Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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I have seen some hefty posts in casual and other places. And written some exceeding 3000 words. Not advanced.

Length no.

More advanced i see as sitting stricter on details, settings and accuracy. Deeper or more planned stories and so. Of course the line between some casual and some advanced gets rather blurred.

Its more a very individual thing where its sits.
Welcome to the guild. :)
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thursday - Sol Mates (Light lane) - mixed locations

Runways, Race cars and the Rumba

marinalia glanced up, from what Lucile's gestures told her, it was time to leave as the elegant woman was pacing a bit off to the side. Though she was fairly nee, Marlin knew her a bit, Max's former PA had decided to settle down and wanted yo start a family, so flying all over and long hours were hardly fitting with her life goals. "Mademoiselle and Monsieur Olympus, the cargo should be ready, loadmaster reports cargo is transferred to Deadalus Cargo" Making up a coffee for Joel, her careful questions gaining that he took it mostly plain, and made up a black coffee with milk and little sugar. Merlin's coffee was rather different, sweet to point even she would turn it away. Max was easy, she knew his choices off by heart by now, thankfully her predecessor had left a handy cheat sheet of all the basics. "Thanks, there good, whatever it is be waiting." adding a little displeasure at being kept in the dark, knowing the airport better than most, she lead off the white Land Rover and a large black SUV following den the runway as aircraft in various states sat by, ground crews in distinctive high via colours and brightly marked support tugs, fuel and many other purposes acting as a best of ants round the rather barren facility.

Pulling into the well-lit hanger she spotted a deep black sports car in that was definitely new and not a regular with a man though she could not tell much detail thanks to transitioning into the near day like conditions of the hanger. A large pallet sat covered, urgh... Cars? Behind her Grandfathers, SUV stopped close by on the diagonal to the whatever the sleek matt black sports car was and jumping down feeling the cold in her long skirt and a red leather jacket. It really was colder out here. Wait...Joel! What was going on? Heading over with Lucile to help her grandfather down, Family first as the brunette in tailored Channel suit dusted self off and looked around heading to the gathering. "Monsieur Nicolsi? je me presents Lucile Marchand, PA to Monsieur Olympus, we have emailed but not met. I have the documents, please sign where marked and take the top copy to keep. All as agreed including the main budget plus reserve fund for works needed, and the completion bonus" Giving a French greeting kissing both cheeks, with a little smirk, he was famous. This was fun, yet remained professional as she held out a leather-bound folio with the contracts, paperwork and all bits pre-assembled. "Got the Coffee's Grampa, what toys are you playing with now? joel? What are you doing here? Here? Is this that silly rumour of the Le mans record? Not had chance to talk to mum this week. coffee, plain, boring and only 3 components, just being polite, no nefarious intent, its just coffee. No potions, just caffeine."

Though she did make a mistake with the order of the coffees, handing over her rather sweet gingerbread syrup version rather than the black coffee with minimal ingredients and Malin in faint writing she not notice. Headed over a little slower and more carefully offering a hand to shake dressed in an overcoat and a bespoke suit fitting his position "Agh, Mr Nicolosi, or Joel? I'm sure you know my granddaughter, my blessing of a PA Lucile Marchand. Thank you, Marlin, getting Lady grey here is difficult. Yes, before you say, No I did this on my own, my money, Maria, Marla voiced their displeasure quite clearly. I know you all have shares, Mike was unwilling to side against his sisters, Milo, He more worried about looking after Marla, bump to be and the there son.

I've signed all my sections, we just need yours, and its all legal, money transferred in 24 hours. If you need anything, inside are contacts enclosed. We can buy or fabricate parts, tools, anything really if required bespoke.

Well, that's not the GTR I helped fund, you seem to have a few friends in automotive places. Looks ready for a top gun movie, not a racetrack. Good as she looks?"
Admiring the GTR, black, more like a stealth fighter than the car in colour barely able to tell where one part ended and another began. Whoever had built it had a real eye for detail down to the last seem and seal. If it raced liked it looked, it would be a real asphalt eating monster.

Marinalia rolled her eyes a little at the car talk, glancing over at the work on the C130 with a smile. One of the names below the window was the pilots, Valkyrie was visible in silver as she yet to acquire full flight status and was effectively a trainee on that class of aircraft still. Ignoring the whistle from the ground crew about an odd place for a date, with some returned banter and teasing."Just worry that engines ready to run when we next up north boys. Sorry taken Boys, better luck next time.

Back on cargo Grampa, only this time its not older than me and latest generation Civilian model, working heaters thank god. So, what's in the mystery box? Can we open it? it's not warm up here, you're not wearing a skirt and Strappy heals"
keeping her jacket around her for warmth, the outfit was pretty but she did have a fairly light skirt and top on under the leather jacket that ended above her hips. "Once the paperwork is signed Mademoiselle Marinalia, Though very Jane bond? James? I agree the weather here is definitely cooler than the city. Do we need to wait for your époux? Oh, partner or team members?" Lucile responded, while she could appreciate not wanting to be in the chill dressed for what seemed a date or evening with some friends on the town. A little unconventional but she soon learned on her job. The Olympus family was not normal.


Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Thursday - Sol Mates (Light lane) - mixed locations

Runways, Race cars and the Rumba

Victoria definitely had her own unique guy issues, Ryan added a unique cherry on top of the Romus fun pie. Things were certainly never boring, to say the least. If life was boring it might be a tad easier though. Definitely two peas in a pod though she did not want to ruin the evening going through her baggage like a TSA screening exercise. "Oh yes, Peas indeed, sweet peas though." smiling, positive spin on things, it was a good night, trying to keep it upbeat. "Bar the whole kidnapping deal, evil stepmom and wondering if Uber delivers past dragons. I'd give a lot to wake up looking perfect every morning though!" Disney had a few downsides, but come on did you ever see a Disney Princess with a bad hair day, spot or without a full matching outfit regardless of dragons, trapped in a tower or asleep for a while looked after by a gang of rather hard-working dwarves.

Guys, that she could agree with. She definitely had enough to think about right now without complicated extra layers to add to life. Things were not exactly easy at the best of times lately. Clinking her diet coke into Manami's drink."True dat. Tonight, just complicated already. You're Tall! Oh come on, your like step mums height. Compared to you I'm tiny. 4'9... Not even 5 foot...Top shelf, whats that concept Manami?" Victoria gave a huff but no real force behind it, She was tiny compared to a lot of people and an extremely slight build did not make her look any taller.

Ryan was headed the way she decided against replying, would he even believe how it came to pass? Turning her attention back to Manami and her meal, small meals, regularly were helping her feel more human. Grazing here and there took getting used to though. "Bun rather than Borscht in the oven, we bot that crazy. so crave some genuine Stakanchik, Russain Icecream, so creamy... Shame no one does quite right." Reminiscing about delicious ice cream, they used really high-quality milk and so and the results where obvious. Alas, the versions here just not quite the same.

Then things got complicated, hearing a rather drunk Ryan approach and a sharp retort from Manami. Definitely drunk, she could really smell the booze mixing with aftershave thanking the fates the small meal had calmed her stomach at least. Isosef reacted faster and put out a hand before he stumbled if he was too drunk and knocked the deep black haired ladies flying. "Steady, i hope you not driving tonight." Privately thinking it might a good idea for someone not seeming more hammered than a nail to have whatever car keys he had. Right now he was more likely to wrap himself around a tree or solid object. Victoria gave a sigh, she expected him to turn up but drunk meant she would have to be more careful how she put the subject to rest. Audibly softer and trying to be gentle, Victoria did her best to handle things. "Ryan, sit, your pretty drunk right now. Can I bet an extra Raman please for him? And no beer...

Umm, well "Drinky Dude" here is Ryan, Manami is my friend. So be nice to her. She a good egg."
Handling this on would give her a headache is she thought into it too far. Why did he have to be so drunk? Gently guiding his attention over with a rather small hand on the shoulder."Ok, Ryan. I'm here with my friend, enjoying a night out. It just happens to be Sol mates. My man, is probably not a topic you want to handle drunk ok?

He, while it would be easier, il manage ok. I faced worse in my teenage years. Thank you for being a friend, but I'm a grown woman, and I'm hardly scraping by to get gas money"
Giving him a friendly peck on the cheek, he meant well even if his methods where an Elephant in a China museum. Giving a sorry look to Manami about the interruption to there little get together, she would text her or just ask her later to join for tea or something. Remembering previous comments it sounded like she needs a break from all the fashion stuff from time to time and Victoria enjoyed her company. She was a good friend, never of thought she would be friends with an instragam model, though the photos of them where not shared and more on her photo wall of travels, people, and friends. Victoria did not want to hurt Manami's career if her unconventional family got out.

@Otterpop@Infinite Cosmos

NPC expanded and added to become a full if slightly secondary character to Astrid. Should all have mostly passed grammar and spelling. I've hinted down many as my phone told me exist.

Let me know of that's ok :)

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Runways, Race cars and the Rumba

Marinalia sat in the small office drinking her sweet and caffeine heavy concoction of sugary bliss though despite her ease some of the things Xia had said, or not said were a little worrying. It was just, peculiar and that rarely was a good thing when you felt a bad gut feeling. A week at the manor might be a good idea for her, least it was safe to feel relaxed behind the walls, gates and layers of alarms. They could work something out during the week regarding the situation. Marlin would not turn Xia away when she needs help, fuck that. What was the point in having money and resources if you could not use them to help those close to you?

Tapping out a quick message, they had talked a bit but appreciated Xia needed a little space to sort out her head. Things were a bit weird. Leaving a message once the office was quiet, plus she trusted the other pilots. Little nerves but her accent retaining its small chime that had been returning of late as things improved. Making a slightly bold suggestion but they had done things the wrong ways round. "Hey Cutie, missing you. Stupid network error lost your message for a bit.

Your welcome here, I have work, but I'll make time and call in a few favours. We can make some good luck. Pack for a week or longer, if you want to stay longer, I have spare closet space. I mean it, time will be found if I have to strange the fates with there own loom to do it.

Stay safe, please. Really, you're important. Its been a short time but your important to me, I'm worried, and I admit il feel happier when you have a week off at my place. Love you Cutie"
A worried Marinalia would be keeping a close eye on her phone, probably have to dig you her smartwatch she did not wear so much. Yeah definitely feel better knowing she did not miss a call right now. Where did that reaction come from? Yes, the family was loyal to a fault but Xia had ended up under the category without her noticing?

Sipping her overly sweet coffee, she had this unknown thong from her grandfather to deal with. What venture caught his interest this time?

Hearing a faint tune in her handbag playing a Russain Tatu song for the moment. Vibrating away, she probably overreacted but after being hacked, hormones and her maybe volatile personality... Not crazy, just a little highly strung. Yeah. Highly strung. How did she even react to that message? "Your not only one with guy issues, too pretty for own good!" Doing best to make light of it, might as well add a positive spin.

"Ryan, I was hacked, through multiple layers of advanced security, my intimate moments broadcast to the world and only one who could know had to be close somehow. Of course, I'm a bit overly worried!

Sorry, thank-you, I'm just pretty stressed right now... Reluctant... Knocked up and changed up! Fine, there's issues ok, things are not happy Waltons world rights now. No Jim Bob changing the oil in dungarees whistling Dixie with a ring on his finger. Child, no twins thankfully, one is sufficiently challenging on its own.

I do not send men to grab people. It's Sol, not Somalia and is not my dad. Asian place opposite the big yellow budda in heart sweet nacho hat. If you want to talk. Old man's Ramen shop. Purple dress, black coat, dark tights.

If you want to talk, your choice... "

Wondering, changing. The dam burst and it all came out, lying her head on arms at the counter a second. "Manami, where's Disney Princes when you need it?" Cheesy, a bit creepy in some respects but hey, least Disney you found prince charming, kissed them and you had a charming prince.

Perking up at the smell of delicious Ramen, savouring a spoon full of her soup and giving the old man an appreciative smile and generous tip"Should stay gone for tonight though. Hey, its Sol mates, we can find you a cute guy if you want to make up for the jerk?" Joking mostly, she did not get to tease Manami much so all in good Spirits. "Let me know if he returns. He learns No quickly. Practice for Daughters too." Isosef gave her a nod ordering a soft drink and keeping a lookout from a little further away to give the women some privacy. He worked the job, for one thing, money. The Romus Family had tested him well when he worked for them but his daughters would not know his upbringing, degrees, white-collar jobs and every chance to excel even if it meant some hefty sacrifices.

"Hot, you do look it though, you look great in casual too! I needed to get out of the house, and need no excuse to dress up a bit. Are you doing better? You were having a bad week when we met at the food festival?" Happier with that distraction and her Raman dish, Victoria would remember this place the food was lovely. Talking with a friend over a bowl of Raman felt right, something vaguely normal in her life. Something Victoria really needed in the crazy times. Not wanting to dump on Manami too much, Ryan opened that door, she did not need to worry about all her problems when thr woman next to her had her own issues to handle. "me, a little confused about someone but I'm managing. I ate fish sticks and custard earlier, so feel free to work out how not normal I am.

What happened to me? Umm, I'm a bit boring compared to you, coffee, met up with my friend from Russia Dira, Grampa is in the about something, its just nice to spend an evening with a . oh, my old friend from Englands here for a short time, I missed him, not his bad jokes though!"
Ending with a smile, Victoria got a tad lonely in Sol at times, she had friends here for now and hopefully Manami would be in that category.

The black 4x4 of Maxamilion Olympus breezed through the large security gates of the Old Sol airport and found a place next to a rather familiar white land rover he should recognise. Marinalia had beaten them here somehow... Though she did know the local area well. Hugging his oldest grandaughter as he walked in, Lucile watched gladly her boss would be in a good mood. "Grampa max, finally. I was getting worried. What is this, why we here?" why indeed, while his idea might not be popular with his female family members. It was his risk to take, not theirs. " You see Marlin, just trust me ok? Lucile, relax, we have time before they arrive I'm sure. Just sign a few papers, hand out copies. It's an easy one. Everyone already agreed. Just formalities. She did worry about things, though that was kind of her job. Even so, this should be an easy one anyway.

What could go wrong?


@Allycat@Infinite Cosmos@King Tai@Pilatus

Astrid Peterson

First day of spring - Year one - Mayoral Moaning

Peterson's Cottage - Red Bridge

Astrid Peterson
Astrid was giving fluffy a fuss as the large dog turned and seemed to smell or hear someone coming, it had taken a while to learn the signs but Astrid did trust Flurry and her abilities. She was also a fairly good judge of character and usually could work out a bad egg pretty quickly. Her rather large furry companion who was more often than not seen with her equally dark-haired mistress. Bounding over the large dog left a muddy pair of paw prints on his upper robes and gave him a lick or 3 before she got her fuss and returning to Astrid resting at her feet lazily as her rather loyal protector. Well resting near her or lazing near the slow-burning fire in the Feasting Hall on cold nights.

Astrid missed home, well her family. The city she did not miss, though her overly large rescue dog helped fill in the gap, she had to have Fluffy on seeing her first time, there was no option and they had been hard to separate since. Laughing at Fluffy's antics and the muddy large paw marks. He was a regular, Oliver knew what her animal friend was like. "Astrids fine Oliver or il set Tora on you again saying you want a date. Preist Reed...or is or father... I am not sure with harvest goddess. It would keep her out my love life..." Smiling, she did not mind people using her given name, Miss Peterson reminded her too much of her old stuffy boss back in the city. Part teasing, part genuine question, Astrid grew up in City, the Harvest goddess was not exactly mainstream there. Yes, they did follow a fairly alien religion to these parts, it did not stop them learning about what else was about and what people beloved in. Their beliefs did not bar them learning and exploring. Quite the opposite really."Well for one the Mayor's sense of timing is... Questionable to say the least. Did not get much sleep after.

Red bridge, oh...here. I was curious, there's so much talk of this place, I kind of had to see it for myself. I wondered if it was a place blessed by the Vanir Freyr, and Freyja. Twins who bless the land and households. Just something about today. Felt. Different."
She never had hidden her beliefs, sure they would not convert anyone or force the issue, but had no shame in embracing what they believed however different. Sure she meandered a bit but the first day of spring. There felt something special about it, something was just different when winters icy grip was broken.

Turning back to more earthbound and practical subjects. The mayor's spring celebration. "What's the whole thing with the mayor? Formal, a village gathering? I hope he likes lemon meringue pie. All this is rather new to us. The mayor is also " hoping he might know more of what to expect she played a little nervously with her pendant, a symbol of strength though it never was that courage was the absence of fear only the ability to keep going regardless of it. A small smile randomly remembering Tora reaction to the little false rumour he might want a date, and her choice of outfit involving a top that less Norse, more naughty tavern wench. She had saved him and got Tora to back off, not before she had turned him pink a few times. Just because she did not play many jokes, or still happened.

The twins shared quite a few aspects, similar sizes, night-black hair and hard to mistake for anything but sisters. Though more though once you got to know them there where also quite a few differences between them.

Meeting n teasing @Shinobu

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations

Runways, Race cars and the Rumba

Victoria looked over, two women had gathered round the injured... Person. While the clothes where more masculine, the face and scarf even could be considered a nod to feminine. Guys could not make a scarf work quite as well as that person did. She could tell if she got closer but decided to not get involved too far into thr drama walking by carefully keeping close eye on her surroundings being less steady and a little more delicate.

Victoria did not recognise the women, if they leaned that way they should be happy they met a pretty "Nurse" of sorts. If they where smart it would turn into a date that is to Sol Mates and Thirsty Thursday. Alcohol was a great one to smooth the social rust and rough spots.

Looking out at light lane, it was glowing more than normal, the shops where open and all ready for business, that definitely was not in short supply tonight. Feeling a buzz from a blue tooth bracelet hooked up to her phone when she got a message that was not spam notifications. Finding a corner to lean to check and also not get walked into, Ryan... That message caused a have of mixed feelings including a desire to bite back but had deleted her message twice already unsure how to even answer, did she even want to?

Sighing, that was a complicated problem, and a very personal one. "It's way more comfrey than the Mini.

That's a rather personal and complicated issue. Short answer. I have a body guard because of certain prior issues regarding security. You know my condition. My family is rather protective of me. Especially in my present condition.

Its complicated, there's a lot more to it and id ever tell on a insecure method. Why are you asking? If your after a story for media you can go fuck yourself in ass with razor wire coated in lemon juice. If your being a friend, sorry its just difficult time for me right now. Its bloody scary how fast my life is going to change and being responsible for a another humans beings life and welfare.

You have a odd idea what can be answered on a text message Ryan. :)


Replying and hitting send, why did he even ask that? I mean did he like her? Surely he was not after a 23 year old pregnant woman with a medical history longer than a European country? That was a strange set of requirements... Her life did not need to become more complicated! It was mad enough as it is.

Though she did not see someone Victoria knew, a voice that came across as Manami was clear, and rather raised among another small commotion. Some kind of argument, a older males voice and as she got closer Manami was dressed up all nicely in a outfit that looked like meant for a lot warmer evening. Victoria as wearing tights, a coat and she had semi bare legs and what passed as a track jacket. Calling over and her distinct blend of English and Russain hard to confuse for anyone else."Manami! You alright? Need any help? Lift? . Isosef, please let me know if you see Ryan about.

Thanks for helping me find the dress, might as well wear it while i can. "
going from serious to girly, she needed lighter hearted moments and hoping to take a night off from her worries, wear a pretty new dress and meet a friend seemed a better way to forget pressure for a few hours. "Need assistance miss Takahasi? My Principle. Mean no harm to you of you to her or me." The larger Russian enquired, though was little blunt but straight to point with the older gentleman in a calm military manner who seemed to be rather riled up. Victoria seemed to have taken to the Asian woman and she was not a bad influence or threat. Rather pretty, if he was not married he might be more distracted. "Can i get a diet coke, Raman super soup and whatever my escort wishes" as the Raven haired woman tried to disarm the Raman man with a smile and deliberate softness to her mixed accent.

Victoria felt strange, she did not always trust quickly but Manami seemed to bypass her defences. The woman she has quickly learnt was far more complicated than the Instagram model outward appearances. She was genuine, well under the false front out out for business purposes.

The Instagram model hiding from herself
Text Message bandit :)
@Infinite Cosmos
Astrid Peterson

First day of spring - Year one - Mayoral Moaning

Peterson's Cottage - Red Bridge

Astrid Peterson
Astrid rolled over and woke up with a grumble as the phone rang in the living room at some hour that phones should not be used. Or in her opinion anyway, the raven-haired semi newcomer to the village still was getting used to the rise at dawn mindset that was popular among some. Hard work was one thing but a lady needed her beauty sleep. Shouting over to her Twin sister though she definitely was the girly one of the pair. "Tora, leave it... Anyone can wait until a decent hour."

Waking up while later still dressed in sleep shorts and an old t sleeveless T-shirt that was too small but super comfy and soft. Only Tora about. Not that part of her mind would not mind a certain villager to keep her warm at night, possibly in something more interesting. Checking the message on their machine left. The mayor... Well, that made sense. He was an oddity. Who else would cultivate a huge beard and make the fact they where bald more obvious? Jokes of vampire, immortal sprites or just eccentric Astrid sighed. What did they get the mayor? They were new. What did he even like? Tora made a rather good lemon meringue pie when she wanted to bake and there signature stores speciality took multiple hours and way too much work for a small serving to do properly. Her thoughts, however, were a tad distracted when fluffy made her jump flopping onto her lap and behaving like 200 pounds of the puppy as she scratched her canine companion behind the ears lazily. She loved Fluffy, rescued Astrid just wanted to give her rather a furry friend a good home. "Hey.... What.

Oh, come on Fluffy. I know, we have to go to the mayor this afternoon. Are you going to behave this time? Yes, you have to, but I make sure you get a treat. Good girl. You really are a fussy one this morning."
She swore her dog understood, especially from the look in her mixed colour eyes. She had played up a bit first time they arrived though now fluffy was calm enough not to really need a lead. Who was she kidding? She could drag her off like a stick! "Come on. Lemme up. You know how Tora is pre-coffee in the mornings."

Moving to the village, we'll it was cheap and the area had little in the form of rivals though it was in a bit of a dive, the monster rumours and from reading up before they left, the village must have errors or mayor had never changed going by the names.

Getting finally dressed after greeting her sister and handing the zombie her coffee and a bagel to naw on for a while before she gained sentience. Finding her leather jacket and boots by the door Astrid decided to make most of there new start and freedom. Both had worked in city to save up but this, this felt free in its own way, they had own home now, garden and the feasting hall while not packed was making a fair to good trade. "going for a walk Tori, be back in time to change. And DO NOT BORROW MY DRESS, you know which one... I'm wearing it today." Sharing a home was one thing. When both twin sisters where the same size roughly that was "interesting". Though to her advantage too, Tora however poor they were always found a bargain and items that should cost many times their price. "Ok Asti. I'm going to open the Hall up for Brunch later, I'm hurt...its soo nice though. Knock em dead... Or him..." Closing the door before her Tora could keep going on, they where friends... Just because they were close...

Waving to a few people on her walk, the Village had yet to fully start up, open up etc. It was a nice time to get a walk despite not being an early bird some days she just appreciated a chance to have some time away from all her lists, work and a large pile of things to do.

Red bridge, the myths and local lore of the goddess had her curious, even though her beliefs were very different. Astrids fairly simple silver Thors hammer she always wore now, a symbol of protection and strength based on an original found from the Viking age. Tora and Astrid each had one as a gift from there, dad, before they left, even if leaving home they would still have a connection, reminder and hopefully the strength to succeed and protection while they made their own path.

Astrid's less notable nod to her alternative belief was a Viking arm ring, silver with a pair of dragon heads. The oath thing was a bit of a myth based on Odin, it just used to be an easy way to carry wealth but it was a nice idea. Still, she had got it from one of her first paychecks. She was so happy buying it with own money. It reminded her of what she could achieve if she kept going.

Smiling her musings as the reached for the necklace, leaning on the red bridge watching the water flow, fish and wildlife, watching Fluffy chase a bird a bit until the rather large dog got bored and lay against her legs. Protection, maybe not directly but fluffy definitely could be considered a gift? Who knew how gods and spirits worked.

People here seemed nice, they shopped local, tried to fit in even though the post was busy or the general store with orders that the local area could not supply. It seemed to be working even if she still got a few odd looks for there choice of a Feasting Hall from time to time from the ardently traditional.


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