Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Banned. Because vampires need showers after eating.
Alexander Grey

Name: Alexander Drake Grey

I'm happy, though need to just fix the stuff @Pilatus mentioned and join in the fun.

Just because one is a special skill does not mean you cannot have others. One is just a particularly stand out skill.

Il give it a look when I'm home. Traveling back from adventures and wanderings.
I am looking into this, is there restriction on what proefessions your characters can take? or develop? I am having to read up abit to get a feel for what is going on here :)

I'm general long as your not far out there like a hit man or a international terrorist, its fine.

We have a wide mix from models, to pilots, hackers and chefs.

My post 18 days has a link to RP, feel free to ask any questions there or Via PM.


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Chapter 3 opening day, Saturday. Old starboard pub

Sol City return and changed times

Marinalia was right. Americans and pie was a thing that she was yet to understand but enjoyed rather much. A little pleasure that made the strange contry grow on her over the past few months, it was a nice way to indulge her sweet tooth though too much might put her in the pool doing a regular 4km to keep in her rather attractive uniform. Sure not quite the post practical choice of skit and jacket out of options but the older style had a attractive charm. "il take the apple then miss, mount Atlas worked up a apitite. Especially off the horse trail, well me and the horse, but I Don't enjoy hay". A slight chime like tinge to her accent and glance to her phone now fronted with a favorite photo of her and Xia on the beech. Simple but it told everything she felt without words, words she was not even sure what applied. A quick ping later and a email later, nothing important. Today was a slow day indeed.

Closing her eyes a second and leaning into the comfey booth, she really needed to find a better balence between shear drama and slow days. Not even a interesting email, girlfriend at work, sister busy, and a no real events on. Meandering her thughts back, doing this with a large coconut of cocktails and a sunny warm beech certainly had advantages even with Sol beginning to warm up from its fairly unforgiving winter spells.

"Hmmm" Half thinking to self and verbalising her query. How did Joel, Grampa and the TT line up. That was a bike race right? It was on TV once, Joel raced cars, Grampa never was into bikes, Joel already was loaded from the win? Surely? Ummm? It all was rather discombobulated and disaperate. Maybe it was just a silly rumour but some facts did ring true?

The waitress had gone off to serve the lady in far corner leaving Marinalia trying to join the dots without resorting to asking. Too many annoying questions why.

Thank you, guys!

I had an idea of having a high profile character in the entertainment industry who has ties to drug dealers. He could be the new narc in town since he is new and all. I read a few CS and saw in Paige's sheet crime had slowed down a bit; this could be like the rise of another crime wave.

Might be a bit too much since I am new, but this is just a rough idea to bring some drama

Could be interesting, yes there has been a few fairly major dents and losses in the Sol City underworld with a few senior figures removed from the equation.

@Pilatus knows that in a little more detail though.

Aye let us know, we can help with information and helping you work a idea in that fits the RP.

Your welcome to dicuss ideas with us and work out what's the best path forward.



Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Saturday Morning. Chapter 3 day one. Sushi Restaurant. Free skip

Victoria s accent had returned a fair bit thicker recently, strange effects and all, currently it was sliding more to her mother than fathers, ans her ability to manipulate it had somewhat weakened. Trying to force a alittle more English to it but retaining a fair russain edge. No one would of guessed a few months ago it was straight out of the old country. "da, commercial, and industrial. Itz not as dramatic as movies make it though. Alot more running down errant codes than stopping things explode!" Victoria did enjoy her job, though she really did despise having to check line by line. Part by part. That plain sucked. "yep, wait. I have a picture. Taken at the city grandprix" Finding a picture of happier moments before the drama, Victoria looking paler almost blending in light with snow White hair long and detailed in a intricate braid stood next to her Taller sister, long blonde, flight jacket and almost older twin of a mother with gold eyes holding hands with a Taller man who resembled Victoria more and matching slate grey eyes shared with her sister. "A month or so later they finally got married, 27 years late. Marlin, my sister, though different mothers. I admit, it was pretty."

They where sat down to eat, Victoria had to admit milo may have been right, though her health was increased and that was a huge bonus. She really did look like a snow princess, with a touch of targerian. Not that she trade it. Her health was shakey but more stable now with a hint of improvement not hanging on a edge. "Zankyou miss, you two ladies deserve a bit of peace, Miss Romus, try ze sauce, it vill bring out the flavour better" Isosef was "on duty" so to speak so kept it short, not the tallest or biggest gorilla like man but his prescense was more of a experienced hand and veteran in his role. "He looked after me from worse than a few over zelous fans. We safe."

Sitting, just eating, talking about skin care and so, it was frankly normal, it definitely beat the drama and intrique of a few weeks ago, or dealing with the Sirens fan girls, or just plain harpies. Relaxed a fair bit more, this was a good choice."Well, anti climaticly normal but glad I'm not doing anything wrong. The hard parts finding foundation for me. I half expected some miracle secret!" She almost expected some miracle product but nope, good old basics. Though it could sound harsher her smile told she meant nothing by it. When you where a pale alabaster skin tone, finding make up to match was a real pain, though not quite as finding the one snow princess shade about ever to exist.

She was one scared to travel. Granted Victoria always had someone to meet her, security on thr odd trip with her dad or was with friends and family but she had traveled and explored a few interesting places however less able than some. "Not scary long as your sensible. just travel with a friend or so and keep people updated. I made it to Petra, so I'm sure you can explore Japan. Never really alone, Im Vas, am a alittle more fragile" That one was obvious from the cane, and her more careful gait, much as rather lose it, it was safer with. Trying to be more upbeat, Japan was... The only part that did not appeal was mega busy, Victoria did not fancy the crowds there. Still, she did want to try and remain fairly positive about things.

Then she paused a alittle deer in headlights, shopping meant revealing, or she feel bad that her efforts would be wasted if she did not say. Victoria would start to show given a 2-3 months ish visablely, her cute outfits might not work quite as intended, and given the woman was nice seemed harder to lie. Always food places it seemed where it came up recently. "Umm. Doctors appointment vut quick, blood test... Vour efforts may be, well cute now not fit the Vun in oven in a few months. Please keep it quiet, vi just telling you as vou feel trust worthy.

Veet you at the mall in a hour or two? Find somthing cute and still fit me in a vew months?"
Victoria did not know quite exactly how to explain Ethan, and what exactly was going on. Even she was confused by that one. Really really confused. Least she could say she knew who the father was.

Right now everything had Victoria confused or least working out where all the parts stood and how they balenced. The more she narrowed down the list of who might have done the hack, the worse it potentially got. They had to know a fair few details to succeed. Worries asaide, a afternoon shopping, a few cute items and perhaps a new handbag would distract. Not like she was poor thanks to the expanding sales to Rusain aligned counties for her software. The mini would remain a run about for the house. She finally could get the car she wanted, it was more a stop gap.

Can I have a link to the discord?

Sure. Have on sorted in a few minutes.
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Maybe >_>

Il avoid bars with a mule outside then lol
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