Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Who has the best natural odds?

Jimmy is cunning 2, do we have any higher?
Or perhaps a item between us to help?

Thank you kindly :)

Can you please remove the second to last ish Post at current, the one that's a miss post.

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

A restaurant that should not be open! . Finale day!

Victoria could not but laugh a alittle, her lawyer would be almost proud of how clear yet non that statement was. It was a brilliant bit of word play. True, correct but so worded it did not contract anyone with anything or anyone. "A lawyer or consulate head would be proud of that statement. Vi... Have a strange family.

Thankyou, il take a refill in abit, I'm still enjoying this cup"
Enjoying a alittle bit of her delicious meal, so he was not quite the owner but a chef... The owner was... Prickly, vegetables and seasons, food and so, certainly he seemed to enjoy a ramble as much as she could. "a very good cook vough... And won your boss a customer in about 2 weeks! Well it works, certainly a unique brunch.

Vell... I had a boss here... VI doubt il be keeping my job, so hey. Well I'm not the best cook... But I'm a very good at cyber security, comms security and encryption software. Yes, it's true, I'm a hidden computer nerd."
laughing at herself a alittle and just venting abit. She had so much stress recently, not everyone thought she matched the whole stereotype. She decided not to mention she could probbly easily hack most basic security with 5 minutes and a WiFi link. It kinda scared people.... Her alternetive employment was also not quite so publicly apceptble anyway.

Oh... The bar stools... Definitely a issue for those of a slightly less balenced or less able state, a little shotert would be better admitly. A few other tiny things came to mind like the large planter by door narrowing entrence abit and lacking a wall to lean against of you where stood about. Plants are nice, but it's one more thing on top of people to worry about and trip over. "Well seeing as you opened that door... The plants near entrence, kinda narrows it abit so nudge them close. Plus a alittle support to lean against is nice if waiting a while, umm, widen the gaps between tables If possible and try to keep a main route clear. Space is really underestimated when your less steady.

Honestly, compared to some I've been to... This place is good for access."
trying not to offend too much, yeah there where some super tiny stuff but that was more her than general. Everyone was different.

"How can I say vithout. Best simple Japanese meal I've had in a closed establishment?

Moscow, London, Jordan... Mogadishu, great food... Shame about the civil war, OK, I've been about abit. A vew unusual trips.

Vou been anywhere intresting? Japan? Vou cannot have learned to cook this well in US?. Never went there... But ze food, somthing else"
yeah, she had seen a few of the world's stranger parts, and less safer parts, strange given she was disabled somewhat but somehow they managed it all, security teams and all.

Sitting and eating for a whole, it was nice to chat with no real expectations or arguments, a nice distraction from her shitty start to the day. "England, vy dad's getting married, complicated family... Same dad, different mums, step, half.. Vou name it, we have it.

My sisters taking a Caribbean detour home, little shopping in London, Camden Market, some cute boutiques, maybe check out the Satchi if it's quiet or Victoria and Albert... Somehow not visited that one, worth a wander one day."
Victoria. Vell she ahd a few travel plans, depending on thr weather and how she felt, things whetw rather flexible.

Then... Well he offered a booking, could be nice to maybe catch a quiet meal and some good food. Table for.... Umm anything from 2 to 3 or more... Thought they deserved a sisters night out, and Mali already had a few days planned with her girlfirned... Bikini, s, beeches and more... Oh and. Well she was gonna sleep well... When she could! There where no illusions how she and Xia where like. The two where clearly close in other ways... "2 weeks ish...? vour sdedules are fairly open. Nice to just catch up vith my sister. 2-3 people. Her girlfriend may just tag on, or a friend.?" Victoria really was not sure about a few things, her, Ethan, her family coming or not, many things... Resting her head softly against the counter a few seconds at mention of privacy, that was... She hated it. Whoever it was maybe lost her job, things where just fucked up... So fucked up."zo... So frustrating. Hacker... Glad to be leaving for abit.

Vi least have a side line. The club, manager made us sing to get unbanned... It was... Fun in the end anyway... Undeserved... But vy... Somthing set off somthing... Whatever I want hell vout it's way.

Maybe become the owner one day then and you get the bonus. Thankyou. Vy shall. "

Quietly enjoying her simple, yet rather execellwnt meal, she glanced to see her notifications where still going mad.thinking back a alittle she had no idea what he thought of her crazy life, especially what she did or she worked for. That was surreal in the real so to speak.

The aircraft where sat down the pitch centre line to keep there rotars away from the lighting. Stands and anything else on the pitch or suckling in debries from previous attendees. Hogh winds where not to be risked, and striking a rotar was a really bad idea. That thought sent a shiver down her spine at cracking a rotar blade and flying off in random directions. Between the smoke, winds and random effects of the fires, things where a little more complicated today. Might give her a challenge on day, that would be fun in a professional way.

Leaning over to check a few things, though with a neat fitted skirt, ot certainly created a view that had some ground crew enjoying there jobs. The helicopter was a tad borrowed for today and she really had to return it Still flying! Her extra items where stashed in the back, hopefully she never needed it... Paige... Marinalia... Trouble magnets!

Glancing over to the sports centre, Marinalia turned to see figures in windows, strange movements and so, but nothing really that perculier. People had been stopping to gawk at the helicopters since they arrived abit ago. It kind of was a spectator sport guessing what they where up to... Real reasons probbly alot more boring than the betting pool! Cars had come and gone, people, just a normal ish firday in the city with peiple refusing to change habits even with smoke drifting over the city. "Valkrye, teams and a sports feild. Quite apt for you. Joking. Any news on radio on when we can stop babysitting the birds here?" Marinalia, well that news was not new news, the gossip mill had been on that a week ago. "Frak off Apollo, old news, even the old man found out. No clue Cassanova, least until fire and rescue get that tower block under control. Why, got a hot date with Caprica? Or was it Athena?" Laughing, teasing back, they got on pretty well. "Caprica Thankyou very much. Carabian, girlfriend. We all know you return happy eh. So, given those guys, few days eh, busy at the sports place." Glancing over they both saw people... Well alot of activity in the building. Someone was getting excited about somthing. "Caprica... Cutie with enviable red dress, you like em like that eh. Top heavy... Well.. If ones got opertunity.. Shame to waste it. Unless you find a badge to clear you. Could be a long day."

Leaning against her helicopter drinking the latter half of her coffee of greater diabetes, they had free smoothies and so, probbly run out of mango though... No one ever stocked ernough mango.. Ever. People should love mango more.
Ignore last.... I was not finished.

Thiughtbi was in my pm box.
<Snipped quote by Liseran Thistle>

I agree with this. I also agree with the statement that there has been three weeks with no progress.

I can see where people are coming from with saying this and the discord were open waaaaay too soon. It's a hard balance to come across, with no visible progress.

Theres the nail and the head.

While you may have progress, and solid grounds / ideas. To most of the guild they might perceive as there is no viable progress, after the last one tanked too, the perception that it is worth the time investment is important.

Simple updates listing that development, ideas and concepts shows its not the same as its predecessor.

Now You shall probbly rage at me for this statement but it is true. Sometimes the perception, is just as important as the progress. From afar looking at that, it seems in 3 weeks you have little gains when you have many. Yet there is no sign to show it.

Hate all you like but the above is thr honest truth of the matter.
Pastor Jimmy makes a shuffle very very carefully to C7 as somehow this floor is a tad janky!

>>"Well I cannot really say, these folks here need saving and I Don t see a possee any time soon. This feels... Whoever needs to be cunning as a rattler. Prayers help, but cunning better."

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

A restaurant that should not be open! . Finale day!

Victoria turned slightly to notice the smell of tea, and soon felt the warming liquid both in her hands and giving her the feeling of being warm, it might not be warming completely but it felt warm and it felt comforting on cold winters day. It really helped in its own small way, especially to just sit down with a cup of tea and try and process events. A email was pinging with a bunch of inappropriate suggestions, details and offers that really really did not bear opening. Thr offer for a "movie" was definitely one not to delete, block in about 5 seconds. Some of the others had less than svaory suggestions, a rare few definitely needed the attention of a lawyer. "Zankyou. A Cup of tea Fixes so many things, and for your discretion.

Is this your restuaunt? Zorry, just curious."

It really did fix so many things, a simple warm mug of tea, really quite a great little thing that could change a entire situation or least give you a new perspective. The fact he was a little discreet about her situation was rather comforting. She really did not wnat everyone knowing exactly what her weakness was, well not, but it was a weakness in some respects. For that happened, well she was not reversing it though, done was done.

Waiting, she made sure the cane was handy for when she had to move, it might not be so easy to slide off as it was to on, her balence really was strange like that, it had a mind of its own and decided what it wanted at any given time.

Typing a quick text off to her sister, where she at least, and that Victoria was safe. Marinalia was taking protective big sister to a higher level lately. Betwen her dad, Maria, Marlin a nd others, she probbly got least someone checking of she was alright daily.

Then the food came, which while she was expecting a few basic bits turned out to be what you might class as a full chef grade meal, soup and so. That certainly was a rather pleasent suprise. That really Suprised Victoria, quite abit especially for someone who just walked off the street into a closed establishment. "Your simple is my main meal.

I vas expecting... Well less. Vou did not have to go to so much trouble. But I will definitely return with vy sister after our trip.

Anything to recommend, when we book a table in the future?"
the food, well it tasted good as it looked, that was, well, a quick meal? If that was a quick meal what did they call a propper one, that definitely would be a hopefully intresting only for the food evening. Not arested, pregnancy exposures, drama, arguments, and more besides. There life had been rather dramatic. A tad too dramatic probbly! Especially with a passenger! "Wow... This is. Delicious. I honestly expected... Well vot sure. Not this.

Thankyou. A pleasent suprise to a vather less cheerful morning. Zomoene invaded my privacy rather badly. A private momment... Rather public. Vopefully thr fire, and club will blanket the news instead."
a little dejected to the end, the breach to her privacy had been pretty huge, a rather intimate momment leaked so extensively... Having night vision HD cameras was great... Until they got turned against you! It was not like it could be claimed a fuzzy mess, it was quite clear... Mikes system was turned against them!

A small bleep from her phone as she sipper the steaming cut of tea revenerntly enjoying thr flavour and warmth, her software just listing damage lists, codes and bits. It would take time to review but was clear someone took a great effort to both breach, and link into her systems? They really where a serious pro... After... What... There was far better adult content out there!

A few beeps and buzza later. Oh. Her family would be... Well, that would be a awkward topic when she returned to London for the wedding for sure. Could anyone related by blood or Marriage to a Olympus have a quiet life? Maxamillion perhaps...no, well not after bailing out his daughters from trouble once r twice and ending up in mountains of his own!

The letter sent off in the post a few days before, Maxamillion Olympus knocked back a drink in his office of a 40 year old scotch. His granddaughters plural had inherited there mother's, aunts and other relatives knack for finding trouble.

Atleast Joel seems to have the healthy sense to avoid trouble not run head long into it, and embrace it as a lover.

This one... Was less.. Well not the last time he had to deal with tabloids, a incident years ago when Marla, Maria and rhere friend Amy had taken a private lake for being more olrivate than it was. Fake tan gave him less headaches! The two sisters more European attitudes had been... Well the problem! There next generation had... Well a diffrent but similar nature.

A serris of noises from the high end computer built into the desk, he preffered a hand written letter but some technplogy was unavoidable, just like civil service pen pushers wanting to know exactly about some topic, with numerous documents a 2 minute call could easily resolve. Pen pushers... They where his greatest foe. Still, he preffered to be at the cutting edge so to speak. It paid to know exactly how your company was doing..

Freindly suggestion.

You been active 3 weeks and not even got off the starting blocks.

Strike while iron is hot not needing reheating in the forge.

If your gonna do, do it.
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