Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Ya can always carry ya gran daddies duck hunting hat in your pack if you ever find a pond spare.


Agh. One to remember for next time then.

No real harm done, dig and enjoy some Sol city IC Ice-cream.
This is the epilogue time skip in effect now. We put up the 24 hour warning and posted. If you check pilatus warning 6 days ago it confirms it.

And our warning post detailing it. The 24 hours passed with no questions or so and it activated. See post below for your details you need for how to avoid temporal anomplies that require us to call in star fleet or thr doctor.

As always any questions just ask away!



I'll be posting again at least once for Joel, but planning to ckose up shop with a Milo/Paige post. Anyone that wants to get in an epilogue post should get it in sooner rather than later.





Yes ladies and gents this is it, we've made it all the way through Chapter Two for Sol City marking our SECOND CONSECUTIVE completed RP in this genre. With the aftermath of the Club explosion and downtown drama, the last time skip will encompass whatever you see your characters doing inside of the next week so keep that in mind for your posting and be clear what time you're in. We don't want to end with any spatial disruptions.

So the city is yours. There are no events this week. Everything is winding down from the finale. Life goes on in Sol for another Chapter.

@King Tai

OK. :)

If you need any help let me know. I can explain most of my great epilogue tome!

I tried not to pin anything down too hard and also stick with your charceters spirit best I could. Hope it's not too out of it.

One RP we run has 45,000 charceter OOC without a deep section of plot and supporting information.

Add a contextual, history etc and you could manage it quite easily!
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Epilogue part two. Electric bugalo. The Travels of the drama Llama ladies . Mixed, Olympus Estate England, Jamaica.

Kingston Jamicia. Caribian adventures and reflections.

Marinalia was enjoying her routine of sorts, heading out while it was cooler and the sun less intense to enjoy the beach or starting a day trip early. Xia had teased her but for all her protests, she was having to be careful and her hair was slowly changing a alittle lighter, it suited though and a little help later tied the back of her bikini before getting up, grabbed a few bits from the nearby beach bag and wandered back to maybe grab some lunch hand in hand. "Just tie it already, you known what's underneath since the blizzard... Thanks. Fish. OK, jerk it is cutie." laughing, joking Marinalia had alot of weight finally lifted and her accent had regained a alittle of a chime like qaulity, clearly happy and also lighter almost. A light loose skirt and open top quickly partially hid the slightly darker and raised scar across her stomach, and protected her rather europeen skin tone.

Sporting rather attractive red head, dressed for beach with a fairly curvy figure in perephal vision, she gave a small curiosity of a thought before distracted by a rather talented street performer, was it Bob marley, maybe. Marinalia did not have the best musical knowledge at times. Melding into the crowds, Marinalia and Xia vanished in the masses.

It was a quiet day, Marinalia has kindly and gently inisted that Xia spend a alittle time with her family too, a alittle of her personal values coming through about blood being thicker than water. She had met them one afternoon but it was not the same as spending time alone with them and after a short but sweet kiss goodbye took a impromptu day trip to the Blue mountains and coffee growing region. Feeling silly, flirty and a alittle teasing twirl later letting her dress show a alittle more leg for a ernough of a second to tease Xia with a blown kiss, Short summer dress and shoulder bag with essentials like a light jacket incase it got cooler and a book or two, Marinalia watched the world go by as the coach took a meandering road, one very much like her own life. Fumbling off a embarising question or so from the older lady next to her whom had seen her little goodbye left a few thoughts bouncing around her brain about what she really mattered, and exactly how her Sol and other adventures had changed those goals.

A few hours later, delicious coffee, tour and the weather a cooler but still comfortable version of the one down in Kingston, it was nice to be away from the rush with time to think. A small bench in a quiet spot. Most of the tour had wandered there own ways and she had least a hour to be back at the entrence to catch the coach back to Kingston.

Thoughts turned to what ifs, not always goof teritory but if you where going to evaluate things, a quiet spot in blue mountains, overlooking a valley and the sea in far distences seemed difficult to beat. The coffee here really did live up to its reputation. But what if? A hand moved to her lap, tracing the scar that ended her chance at swimming on national team, very few knew that story, if Marla had not been around still made people's blood run cold and bones shiver. Bitch she was at times her aunt saved her life, harsher at times than Maria, least Maria had less generous gifts in backpain to inherit. Maria, what if dad never left. No Victoria? Different? They met as teanagers. A small change in life could make entire worlds shift. What would her grandmother make of Things? Marinalia who shared her name and other things. What would she makw of her choices?

Flying was a love more than a job, it had guided her to Sol city, the attack in music vennue had changed alot of things. Ren? He was cute and felt... Comfortable. She got on. Shame they never had a bad movie night. Who knew where that would have gone? Hopefully he managed to stand up to his father one day. Joel... Joel and the gala? Would they have worked. Who knew. What did lie under all that sarcasm and blatent disregard for social norms? Never know. Her sister had kinda taken a wrecking ball to things but as Siobhan had said. She would forgive her sister anything? Nearly... Probbly. Family was family and blood was blood. Those ideas never left, angry for a while but between the sisters it never really lasted long. Then Xia came into her life. Random as hell who would know how they story would have turned when they first met in random quick passing at the Jazz night. Who knew where it go?

Who knew anything. She had changed so much in a short time it was a hard to work things out. Good changes. Bad? Still change was change and her life she could not say was bad, her relationship was making her happy, posetive and kept her from slipping back somehow into her post attack state. Whatever happened, she would not regret the things and the road to recovery was visible.

Suprised by the time, she made it to the coach just feeling a alittle better for her improtu self counseling session. Her therapist had advised but we'll, it never had worked until now, cautioned about doing anything too suddon, but a few things felt right. The same older lady seemed to notice a diffrence, a few cryptic comments and so about mountian air good for clearing your head.

A few hours later Marinalia found a few ways to thank Xia for unknowing putting her on a path to finding a alittle peace least for a week or two after all the drama, storms, chaos and hurts that taken a while to start to heal.

A little advice to follow her heart in England? Maybe it made more sense now.

Southern England. Storms end, London, and lake side walks.

Victoria was having a very diffrent time as her sister was finding her coffee covered mountain of contemplation. Victoria had caught up with a few freinds in London, taken a wander out when she felt like it, visited the Tate Modern by some random desire for a walk, was quieter in the mornings.

A a few messages later she bumped into Dira on a errand to London and Moscow, the two women finding a litre cafe to chat, pretty basic, the tea was hot and strong decaf or otherwise. Breaking the news in person, she had left before they could meet in Sol and well, freinds deserved better than a phone call. "Vat... Your. Oh Vika. Vou do never take the easy way. You do fine. Let me know if Vou need help. I looked after vy cousins regularly." smiling, her friend was nervous but also happy for her. Victoria would manage, with a alittle help. "A suprise for ve too. Very much so. Vhankyou, I hope. Between Mali, Maria, Marla, and everyone else. I reckon il manage. Even rachel offered. So... You charm that guy at party... "

A hour or so later Victoria left feeling better she managed to tell Dira what was going on, talking, joking gossip and more. The whole drama llama. She had not judged her too badly for thr video, just warned to be more careful. Yeah. That one was really grinding her gears abit. Who had the right to steal her most personal moments? They would pay for that. A hug and a extra one for the passenger it seemed from Dira, the taller brutnnete left for her hotel. Dira was a strange one, but a good one none the less. A appointment later, collecting a few bits from a certain tailors, one or two items for Mali, mostly hers though as hard to find clothes to fit, items for next few months coming up, and so. Not cheap but being 4'9 made regular shops a intresting challenge at times.

Another evening on the Olympus Estate, it was quiet, a alittle cool but nothing a warm coat would not fend off. She felt stuck by things. There where options but huge what ifs? What was she to do about a a bunch of things?

Walking out the rear door into thr old carriage park behind the house out onto the grounds and past the satalite buildings she finally found a spot overlooking the lake and the birds landing on the water. A old tree stump made a place to stop. Her fitness was still recovering, the cane was a brilliant blue, if she felt guilty. Difficult choices had greatly distracted that train of thought, she had least worked some of it out. Though the larger issue remained, the far larger more confusing issue. Had she made a diffrent choice at that doorstep all those days ago?

Unlike Marinalia Victoria was the cooler of thr two, more practical out of sheer requirement. Losing her mum, losing herself almost, hospital, more. It built up barriers. She had appecpted her choice however much she used the cane, it was rather more a reminder to be more carful, a reminder also she was not as solid physically however much she liked, but mentally?

Heading back in before she got too cold, it was getting dark and the sun had set over the trees, the lake was dark where the yellows and faded into oranges and deep reds, shadows had grown longer then faded into thr greater darkness. Walking back and waving seeing headlights and Mike driving back with some craving for Marla. She politely refused a lift and preffered the walk back, talking a alittle while to enjoy the quiet and private estate. It would be too soon before she forced back into thr chaos of Sol city, too soon before she was back into the rush of appointments, work and personal drama. Lieing back in her suite, the estates grounds where almost pitch black with bright buildings sticking out. Reflecting the mirror like lake where the various flood lights and windows glowing into the night.

A long bath later she fell asleep easily, maybe differently to how Marlin got there but it was peaceful and enjoying thr calm before the storms came.

Refrences and mentions.

@Pilatus, Joel "Sol's fastest son"
@Almalthia Ethan "Rockstar" , Siobhan "The red priestess of drama"
@King Tai Xia "Caribbean Cutie"
I've reused a few charceters but they also a have grown, adapted and the previous tweaked into back story.

Eoaments, parts, remade, new ones added and tweaked.
Defenitely not a copy.

Name s often get reused. But some just stick and work so....

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Epilogue . The Travels of the drama Llama ladies . Mixed, Wensday, Friday. Sol City, Deadalus International Airport, Olympus Estate England, Jamaica.

Books, Bridesmaids, beechs and new beginnings.

Part One Sol city, Hesphestus Manor
Part Two Deadakus International Airport
Part Three Olympus Estate England.
Part Four Jamaica, Caribian


Marinalia had quite the week before the trip to England, Caribbean, weddings and probbly a rather interrogation by her family regarding events, Xia, Victoria and the whole Pregnancy. There was alot to catch up on...

Paige, Paige caused her a mwmment, though somehow it came off Suprisingly quiet for a trouble magnet. A simple drop off and landing. Checking the news after, someone had taken off from there, nothing of major note. Events about the city and others but nothing.... Massive or terrifying. Hmm maybe her thoughts where overly paranoid, dramatic or so.

Sat back in the conservatory with a large flight manual for company, 500 ish pages of heavy going reading on the 100j, thankfully a trip or so shopping on the weekend had added a few bits of furniture to help start to make things more homely like a comfy loveseat to stretch out on with a cup of coffee on the side table. Victoria needed some time to think and work things out so left her sister be with a tome for a friend. Specs, stats, procedures, it was a few week job to beat this particular doorstop. Thry had plans for the Manor, but it would take till summer probbly till it was fully brought back to life. Xia had been right, it was abit of museum in places, though part of her did not want to overly change the home her grandmother and namesake had loved.

It definitely felt like a weight was lifted knowing what happened with Bob, knowing he was safely in a hole for a good decade at least and his 3 horrible examplws of humanity employer's where having there nuts well and truely hung over a volcano. Should keep them nicely distracted and busy away from her life. Especially when if they remotely slip a toe out of line they where on the hook for somthing un detailed but far more serious sounding. She herself knew money could buy you put of alot of things and into alot of places. This was one they would have to work alot harder to get out of footloose and fancy free.

Her holiday was a alittle distracting, especially since she knew Xia had acquired a few items that definitely where summed up as telegraphing a very clear intention... Not that she minded the view. A few of hers might toe a few lines but that was all the more fun. A beech in Jamaica, maybe teaching Xia to ride a horse if there was time. It was that or cold Sol where you needed one to three coats to go to the shop.... No real challenges there.

Maria's wedding was coming up fast, her tickets for England where already booked a while ago, Business class and comfey. They had a spare that was taken of Xia wanted to go. Victoria and Ethan definitely needed to work out what the hell was going on there and some time to think on both sides seemed a good idea. They had a 3rd life to consider. Marla had sworn them to secrecy on a few suprises though also a alittle firm the two sisters needed to talk about the recent wave of chaos including a pregnancy and the video. Luckily for once, Marlins little adventures had stayed limited to a city gossip colum not the international tabloids.


A few days later came there flight, taking the Deadalus check in and security line she had dressed up for part in her full uniform with female styled hat, captain bars, wings and a tiny set of Gold plated pins with one, two and 4 engine plane, a helicopter and a silver 100J below her original gold wings when she passed her flight liscense. Between the glittering decorations to her uniform, neat skirt and jacket hugging all the right places and a ice blue and gold diamond necklace she definitely looked the part anyway.

After all it was the company line and she did earn it all even of it was a tad of her "dress" version. Victoria being Pregnant and slightly disabled by some standards, well it helped the airlines worries not to have her standing in line for hours and everyone else's. No one wnated a passenger fainting in line at all. Looked bad. Dressed smartly but also warmly Britain was not yet really in spring propper and still not warmish, a warm wool coat woth a silver Raven pin and blood red small gemed necklace from a vintage jewrally shop picked up after her treatment. Leaning against her cane she smiled seeing London marked on the boards, home seemed a good place after all the drama they had.

Glancing over to the public lines Marinalia drank a rather silly coffee, White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla syrup, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles and a extra bonus of some silly extra syrup , making a sweet burnt anti freeze smelling pink concoction that probbly would kill the average diabetic.

Sure the security guard saw one smell of her drink and asked if she was pregnant or somthing because it's smell. Several jokes later she wandered into the nice deadalus business class lounge. She was not sure if it was Joel or no wandering by, but have a cheeky glance over and blew a mock kiss his way teasing whoever and the red head nearby. Giggling at it all, maybe it was the extreme caffine and sugar fix. She was more confident back to her old self, even she had to admit the Deadkus uniform with her figure and diamonds etc certainly added up to "Devestating pretty" at the least. Snapping a quick Video of her and Victoria making a slight twirl pointing at London flight on the board, and blowing a kiss to the camera laughing.

Sending that to Xia, hopefully she joined them in England, plus might mean she not have to answer every question about her relationships!

Victoria was having a very diffrent kindnof week, Things with Ethan definitely had gone a little strange, and was not quite what sure to do. Deciding the trip to England was a great idea to clear her head and rethink things.

Some things had begun... To effect her a alittle, not majorly but a few things smelt stronger, a few little, she definitely needed a chat with Maria and Marla when she was back home! Marla definitely, she was currently expecting her second.

Plus it gave her chance to talk to her family and get a alittle advice about the whole messed up, broken and battered situation. What was done was done, and the whole... Video was strange to say the least. That still was a mystery she was investigating as the hacker was hard to track or even get a clue how or why. She managed to narrow it down abit from just the US, to a coastal side, maybe at some point a state or somthong else. To know the threat to your systems meant you could defend.

Her preparations for her trip had distracted abit, hospital appointments, confirming things, medications, bits to pack, just tiny stuff that took time. Though after the wedding Victoria had a important appointment with General Arcady. That definitely would be worth the air fare. If he planned to pay similar to previous she would be a fairly wealthy woman indeed. Ernough easily to mantian a kid, long as she was careful and worked when she could longer term. Her plans where... Unsure but there was a start...

It was time to embrace the family business it seemed.


Airport ame suprising easily, Marlin directed them to a shorter line and soon they where past and through after abit of joking about her being a flight attended or so. Marlin rarely wore her uniform quite that styled but wings, badges, hat, stripes and more suited her. That day with Paige had changed somthing in her, "Devestating pretty" as normal but somthing changed inside for the good. Closure. Much as her own problems, Victoria cared about her sister even of her reputation to anyone else was a man eating sucubus, harpy, triflingor whatever other fantasey anamials they came up with. Where there a word for female hobbits...

Messaging Ethan she lt him konw she was out the country, time zones and all. She really did not need to wake anyone or be woken up at 5am or so other equally god awful hour. Victoria really was not always morning person, especially recently. Thry where... Well not sure quite what was going on or not but she would not make it impossible to be contacted, bar the wedding day. Unless it was a bloody reanimation of zombie Hitler, alien invasion or the latest gen processor she finally had been waiting to order for damn months... Nope.

Wedding day. England.

Stood waiting it felt like a eternity as finally the magic words came true and her father, and Marinliaa parents finally "I do" after 27 years and kisses in the grounds of a large English private estate. The weather was not totally warm but ernough for them to do it outside in the sunshine, the thick forrested areas and lake glittering in the lower but still welcome sunlight.

Stood by Marla and Marinalia, Victoria was glad her dad had someone, after Darya. He had not really had many long term things, or serious. Smiling she watched the new "Lady" Mrs Maria Romus Olympus, Victoria kept her mother's title, she did not have so much as she was not very much of a things woman, so the small stuff mattered. Her diary, a few items of jewellery and rings. The title, however silly in America to be able to claim Lady Victoria Darya Romus. Least her name slotted nicely!

Though that made the family surnames... Fun, especially when there initials where a mixed up mess of M,s... Even she had to wonder how it became tradition to use that letter. No one quite knew it just was. Marinalia was going to Malia until least someone decided having a Maria, Marla and Malia in same family would be a utter headache!

Well more than normal lol. M Olympus was still ambiguous on post!

Many photo,s, toasts, dances and happy memories later Maria and Vesarian headed off on a short honeymoon to somewhere warmer than a winter to spring united Kingdom. Both still had busy lives though always seemed to find time for each other.

England, a rainy afternoon

Victoria had faced quite the few days, not quite hostile but also wanting to know exactly what happened. A slightly embarrassing but also relaxing afternoon with Marla and Maria got to thr bottem of things and advice on what to do regarding everything from Ethan to morning sickness, legal rights and what foods to avoid. Thankfully two doctors knew wives tales from wisdom.

Then came the meeting, sat back she leant her cane against the side waiting for the rest of them to arrive, no one was thankfully expectinf her to be a excellent hostess after a suddon run in with breakfast and a realisation her body was slowly having done stronger reactions to certain foods. Be it her build, size or medical quirks. Some things came earlier than normal and kept a diary for her doctor.

Greeting the guests. Talk soon turned to business, even with some international situations calming down there was no lack of opertunity. Though not the full detail, of course no one quite knew that. The Russians wanted to expand there options in North America and a watered down but still effective version of her radio software for freindly nations and clients. Plenty to keep her busy.

A good while later Victoria toasted with a non alcoholic drink that a agreement had been finally found, and thongs could be left to the little stuff later on. Thr General was busy, Victoria needed a alittle rest after a fairly intense late morning and early afternoon. Everyone else had flights to make, people to see, or just wnated to relax with family. "I agree Miss Victoria, like your father I see this being rather profitable for both of us, if not too imposing, you definitely have favorable aspects of your mother." tensing slightly, but not quite, Victoria always was a alittle sensetive on certain family topics. Not bothering lately to really mask her partial Russain Accent, no one seemed to care. "Very much so I hope. Rolls Royce are not cheap and a lady needs somthing suitible for her title. Th.. Thankyou, though some a diary and her rings is a poor imitation of the real thing. Especially now."

The meeting closed a few minutes later, there was alot to do, in a fairly short time, even not being ready when she returned to America maybe. No time like now, and time wasted was time lost forever. The hospitals lacked the knowledge of her treatments elsewhere so Sol it was, and was a slow process to train people on experimental medical practices. Of course, pending delays, Wagner shall be consulted, and others regarding security, the city and situation at the time. We suspect you where right, there is somthing deeper wrong in Sol, and that could be used to advantage or not. However it always better be prepared with a useless report than Suprised.

There may yet be big changes or small. And rivals never let a opertunity sit and go by.

A much warmer beech in Jamaica, Friday early afternoon

Xia definitely was right about the skin protection as Marinalia leant back with a cocktail in a large fruit and a silly romance novel about a blackamith falling for a lady after her horse threw a shoe in the village below the castle, forbidden romances, and families whom both foright against the path of true love. It certainly was a change for her, Bikini yes and quite a eyeful for Xia with a athletic but curvey figure though a very light skirt to protect her skin slightly where she was not used to the harsher sun and hide the scar a alittle along with her more modern Aviators to protect her eyes.

Glancing over at her less concerned girlfriend who took to the weather like it was second nature in a bikini that certainly gave her a small blush that late morning. Marlin still was getting used to the heat and maybe her dressed so and took the first few days slow. The Bikini choices and few other items had caused a few "delays" to there plans, pleasent ones though and entirely welcome.

They had a hotel not too far away, not the fanciest or the largest but she had left to Xia and just sorted out the flights. A smaller but nice older outside but modern boutique hotel. The large Bath had been a god send after she had forgotten her sunscreen one afternoon too caught up in her exploring a open arcade type market. It was a alittle away from the main shopping streets but less overtaken by Rally fever that was fast infecting the island at least.

In all honestly she needed this, all the stress was forgotten for a few days, just her, good company and a warm beech on a hot caribian island. The racing was all over the news and she had passed the team hotels, rumours of drunk nordic folks in the bar and just general stuff relating. Doing her best to ignore she had tried to direct a few trips away from it. Contery to belief she was not stalking Joel like some crazy lady. A riding trip was booked down a rather quiet beech, maybe a suprise that tan lines might not be a problem that suprise her caribian travel partner and a other trips, visits and places Xia was planning to show her the real Island life, highlights and hidden gems not just the tourist traps and Rally tracks that where so busy right now you could not even walk in a straight line.

Smiling to herself realising Joel was probbly stuck in some sticky race suit x hours a day while she was happily sunning it by a beach in a bikini or other equally weather suitible items, yep. Definitely the preferable choice. He and Sio, ooh what was going on there eh.. Holidays together.. Hopefully he could finish second for someone's sake though or might be a unhappy holiday.

Distractions aside she turned her thoughts back to far more important matters, like where to go for a meal tonight. Jerk Chicken or some of the island nations excellent sea food and maybe a wander by the nearby Market to see if there was anything intresting, unique or maybe a pretty little item or few. New culture, new country, new opertunities to explore and make a few happy memories.

Passing mentions and interactions.
@King Tai

If but a 3rd post I could being balence to the reaction force. :)
*was about to report*

*takes finger off the bog red button*
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