Avatar of PrinceAlexus


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Most Recent Posts

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Flying, Fencing and random encounters

Victoria Lady De Winter(Coffee Pot)
Victoria placed an order while Charles talked and managed to find her loyalty card buried in her hand bags lower layers of history and archaeology that made up her hand bag. Too many things... Way too many things in a space that should not be able to contain them. A hot chocolate, one coffee and some pastries ordered for a light brunch, urgh. Tipping why did they not just pay people, what was with the having to do all the maths too.. double work. Annoying.

"Yep, Londoner, rather different area to Victoria though. Oh Chelsea. No one's perfect sadly... Chelsea..., Arsenal fan. Season ticket and all, been a Gunners fan since I could attend games on someone's lap. Our Raven haired sweet toothed companion prefers Ice hockey, especially from her expression." Victoria shook her head, men and there sports kicking balls around a field and falling over at the lightest injury and tap. Even hand egg, no.. American Football had to be better option in her opinion. "Well met Ryan, we all hide things. I'm not upset, you hardly lied out of spite or harm and I keep quite a few secrets to protect my family and friends. True, but your food was amazing head chef or junior prep chef. I hope my opinion helped you update your layout and make it more friendly to everyone.

Hey... Just because I dislike men rolling about on Grass over love taps. Dad always took me to ice hockey when home, it was fun. Been a favourite for years."
Smiling at happy memories, they went, had junk food and it was just nice having her dad about when he was away on average 6 months of the year. "I've not forgotten your kind offer of Culinary champion of Sol City, Thankyou. I'll be in touch, or if you ever need computer related, I can waive most of my rather expensive fees for a friend. Should...have a card somewhere" Digging out a small card wallet with a few misc cards in before finding one and handwriting an extra number on the back "Lady De Winter - Coding and security" with a fairly simple design on thick card, between digging out everything else including crackers, a lipstick, a hair brush and a charity pen from the Cluthu Cultists alongside a plush mascot they were giving out on the way here. "Japanese, come on Vika. Not had decent Japanese in ages... blood sports but of course oh gentle lady of the South. Cthulhu cultists in PR campaigns. What is going on in this city? The flight over I saw a Criminal Cephalopodic Crime wave with awful music taste." Earning a rather half hearted glare and stealing his little biscuit on the arriving drinks order with a little smirk.

"Not blood sports... Just more physical. Grampa Max is over soon... Who knows. Cthulhu makes more sense than half of Sol City...and they have cute plush mascots." Well that should not be true but hey, Sol City made as much sense as ... Well Sol made no sense. Nothing here could be considered Boring... Grampa Max, also known as a CEO, but family was everything to them and the attitude was rather infectious especially how Maria had helped her out recently.

Giving a cheerful wave once he had his own coffee and was messaging someone else, not minding Ryan's interruptions. Least with an old friend over for a short while, family coming and people she trusted about life felt more dealable even if her situation was rather complicated nowadays.


Working on a reply. Its about 40% done. Hope to finish it tommrow night.
Freya's Feasting opening soon for all your needs complete with open fire pit to scare away the winter sprites cold aura. :)
@PrinceAlexus yes indeedy that was him lol

The two rather pushy pets lol

Can we get a new link?
People have my Sheldon spot Lol

I can always adapt if someone claims it or too many miners turn up digging holes.

@Howilng Zinogre
Wait. Fashion designers with a peacock who was mid date with Astrix last turn round?
I'm a dwarf and I'm digging a hole...

Well not quote a dwarf... But I've got a new foundland.
Also here are some questions I have for you guys while making everything
Please answer the best you can :)

1) Do you prefer to have a discord or rpg ooc only?
2) Are relationship sheets necessary/wanted?
3) How often do you feel event changes are necessary
A. Every two weeks same day
B. Every month same day
C. Varied by group vote

Discord is useful, optional but useful.

Leave it up to players choices, some people like them, some prefer not to. You can always use the template if that's your style.

Depends on the situation, C, play it by players and how things moving or slowing down.
21 again.
Il be...

It's returned. The first one was rather fun. :)

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Flying, Fencing and random encounters

Marinalia (Luna Sports Centre)
Marinalia was just talking through her eyes flashes to phone keeping an eye on the time for her parking. Much as it was quiet you still had palming limits and while the fine would not worry her as much as others, paying them was annoying of you had 300 or 300,000 in the bank. Least her membership let her park there and not have to squeeze into one of the side roads or the private multi stories where you could barely park a moped yet alone a land rover. "yep, I had a fair bit of leave pre training on current class, a suggestion became something more solid. Next thing it's cocktails In the sun." It was hard to explain, add Xias family from her mum to her dodgy uncle and it ended up how it ended up. "Yes, though you can usually see who is a good egg pretty early on."

Holding back her desire to snark the comment, of course she knew. Did Lilith think it was her first relationship and she was going in blind. Well first in one way but not blind. Some things did not change regardless of genders, people, ages or countries. The word Twat, agh a classic, easily said and event without the full context easily understood for what it was. Alaska spoke, well they were different again. America states might as well be mini countries it seemed on regards to language usage. "Yep, Swim team coach was more like a sailor and a pair of ex military uncles will expand your vocabulary. Especially if your starting to give up on a run." Maria was less pleased, Milo has calmed down since he had one kid and a second on the way though both could be abit course out of their wives earshot. Especially when you were crazy enough to join in there exercise program. It worked though they helped her recover her fitness in there kind but slightly crude way post her major injuries.

Sipping some of the last of her smoothie relaxed with a leg crossed letting the energy recover and a natural fruity vitamin boost kick in. Answering with an easy smile,"I hope so, she helped me alot, snow. Cutely terrible.

Long as not Jazz music. Bad experiences with Jazz. You never know."
Far as random offers went that was a new one, everything about her morning seemed to have been getting ever more random. Lilith reminded her she had a few things to do, errands to run and a parking ticket to avoid. "No worries, I got some things to run plus it's so much harder to sweet talk American parking wardens out of a ticket." throwing a smoothie into a trash nearby and checking she still had her gym bag where it was. Slotting the card into a case into a slot in her handbag. "Thanks, who knows what lies in the future. Fancy, have a good day Lilith" The wink, she was... How did you describe that woman! Handing her a small card with a local contact number as a return polite gesture with a simple flowing single silver line making her initials on the face and writing a number on in fountain pen with a looping hand. It was only polite to least offer. The cards were blank and her go to thing for everything from noting down minor appointments, short few item lists or just a bookmark. They were not mega fancy. Just a handy little thing to have. It was easier than an old sol bucks receipt. Her more private number was only known by family and a fairly short list. Thankfully Vika was abit of a genius at times and set her phone up to operate more than one number including a disposable one or two in her at times handy paranoia over redundancies in tech.

Smoothing out her skirt standing up and doing up the pale blue jacket heading out after grabbing her gym bag, just outside the door she looked over to see a stalking parking warden lurking by the white land rover Discovery shaking her head. "Nope... 10 more minutes... Nice try though. Better luck next time" Happy she won that small moment of life, no one likes parking wardens... A small blip, and she was climbing In and throwing her gym bag into the passenger foot well, hand bag on the seat and firing up the White Land rover.

Onward, things to do, places to be, a city to explore.


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