to need such heavy security on a gaming event, because no one's ever done it before. So that's just gonna make things silly for everyone else as they have to think in thr worst case scenario now.

Sadly despite every protection or so, yiut not going to prevent every crazy.

Sol City

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Don, t be afraid. We may have alot of posts but new players always welcome and we help integrate new players into the growing and ever evolving world of Sol. Our time skip system means its easy to join in at any stage of the game.

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Still the best slice of life on the Guild.

Got any questions, curiosity or conundrums. Just ask!

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>>"onward brave souls and fear no darkness!"
>>"faster we beat this, faster I can get someone married... I have a wedding itch"

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