Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Posting tomorrow. Nothing quite like a week long birthday celebration.

Sounds like a new hangover movie lol

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

The Pit Night Club . Tuesday Evening . Sol city Happy Night .

Tuesday Evening


Marinalia knocked back part of her cocktail as the enjoyed a alittle night at the Pit, laughing with Victoria the two where happy and a cold glance from Victoria kept some annoying fan girls away. Being Ethans Pregnant girlfriend was a rather strange situation and simply was doing best to try and make light and find a silver lining.

The buzz from Marinalia phone was ignored for a second, but she got a another buzz and decided to investigate finding a message from her mum reminding her nesslessly that Victoria should not be drinking and also wishing them a goodnight wanting a picture of them dressed up which was returned gracefully.

Thr message from Paige was curius, she had said she could fly her of she needed, and Deadalus did have a little agreement quietly with rh city to help out of needed. It was simply part of the deal that gave them originally the more favoured access to city airpspqce and prime land for the international hub. Might not be entirely honest, but everyone gained from it. Would it be dangerous? Paige was a Marshall, they tended to be going places bad guys where.. But she did if suspicion correct, cause Bob to end up in a jail cell where he definitely belonged. Shame the rest of the Trio had not joined him there. Though thanks to Xia, Marinalia was doing quite abit better, theoropy to but it was nice to have somthing good to distract her mind, and well she could not help but smile a little when she though Mt back to the distractions.

Typing quickly, remembering her ringtone, well that was a irony to say the least. Even of half of people seemed to think she had no taste at all. Well they had no taste... Hi

Yes, I'm on standby Friday. You may have to fill out abit of paperwork later on, just to excuse any costs, we have a deal with city ;)

Long as you Don, t need to fly 10+ miles to sea, I can get ya there.


Pressing send, yes, it probbly was not the safest idea but she promised and it might be fun to pull off a few of the more advanced flight skills like a corkscrew descent. Her girlfriend might not be happy of she was hurt before there holiday, so just have to be careful, Marinalia had a few advanced lessons thanks to working with a few ex military pilots in Alaska how to safely handle bad conditions so the weather should not matter. Why she had got her job in Sol being trained in worse conditions than most. The only one she did not have as never needed was blue water, on a plane... Just not a helicopter.

Only time would tell what exactly firday brought.

Vala Von Carlstien
(WIP V1.0)

Vala Von Carlstien

To be decided naturally over RP time.



Female. 5'1 and slim build of a athletic dancer. Longish white hair, a side effect of her healing gift, her body demanded far more energy, and turned her hair white as fresh snow.
Silver eyes, almost metalic thanks to side effects. A unwanted side effect is due to being metalic and powers, can feel "wrong" or "uncomfortable" at first, or to the overly perceptive more markedly than others. The higher the perception the higher the effects.

No scars as her body naturally healed without scarring.
Style wise Vala is very much of her birth, dressing in a style style slightly eccentric, sometimes favouring a cloak, corsetry, and rather much not quite able to dress down. Struggles slightly to blend in as a isolated upbringing means she has little experience of what exactly fits.

Covers skin a alittle more as scared her somewhat unstable powers are active when in skin contact. Wears gloves or other accessories to protect herself others.

Germanic accent though not harsh.

Healing and Necrosis abilities.

Born with a ability to heal others, and a limited ability to heal self of more minor injuries passively. This power however has a effect that the power demand is parallel to the size and complexity of the wound. A power that we easily hidden ans was raised privately on a estate among trusted staff and mentors sworn to the upmost secrecy. Only when the powers evolved where transfer to a more specialised education required.

(must be alive. Under no circumstances can dead be reanimated, necromancy or so be done. Sorry no zombies!)

The side effect of passive healing means rarely falling ill or suffering as much as a cold.

The evolution was that healing can be reversed and with close contact can cause necrosis, and death of organic living matter. This power is extremly draining and its control is the reason for the transfer. The very reverse of healing, the ability cannot be undone, once somthing is dead, its dead.

Further, the powers nature can be with extreme effort, cast into a almost solid form of a deathly blade or bolt. This ability is extremely exhausting at present to the risk of being potentially Leathal. Ia ability il advised in anything but the worst and most dangerous situation.

Powers future unknown. It was difficult to find those willing to study her powers. The duel nature could go either way.


due to being raised so quietly, Vala was taken out of normal schooling early on as her abilities began to make themselves known and causes awkward questions. After one more dangerous momment it was decided Vala would be educated at home till she gained a better hold of her strange abilities. Unwilling to advertise her gifts they kept her away from the schools for thr gifted unwilling to expose her to unsesscey risks.

This choice has meant Vala can be somewhat aloof, colder at times and is slower to form bonds with people. This can be entirely misread she is a snob thanks to upbringing but merely is her nature to be cautious of people, and a fear of hurting others with her abilities.

Prone to struggle with larger crowds or close physical contact due to the fears above. She can open up but that would be a slower process. Not quite what you call shy, more hiestiant and overly cautious round others.


Born to a wealthy family of old money, Vala was doted on her by her parents in her early years, thinking nothing of the child seeming ability to heal faster than the norm and very pale hair. It was only when Vala was 5 did they start to suspect somthing but it was a few more years before her active piers began to show up far more prominently. White haired, well children where children. A child grabbed her arm and a small tinge of her future powers showed. Scared she caused a major effect on the boys arm, though thankfully her undeveloped powers, he did not die or lose a limb.

Growing up she was cared for in every way, but little could hide, she shied away from the world, and her world though opened by Internet and other sources of information, socially educated and among others. Her world would shrink back.

This however was a wake up call there daughter was not normal, and il trusting of thr academies or so quietly set up for "gifted" for the next decade she was raised by tutors, fluent in two plus languages and widely educated to counter small we social world though this could not last and her powers nature became more clear, she retreated more from the woeld somewhat, realising the danger she could posses. Her healing abilities where a joy, though tiring. Her ability to cause organic matter to litirally die terrified her. With her powers growing more unstable and intense, and realising the risk the could pose to herself or others. Vala departed her family estate for the acadamey to have a chance to control her powers and maybe more life.

Her journey to the Acadamey was a hard momment, having to brave a word alot wider than her own, new people, and also the dangers that being among others would present. Despite reassurances from the Acadamey, Vala is still hesitant.

Due to the sheer perceived "wrongness" of her powers by some even some mutants, the family chose to enlist help of a school for thr gifted far off, lest her nature be used against her.

Prefers smaller groups, growing up in a smaller environment after the incident much of her life, only the tutors. A few close friends and family. Has a younger brother without signs of powers.

Trivia and miscellaneous

Fluent in English, German and 2 other European languages.

To be added to.

Banned because sad people are banned from happy land mc happydom of thr happy King.
@PrinceAlexusamazingly enough we are even. So it doesn't matter.

Yes I counted everyone...and I have my reasons for saying what I did.

Oh... Well I kinda wrote Victor or Vala, it depends how I feel at the time and which way thr dice fall.

Reading though I may have to upgrade the powers a tad..
Personally I'm not hoping it flops as we may not see another game.

However adding a multi or Co op mode to fallout so you can play with freinds would be more fun.

Add a few mechanics to balence and maintain difficulty, player levels etc as standard.

Would be fun to explore the wasteland, some adaptions to make some quests truelt Co op etx.

Hey... Watch where you putting that griddle lol..

Male or female preferred?


I can always start on a reserve and be ready if there is a opening :)
Oh. Colour me intrested.
Can I get a invite to try and work out a niche fir a charceter etc?

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