Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Tuesday - Sol City Hospital - Hephaestus Manor -

Taco Tuesday - Keyla Chaos

Marinalia had been under quite a bit of pressure to get things right so this working out was a great relief. The fact she was tired, too little sleep, rather a little concealer make up and had pulled together a miracle. It was tiring though she did not want to admit failing. Luckily any awkward moments had been pretty much worked though on that rather... Eye opening time spent stuck together during the blizzard.

Tired as she was, nothing, a coffee in morning and nap or so in the afternoon could not fix, or so she wanted to make her body believe anyway. Its opinions differed and did not agree with her mind's drive onwards. The sofa was rather comfortable, thankfully her female relatives had kept the male side from making it wall to wall leather, chrome and whatever else might have happened. "Il get an early night Xia, I'm good for now. Plus company is excellent. He can get used to me. He jealous?" Marlin was a bad liar, least to people who knew her especially intimately. Jealous of the fact Xia seemed so to slot into place with someone, and visa versa? It was a valid theory, though one that could wait for a more awake response.

Returning, Xia was slightly asleep or quite a bit asleep now and thought her way of waking up the sleeping Caribbean Cutie was a pleasant one. Lunch was rather light but given everything a light one seemed best. We'll if they wanted to keep their figures anyway, both had worked rather hard to keep in shape. "So much better than my old sofa. Frozen two one night though. I admit it. I like singing along." the sofa was a double upholstered sword, the desire to curl up for a nap was growing. Her enjoyment of a simple Crisp sandwich and some Disney was however not to last.


Marlin had got past the whole previous nerve destroying phase though it was far from forgotten and still had her vulnerable moments when she struggled. The pressure of arranging everything and so just conspired to complete the perfect storm. "Il pop it over, tell Carlo to go by Park avenue, left at band stand. Roadworks. You deserved it for heading thousands of miles, without even blinking to help. See you Soon keyla."

Xias response quickly snapped Marlin from her other thoughts. "I know Xia... Yet then I'm scared it's not good enough. my luck has been... Shaky. Il get your phone tomorrow love." Getting up and heading to sort out the guest room hiding a yawn, she had things to do first. Marlin did not hide her emotions well from those close, especially in current condition with her guard worn down. The damage was mending, Just needed more time to fully heal.


Marinalia returned a while later after sorting out the guest room as best possible a short time. It looked pretty homely and Oreo's... They were pretty universal right? Just because rushed, she could not be hospitable. "Thanks love" Leaning over Marlin closed her eyes and blinked but then then ended up curling up like a kitten next to Xia for a short nap. Finally giving in temporarily to her rather much overdoing things.


Startled hearing the gate buzzer, before blinking awake again and incoherently commenting and tidying her hair up a little. "Come on up, i'll let you in, you can park on the drive, il open the main gate." Hitting a button to open the main gates and closing the intercom, before heading down stairs, not quite as tired as before but still obviously having pushed things abit hard, for too long opening the front door to the Manor into the glass roofed triple floor atrium. "Mrs Alexander, welcome to Hephaestus Manor, you have our best guest room on the 3rd floor, let me know if you need anything." Formal greeting aside, her upbringing meant she had to things correctly, or least much as she remembered as technically she would be lady of the house, they also had a "lady" of the house too, but hey, confusion. "Keyla, thank you for coming, just thank you. Carlo Welcome, thanks for helping, we might have some beer left over, definitely got a few Rebellions in the fridge and some white wine. You're not on hug status yet though. " Hugging Keyla with a European kiss on cheek happily Marlin was rather glad to see her, much as a little anxious, she really needed the help right now, Marlins holding everything together was more fragile than she wanted to admit to anyone over the past few days of mentally and physically overdoing it.''Come on up, much more comfortable on the first floor. Xia awake, just weaker and easily tired.``

Waving them on up she gestured up the curving marble stairs and headed on up to the more comfortable upper levels and less ornate and overly formalistic design. Carlo could take it or leave it, she was doing best to be fair to him.

Pausing a second to have a quiet word with Carlo, she knew from Xia and his own Mentions he was less restricted in his means and methods. "Find that bastard and cash money, car, whatever. I saw her walking like she 80... She hurt, deep... Down. Put down on a nice apartment with your girl, I just want mine to be safe to live her life. Could end up your sister in law one day, help each other?

Coming on up with us? Or you want me to open gates? Free beer? "
Hiding her other part of conversation, she would rather keep any arrangement quiet, though her rather protective streak of the woman upstairs was rather not hiding any time soon. Her father definitely was ruthless, she was not in his league but she had her moments. Especially if someone hurt her girl.

@King Tai

Original is always based on somthing, they always have a few elwments that people took from some other place, or another.

It's a original alamaigmation of ideas that people have assembled, tweaked, modified into a new form..

Granted we see alot of the same type like hero academy, and others but those equally are popular and what people like. Otherwise we not see such a glut of them.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>
Been meaning to watch Witcher. I started watching it over my sister's shoulder back when it first came out and it caught my interest. From what I saw, that series seems to do pretty well with fictional racism and I've been looking to capture that in my own plot for some time now.

<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>
You paint? That's really cool. Do you have any of your projects lying around to show (whether finished or not)?

A bit, or alot of it at times depending on episodes. It's a tad confusing but with it once you unravel the logic. If you know the game or books it might be a alittle easier logic wise.

It's definitely worth it, even if you get no ideas, you get a good TV serris anyway. :)

I have quite a few though cannot upload photos to guild, so sharing the pictures be alittle more tricky.

I've been painting stuff on and off for over 5 years so not too bad at it! Rather relaxing, especially as it's something that's a good distraction from current times too.

Witcher, true blood, once upon a time, last kingdom, all have been helping me get through the Lockdown so far. I really wnat the next season of witcher to come round!

Hobbys too, well ones you can do inside lol

Though my supply of things to paint is runnong a little short.

Elwments and little things, not heavily based but a few little things like having a sweet tooth or such il crossover into the RP world.

Small stuff sure, not always the big stuff.

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Tuesday - Sol City Hospital - Hephaestus Manor -

Taco Tuesday - Keyla Chaos

Marinalia seeing the level of damage done to Xia definitely was protective to say the least, seeing her hurt like that just hurt, really hurt. Marlin was not quite so able to hurt them back but she would definitely find every way she could find to protect Xia right now. Marlin would not give her the easy way out on this one, for her own best interest she was not taking no for an answer. Well gently anyway, she would have to be careful with Xia right now though as she was so obviously delicate. "What's mine is yours. What comes along we face together." Giving her a gentle smile and squeeze on her good hand. Hopefully it got the message across that help was not a chore, problem or burden.

Making it in, well Xia had a key now which would make life a lot easier when Marlin was working and could come and go as needed to all her appointments and such. Having to wait on her and Victoria for everything would be a pain for everyone and definitely not Xia or how she would ever want to work. "When your better, il show you exactly how too nice I can be. He needs... Adjustments. But he behaved properly... Incentives." Xia would know exactly that Her mum and his mum would definitely keeps him in line for now, especially when Marlin when full polar bear against him.

The stairs would prove a problem, especially how there was more to the second floor where there bedroom was but if it was a bad day, her suite had a bathroom, living area and everything else on the same floor as her mother was staying so could least make the best of a slightly less desirable situation.

Marlin was too busy helping Xia and taking the light lunch over she had made up, a bit silly and rather much something she enjoyed as a child. Somehow darker events needed a little whimsy. Disney plus definitely was fun, not that she had most of them somewhere, they were not in the US so this was an easier way to have all her favourites. "A British, not so fancy delicacy. Trust me, it's a strange idea but it works.

Wake up babe, those with food, should help the pain. I make a nice pillow if you need it.``
Having worked out least the basic medication she needed so far. She put up a good front, but Marlin knew her least enough to tell she was definitely in pain. Adding a gentle kiss to wake her up if Xia was half asleep. There were things to do, but nap time with her girlfriend was not so bad...


Checking her phone finding a voicemail mid way eating to see when Victoria would be back, oh crap! Her mum had arrived already, airport. Airport. Quickly calling back though Mrs Alexander had been at front of all her various old etiquette classes she had insisted on a more informal title."Mrs Alex.. Keyla? Wait, airport. Umm Victoria, dang." Looking over to see, Xia, she could not leave her alone right now, the woman definitely needed company and care. Leaving her alone just felt wrong in her gut. "We only just made it home, Don't want to leave her alone right now. My sister Vika is not home. Il text you my address Keyla, if Carlo cannot, just tell them you're with Captain Romus Olympus at Daedalus desk, they sort you a taxi. Il text you our address." Our address, she could help not but giggle at being able to say that line somewhat. It was first time really properly. Then came her little panic. Well major minor panic. Forgetting to close the call. "your mum forgot to message, she at airport. Oh, I never got the decent fluffy towels dried, the trip to that Caribbean superMarket, the guest room needs making up. So much I not done... She going to think I'm a bad host... " Small as Marlins worries where in some circumstances, the best impression she did want to try and make. "You ok if I quickly get the guest room finished and whatever wine left in fridge." Giving her a gentle kiss and leaving her phone, just text myself. My smart watch will buzz if you need me. She still had to collect Xias that was still in for repair tomorrow. It was a minor miracle to repair the thing, it probably would be more new parts than old.

Heading up, it was not perfect but at least she had sheets on the bed, some nice-ish clean white towels in the esuite, nice soap and even a pack of oreos on the pillow not having anything more grown up. It was smaller off the 3 story atrium but nice, views of park unlike the side facing one on first with no esuite which definitely not suitable for more than a night. Placing a few flowers taken from the arrangement in the entrance into a small vase by the window, little things at least are civilised and seem welcoming ignoring the fact her choice of valve looked like a fried egg with an orange vase on a white plate in whimsy. It was eggcellent.

A shiver ran down her spine, like someone had meant her greatly ill or a grave insult... Ignoring the strange feeling she headed back down to check on Xia and also be able to buzz Keyla in and greet her when she arrived after having changed out her jeans into a more comfortable loose longer skirt and sandals for the warmer weather that kept going up slowly but surely. Keep this up and she be in a pretty little summer dress by Friday, not that get objections Marlin was sure.

@King Tai
@Almalthia - like someone walked on her grave...

Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" & Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"

Tuesday - Sol City Hospital - Hephaestus Manor -

Taco Tuesday

Marinalia was more than a little scared seeing how badly hurt Xia really was, she had heard from the medics and so but sering her weakly walking and pain she was in really brought home the extent of the damage done. Her reservations about harm to whomever had done this were evaporating at a rapid rate. Knowing her only a short time, it was scary how close she came to not waking up. Marlin was not going to leave her now.

The worry replaced her worry somewhat about what her mother would think about her, and the care she was receiving. The guest room was a little on the smaller side but shuddered at the cost of a hotel for the period especially short notice. Least it had an ensuite and a view of Corona Park.

The drive home she was careful as she could be, still the city's roads jolted a bit, apologising to Xia but also being somewhat aggressive to keep her land rover out the gutters. Reaching home, she kept close enough to help should intervention be needed and kept a close eye on her girlfriend as she climbed down and leant heavily against the 4x4. Two could be glad at that, the nurses and doctors had been most accommodating to Marlin but yeah, it was a good day, the sun was shining and Xia was cleared at least to be discharged. "I'm here if you need me.

Just glad I still have you babe. I promise, I'm not leaving you, anything. Just ask. Anytime between soon and one to two days. Depends on flights and how long she needs to set things in order first. I just hope she still likes me."
Marlin knew it was obvious by actions and extent and cost gone to sort everything out but still she wanted reassure her, though those arrangements meant she had been a bit too busy to confirm the exact times for her mother and had merely said to let her know when she was flying in and would do best to pick her up or make arrangements. She really was nervous about her mother. Admitly their first formal date of sorts Xia had met her mum Maria but that was not quite the same as this. "It's a bit warmer than your first visit. Not that heating going proved a blessing in disguise. Spare rooms taken so hope you not mind sharing. " Keeping it light and joking teasingly as her accent gained a happy softer chime like tone., memories of the whole snow storm drama, and other moments which were now rather hard to forget.

Handing Xia the key, well now her key to the door, if she was staying here, it was properly and not as an extended guest. Seeing her in pain hurt, not quite physically but it hurt, it would be a long haul to fully heal but Marlin had no plans to be anywhere else. "No sorry needed, if need to replace anything it happens. Just us for now, Vika at Yoga class and Isosef is running errands." Walking in the Manors entrance had not changed much at all bar new flowers in the atrium and a few cardboard boxes from Xias place that had yet to be sorted with "Misc - Bedroom" on the side scrawled in sharpie pen. Pulling this all together in a few days had been a minor miracle. "Let's get you comfortable first love, and I can start a light lunch and some hot chocolate. I never thought I'd say this, but. Well Carlo is a little rough round the shell, but his yolks in the right place."

Keeping a close eye if she needed help on the stairs and getting up to the first floor where Xia could lie down or sit on the sofa not wanting her too long on her feet right now. Doctors had been quite firm about resting and not over doing it in the briefing and medical notes before they let her be discharged. It did not take long to knock up a light salad and Crisp sandwiches with a pair of hot chocolates. It was not the season, but her first drink here was one as a guest, same as where she called home, even in bad circumstances. Marlin hoped to remind Xia of happier memories together. "Don't worry... I sorted out clothes. Carlo... His taste would be interesting, yet not you. Also. We have Disney plus." Trying to keep things light and off what she could not do, because they could not do what they had planned did not mean everything was impossible.

@King Tai Xia in need of a health potion.

I'll have a post up by tomorrow.

Great :)
No changes on Marlin front from post I tagged you in.
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