Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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Died laughing maybe :)


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@Karkinos I find personality sections work best when you give some direction and mention things that actually matter. If left unchecked, yes, it just becomes a collection of random facts. Your character preferring sweet drinks to alcoholic ones isn't really important to the RP. The fact that they build robots as a hobby means your character has a background in robotics, despite their occupation being an accountant or something.

Yes, good sheets do not always mean a good character. Just as a good resume doesn't mean someone is a good fit for the job. That's why interviews exist. Fortunately, it is very easy to look at a posters history to find out how they write characters, if they cause a lot of OOC drama, etc. The types of things they choose to focus on also tells you a lot about the direction they want to take the character in, or what they feel is important about a character.

Most importantly, as a GM, I just like potential story hooks to be exposed so that I can wrap the story around the characters. I don't need to know every last detail about your character's backstory, just "They use to work for the mob" is enough to let me know it's possible a mob NPC might know of your character.

I find writing samples are sort of unessisary, as I can just look at someone's post history. Everyone has that one epic post they want to share, but how does their writing look at it's worst, when they aren't working on something epic?

Also a personal thing.

Hidden tricks, or so in CS and such applications really turn me off. If you want a writing sample or so, please just make it clear.

I've seen someone use a very brilliant but never seen before broken img type code to hide the writing prompt, that's bloody hard to find when you on mobile melded into the centre of a paragraph.

Writing samples... 50/50 on em... But people, please be honest.

The codling was cool. The level of trick. Far less.
If he could capture a a member, aquire a ring or two. He might be able to work slowly on corrupting them.

I know more about lotr than lanterns but he had a hand, or knew details about their making and how the every magic of Middle earth worked. He is also a spirit, and basically for all intents, Imortal. The lanterns are not.

Now if he did start, made a small craxk, and started to turn them very slowly over the decades and centuries like the rings of power did, then perhaps.
Not all could be, the eleves did not. But a slow long game rather than just hacking directly in seems more likely. He had much more time to play with last time.

In centuries, or so time. The lanterns are ring wraiths, but that's a slow change, darkening them, there nature's and powers slowly over time. More incidious.

Like to use warhammer 40k. Before the eldar fall, they did not quite so as much notice, the craft worlds however saw far more starkly as they could be in space for decades at a time.

A slow burn that's not noticed, than a. Fast flash.
<Snipped quote by Chai>

We do this for several reasons.

First of all, most people hate big sheets. They just want to plug & play, because they could give a shit about the story, only what their character can do within it. A beefy, detailed sheet sets up a first line of defense against plug & play types.

Second of all, that beefy sheet makes sure we know, that you know your character. That you've taken the time to fully flesh out a fictional human being, rather than a shapeless mass of potential to unleash upon any given situation.

Finally, it attempts to force establishment of FACTS. So that you can't, at any given time, retcon that character's past and skill set to serve your needs as your situation evolves.

I have to dumb my sheets down for most projects, because no one would apply if I used the full version.

That has points but then again with the fact so many Don t quite take off, a enwrmousous sheet is a major investment in somthing that may or many not succeed.

Theres a middle ground, you do not to hyper detail everything but get a solid view of charceter and the basics. The little tiny stuff can worked out as things go but thr big stuff needs to be nailed down.

A charceters exact likes or disliked can be general, plus everyone knows that a sheet by thr end will have changed as such through the RP if long ernough and charceter experience and events will change reactions.

Theres a middle ground. It needs detail but not also a monster of a thing with full fnaily trees and all involved.

Sample of details from one I'm in and help run.
Theres ernough, and some people have added avobe and beyond. But those titles have covered most of everything needed.


Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

A restaurant that should not be open! . Finale day!

Victoria was expecting a pot of tea, but a bottle was certainly a alittle bit different and unexpected. Iced tea still was a creation she could not get used to... Cold tea, that was sweet... She did not quite have her sisters sugar berg tooth. This one was hot and rather nice. "Thankyou, its a strange way to make tea, but works. Russian mum, English dad... My blood is tea I think. Zhame, doctors really vy fun.

OK. Take vy card, let me know when you can find a gap.. Dinner better... Vy sister works mostly in the day, and I'm busy with appointments. Il Trust to u to make it work"
reaching over for her hand bag and purse." lady de winter coding" her other cards would be abit useless given not likely keep her job, and the other one, that was her side line work.

"I... Long story for sure, its somthing vy. Well that, I can work round. Though I'm better than I vas. Frozen really sucked! Course my sister loved it." Pulling out her phone and a few sections nds later showing a picture of her white haired, with skin that was more like snow white, than her current pale alabaster ish hue. Her balence was better now, though it was safer to have her cane than not as that could change on a drop of a hat. "Vou can try... But I could probbly set fire to pasta, its harder when part your mind is on not falling over." Balnwce was more a active than passive thing, especially with hormones making it.. Unpredictable."Thankyou, its not a failing... Vou do not have to think differently. Its easy to take for granted what is a challenge to others."

Then topics, well he definitely was a food nerd. She did not know the details jusy the food out there was quite delicious only, well the city left a few things to be desired. It certainly had been a experience she not forget, and a almost privileged one. Few got to taste the food out there from the west. The fact you needed hefty bodyguards to even leave the ship was... Well reasons... The photo back in her office where a few rather diffrent ones! "Exotic. il give you that on the polite answer. Ve definitely where glad to have some Russain security, blurry faced chaps. I just know that rice Vas good... Given the state of country. We where lucky to get what Ve had. Even the... Goverment if yiu could ever use the word for biggest warlord. Was limited

Oh... Russia, its... Vi never went hungry, you never zeen the holiday meals. They are a feast. VIt is a matter of pride. Oh yes... Just go where you feel... London... So much if off the plans, zey never advertise much. Yet... I'm somewhat disabled and I managed... You have no restrictions."

Oh. Her family wedding was less fairy tale more a modern romance, breakups, mistakes, estrangement and more. Not just a simple tale, though that made the family what it was, a rather mixed up... Slightly tiny bit crazy bunch... Others may disagree and belive they all where just loony and certifiable. Victoria met her sister when she was 14, her 18, somehow it all worked. "Well, 20 some years later. Zey have a long story, 2 kids and more. Zey finally admitted it here in fact... After ze grand prix. Oh... I think I'm in more trouble zan my sister. She just had a girlfriend, I am well, a little more dramatic.

Zat works fine. Vy left you my card if things need to move about. Sing.. Tatu, every time ve touch. With my sister... It was funny though. I know it in Russain, though no kiss!.. I zink... Zey where a alittle disappointed. Umm, depending on your ability, you might be closed or queueing down ze block! "
smiling, she found a video of thr incident the had downloaded off the clubs page and played it. Both dressed up, Marinalia had a few cocktails. Quite a few! She was sobre, just a little high on sugar!

Victoria definitely had a few good reasons not to divulge her little details, the Arms dealers daughter was not always popular for a reason. Plus her family had a few enemies, it was natural. Arcady had rivals, her security software had rivals. Encryption, it was a rather competive industry. She did not dig into if he was thr chef, or even the owner or manager in disguise playing for opinions of information. It was pretty bbly obvious she was hiding things but he had the polite nature not to dig either whoghbwas appreciated. Pouring herself the some of the tea, finding a spare napkin to grab the hot container. "For a lovely meal... Vell... A Freeby. Cheap ernough... Ans should least slow me down renaming vour WiFi a egg pun.

I left off... Might seem unfriendly. "
She really was not kidding how good she was, that and a little fact she never tried to admit, to design security you need to be equally skilled at breaking it or more to find the weakness. The list was quite short In a careful slower handwriting on a little designer moleskin notebook from her hand bag.

Victoria glanced over at her cane and slid as carefully off the stool as she could, dropping with a slight bump and leaning against the counter before grabbing her cane to lean against and taking a tentetive step to find her balence. "Maybe you can show me a alittle. VI promise not to try to burn down the city block... Or ruin your kitchen Ummm.. Not trying to flirt... Vy life is already a mess without extra relationships and that stuff. I already have ernough headaches.

Nice just to be able to talk and forget things abit."
Trying to makw it clear by actions and tone she was not really up for flirting and so right now. Much as he was cute and good cook, things where much more complicated now and things where definitely not in a situation to want much more than a nice chat and so. She had not got over the whole baby suprise yet. That would take some getting used to, and then thr thought... Scary. She would be responsible for a little human being, who was her... That was scary...

Having to rely on hand for safety with a cane or ledge etc did make things harder to cook, she did not quite fully need it but it was a somewhat safety messure. Dodgy balence round hot rings, sharp blades and other things where never going to be a good idea to take chances with. Especially when she had more than herself to consider.

Life became alot more complicated when somthing you took for granted was not a option, when somthong that was second nature needed active effort to make work.


That jar certainly is intresting.

>>"Strange.... It seems to... Be old, but... It's definitely not just decorative. This could be useful...when I work out what it does" "

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Finale day . Luna Sports Temporary Helicopter Pad to airborn

Finale Day, when Drama Lammas run free


Marinalia noticed her phone vibrate and checked before moving to get thr Helicopter started up and dropped her "Burnt antifreeze" into a cup holder near her seat by the door. "Apollo, clear the groundies. Flying for uncle Sam. Few minutes.

I really Don t want to test the blood and grass theory. Enjoy your stay honey... "
Teasing but also serious about the safety part, she watched as Apollo shouted over to clear the ground crews from behind the helicopter. "oh, Valkarie, how I miss you my sweet... Or is that just your taste in coffee. Sure. Groundies clear, FO risk low, keep low... Smoke and debries at 1000 feet or above." Slowly starting the engines and warming up the systems the rotators began a slow rotation and lifted slowly from there drooping static positions.

Slowly pushing the throttle forward, the rotators and engines started to slowly light up icons and dials as they built up speed to a gentle speed. Clicking a array of switches overhead to active, lights, radios and more besides. Dozens of little steps required to start up. Waiting till the engines where ready, she shed her jacket and pulled from thr bag behind her, slipping it overhead locking a serris of clasps and velcro straps.

Black outer fitted plastic with a layered set of cermaric plates for comfort and a better female fit over her front than a single plate, a slightly more obscure design with the odd weakness but advantages in movement. Thankfully her dad was paranoid and had it resized for her. One time she tanked his arms dealer profession! It seemed someone had told her father as the outer plastic had a moulded image of a winged female norse warrior with long flowing hair and winged helmet all picked out in a very dark grey. Pulling her flight jacked over to hide it slightly. Hopefully Paige asked no too deep questions but she was not risking her life if she had to!

Watching as two figures headed across the sports field to the waiting chopper sat on parked up, Paige she recognised but Milo? He was her boyfriend but hey. Working with her professional to? Not her job to question just to fly them to where they needed to be. "This is Valkarie, Deadalus inter City 2, getting ready for take off... Flight plan actice under federal clearance. 2 passengers, one pilot." waiting a second, the voice came over clear on the upto date digital radios, a god send vs the old one on the DC7. "Deadalus Atchual, copy. Danger 1000 feet above, wind North North West, viability good. Safe flight Valkarie. Bring her back safe or the old man won,t be happy." "Copy that Atchual. Condition report copy. I quite intend to make it to Carabian. Thanks tower. Valkarie out."

Finsihing up, she glanced over more curious how Milo would react to her, especially after his history with Victoria. That would be... Though she was captain of this particular Helicopter and her word was law as far as it went... Maybe not to Paige, but to a civilian, sure.

Turning to Paige and Milo as they ducked there heads and climbed in gesturing for Paige to take the seat besides her, trusting thr federal agent to be better at taking directions of needed, and made a sign to grab headsets and get secured for take off. Getting on the intercom. There was a little preflight to finish. "OK, quick points I have to go over. One, toggles, green means on, red mics off on your headsets. Two, keep belts on, flying low and fires, winds, it's more turbulent that normal. Trust me it's safe. I've got 9 years experience and a flight trainer for deadalus. Three, my bird, my rules. If I say jump, jump. Got it. Four, emergency kit below your seats, life jackets. Pull the toggle hard to inflate. Five, for the love of all and nay gods, keep away from the tail. I do not want to clean you off my helicopter.

Right. Now that's done. Catalina Island here we come. Last chance to back out."
Her accent swapping to a still vety British but well practiced profeshinal tone running through the basics at a steady pace and clearly in her elament. Making one last check all was clear and no one wnated to back out, doing pre flight for the least 1000th time at least, with a easy calm professional manner like it was second nature.

Concentrating and chexking a multi coloured and detailed map of the city, routes, building heights and other details that she needed to know and traced a route out using a white board marker. Marking 300-320 feet, with a few other details, high ernough to avoid but well clear of worst winds, smoke and rubbish from the fires. Aligning the map with the compass on the helicopter, she soon worked out where the fire and smoke would be. "OK, so, hang on. Details. Opposing forces? I can go low, sea skim.. Viability is clear ernough. Im... Unofficially trained on how to do it. Private lessons, Fleet air arm retired instructor.

Hope you enjoy your first flight Milo, your in safe hands. You dropping off with Paige? If so, I'm not stopping... When I say go. Go. Il pause, you go, run, dust and spray should hide you and il be off. Seconds max. I'm not taking risks. I quite fancy making it to my mums and dad's wedding and look good in my bridesmaids dress"
Wondering if to ask, there was no real time like the present, especially when that question has been eating at her for so long. Hopefully Milo remained polite, she hoped he would but still unsure how badly he had taken things with her sister or how things had fallen or not. There was times her strange childhood helped.

Planning a short cut over the park, that would save a alittle time with a good angle for the city gap outwards. The buildings where lower a alittle on that side and should be alittle safer than having to navigate past the taller skyscrapers. Admitly a few kids, mothers and so might complain about the overflight, woken kiddies and so. This was so gonna get noticed...

Checking the dials and various instruments and running her fuel calculations, definitely ernough for a few hours though the low flights where gonna burn more than higher altitudes and stress the airframe more. With a higher chance of suprise on the island. Balences..."Milo... Ummm personal, so just putting you on mute a minute. There's a plan of Catalina in the back, I got a map, old aux tunnels etd, buildings from when active. Islands WW2 built, later Cold War and reinforced heavily, They link whole island. Take it with you. May need it. Thr South Side hangers have repaired below ground hangers for bad storms, your cellular and radio signals gonna be patchy in alot of places if your indoors, You may need to find a higher level.

Deadalus only took it over as a emergency redirect when it was cleared, lotta nasty stuff left over. Took long time. Still. Avoid the old tank farm if you can.

OK... Paige, now lines private. Milo... Not sure what he would do with it, revent events. And all. Rumours keep... Did you catch Bob? I really need some closure. Just want to close this chapter. What happened? Please. Wnated to ask before but... Now is my chance.

He hurt me, they tried to... I need to know there never coming back."
Between Xia, counseling and fact she was working what she loved, Marinalia was alot less broken than last time, her dark eyes where not as broken nore pained. More confident this time, she loved her work and Marlin was in her elament.

Soon the lights confirmed the engines where up to temperature, the lights where in the right places. She could take off without but that was extra stress on the engines and she did promise to return it intact and flying!

Clicking a switch, letting one of thr channels swap to music, it always seemed to help her relax abit.

Hi :)

Welcome. Hope the padwin is doing well and sleeping at least a few hours :)
Charceter sheets should be seen as what they are. The starting point.

They allow you to make sense of things, list your information and details, and also to allow you a refrence detail so everyone can see who is who, what and so without countless questions.

Now, are they your plan, future or Role play, no.

The charceter should go with the flow of things, and within reason that's going to change, and the CS is merely the starting line. It can show a idea where it going to go but we all seen RP where the idea takw a path of its own.

Important for many reasons, this just a sample.
But... They should not be all, end all for that charecter.
OK. Il do it use the far Eastern potion when I do it as 3 dread cards sound pretty leathal lol.

>>Fine ua all.... Il do it... Though the Lord never says no to a alittle help saving thr incocenwt.
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