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Current Happy Christmas Humans and aliens :)
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4 mos ago
As an Imperial saint I fully approve the use of the Inquisiton in this matter
2 yrs ago
Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.


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Lunaris Temple

Amazon Action Girl. Temple. Of the Heart....

Daphne was a little distracted I'd she was utterly honest with her own feelings as she helped the woman she now knew as Katherine Sorrowind, an priestess of Lunaris. Before she could fully concentrate on the woman she had no interest in of course! Daphne feelings were not vested at all.

Turning to Nathanial before she could get too caught up in things. Purple eyes turned as she reached back to tidy her hair up that got loose in a new braid down her back with quick deft movements of her hands, much as it was impractical the woman did not want to cut it short and was her one thing to not being just a guard or just another faceless person in the lines of people about the town. The sage, he was useful, they needed to think of the current situation right now. “Sure, I'll look after Katherine, Persephone … She is tough, but she has had a hard time resting latey.” Daphne said not wanting to give too much away but let him know of her quirks and so. “Sorry about your coat…and shirt…. I know how hard it is to get blood out.”

Persephone became more conscious about the people about her who seemed to be more active, the red headed woman cracked an eye open from the covers moving a hand to push hair out her face slowly. “Hello, Water… anything for a vision migraine?” Persephone asked croakily with a weaker voice and a look in her eyes that she really had a rough vision. Being unprepared for a vision was like having a poker forced through your skull and someone hammering on it with a sledge hammer.

“A wolf.. of gold… over the lake? To the mountain gap… to the gap between the mountain's jaws.” Persephone said trying to make sense of what she saw and what she had made sense of the vision forced upon her.. She had to day it, ti make it into somthing...more than just what was in her head.

Daphne raised an eyebrow and a concerned but also curious glance at the whole situation. A vision from the goddess? near the Temple of Lunaris….life got really damn complicated.

Turning her attention back to the woman she was helping, the one with blonde hair who had caused her curiosity and questions in a very short time. “Crate got it, thank you Katherine.” Daphne said and immediately reached over to find a rough but warm looking blanket and looked about and found a cold jug of water that was left on the side with a wooden cup.

Why was this concerned? Why was Daphne bothering to help her like this…and yet.. she really could not explain the force that was directing her actions. Puring a second wooden cup of water and pushing the warm blanket around her shoulders and upper body, before gently giving her some of the water, it was cold but they had nothing else. “Drink, and keep warm Kat, everyone is shaken up im a situation like this.” She said, shortening the name with a weird feeling, but she did it anyway. Kat remembered her first time she had been forced into such a situation when she fully could understand and be directly involved in it. The name felt more … personal and more like she was intending to focus on the woman not her role as Priestess but the woman who happened to be the Priestess. She just felt... their was no logic to this, this felt right so she did it....their was no reason or cause she could understand.

The event had been a shock she had broken but eventually she had managed to come around. Katherine needed to also, she had to take time to recover. In a rather daring move Daphne held her hand with her own and gave it a squeeze.

“Rest Kat, you're safe, i'll protect you, I'm not going anywhere, after all Prince told me. What a shame they coincide.” She said with a smile and a glint to her purple eyes that almost was a glow in the corners of her vivid iris's. Daphne had a rather machivious aide the guard could not always display, as well as a softer side.

“Nathanial, Given we experienced all this… I'm gonna say we are friends. We been through a adventure. Shock, shock effects everyone differently. Just time.” She said with more humour than she probably should be able to do, but Daphne was used to this, her job, her life was dark as dark at times so you needed light to counteract it or loose yourself to it. She added the last bit quietly at a low whisper not wanting to embarriss the woman, she was in a form of shock, their was no forcing it. Just had to work though it.

Banned. This is a Grass starter area.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Eye of Beholder”

Onions are cute, Sya has a Crush?

Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too

The Bar had been busy all day and likely.would not calm for awhile. Sya had barely finished helping out with Nyla when more came. More people, her glance saw one whom face definitely did not match the human norm, another blightborn and one who had like her been more affected than most.

thanks to her… evolution Sya ability to blend in was kinda useless, robes and hoods did not hide the fact you were now a Lamia. She really had no other direction than to face it directly and handle it that way. Her life had taken turns that she probably should not have been able to survive or keep any sanity yet somehow she was still here and we'll she just hoped that someone would see past her shell to see the yolk and people who would not be scared to be her friends or partner.

A woman after a room? She looked noting her eyes, wings even? A very woman? Who had been forced to the edge by her changes? Sya could understand her and probably her plight. “I do, My name is Ssssya and I keep this Inn. Welcome to the Eye of the Beholder. We have a few Rooms left.”

Sya had not even had a chance to return the book back under the counter where she recorded the guests! Her singular eye noted she seemed to be dressed well and despite the 4 eyes, Sya herself did not fear the woman as she was just another poor soul who the blight had taken in all likelihood.

“Gold, labour, coin or my hareem membership are all fine by me asss payment.” Sya laughed with a cheeky grin, not meaning the last and making it clear with her tone. “Food and drink are free today, Prince's feast, in honour of the storms breaking. It's the first day of our new bakery too.” She said with clear pride in the achievement. She gestured with her hand to point and glittering blue scales copied the movement without difficulty pointing to the baked goods that had been recently topped up with a fresh batch.

“Anywaysss, let's get you sorted. These are free at present, I need a name for the book missds. Room 9 might suit, it's quieter and near the back stairs if you come in late.” A small pale hand gestured to the map of the Inn showing which rooms were currently unoccupied and it was under half. She chose her words carefully but knew the blightborn might need to feed and so and came through the main bar. might not be iddeal. Much as she disliked harming people, they all needed to live and some of them were more controversial than others.

She turned to face the guard as she let the woman decide, he seemed to be an honest and decent sort as the guards went. He had not tried to insult Sya and treated her with the least basic respect as a person so she was inclined to be more generous with him. Not all of them extended her that curtsey as a “monster” but there was very much a woman under the cyclopean features, elf-like ears and the snake's tail that caused a trip hazzed behind the bar.

“Good” she nodded and gestured to the small bottles of the shine of Selene that sat as samples. “Thatsss for later when you're off duty, Borderland shine, very ssstrong. Samples.. for now. Is Dunatal dark ale good, you know?” His warning to the mason was probably a good thing, she did not need the drama if he really was out there having his way with multiple women and them or their partners starting a dispute.

“Too few of us know how” She said with a sadder tinge to her large blue eye before she caught it and returned to the more confident mood normally found of the Innkeeper.

The white haired woman waved to her as she left and Sya returned the gesture a little surprised but glad that the woman was being so sociable to her. Even now after months here Sya was still awed and little unfamiliar how people seemed to tolerate those who had been bitter enemies only months prior. “Doorssss open till late, be safe and stay warm, miss. Do up your coat!” The dark haired innkeeper said to the departing woman in purple with the contrasting white hair. Sya said the last bit not wanting her customers to come to harm…after all. Dead people cannot pay the bills!

Across the bar negotiations seemed to be going very well and lively. The man and Barbarian seemed to shake on an agreement and lean closer, good, if he was in a decent mood and making money he might be more in a decent mood to offer Sya terms that were reasonable too.

She never one to be a dull edge that was for sure, she had learned to always use what you see and to keep your eyes open. Her father had been a good business man just in a rather small pond, a very small.pond as the lands they had called home were rarely on the main trade routes.

@Dark Light@BlackRoseSiren@enmuni@c3p-0h@The Muse

Lord and lady Coswain

Hunters Moon. Towards Forrest.

Lord Coswain was not a happy man to say the least as he reflected. the Fop had run…. Pranced…off like a worm and not even had the spine to help at all…much as he never trusted him to begin with. “Then run faster, I do not know where this beast is. Get us some more help. ”

The Prince ran off too, no guards, no word…no chain of command set up…what the frak else would he have to deal with?

“Leave him, if he dies he made his choice. I cannot save him from himself.” He growled towards the wolf / man thing. By the moon goddess, how he had ended up In this situation? How had his life got this wrong that he was having to rely on a Dubious yet… effective support, alone…vs a dangerous foe. By the goddess… and Persephone… she would not be happy with him and that woman knew how to tell him off after the last time he went against a blightborn solo… His couch…was less comfortable than the barracks bed recruits had it turned out.

“Fuck” He said but paused as he noticed the wolf cock it's head and look in a direction towards the forest and into the shadows. Then it began to move, it moved with a purpose. A aim… it was not an idle thing? Well man.. that was even more confusing.

“Hunt? Let's run this beast off. The least we can do is drive it back away from the town and innocents.” He said, feeling… He was talking to a man, wolf…thing. He had a goal at least and he knew he had to do this, however much his wife would glare at him like a Basilisk.

He followed by raising the large sword to a guard and advanced behind, he just hoped the Goddess would be merciful to this mortal guard and protect the innocent. He was not that religious as such formally but right now if she was listening he really needed something on his side.

This was like his first command too much and he hoped it would not have the same body count, many years ago, faced with only the choice to go forward as he arrived at the siege of a Auralian border keep, a strong and resistant fortress. They had slowed to a point they could not dig ... .the rock was like iron. So they piled stone and earth, built their way forward as meandering lines of deep rock lines snaked forward, shielded from above and always dark, lit by shadows of light.

They rushed forward, the order came as the flags rose signalling that they were the next wave.

“Ready” He heard repeated from the small unit he commanded, having taken over after this group lost their own captain, and more. It was a hard command to take over.

“Forward, We take the outer works. Charge” He gave the order as flaming oils burst against the walls side spewing Gresley smoke to try and give them a chance. The breach was lit from behind by the light of dawn, dusty jagged stone work rose as they began to run. Along with them the shout was repeated as other groups rushed along a wide front and multiple places where the catapults had broken the walls and strong points.

They never took the fortress, it's walls shattered like a jagged mountain peak but the defenders for all their faults. Where a brave and determined foe, they held those killing slopes of rubble strained reddish brown for days.

Both sides fell back in the end… the King's had agreed to end the conflict. But it had a bitter taste. That was the day he realised how pointless the two kingdoms battle could be.

Back to the present he followed, shaking the old memory clear as the slanted light and angular shadow reminded him far too much of the shattered stone and siege works of his early life. He felt uncomfortable but would not let the fear take him.

“let's go find that feind” He said more to himself to boost his own mind, and his own resolve.

@Fetzen@The Muse@Dezuel
Boop the snoot.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Eye of Beholder”

Onions are cute, Sya has a Crush?

Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too

Sya was in good cheer as she helped the woman she later learned was named Nyla, a woman who was seemingly polite, she was definitely from the lands of sun and sand of her tan was anything to go by yet.. something was off.. Sya had a hint of something, but her brain was too fuzzy to even want to unlock that mystery. She would leave that be and Sya neatly and slowly wrote Nyla name Into her book, the woman was educated but a year of …hell and more had changed her and she was relearning things again. She hoped that more might return… Maybe one day? Perhaps… more human…again?

Sya's tail paused its sway as she concentrated and her eye focused on the page with its ink drying and glittering in the firelight. Her name was written out in neat small scripts along with others. “Room One, good choice. It's clean, if you need extra blanketsssss or so. I'll try, but I cannot promise Nyla. We are quite busssy and newly expanded.” She looked about and frowned at a shout in the Inn but she remained focused on the woman right now taking a sip of water and much as she looked at the sweet treats about, Sya was unable to really enjoy, especially as she was not sure about how her changed, changed form would react to such things.

“Never quiet, my Inn Is one of the few places in town to get a meal, keep warm and feel safe from the dark outside home. The firesss never stop like a border hall's warmth.” Sya admitted but with a little florish and drama to her tone, she enjoyed the job and interacting with people. “But the Prince's feast has made it particularly busy today, bards. puppet shows, we've been running off feet and tail it seems. It all just scaled... past us, busy eggs we be.” Sya added with a giggle and her tail matching her hands gesture with a flicker of mischief in her eye.

Sya felt generous in her drunken mood but also the fact Nyla had been polite and respectful. She topped up her glass with some more of the wine. Sya was tight but the princess was paying the bills today so… She would probably not be his favourite person when he got the bills for the feast today. “Enjoy, He is rather ssskilled, reminds me of old Lords feasts. Like… magical almost.” Sya said with an odd tone watching the man as she swayed to the music, her tail tip tracing a pattern in the air as she did so.

“One or two. Long asss I'm not getting me in trouble with your commander for letting you get drunk on duty, he does not exactly like me.. Dark Ale, Hopefully get some in from Dunatall of things work out.”Sya said as she turned her eye on the guard who arrived and walked in shouting always joined by a man who she least had heard had a reputation as a ladies man or so the gossips said and beckoned for one of her staff to agree and give ale.

She did not know too much about him bar he worked with stones and had probably spent the last however long helping build the Prince's rather large and fancy home… her own was hardly basic how Sya thought with an internal smile, her floor was rather luxurious, even the cottage she would of had back home was several times smaller however cute and cozy it was, sitting next to a large oak tree and a rock that no one had bothered to ever remove, too heavy and tough it would of been nice start of a garden… Random thoughts turned back to then present.

“No trouble gentlemen, Eat, Drink, but no fightsss. Even if they Jelous husbands mr Mason.” Sya said firmly as she worked the bar, Becky and Vala being busy about the Inn keeping up with the flow of tasks that kept them busy. Sya kept her Inn under her hand, it was her Inn regardless of if they Lord, Guard or whatever else came in the door.

If she did not treat this as her own domain, others would not respect her in it.

She looked about, everything else was the mix of normal engagement of people, emotions and quietly basked in the energy of the Inn, it felt like a warm blanket… She never took much, just a little and it sustained her quietly, cautiously and without fuss. No one thought too hard about feeling a tiny bit tired after a few drinks. A blightborn needed to live after all.

@c3p-0h@The Muse@Dark Light

Banned. Your 4000 post warranty has ended. Would you like to sign up for a 8000 post extended warranty from impirum insure.

Our lawyers will imsure your posting, and our cases we will go right for the neck. We even offer a free skull and pen set for those times you absolutely need a skull for no reason what so ever!

Don,t delay, apply today oh .... Clem...second name.... computer error.

Number 3 maker of servo skulls, skull related products in the nosta sector..


Crime scene

Amazon Action Girl. Temple. She has a Crush....

Daphne leant her strength to the Priestess, she was yet to get her name… damn.. She was cute, Daphne back of mind added as she held her gaze a little too long. She was long haired, pretty and did Daphne have an inkling of a crush? find out what she liked, find out if it was a return of affection?

Shorter was not always her thing, but… she could be the big spoon…. Brain. No. Work first, fantasy later.

The walk was not long…but it felt long as she kept weapons ready and eyes widely covering the wide angles and threats, the corners and the dark spots in the shadows. “He is smelling somewhat fresh, I really do not know. I do know I do not like this. Eris Lucky girl, big strong man. Maybe change first.” Daphne admitted as they walked to the Temple, her playful side coming out in the stress of the situation.

She was concerned but the woman made her way into the temple, staggering and struggling but she needed to do that somehow Daphne knew and followed with concern Clear in violet eyes but she had other things to worry about first. Daphne made a quick sign at the rune guarding the Temple glad for its magic, it felt…safe.. least to her Lunarian nature. The Rune was protective. She glanced to see Nathanial was still carrying the body and it certainly was not fresh, his clothes might be a little… messy to say the least. “thankyou, I… getting safe was the first priority. Glad not just me.” She did not sheathe the blade in her hand yet, still danger could come at the least expected moment and her attention was out, however much she wanted to look other places.

“Wait, let her open it, i can feel it from here.” Daphne said as Priestess was able to dispel the rune, protective and simple it likely was pretty powerful and dangerous If disturbed. Her tone carried a strong tone, she was not the traditional guard appearance, but she was a trained Royal Guard of Lunaris. “we can leave that for Priestess, watch the shadows.”

Daphne said glancing over to the body with a sad look, he was a guard and he had died doing his job. He deserved better, but this was the best they could do, and they would do it.

The Temple was cool, clean and calming. Thank the goddess, it was undamaged and was soothing as she barred the door for safety, never could be too careful, least give them warning. Keeping warm even if Nathanial did not smell the most fresh was the goal, Lunaris warmth was life and keeping warm kept you alive, Daphne followed and while Persephone seemed to be asleep, she was unharmed, Tried and pained by her posture but…alive. Safe.

“Thankyou…” Daphne words were barely out her mouth when the priestess was already laying down, she really must have been beyond exhausted. Daphne's calm plan came…less calm… as she Looked about for extra wood for the fire to feed the fire for more heat and piled more into the flames.

“Thanks for helping me out there .Can you check on Persephone? She must likely be OK, but… I'm no sage, I'd feel better knowing. So how do you like the town, not too boring?“ Daphne glanced at the redheaded woman sleeping if not totally peacefully and under some covers to keep her mostly warm. They were just doing the best they could with what they had. He had a sage, he knew more than she did, she was a guard not a sage.

“I don't even know your name, and we carried a investigating
a death together.”
As she dropped her sword with a clatter to the floor and kneeled down to the woman enjoying and savouring the warmth. Daphne had a weak attempt at humour and she tried to lighten the mood. “Come on, let's get that off you, we can get you warmer. You got any? Blankets? Something warmer, you'd not be so cute with a red nose miss Priestess.” Daphne tried to help her get her now somewhat damp and mucky coat off, and find some furs or another blanket for dry warmth. Did she really say that…yes Daphne just did… She was trying to make her more comfortable and be more personable…yes.. totally not flirting…not at all….it was all…work..sure…yes.

Daphne brain just tried, failed and rebooted a few times as she went down from the high of the tension.

She was not sure why she cared so much to do this, but some reason mattered so Daphne did. Daphne had no idea where the whole protective thing in particular came from for this person, this Priestess She did not even know the name of. She could feel the woman was cold. That was for sure, and she needed to be warmer.

Daphne's eyes glittered purple in the firelight as she tried her best, their proper second day in town bar the storm and all this happened. Even she had a limit and breathed slowly to try and calm her thoughts and body, try to think, use her head and stay ahead of the foe, foes or threat.

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