Lunaris Temple
Amazon Action Girl. Temple. Of the Heart....
Daphne was a little distracted I'd she was utterly honest with her own feelings as she helped the woman she now knew as Katherine Sorrowind, an priestess of Lunaris. Before she could fully concentrate on the woman she had no interest in of course! Daphne feelings were not vested at all.
Turning to Nathanial before she could get too caught up in things. Purple eyes turned as she reached back to tidy her hair up that got loose in a new braid down her back with quick deft movements of her hands, much as it was impractical the woman did not want to cut it short and was her one thing to not being just a guard or just another faceless person in the lines of people about the town. The sage, he was useful, they needed to think of the current situation right now. “Sure, I'll look after Katherine, Persephone … She is tough, but she has had a hard time resting latey.” Daphne said not wanting to give too much away but let him know of her quirks and so. “Sorry about your coat…and shirt…. I know how hard it is to get blood out.”
Persephone became more conscious about the people about her who seemed to be more active, the red headed woman cracked an eye open from the covers moving a hand to push hair out her face slowly. “Hello, Water… anything for a vision migraine?” Persephone asked croakily with a weaker voice and a look in her eyes that she really had a rough vision. Being unprepared for a vision was like having a poker forced through your skull and someone hammering on it with a sledge hammer.
“A wolf.. of gold… over the lake? To the mountain gap… to the gap between the mountain's jaws.” Persephone said trying to make sense of what she saw and what she had made sense of the vision forced upon her.. She had to day it, ti make it into somthing...more than just what was in her head.
Daphne raised an eyebrow and a concerned but also curious glance at the whole situation. A vision from the goddess? near the Temple of Lunaris….life got really damn complicated.
Turning her attention back to the woman she was helping, the one with blonde hair who had caused her curiosity and questions in a very short time. “Crate got it, thank you Katherine.” Daphne said and immediately reached over to find a rough but warm looking blanket and looked about and found a cold jug of water that was left on the side with a wooden cup.
Why was this concerned? Why was Daphne bothering to help her like this…and yet.. she really could not explain the force that was directing her actions. Puring a second wooden cup of water and pushing the warm blanket around her shoulders and upper body, before gently giving her some of the water, it was cold but they had nothing else. “Drink, and keep warm Kat, everyone is shaken up im a situation like this.” She said, shortening the name with a weird feeling, but she did it anyway. Kat remembered her first time she had been forced into such a situation when she fully could understand and be directly involved in it. The name felt more … personal and more like she was intending to focus on the woman not her role as Priestess but the woman who happened to be the Priestess. She just felt... their was no logic to this, this felt right so she did it....their was no reason or cause she could understand.
The event had been a shock she had broken but eventually she had managed to come around. Katherine needed to also, she had to take time to recover. In a rather daring move Daphne held her hand with her own and gave it a squeeze.
“Rest Kat, you're safe, i'll protect you, I'm not going anywhere, after all Prince told me. What a shame they coincide.” She said with a smile and a glint to her purple eyes that almost was a glow in the corners of her vivid iris's. Daphne had a rather machivious aide the guard could not always display, as well as a softer side.
“Nathanial, Given we experienced all this… I'm gonna say we are friends. We been through a adventure. Shock, shock effects everyone differently. Just time.” She said with more humour than she probably should be able to do, but Daphne was used to this, her job, her life was dark as dark at times so you needed light to counteract it or loose yourself to it. She added the last bit quietly at a low whisper not wanting to embarriss the woman, she was in a form of shock, their was no forcing it. Just had to work though it.