Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Least elf mountain Switzerland is safe from pirates... Are we....

Buikd a new wall!
Double the guard at outer gates!

Feel free to ask any questions, we a friendly group and GM is pretty open to ideas if you not sure, just ask ask :)
Wrll might as well join in.

<Snipped quote by Maiden of Mist>

This is why I love playing a gay man.

So he gonna be chilling with wine or tea, a book and watching drama with popcorn or the quiwt outlier who jump in and change the entire game in a single move!

Maybe both.

@Maiden of Mist
I mewn you just trapped a bunch of rroyal brats, with hot weatger, bwarelt their summer clothing and nothing to do lol... With a large volcano heated shared bath house...

Nare... I mean nothing happen at all... Thry all paragons of virtue, morals and entiely devoted to bettering ones self.... Lol.
<Snipped quote by Searat>

Well the castle is in the desert, so I think there may be some midnight meetings with half the cast mostly undressed.

@Maiden of Mist

Ha! I knew it!

As for Gideon the Ninth: scions from 8 great houses are invited to the First House to study. The First House turns out to be mostly empty and ancient, and the "studying" involves solving obtuse puzzles, stabbing each other in the back, and generally squabbling.

Sound familiar, anyone?

the desert climate means a few intresting lifestyles might depevelop.

Atchually be really quite intesting what kind of norm depvelops from thr chaos od such varried cast.

@Hayazo@Maiden of Mist

Sure he be fine, she might even have some intresting novels and scrolls that totally entirely about the plot lol.

@False Prophet

Though upset at first she might tryband take advantage if he can braid hair better than she can....
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Mf is bigger than Pascal
Gonna scare the hell out of him

Yaeah and for bonus points slate grey fur so almost invisible in dark bar her big bright blue eyes.

However she also somewhat a softie at times will try to get fuss and act like a mega sized puppy at times :)

But the important question... Who takes longer to get ready in a morning lol
Here are the vibes I get from this RP so far.

Star Vs the Forces of Evil(particularly the Saint Olga's arcs)
The Cursed Princess Club
Gideon the Ninth

Dunno if anyone is familiar with any of those, but this is what I feel coming from the story and characters.

Cursed Princess club... Reminds me of wreck it ralph where they go through all curses, kidnappimgs and so they had.

A bunch of Disney princess
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Can confirm. Pascal is awfully materialistic

Also I apologize in advance but he is going to hate Fluffy at first

And she loves Fluffy. (whom i just relised how massive she might be...)

Fluffy i based off a GOT direwolf... Whom i majorly undersized when writing this CS... ... If i stick by rough scale... Im not sure il keep her quite so massive, depends on how people feel

Ummm.. Their the size of a small horse, 5-6 feet tall beasts more likenthe power of bears.

I could go with a regular dire wolf so 3.5 feet at shoulder and 7 feet long.

So you could end up with a wolf thr size of a bear that likes its ears tickled and likes to rest head on laps...

So largish wolf.. Or an more friendly bear wolf....?
@Hayazo@PrinceAlexus@Searat@False Prophet@Gisk@Slypheed

Alright party people! The map has been completed and dorm assignments have been made! But look at those lovely flowers! One by one your GM hand planted those bad boys! It's almost like they mean something... wait no that's probably just the high from the fertilizer!

...or is it?

So... Princess Vana has a Prince with potentially more makenup and clothes than her as a room mate.

Her virtue might be safe... Well what's left of it... Least until she meets Gretta lol

[@Hayazowe] we all make such great roommates :)
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