Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Flying, Fencing and random encounters

Marinalia (Luna Sports Centre)
Marinalia let her accent ease a bit but it was her natural accent she grew up with. Her "Garden" she went out to play in was a private estate with several miles of woods, lakes, lands and fences between the house and the nearest dwelling that did not form part of the Olympus estate. However much she traveled she retained the crisp clean upper class English accent, even if she made an effort to soften it, which she got the small hint Lilith though was fake but it really Marlins real self. "Not everyone is as on the ball as you are, we have old family property off Corona Park that's been restored." ignoring the education minefield comment, that one could only end in a rather dramatic disaster.

Her next question caught her off guard as she her eyes drifted exactly where Lilith wanted them to go and directly into her posture enhanced cleavage and long toned legs crossed. Her ability to blush and deflect had been fairly well tested and outmanoeuvred. Leaning back abit, Marinalia did not have an exact answer to her question and relaxed back crossing a leg over, sipping a smoothie as Lilith deliberately used her natural assets. Marlin really was unsure how to take Lilith. "The view is not exactly unwelcome. Though the fun part is more tactile and less visual.

That's... I'm not even sure, my baggage has baggage companies and own international logistical chain. Let's not go there. I unloaded enough on random strangers in past few months."
Lilith had turned back to her phone, obviously a cute message off someone from the reaction to it. Her offer, pink Kitten... Oh that building was hard to miss really driving back on a late shift and one of the guys from work mentioned it in passing. "First time for anything I guess, well second but the first I was too drunk on a hen do and just remember losing my bra somehow and kissing a statue rather publicly." Remembering a rather drunken hangover, bar hopping, ending up at a strip club, something about a being dared to make out within statue and losing an item of clothing at some point and managing to spend nearly a thousand pounds.

"Hey Cutie

My luck strikes again. I met the woman I bumped into post workout. Turns out Is a exotic dancer who is dating the Asian lady she was with and called out "English Chick" across the smoothie bar at Luna sports. Fencing class went great though, thanks for the heads up. :)

Free tonight? I miss you, please. I have new lion king blu rays, wine and curry. :) Victoria has a friend stopping by so he a decent guy though. I just miss not sharing you with work and all the life shit in between. Ok. I just don't like sleeping alone anymore... Feels... Cold.

Stay safe and warm!
Hope your day goes better than mine :)
Mali X "

Marlin sent a message including a photo of her smiling in fencing gear, masks in one hand, sword in other and long blonde hair tied back into a practical ponytail with a light braid to keep it tidy and out of the way. The message was one to laugh at partly, Marlin would not stray from Xia not after she took the time and care to help her heal and rebuild. Marlin really felt like it was better than she deserved at times. The whole sleeping alone thing, after 2 and a bit weeks straight together and happy something had clicked and did not want to go back to how it was. It was way too forward but part of her silly as it sounded really wanted to ask if she wanted to move in. It was safer part of town, no annoying cousins and she could save the money on rent to start her massage business or get a better more reliable car. Practical... Or was she just trying to justify it to own mind and not feel selfish wanting her girlfriend?

Distracted from her thoughts. Oh that was a ridiculous story... If she wanted the answer...maybe minus the odd part... A little nervous yet happy, it was pretty crazy in its own way, but not hiding it either clearly comfortable to talk about it within reason."Me and Xia?, 2 going toward 3 months or there about. Depends how you define it. You're probably going to ask, so story time. We met... Well here over a smoothie infact. Swimming contest. Then the big Blizzard hit and I invited her over because she had no power or food thanks to her cousin being a neanderthal. We had a wood burner and well stocked up.

It dragged on for nearly a week, ended up sharing a bed to keep warm when power failed. One thing lead to the obvious. Never had a girlfriend before but my luck before that sucked, so well could not get worse right? Got closer over the time. Kissed, date etc.

Fast forward to a holiday in Jamaica, and while abit crazy, maybe a bit fast but honestly, all thanks to a blizzard and a woman who struggles in cold weather. Bit of a head rush how fast it's all changed."
adding a rather cleaned up version minus the whole story, minus the drama, a pregnant half sister, first kiss thanks to a claim that may or may not be true, a lost robe, topless wanderings and fact of baring her deeper secrets to the woman who had stolen her affections with little resistance. It would be obvious to someone like Lilith it had more than met the eye but that was rather personal. "least you found the yolk was toxic before he hurt you. Really... His loss not yours, sounds a right twat to be like that.

Last relationship?. While ago. I've skipped between counties as a pilot. Sol is the first time I've been in once place longer than 6 months"
Adding a uniquely British insult, abit vulgar and alien in her accent but it covered the point perfectly. Her own history was interesting to say the least. A few partners came along but not one for several years seriously. Too much movement and short contracts meant there was no point getting too close. Just a recipe for failure and getting hurt.
@Pyxis@King Tai

Victoria (Atlas mountains to the old starboard)
Victoria grabbed a cracker from her bag to nibble on as she sat, while not entirely cafe appropriate, the alternative was less pleasant and washed it down with a small amount from a small bottle of water handily kept in her handbag. She could manage a pastry after really overdoing it on Saturday she had paid a price, Definitely sticking to something less heavy and intense. Nothing bad... Just nope. Not a fun morning before she left the house. "Urgh... Be thankful your not female." Glancing over at Charles with a make fun of me right now and die a painful death from a coffee stirrer, a decorative plant and not a sword.

Victoria spotted Ryan, giving him a nod and definitely working out the fact he was a lot more than his original introduction. The people at that show where restaurant owners and the sous chefs? Is that was they called them? They worked for him not the other way round. Just a chef, he probably owned the whole restaurant and used her as a sideways accessibility study too. Crafty...

Meanwhile the white haired man was dealing with the two gentleman, a larger tanned man with the dark suited one who gave off a major don't fuck with me vibe. Turning back to Ryan That vibe she could tell was definitely not a faker. Victoria gave him a smile and waved over to her taller blonde friend as of explaining with her mixed accent that was a tad distinctive though purely dressed for comfort. "Oh just showing my friend the city, though I understand you wanting to hide things. Umm, I wish I could blend in so easily. Ryan, Charles, an old friend from London and an acquaintance who was kind enough to rescue a woman from the cold even though not open.

Congratulations on your win, Bruno was a little ... German though. He is... A Bit much."
Her friend was a little protective of Victoria, he knew her far better than most and the layers she tried to hide. A little protective of her but offered a hand to shake and with a english accent straight off the boat from southern England "Nice to meet you, yes, known Victoria since we where teanagers, Charles, or Cardinal as Victoria always almost calls me. Old nicknames, meet the not always honorable Lady de winter" Being one of the few females of that group where she earned the name, well Kitty, or the mistress really where not her style, and her darker aspects. The name was perfect. "Lady Victoria Darya Romus, if we are not hiding who we are." Giving a small smile, she was being honest. If Ryan was. Only fair.

Glancing over Mr white hair and Mr built like a slightly smaller version of the rock where seeming to be engaged in something, who knew what. She was abit too far away to pick up everything going on. Flirting? Argument? Something else? She had enough problems to not want to get involved into another problem. Her life was interesting enough. Feeling hungry abit. Hopefully she could order some pastries soon...
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Flying, Fencing and random encounters

Marinalia (Luna Sports Centre)
Marinalia sipped on her smoothie, rather mangoey, but exactly how she liked it, her favourite of the flavours on offer. The breakfast bar was a bit boring but filling though it was exactly what she wanted after a long work out. She gushed rather much about her date? Girlfriend? Well the first part. The second part was... What did you even say to someone you just met describing how they had sex in slightly obscure formats of equipment like your going on about a blue ray player. She was....a character? Yes character."Sounds like she a keeper. But I'm the cutest, well according to a poll from me. Umm, well...glad you enjoyed your... recreation..." How else could you congratulate a random person on getting laid? Getting a little more awkward, was that strange innuendo? Granted she did not exactly mind a little personal recreation but this was... Interesting. "Ok... Much as I find sleeping alone missing something somehow ever since my holiday... Umm... I give up...happy orgasams and nudity" Marinalia, nothing. Utterly fuck all nothing. Just flat out nothing. Drinking her smoothie with no idea how you could answer that statement. The holiday statement was honest, Marlin got used to someone to cuddle and just not bring alone. It was still cold and sharing was hardly a chore.

Oh... Lilith. Rather interesting name, especially when you counted in her profession. Name with a rather mixed history, you don't come across many Lilith's or strippers for the most part. Well ones you know are... finally a old-fashioned English upper class education came in useful. Just take things as they come... Xia and Victoria would be laughing half the night on her random luck. Softening her accent, with a chime like tone sneaking in"Ok, little fancy, Marlin or Mali is fine Lilith. Pretty name, rather mixed origins, The first defiant woman. Jobs a job, you were nice enough to tolerate a random mega awkward Englishwoman. Your not a traffic warden, that's unforgivable."

Jobs where jobs you did, not made the person. The fact she was a stripper in work hours was not a problem. The last comment made her blush rather, Lilith was... First she gushes about her girl, then swaps, it was fun, if not hard to keep up. "It shows, Aria is a lucky girl. I'll hold that answer as my better than I deserve girlfriend works here, and I rather like someone to cuddle at night.

You always this forward with strangers?"
Looking into her smoothie to regain calm, trying to lighten things and also making sure to look after her own best interest. Her question more curious than really offense. Lilith was... Well she reminded a little Xia in her utter self confidence and almost infections ability to take you along with the craziness. You just rolled with it.

Most people worked out she was not exactly poor but very few had clicked that she was an heiress to a major European conglomerate of industrial ship builders and heavy industries both civilian and Military building everything from river boats to Frigates and cargo ships"Umm.. yes. I might that Olympus, Grampa Max. How even....just curious as most never make the link. Just think I like the name or colour?" Guessing being a high end stripper meant you met Rich business people and had to keep up abit with the basics to make small talk and flirt with them to separate them from there dollars. Maybe the grand Prix? A client who a sponsor?

Her offer of spending some money on her even a couple's discount was...how did she even answer that hiding badly behind her smoothie trying to just even work out what to say. Though Lilith's shear confidence just... "I can safely say that's one of the most unique offers I've had in Sol City, London, Anchorage and Africa combined. ummm. Thanks? Much as your attractive, umm... I kinda very much like Xia" Trying her best to be polite, she really did not have much experience when the fairer sex where interested in Matlin that way. Xia, the blizzard, and the whole drama just kinda took her along the way and things worked out nicely so far. "I kinda still getting used to a few things so don't take anything the wrong way."

Victoria (Atlas mountains to the Coffee Pot)
Victoria veered off the main route and decided to see what the car could handle though the old starboard mountains as the 6 litres of engineered state of the art V12 powered Bentley hit the mountains roads with glee to be let off the city millage leash. The back road was not alone as two older American cars that looked like out of... That car was out of supernatural? Another old car sped out of its parking spot kicking up dust a distance ahead. "Vika... It ain't the rally. Food can wait. I ate a bit on the plane" Victoria glanced over braking into the bend and weaving tightly round with a noticeable change in tone as the car picked back up speed on the straight. "Trust me Cardinal. I passed same driving test you did." Smiling, she pressed harder and turned up the radio tuned to the local rock station. Driving did not have to be boring...

Following the looping curves with ease the traction control and power management keeping the tyres tight on the road with little effort. Keeping on the Mustangs tail at a safe distance the driver really was throwing it harder than Victoria felt comfortable to do so and backed off a little, modern advantages kept her in the little game though she would have to be fairly crazy to overtake on the winding mountain road.

The car ahead eventually was lost in city traffic as Victoria took an alternate route to pick up something from the pharmacy and threw her friend the antihistamines he always forgot to bring. "You always forget. how many times in Moscow? Now. Food, there's a decent cafe nearby. " Charles had to laugh, Victoria always predicted that particular problem. But cafe and food sounded ideal. "Hey...I've got better. Had like 3 left.... Umm.. a few....food. let's get food!" she was right... Urgh, the raven haired woman whom was sat next to him never let that go.


Reaching the coffee, the small car park was fairly large for a city bat so she soon found a spot next to the Winchester car. It was huge, gleaming and the bonnet seemed to go on forever. A dusty Mustang, a few other cars though thankfully no Jurassic park jeep. What did Siobhan drive? Be nice to know to help avoid the red headed woman or least get some warning.

Heading in, Victoria balanced carefully on her cane over the gravel, with a little help from her taller blonde companion offering a little insurance. Dressed in a short pink, white and pale blue tartan skirt over black leggings, trainers and warm st Petersburg ice hockey hoodie. Long raven black hair though the contrast to pale skin, cane and 4'9 height made her harder to hide into a background. "You'll like it. Come on. Stuff is safe in the car, I need someone to steal pasistry from" teasing abit. Though she really was a snack thief. They just tasted nicer when you did not order them for some reason.

There was a server she did not recognise, a white haired man, fairly tall who bore a resemblance to the woman there? Related? Or just random chance? A larger rather muscular man was sitting with a stern looking guy in a dark suit? Something about those two did not scream casual or friends. Somehow he reminded her abit of how Isosef kept an eye on the room when keeping an eye out for her. He was way too alert to be a normal lazy Sunday city dweller. The place was not too busy, guess the food festival had fooded everyone out. His hair colour though, he was not quite her old snow white but either he had a really really good hair salon or that was something strange. The tall man near the counter, he did look fairly healthy, must be a really good dye job.

Finding a booth with Charles, a hand to help her down as she transitioned into seating. Not that she always needed the help but he least knew when Victoria would accept it and when to leave her be and let Victoria manage herself. "Thanks, Its yup a little low."

Wait, that was Ryan? Chef guy? Was he really just a chef? The cookout, did he owns one of the fancy cars? So many questions but it would be a bit rude to just burst in with half a dozen questions that floated round her mind. Food definitely was not a subject they excelled in, computers yes. Charles had been one who had learned how to hack with though Victoria had never really seen the appeal. She knew because you could not defend Vs an attack without knowing how the opposing forces thought and worked.

Just taking quietly, just another pair of accents in a rather multi national city, her part Russaim English Hybrid and Charles clearly English straight off the plane. The larger man quiet tones that did carry was not local it seemed. Quietly watching people as they waited for service, the old starboard was a good place to see the wide array of the cities people.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Flying, Fencing and random encounters

Marinalia (Luna Sports Centre)
Marinalia was swiping her card to pay and get the reward points because who doesn't love a free drink every so often. The fact they always have her extra Mango made this her go to smoothie stop. Marinalia just loved Mango. The cutting it side of things was gambling on a hospital visit at times though.

Turning round she hered someone calling for a "English Chick" looking round for the person to unload on for the random call out. Turning round part way through a pre planned rant / tirade at the whole thing. "Am I really that much of a unicorn, and for your info... Oh." Suddenly the memory linked her with the woman from coffee shop and good festival. Pink hair yep. Obviously works out, some career that seems to require a good figure perhaps. The work out gear the woman had on did not exactly hide everything. It was Sunday morning gym session? After a food festival. From the brush against her that morning. Definitely kept in shape. How, what or why was a mystery she could live with though. More random curiosity than anything. "Oh, not a jerk. hello... I hope I did not ruin your date?" A little more nervous now, though not as awkward, what was she after? What was her intentions? It was a public place so she decided to join her sipping a smoothie and putting down her hand bag and gym bag that was resting over her shoulder. Unzipping her track jacket, well she was not cold now, the double layered design was a little more but really handy when things got a bit cooler.

"suppose I should say hello properly after walking into you, twice. I'm Marlinalia Romus Olympus, cute blonde pilot? Food festival?. You where with a Asian woman who seemed dressed rather nicely?. You made a cute pair." glancing over her smoothie with eyes a dark slate grey eyes, she was rather unsure exactly what kind of situation she found herself in. Was she after anything? Or just being friendly?

Hearing a beep that turned out to be a silly message from her sister going on about picking up some custard of she was passing anyway that sold it. A small smile she could not hide as the beach photo of her arm in arm with Xia that was her internal picture on that beach in the Caribbean. It really told a 1000 words and she had no care in the world. That photo was... It just was nice."Sorry just my sister bring a bit silly, thought it might be important. My... Ma moitiƩ, or just Girlfriend in English but that was cuter. Umm.. ok so rather awkward meetings aside. I really outdid myself on Saturday... what brought you here? Rather surprised they had fencing classes here myself." Trying to break a little of a self created massive awkward berg that Marinalia seemed to have been taken by the previous day. Mixing up terms of endearment into limited french she knew, though calling people a cabbage or shrimp was plain weird. Who wants to be referred to as there little cabbage? Marinalia was rambling abit, not so awkward but nervous, the whole situation was an unknown. Unknowns made her nervous.

Really unsure what to do she just enjoyed a bit of her smoothie and a breakfast bar that probably costs like 5 times as much but hungry was not logical. Her fencing class had worked up more of a appertie than Marinalia has planned. Good though surprising.

It was not a date, she barely knew the woman but she seemed oddly friendly and it was less embarrassing to just roll with it. If anything this city taught her. Just roll with the chaos. Relaxing a little more dressed up than you probably should be for a gym trip but comfortable. Did a pale blue track jacket with a floral skirt? Eh. Lazy sunday. It was not like she had to walk. Even if it got cold it was pretty easy to get a parking spot near the gym especially with everyone probably feeling too full to move from the bed to the sofa to watch the news. Well despite the bottle of wine polished off after she made it home. That required a paracetamol.


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Flying, Fencing and random encounters

Victoria (Sol City Airport)
Victoria's Sunday began earlier that she would have liked however the reasons where a fairly good one. The food festival had been a fun trip plus the chef she knew had won so that made things better. Dropping a congratulations onto the restaurants page she knew it would probably be never seen but hey, it was a well earned victory and she appreciated the hard work it took to get somewhere, well at times. She was by no means perfect. @KillBox

"So glad when I can have real coffee again... Yay for being a numpty" grumbling to self, Victoria mornings where not exactly ideal at times right now nibbling on some crackers to calm her stomach and a bit of toast. Marlin was still asleep after Saturday she saw her vanish upstairs, say something about a bath and not wanting to escape people after dealing with public for hours on end. The bottle of wine she grabbed from fridge was not a bad one though, urgh she had wanted that one, Italian white... Really smooth. Eventually...

A beep of a phone told her she would need to find proper clothes and not just an old t shirt she chucked on and some worn in to point of being unsuitable outside UGG boots to walk down to the kitchen to keep feet warm. Comfey. Nope. Possessing no real drive to dress up too much that morning finding some simple black leggings, T shirt with "Best things come in small packages" combined with a shorter tartan skirt in pink, pale blue and white tartan randomly acquired and a hoodie from the St Petersburg ice hockey team, a little worn but warm, comfey and no one would look twice at her at the airport. Isosef was off on some other business for the house so she just grabbed her trainers, though losing her folding cane she had to take the royal blue snowflake one this morning. She did not want someone to question her choice of taking a sword cane to an airport but she was only going to be greeting and picking up.

A quick message on whats app to confirm they where on time, Victoria quickly as she could in present state grabbed her handbag and made her way down to the garage and headed out before the city traffic got really really bad for the Sol City International just on the outside of the city. The long flat and mostly clear freeway meant Victoria could finally put the 6 litre engine to use cruising past the lorries and slower trucks headed to collect or unload their cargo among the regular fuel trucks that helped feed the airport's ceaseless demands to keep its planes in the air.

Reaching the airport was surprising easy at this time of day though the parking seemed to be aimed at gouging your bank account like you where the king of a middle East oil rich nation. She only was there to collect and go in less than an hour to get there was very little change from a 20 dollar bill. Paying begrudgingly as she had no intention of parking her new Gleaming Bentley on the curb or on a side road. No way this side of declaring her love for Paige and Siobhan publicly in centre point. Fuck no.

Reaching the exit terminal leaning on her cane as there was very little seating, the Raven haired woman played with her phone abit on a silly app making herself look like an elf not quite noticing the taller blonde haired man approaching with a suitcase before a familiar voice tore her from her limit up some ears. "Milady De winter, I hope you are here for his eminence. Hey Vika, told you on time" British, though she had a more complicated relationship with her friend and former on off lover while she lived in Russia and abit in England though they remained strong friends despite it all somehow. They did not even know. "Of course your eminence, our carriage awaits. Charles! Im impatient. No buts. We have a spare at the manor. Friends do not make friends pay to visit" giving him a careful hug, despite being quite abit taller than her by a foot or so, the rather petite and light form of Victoria could also be rather strong as she held on while being lifted up abit. "I know. Your look so much happier and healthier than when we last met. Well the two of you now. Ok, I give. I know that look. But alas I must greet you properly." Victoria really could be stubborn to a fault, loyal but stubborn. Teasing her a bit as letting her down gently and kissing her hand before looping an arm to give her some protection from the flowing crowds who where streaming out of the airport. Charles she trusted, of all the people outside her family. She did not trust many, he was one of them.

Reaching the rather samey concerete car park, it did not take long to find the dark purple Bentley parked in a marked bay. It was not exactly a Prius, it was a rather expensive and hard to miss bit of internal combustion powered metal. "Told you. Plenty of room in the boot, we can go by drive through if you want coffee. Parking here is an utter rip off. And no, no own takes the Cluthu Cultists too seriously. But they are meant to serve great seafood..."

Marinalia (Luna Sports Centre)
Marinalia breathed harder as she deflected the opponent and rapidly moved before countering and narrowly missing as her opponent who made a small side step out of her thrusts path before countering as she over extended and felt the sabre hit her upper arm and shoulder. "Point and match to Mr Constantine" Came the call from the who was overseeing the class, he had been taller and had more reach though the quick and fitter Marinalia had managed to hold him to least respectable loss. She had really missed this as she pulled off her mask and loosened the pony tail that she had tied her hair into while she fencing and gave it a shake to free it up. "Good match, thankyou. I'm definitely coming again" The older man had a wedding ring even of she was after that, he just was a good opponent and rather polite, greeted by a rather attractive younger red head about her age with bright green eyes. "You too Marinalia, excuse me, I owe Holly here lunch"

The woman did give her a minor glare, wearing a rather tight mix of yoga pants, sports top and trainers though she had all the padding and protective gear on as per the norm. So not really see anything too interesting very easily until the class was ending watching people filed past the glass walls of the rather modern sports centre.

Sat in the changing room after a quick shower and touching up her make-up, Saturday evening had been rather empty, a long soak to rest her weary feet and a glass of wine and a book that did not last long as planned, a rather sleepy Marlin never really got dressed and just climbed into bed before calling Xia goodnight and falling asleep almost instantly.

Victoria left early to pick up her friend so it was a quiet morning before her fencing class, having done it last a good while ago Marlin was rusty but happy with the exercise and fact not entirely lost uselessly. Pulling on a light track jacket with "Olympus Heavy Industries" and a large white logo of a man and a cog on the pale blue and custom lettering "M.R.O" below in silver flowing script. Her desire not to wear anything uniformly and with the warmer almost spring weather had caused her to drag out something a little different and more comfortable than the rather tailored uniforms all the time. It was random for her but Marlin just wanted to escape her norm a little and it seemed a way to do it.

Putting the small and mirror and lipstick away in her hand bag, dredging her phone out the bottom where it always ended up when she needed it finding a pic on whatsapp from her sister. A selfie of her and Charles with Sol bucks coffees. Cute, she really needed support with everything going on and by all accounts he had been good to her before. The following message made her sigh, Victoria had taken to teasing her about photoshopping her name badge Lady Marinalia R O Alexander. She had only known her 3 months or so! She never had formerly taken up said titles, just because Maria married finally did not mean she had to take it.

Leaving the stadium Marinalia made her regular stop at the smoothie bar, it had become a firm favourite of hers, queuing up she did not notice the pink haired lady while Marinalia was smoothing out a crumple in her skirt she got the hem caught on a passing chair so used to wearing figure hugging items recently it took a little adaption to fully get used to the looser style. Hey, umm. One energising smoothie with extra Mango and pineapple and ... One starburst breakfast bar please. Yes I have a loyalty card, no I don't want the special and yes I'm already a member. I've been here a few times. Though Cluthu Cultests are a new thing, this is a really strange city... coming across rather happy after her successful mornings workout with a small chime like tone to her upper class British accent.

In other words, through sheer will and WD-40, we break the time space continuum.

That or use sacrafices to the gods of under deep :)
<Snipped quote by KillBox>

Also I forgot to ask~ what month are we in? What season is it?

No real exact month or date.

We are in early spring time season wise approximately.
Oops... I did not see that rule. I apologise.
That puts a damper on a lot of concepts I had in mind...
I'm not sure then.

I have two sisters as charceters. To context, you can interact with your second charecter and visa versa. Sometimes same place, sometimes different locations in my case for example.

However that is not the detriment of interacting with others and engaging with the wider story. You cannot solely interact with yourself, if your interacting with others and they happen to be at same event and interacting with there twin at same time, that's fine.

The problem only comes if they are only interacting internally and not externally. The rule is there to prevent charceters existing in there own created bubbles. You got to venture outside and take a few risks.

To sum it up.
Your fine long as your willing and interacting with others when possible and taking advantage of external opertunities that come your way. You can internally, just remember your part of a wider world too.
Is it alright if I apply?

Your more than welcome to join. We are going to be starting anew skip too so never a better time to join in fact.

If you have any questions feel free to ask, pm or send a raven to Winterfell. (Ravens may get a slower reply. The maester is busy cleaning the Wright's out the tower)

CS sheet is on the OOC page, feel free to customize long as you cover the required and we can read it. We have a city map atop the IC section and a full list of locations on a OOC if you want to refrence any or use of inspiration.

Just tag us when your done and get two to approve your application, and join the party.

Welcome to Sol City
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

Marinalia was surprised a alittle but he seemed rather happy to have customers, why was food service always so cheery in America? That made no sense at times, even the people who just served your coffee wished you a good day. It just was strange at times for a European. "Thankyou, cheerful service.

Oh, just a off chance, it was with some Afrikaner's my dad knew, we got invited to a post hunting trip. Meat was amazing, the folks where a alittle rougher round the edges though. Least to me at the time"
while waiting, it was a little delay to collect to her food though as it was cooked fresh. It did smell rather good and swiped her card to pay. It was rather expensive but they where definitely hard to come by and abit more exotic. Expenses... Expenses where brilliant today. Her experience of Africa was definitely interesting coming from upper class England to the dark continent was definitely a eye opening experience at times. Definitely one to remember.

The other lady with glasses and Brunnete hair, well she was in for a experience, you either liked the more exotic choices or did not. Not much middle ground but the fun part was finding the type you liked. Varsity was the spice of life and South Africa really had variety by the bucket load.

Thanking him as he handed over a trio of bowls and sampling a little bit from from every one, they where rather nice, the spice was fairly spicey but no bones as advertised. Snake was more boney than fish done wrong. Kangaroo she had a little more experience of. Tasty. Diversions to escape awkwardness. Check. Delicious food check. Really seemed like a good idea. "Il let the boys at work know, they always love challenges and new things to brag about. I know there's lots of moose in Canada. It's not very exotic though.

Marinalia Romus Olympus, flattery won't get you everywhere Jerormy but Rattlesnake was excellent. I fly for Deadalus International Cargo runs up North, working tent side on my day off so escaping while I can. Even though I did snag a really soft hoody so not the worst outcome."
a little more cheerful and a smile, flirting was not overly, just more freindly than flirt. Well hopefully! Coming across upper class English, hiding her background was rather difficult to say the least.

Making the most of her break from work, the food was excellent, she had not managed to walk into another couple in a date. She did not need any more awkward, really between coffee and bumping into the same pink haired lady, it definitely was ernough for a day. Bath, feet up, book and wine... Urgh. Now she just wanted to go home... She could see home. That really sucked.


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Monday evening to Saturday - Sol City food Festival - special event

Diets, Dilemas and Deep fried twinkies.

Marinalia finally brought her mini awkward panic momment to controlled stop, though given it started with a awkward momment and such often set the tone, she had a bad habit of letting things shake her recently though thanks to recent changes those had been growing less and getting her old self back.

While waiting for her order, a Brunnete with glasses and a fairly casual spring look places her order too. She was a little more adventurous in her orders than many of the festival. Marinalia was really wanting to wear something more casual, she so was dressing in something not uniformly tommorow, hopefully make the fencing class, maybe some more personal fun or a quick visit to the massage area at Luna sports... She never had seen what they where capable of... something not work related!

Stood full airlines captains uniform, she really wanted to be more comfortable now, however attractive in the rather fetching skirt, fitted jacket and gold bars combo with all the trimmings. So was gonna find something much more comfortable later on or not much at all. A long bath sounded heavenly and to put her feet up and just soak with a good book, or company... Either worked rather well.

"Not tried it before? Rattlesnake is a alittle more bland than you expect it to be, its intresting but it's not as extreme as you think.

I'm Marlin, feel free to swing by Deadalus tent if you want any freebies, plushy planes or a free flight lesson. just look for the big blue banners just across from Umbrella Corp set up."

Trying to be polite while waiting, there was a little wait at the stand. There always was the waiting. So much waiting for food, her poor feet. They really deserved a rest later. Working weekends sucked. @KatKook

The PA was announcing updates on the Iron Chef contest, Germanic Bass and updates delivered by a slightly less bombastic sub host. The show she has seen being from Europe though the chain had not really crossed the channel and lasted in UK. It tried for about 5 years but the foothold never really was made across the channel.

She remembered the Asian Chef who was one who looked after Victoria that one side, he definitely got her vote out of shear fact he helped her family. There loyalty in that regard was pretty much blind for good or bad. Loyal, Loyal to a fault, even though that fault had managed to do quite abit of damage directly or colatoral.

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