Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Lol I already saw it, my dude :D

You channeling the man with no name with your speed there?

@King Tai

Oh. Forgot to tag you just text response for now. Nothing major.
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Chapter 3 opening day, Saturday. Old starboard pub

Sol City return and changed times

Marinalia could not but help but smile at Xias text with a alittle warm feeling. Xia teasing while she got used to always seemed to get her in ways, well ways she never expected. When you thought it was worked out. Nope. Xia found a a new angle. She enjoyed it though, really her flirty side wa shaving a field day being out and free to play. Typing out a quick reply it was hard not a smile. "Oh. Two more mountains to explore I think and a inviting valley;) Don,t work too long my carabian cutie... Only you! Luv your snow bunny x x " OK, maybe a tad much but this was Xia, when she wanted to be she was subtle as a neon orange glowing flying squid in a golden top hat and bright pink top hat and tail coat.

Yes, she had faced a alittle, well her family has asked a few questions, had there moments from her mother especially though the whole, switch from serious to recommending a market to pick up a few cute bargains. Hiding her background was pretty much impossible. Why Xia... Why was a difficult question. It... Just happened, somehow, some way, it had no rhyme reason lor logic. It just was what it was. Who could explain the insanity of human attraction.

Noticing pretty boy, OK, definitely male from thr voice but he really could make girls jealous... Glad she not say that to his face. He just was... Well was... Girls. Coffee... Yeah. There was somthing magical about coffee, coffee and plenty of or sugar! Her inner child loved her adult self could order rediculous things. "Nothing wrong with coffee pick me up, sugar and space and all that's nice after all.

Umm. Waitress, miss? got any pie, tart, whatever word you use round about here. Specials or normal"
Marilania had lived here for months but the sheer variety of terms for deserts with crusts was pretty high. A slight sing song nature ringing her accent in the rhyme. Not like she could not sing, just not exactly anything like someone who trained. It had been years since any remotely lesson based activity.

She was not staring persay at the people, just curious to who passed by the pub. It was a quiet Saturday and home was empty, her sister had a apointment, her girlfriend was working and not much else going for this afternoon and no real events gave whim to a flight of fancy. A skater, looked abit tired, tad younger than her and more casual. It was proof this place had a rather diverse clientele to say the least. Reading the article about Joel again with a minor interest, curious. The Rally stuff was talk of the office, it was least handy to know abit about it. 3rd, Only American... Alot rolled over her understanding but clear it was a big feat. The second bit made her Suprised, Gramapa. That had to be Gramapa if it was true... "Damn... His PA was a tad too busy to be normal too."

Hmm. Time would tell if the article was baseless or not though, if she inquired about him. That might definitely create awkward questions for sure. She only just finished up on the last round of intrest in her romantic adventures. Glancing back to the person passing. Some people said that was freedom but nothing beat the thrill of pushing forward the throttles, the roar of the turbo props and a very act of drying gravity with man made machinery and sheer engine power. A few claimed she showed off wearing a flight jacket with gold wings and patches, but it really was her comfiest and the leather was long broken in to point you barely noticed it.

Now all Marilanaia needed to work out was what to do with the rest of her day. After pie. American pie was to die for done right.



Your good. Tidy that to one special skill, your welcome to have others and many as is mostly sensible. We are not wanting to be mega strict. Just Don't go mad and out rival Da vinchi and Thomas edison by 18 combined. Though just one notable special skill.

Rest is all there. Join in the party :)

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday Morning. Chapter 3 day one. Sushi Restaurant. Free skip

Waiting for her order, her curiosity bug was rewarded with answers, and surprising ones at that. A model, this trip for lunch at least would be memroble if nothing else and the woman for all of a rather... Ego centric career choice potentially seemed fairly genuine and just a person in a rather interesting job that very few every gained much ground it. Given she was buying a Bentley, wearing a glittering diamond and lived in Park view she could hardly claim to be grounded and normal. So, what the hell, two slightly misunderstood people sharing lunch."Model, thought vi was not going crazy, var hor...othet zings on my mind. Less glamorous, not nerd out too much, vi work wiz computer security, and that. I not want to send you to zlwep!

Oh..vankyou. Its my natural colour bar the highlights. Oh, vi Don,t mind, I'd rather be recognised vor somthing good. Used to be snow white, that's a longer story"
Smiling a alittle, though catching self before admiting somthing else. Not that she was bad, just rather not be known for one thing. For a model, she definitely was pretty easy to talk to, Victoria was a tad loneey too at times. She really even just missed having a office to go to, joke with the guards and so. "sure, I'd appreciate ze company, vi hope you do mind Isosef, he vy bodyguard. Vi... Ran into a little trouble lately. Sad, but safe. Drama vollows too damn much for Vy liking.

Yes, vy mum was Russian, if your curious, Спасибо за приглашение, vankyou for inviting me."
Isosef politely keeping close ernough to do job, but not get in the way brought over there food after Victoria swiped her card, Joining Manami and Victoria at the table though leaving them be mostly. "Da. Just here to keep miss Romus Safe, il keep ze fans off vou if you vant, enjoy a quiet lunch." Isosef kept a eye out, it was not ideal but you worked with what you had. The woman was no threat, her fans would probbly be too stunned to be a problem. Quieter, little out the way, this least less of a head ache than the busy joints in centre point. What was seeming random, was stacking up multiple logical points. Quieter, multiple ways out light lanw, car nearby, easy access to centre point transit hubs in worst case. He was not alive today for being stupid and thinking in the box.

Victoria ate carefully, she was a alittle unsure still on Japanese food but could be fairly easily turned to make it a more regular thing if it was this good. "If vi vas to blurt anything out its envy at ze results of your skin care routine. I could ask ze cliche ones, but was do vou really enjoy, vell one not on Camera.

Vy, well I'm probbly a little boring but vI love to travel zough, when I can. Too long stuck made me, a curious. Russian, I miss ze food so much!. I wanted to see Damacas and Egypt vut the world has ozer ideas."
Russain food was, well plain impossible to find a comparison, it was grand, yet simple and even thr most basic dish was a meal in itself. Victoria could not quite hide the obvious, her cane, slight build and 4'9 height was hardly what you class as toatly healthy and rubust. A small bit of self was just glad to talk to meet a seeming nice person, chat and enjoy lunch. It was a nice distraction but she struggled to hide the fact she was worried in her skate grey eyes a alittle. Someone had sold her out. Someone probbly close. The answer who would probbly hurt no matter what.

Turning back to her food a little she was fairly careful given her more delicate stomach lately. Isosef kept a close eye, he knew her quirks ernough from past times to know there definitely was trouble and alot more going on under her mostly calm image she forced a fraction. Victoria just hoped she not scare off her lunch partner, but it was just nice to just be out and about after all the wold and drama of recent weeks.

I also need a discord link please

Il sort you onw out. Keep a eye on your pm box.
You free to sort out a link or I?

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday Morning. Chapter 3 day one. Sushi Restaurant. Free skip

Waiting her turn, Victoria was talking quietly with the man who stood around a foot taller than her about the options, she had a few land mines to avoid and Isoaef having spent a while on the Russain pacific edge was proving more helpful than she expected. That woman though, really somthing familiar like she had seen her before, though Victoria kept that to herself for now knowing how it was to not want to be bothered. Still, if she was not a model, damn they would missing out. That woman just had a face that defenitely could sell.

Lulled out her thoughts and leaning on her cane, hand bag hanging off crook of one arm checking twitter for the city news. It had rather gone quiet since the phase of drama, car crashes, exploding night clubs, fires and various ever more. Lurid and dramatic claims to explain it all. "oh. Hi. Umm, von cooked option, extra rice, vith a oolong tea. Vi think. I Don,t normally do Asian. " a quick mental check, it was all safe bar the tea, and that was fine in low amounts. Marla had been direct but it really helped not having to Google everything."Da, no issues miss Romus. One salmon ov the day, Rice, green tea, and some hot prawns with sauce. If you hav, swap the green vor Jamin tea." keeping a careful eye out. Much as this place was quiet Isosef was not taking chances, especially with how he had grown to like Victoria over the years he had been looking after her when required. "Vi forget you spent years on Eastern Coast. Bills on vy tab please. I mostly vent to ze swaharma Palace, did not know places zis far up."

Waiting, Victoria was just trying to makw a alittle light chat and so, Victoria could not hide the slightly colder look in her eye and... Potential betrayal after going down her list comparing what people knew, how she was caught out etc. No answer yet but someone had to be close ernough to know a few details to catch her and Ethan at those activities before she left for England. "Know who the rogue sushu chefs vhere. Reminds me ov monty python. Proctus salmon at a angling event. Vou cannot make it up of you tried."

Her curiosity was getting the better of her. That woman was familiar in some way and it kept niggling at her anylynical side of brain trying to join the dots. Somewhat more quietly, she was a little more discreet at least. Zorry, you just looked familiar like vi should recognise you, though I know the price of accidental fame. Ze media are vampires out there last drop of ink. I'm Victoria, though hopefully I Don't end up known again!" Victoria hoped she did not mind too much, she was now least in short term Ethans pregnant girlfriend, and the video only made things worse. Well maybe girlfriend.. They had fair bit to talk about at some point and she had no idea how it go, how he react, how she react to it, and more. Between holidays, and more it has been a busy few weeks. Add work, losing one job, other work and sales of the maratime encription system, Victoria had been a busy woman.

Leaning a alittle more on her cane, she felt a small, a little wobble and gave a small glance to Isosef who placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her slightly concerned. He knew exactly why, and exactly what to expect. Giving a protective glance round. Not a simple job, but he was hardly paid a simple wage for it.

I'd like to join if that's okay!

Looks all there.

Get a second aproval and your a sol City Citizen.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Chapter 3 opening day, Saturday. Old starboard pub

Sol City return and changed times

Marinalia was enjoying people watching, one leg lazily draped over the other showing a glimpse of toned and healthily tanned thigh. Well she was as a now famed racing driver said devestingly pretty. Much as things there had gone rather south, and she was dating the opposite orientation that comment gave her a smile. Xia, well she was not sure her plans, the two women had busy lives and made most of what they could get. "Feeling cute, been riding in mountains, best views of the city. Have a good day spicey egg, mali x x." sending a mostly silly text, Xia had tried to encourage her to... Well not sure exactly what but it was good change not bad.

The man. Was he male, he almost looked too pretty to be a guy as she moved a long blonde hair out her vision. Rather abrupt to a waitress and nothing else. She seemed to take it in her stride and just process the order. The waitress, very Asian, a alittle Taller than her but she was on the shorter female side of the line. Nowhere near Victoria but the riding heal did add a extra inch or so. And they made her legs look good.

With a crisp British accent and pulling her flight jacket a alittle more snug as the door opened and closed. "Miss, can i get a drink while your over here. A White Choclate mocha, extra shot, vanilla syrup, cream and mini marshemmlows topped with some Choclate sprinkles if possible, though il take a refill on my lady grey if not.

Only got a small sweet tooth."
This place always made her curious what happened to Ren, the student with way too many books and a clear bit of family issues. Not that she was any less guilty of that one. Glancing at the guy with a laptop, seriously was that a guy though? Mostly, but he really looked a tad pretty from the right angle, or wrong based on perspective. "Sorry for borrowing your order, girls gotta get her pick me up after all"

The quieter hours where making her a abit more relaxed, Saturday lunch time ish too, nice, a alittle strange but there was no shortage of places to grab lunch. Checking her phone, the silly story was still about. Rougue squid, kraken, no one claimed to have caught it yet bad a old man shouting at birds... The other story. That hit a alittle closer, Joel, 3rd place. Well that was a solid performance. She really had not been in the Rally loop in Jamaica and mostly just enjoyed the company and culture of the islands. That and Xia's line in bikinis where rather captivating. Closing her phone, a picture taken on the beach, simple but it told everything. The Olympus family had its faults but they where loyal to those they cared about.

Who would of thought everything would end up here, drama, girlfriends, flying marshals to islands. She still did not know any much why about that one, even the paper work on Marlins side was pretty basic. Flight reason, it was just logged as a run of the mill passenger transit. People had there reasons though, Marlin did not want in on more trouble and dangers that she could avoid, one brush with death was ernough and a small mental pang reinforced that point. She already had one scar to prove it.

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