Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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1 yr ago
Current Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.
4 yrs ago
Happy new year for the year that shall not be named is over.
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4 yrs ago
Died laughing maybe :)


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Tentatively poking my head in and seeing if there's still openings. Looking to get back into pbp and this sounds delightful :3

Check out the thread. We can help you. We might look like alot of posts but we are starting a new day and new phase soon. An ideal time to start!

We can get you up to speed and joining In the fun.

Feel free to ask questions, we are friendly and the only one who bites is the IC vampire blight.

Dr Katrazyna "Katska" Nadezhda Kowalewska

Main Island BNB

Kat looked over hearing Fluent Spanish with a local accent. He had a deeper male tone and an easy casual confidence that she could tell even if she could not see him. People's voices were pretty clear to tell you what kind of character they were. she turned her head and blinked, a shirtless rather handsome man, they sure made them good on these islands and this was a prime specimen of the male Homo Saipan if she said so herself. His compliment seemed to come easily and he seemed to regularly use Spanish for him to sound so natural.

“Muchas Gracias, She's quite a cute kitty, and you know it's a little one.” Kat carefully leaned over slightly but held her balance and dignity as she gave the cat a stroke and a scratch behind the bar in greeting. The dark cat had bright eyes and seemed to love a fuss. “You're cute, oh little one. I bet you get all the fuss.” She said softly to the cat, her accent falling more into her native Polish accent heavily and more intensified.

A tourist was close enough especially as she had been sent here to slow her down, there still was a job to do but this job was one that was on island time. Just getting access to archives took a week, nothing was digitised so everything was still on paper etc and while organised it still was sorted all on cards and lists rather than the more advanced systems she had got used to. She was working like when she first started her job as an intern and somehow she did not mind the tactile and physical nature of the information and her job. It was… satisfying.

Kat had adapted quickly to the materials though the organisation was less so, people tended to walk files and things got misplaced over time and there had been plenty of time. It would take Kat… Kat did not know how long she would need but no one at Olympus was seemingly worried yet, they seemed happy to have her as an asset on the island and wait until they needed her. That was hard for Kat but she forced herself to remember finding wrecks was not a short term project, months, years was normal. Not a matter of weeks in this endeavour.

Bells, Bella? maybe…must be the owner or the one who ran the BNB, this place seemed quiet and slow paced as seemed to be the nature of the life here. Female? Pebbly anyway, this place looked very much homely and seemed to have a female touch, or least help.

They must have been having their own thing going on at the same time as she looked about the room, took in the view from the windows and looked at the bright blue sea reaching far out into the blue skies that ran on as far as could be seen. It was an alien place compared to the arctic, the wet and cool days in London. it still took a little time for her brain to catch up with everything.

She released her ankle and the fact she favoured one side blushing slightly at how it was a self caused injury, and a man who could have been the front page model of an paperback romance novel asking after her injury. “The Stone won” She said lightly and hoped it down played things abit. “Nothing that a rest cannot heal and take it easy in morning Yoga I think. I'm too used to wearing boots aboard ship for the last 3 months.” Kat explained as it did no harm and hopefully no one caused a huge drama calling an ambulance for a sore foot. It tinged for sure and she definitely was tentative and ginger to place too much weight on it but it was not like it was dislocated, bruised probably but not broken.

A shorter than Kat, dark haired woman dressed more casually entered into the room wearing shorts and a buttoned blouse, comfortable for the climate and wearing what would be likely a normal dress. Honestly she had the right idea but Kat wanted to wear this dress and likely would see what else the woman had, the fabric was more comfortable in the climate than some of her other items she had. Maybe a nice top, skirt, and whatever else she had. “Well. More accurately, I'm trying to locate an environmentally hazardous wreck so we can clean it up, but right now I'm off the clock so I'm a tourist.” Kat said cheerfully with a smile.

“The view is good is it not, like a painting or Book more than reality. Shame to hide it and ruin the scenery.” Kat said but had a double interpretation to the statement and a little playfulness. A memory returned when she was waiting for library access, archives and so, she had nothing to do bar wander, visit the markets, shops, the boat supply store to pick up and stock her boat up. It was stocked but had been missing a few things used by the prior owner. She guessed it was the term, captain? Those things she had replaced and sent off the expense report, naturally.

Her mother, Kat had been down and lost in the islands, lost in what to do and what to look for. This was a new thing and she had been so stuck in her routines. “Mamusia. You have some time to talk…” Kat had asked as she did the time translation, it worked but she was up at a crazy early hour and was laid out on the soft pad on the front of the boat as the sunrise had only even begun to show its light. It was quiet and dark so she just had been in underwear and a Morticia Addams family tank top still, reclined against the soft cushions of the sun bathing prow.

“I'm lost, I'm alone, and right now I'm unsure what to do. Everything I'm used to…is. Different. Thinking…Alex, memories.” Kat said and rambled to her mother as she spoke in the cool barely morning. It had taken a few years for them to reconnect between an independent and driven daughter and mother who wanted her to take over the family business but they had bridged the gap after a few rough attempts. It was not easy and both had a lot to think about first.

“My dearest Katrazyna. You have been hiding out too long, let me speak. You are not bad, just.. a little lost.” Came her mothers warm tones over the slight crackle and distortion, the islands infrastructure was not up to the same standards as Europe yet or the advanced systems aboard ship's she worked on. “I say this with all the love, go out, dance, buy a new dress, put your nicest shoes on and go have fun. I saw the pictures on your snap chat. Alex was a long time ago. Stop beating yourself up my daughter, I know that hurt you alot.”

“Make new ones. Your grandmother would have said the same, go out, Katrazyna. You're free, no one knows you, your past. Go do something you never do. Dance into the morning or what else catches your fancy and forget about over-thinking. I raised you three, I know all of you. your sister is jealous of Yoga in the sunrise by the way.” She tried to guide her daughter and remained talking till the call ended when her mother had an appointment to attend to the doctors.

Yoga had been a particularly thoughtful routine as she mulled over her mothers words, goring through the movements almost automatically as she barely noticed she had changed into yoga gear, started and was barely listening to the instructor in her ear buds just copying the motions. The online class was on youtube but a good one and she had not found a local class yet, Yoga for Kat had been mostly a solo event for a few like minded people aboard ship.

Kats mind snapped back and the whole thing seemed to pass over her in a matter of seconds. “My names Katrazyna Kowalewska but most just call me Kat Or some variety of it. Though the woman who hand wrote my full name on the library card has not yet forgiven me it seems. It took 3 attempts.” She took her mothers advice and decided to do something she did not normally do and just go with the flow of island life wholeheartedly. The full Sunday name she pronounced In a mass of Polish and Ukrainian names, not sure why but it was fun and made sense why she mostly went by Kat or Katska.

“Oh, it's Lovely, but no, my Company's arranged all that for me. But stop by another night or morning if I'm running and this is a lovely place to rest if you're open and grab breakfast or a meal if that's ok?.” Kat Apologised quickly not wanting to slight the owner or this Lovely place. “I was restless, went for a walk, got a little lost and found you. Do you serve anything with Mango? My favourite, preferably cold? I'm still getting used to palm trees vs penguins.” She said Good natured and then paused to ask for a doctor. She did really not want that kind of fuss.

“IM..I'm good…if you let me rest, and take some time I'll be good as new in a day or two. Don't cause a fuss on my account.” She said quickly and maybe a little too quickly but did not want to cause a whole drama when she just arrived inside someone's door, sure her foot hurt but no doctor could make it bruise less or change the fact she had to go easy on the morning exercises.

“If you are able to take drop ins” Kat asked and repeated her request, trying to be diplomatic and to soften the blow she was not staying there. She suppressed a random thought to ask the man if he walked out the Water shirtless dripping like Mr Darcey. She did read other than pulp but she favoured trashy more than classic literature much to her former roommates' commentary about her choice of novels. Kat had to find a local bookshop for more cliche and trope filled romance novels, trashy or not. Kat loved them.

“Would you mind doing some drawing here?” Kat found it was more polite to ask for permission, the place was truly out of a novel and she greatly would like to be able to just sit back with her art supplies. That would definitely fill an morning or afternoon in an enjoyable way she did not take enough time to do.


In 3 Word Story 2 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
Into a smaller
In 3 Word Story 2 mos ago Forum: Spam Forum
The orange grew
Banned because the floating sky fish told me told after drinking 200 espresso coffees and 12 cans of red bull.

Waiting. Waiting on skips, replies and so.

I'm all up to date. Good and bad.
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