Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Lol. She spent 200 dollers on a ticket... I'd say that was a date!


OK quick answer as ita very quiet.

We are nearing the end of this arc but there's a 3rd planned.

Main event on currently is a 50% off drinks event across city.

Most active charceters at club Aether at present.

Storyline so far has been a slow builtld up a grander event. Victoria is pregnant, Marinalia now has a girlfriend, Joel and Siobhan are dating, as is Paige and Milo, sully and dusty, Marcus and reya. Victoria is also dating Ethan now.

Previous events include a rather dramatic and gispsip filled art event, Paige turning a gallery into a battleground, a riot at a night club and

Next scene finale, then there's a epilogue. 3 week break after we wrap up and we then back alive and better than ever.

Sio and the sisters / family not ever likely to get on lpl.
Joels just tired of llama herds haunting him because of a certain fnaily and is a rally driver.

All is coming to a head, and Siobhan is facing down her stalker/asshole ex I think.

Drama llamas have been breeding nicely.

At work now.

I can get round to ya in a few hours :)

Only current active scene is the one at the club that's public and easy to get to.

Il reply longer when I'm home.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Pit to Club Eather and Run District . Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

TUESDAY evening


Victoria kept close to her sister and raised her eye brow slightly at the situation they had found themselves in. It was a alittle bit of effort to explain they where banned, he could do that via email, but he seemed to have a reason why. She was a alittle wary of thr offer, people had wnated a little too much in return. If the price was too high. Well the price was too high.

Marinalia listioned to what was going on, and breathed a small sigh of relief when the manager called off the oversized ones next to them. After the last incidents and so, she had a more jumpy danger switch. Glancing about, well he did not seem to be outright threating them yet, so that was a plus. The smile did trip one of her warning bells though and was fairly careful what exactly she agreed to do. A ban was a small price. Plenty of clubs and vennues in the city. Gesturing to her smaller pale Raven haired sister partly, her accent was fairly reservered, clearly English, and clearly not trusting fully. "good evening Leo, Marinalia and my Sister Victoria.

That was a rather bad night's sleep I admit, security excellent, hospitality and breakfast less so. What kind of a game exactly? I've had a few rather bad experiences in this city.

So whats the terms of this game Leo?"
Victoria was definitely glad Marlin had regained abit of her old self thanks to Xia, she always was the protective one of the pair. Victoria had a rather major issue if it involved drinks. She was not letting things run her life, just having to adapt those to fit her new situation she was in. Letting her Russain mix into the English, she really could not be bothered to keep it out, she could but tonight she really cared not. "zo no offer ov pizza work then? . Umm, I kinda cannot drink caffine or alcohol. Just bear zat in mind. " she hoped she did not have to state the obvious, the damned press had already done that one for her. Good old Rita and her best friend Siobhan had done a propper job there. Casting her cooler dark grey eyes about, she spotted a few fancy systems, they really had gone all out on security. Hopefully hr liked ninja turtles, otherwise they might as banned as shredder from the hideout!

Warming up a fraction, Victoria really was sharing her sisters somewhat distrust, and remembered a few faces Marcus and that girl. The bar man and woman ordering not. The manager from the night of the.... Well riot. The security seemed a alittle different than before perhaps? "vhat vou offering us? The rumours in the paper where true, that's vhy the no drinking. " she made it clear for the sake od his security whom she did not quite trust very much at all off the bat after last time, resting a hand on her stomach a second. Roughing her up or some fun they enjoyed some times would attract the wrong kind of attention, and she had bigger things to protect han herself alone. Her Russain bleeding into accent was a slight protective mesure, it hid her nerves quite well.

Both relaxed abit. But it was obvious both sister where pretty guarded, his saw quote had not helped them in that regard. If it was singing some stupid song, well it could be funny. They where trying to let lose abit and just enjoy a night out after the whole stress the media had caused them.

Time would tell what happened in club eather. Banned or not banned, the game was afoot.


Had fun with harvest. Oon last time.

The horror maybe is less my thing but sugar and spice.

I walk into thr Valley of drama and fear no Llamas!
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Pit to Club Eather and Run District . Tuesday Evening . Sol city mixed locations .

TUESDAY evening


Victoria and Marinalia had a silly idea, well a rather strange idea and both wnated to test somthing. It was a tad of a risk but the over sized gorilla's who worked the doors there where, well... Not entirely brightest creatures ever existing. But Victoria was known as Ethans Pregnant girlfriend, and her getting hurt on top of thr last one would probbly not be the best press.

Throwing there coats back on and giving Victoria a hand up and a little help, she was recovering bfaorly well and getting used to her new balence, just the shock and hormones had knocked her back abit and was more reliant on the glittering blue snowflake cane than before for abit. Keeping a arm to help her when needed, she was one of few Victoria was happy taking help off. "Let's see if trolls are out, what's the bet we banned despite your boyfriends intervention?. I'd bet the drinks but alas, loser does the shop this week? " Victoria was a alittle slower so they finally saw the run, and it's hefty oversized guards, blimey did they pick one atrabute alone. It was funny going to be seeing them so treating a 4'9 waif like black haired woman Victoria was as a threat. "deal... Drinks might have to wait. Trolls, there's plenty of bridges in the city for them to call home, what was that one listed... Sully, Leonardo or so online? Manager or so on website.

Probbly, never know till we try, no email yet said so and I used mine to sott out those run passes out. Had a fun idea of there dicks though... "
finally reaching the run district, it was busy tonight but it was 50% off all drinks. Dressed, Victoria was thinking it might of been a better idea to dress abit warmer some times. Approaching, Victoria tilted her accent deeper Russain and kept close to Marinalia, the two women waiting till the inevitable happened when there finger prints clicked some non happy colour. "I love mints anything about now Mali...

Whats iz the Problem Gentleman? That has not happened before..."
"Gentlemen" seeing them charge in and attack a few police officers was pushing it, but hey. Maybe they might get a straight answer our someone not looking like a walking steroid bill board. It was always worth a try, plus she wnated to test how far Ethans little solution wwnt, he might be more connected than she relised and things could turn.... Intresting to say the least, she really did not know what directions things would go to be honest to herself.

Waiting, View in a pretty, shorter art deco dress, and Marinalia more relaxed in a nice top, shortish skirt and above the knee boots. Admitly the outfits probbly gave a clear impression of rich girls but hey, they struggled to hide anything it seemed in Sol city so why not look the part. It was kinda surral as they got escorted by 3 oversized of the security breatherin of the Troll kin, each one vastly larger than the two women, especially Victoria who looked about as threatening physically as a potted plant to them and frankly tiny in comparison . Behind a laptop was a different story. "you guys really do take Paranoia to be a virute here. We weigh less than you bench... " reaching the bar, well the 3 brick outhouses seemed not to let up there passive intimidation. But they spotted someone they recognised, Marcus!

The one with the adorable blue haired date who wnated to dump her brother in a bin, a pink haired bar lady and someone ordering cocktails. The older man, well he would be the manager? Was he rather friendly with the pink haired bar woman... Juice... "Hey Marcus, you enjoy your date at our party? You looked cute together.

You must be the Manager, we walked up ID flashed up strange colours, and He-man and his family seemed rather clear we meet you. Though it seems alittle overkill especially with Victoria being about a third there size or more."
playing a alittle bit less knowing, she wnated to know what that meant... Banned would be banned, this was somthong diffrent. Victoria glanced over seeing a new girl, she was small and Victoria was still smaller, a few inches taller than the long Raven haired, yet pale skimmed petite woman. OK, she did push petite a alittle. Petite petite... Why was everyone taller... Even Marlins cousins would be pretty quickly of not already where. That Victoria could find out at the wedding though.

Marinalia glanced over at the blonde haired woman, the bartenders, and older man, things definitely where not boring... OK they walked into this one but but they where just curious given how they had not notice of the pass being revoked. Both sisters had eerily matching slate grey eyes, though Victoria, s came across a alittle colder than her warmer sister. From a few glances her way, Marinalia was quite thankful that momment she had a girlfirned, this place had a few charceters for sure. Though it was a good night the last time in long run, she met Xia and that lead onto the gym, that lead to rather alor more!

Only time would tell what happened. At the worst they got banned, and Victoria might have a chance to find a vennue for her twilight fan fiction evening little trick she was itching to test out on someone.



Its like the sisters are trouble magnets....

Never.... Can t be at all...
@PrinceAlexus I don’t mean to stifle your creativeness or willingness to interact but it’s just being slice of life, that’s what would happen from my experience of dealing with drunks who kick off

As GM feel free to do as you wish though. Maybe have them apologise

Oh I don't mind, Club eather might still find twilight fan fiction night advertised though if I'm feeling silly lol. Don, t worry, I understand.

Leo would love that evening... Even with drinks paid for... He must have ght need a industrial power hammer to hesd to forget it though.

And technically... Well Ethan had that bit carefully removed from security tapes. There was no evidence against sisters. It was... Vanished...

Aye, spoil my fun why Don't ya! Lol.

Victoria will just have to make the clubs computer syetem have a few little errors and rewrite the ban list on the ID system... Maybe make it advertised as a cheese disco vennue with a night of twilight fanfiction recitals.

Joking :)
Or maybe not if I'm evil lol
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