Avatar of PrinceAlexus


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2 mos ago
Current Happy Christmas Humans and aliens :)
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4 mos ago
As an Imperial saint I fully approve the use of the Inquisiton in this matter
2 yrs ago
Sometimes you want to tell a event from diffrent, time, view points and so. Younc9uld be both in the present, and for another looking back.
3 yrs ago
Happy new year humans of 2022! May it be better than rhe last!
3 yrs ago
Making stuff by hand is very satisfying.


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Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Eye of Beholder”

Debuff. Snek in need of hug.

Now with 50% more blood alcohol content.
Sloshed snakes can slither too

Sya was unsure…she seemed entirely happy and the cheerful tavern keeper but Eris ..her friend had not come yet? The murder? Had she lost her friend? Would she turn up, Syas mind swam with so many possible options she had to steady herself behind the bar and her staff gave a worried glance but were too busy to intervene.

Her tail dropped slightly, it seemed it actively reacted to her thought…and emotional state as she was caught in a thought that she might have lost a friend, and she had precious few of those people in Dawnhaven. She looked out as her mind was making her feel worse, Nesna and Ellio the towns rogue Where having a rather long chat. Did they know each other? Surely not.. Was their gossip to be found?

The trader seemed to have concluded his business though, and not for the negative. That was good, she would get a better price If trade was not down in the dumps, you had to be attentive to get the most, and Sya might be a blight twice over, she was no foolish business woman.

Sya was overwhelmed and needed a break, she needed some space and time to master her rather volatile emotions, lately everything she felt was so powerful… “il taking a break, please ask Becky or Vala if you need anything.” Sya said politely to those at the bar, clearly off balance, not as perky and she slithered her way upstairs weaving why though the people and tables and found the snug was already taken. She took the stairs up to her floor and fell into a help with her tail haphazardly about her.

She looked down at herself, long almost cobalt coloured scales covering her tail? With all that changed? Who was she anymore? Who were her friends and who would be the people she could hug and share her success with? Share her achievements and what she achieved?

She finally let the tears fall and let her overwhelmed heart Have a moment to try and process things… Sya was…overloaded and she needed a little break. The pillows she rested against ehere soft and it felt nice, sofas and other things did not work for her now.

One small hand traced the hem of her dress, pretty blue fabric and down to her where the skin changed into cobalt, smooth and cooler to the touch, firmer and felt how they had a subtle layering and direction to them. How when she moved her hand wander along.

Turning her head out the large windows of the snug she saw the moon glowing in the sky and faint tint of purple in the farthest distances interacting with the sky. The lands she so feared, Sya doubted many would be able to tell the subtle differences, the things only she had the joy and pain to see.

Sya just wanted to know if her friend would remain so right now, also she wanted to change... it was dirty and she liked this dress. It needed care. Like Sya did.

@enmuni@c3p-0h@Dark Light

@The Muse
(You made sad Snake)
Banned for finding out they contain Catchan dream pollen, lesser barking toad, a little trnaid and 5% coconut..

They fun, we even suply them in little.comeretive boxes..
Banned for not understanding the god Emperors will.

It's really simple il just get my incense, candles, a dozen chanting monks and spooky flyinf baby things that hand out scantified mints..

*lays out table with skulls on corners and a single rubber duck*
Banned for breaking the rules ld banning. Thus are banned I'm the name of the Emparor, thrice Banned and named ban ban and ban.

May your ban be Banned.
Hamerlin spent his time helping to move gold, pulleys and ropes, mechanical advantage and helping to get the cargo moved safely. He was proud of his basic but efficient systems to load the gold through and up to the cargo decks etc.

It was not flashy but it was efficient and people were not going to get broken arms, rope burn and sore hands were far more preferable to a broken bones or foot from dropping an heavy dense gold bar on your foot.

He had taken a trip to the Fort, he found a small arms storage and some officers…he guessed had stocked non standard ammo as he filled a bag with some of his revolvers and other harder to find calibres in case needed. You never knew. A few packs of decent cigarettes, some things they left behind including a decent bottle of Whisky and a train map… silly it sounded but they could use the rail network as an idea where the enemy might go, where the allies might and also help them to locate themself if lost.

He had the ammo locked in armoury, there were no guns to match…bar an old sword he had snagged, if he was gonna be a pirate looting. He might as well have a sword. Looting was distasteful…but essentially in the present situation, survival and such came first before the moral high ground.

Looking out off the bridge he could only use 1 half of the binoculars… but it was better than his ability to see as he scanned the horizon for dangers to comfort his disquiet at…how quiet it was.

Banned. Their taking the hobbits to isaanguard.


Lunaris Temple

Medical hand holding is a thing. Temple. Of the Heart....

Persephone opened her eyes more and began to become more alert thanks to the water and the energy returning to her mind. She did not know him and seemed to be helping with the situation though. Daphne did not seem to be hostile to him so she knew Daphne had some idea about the man. “Thanks, Lady…Persephone. Is Adon back? Coswain?” She asked with a look to the door and an effort tomorrow and pushed herself up. Her head still swam and fell back again.

“Oww… Visions suck… You got anything food… Daphne, help her already.. We need you healthy to get married.” She asked as she felt tired, maybe some food would help her feel a little more human and less like she got ran over by a boulder. Her recovery was enough she joked to the Squire, she was perceptive enough to spot the looks they gave, subtle… nope. Flirting yes. But Daphne needed some happiness.

Daphne was happier now Persephone was least asking for food, food meant she was vaguely functioning on a better level than before.

Katherine was still worrying Daphne, or…Kat… Kat was the woman she fed water and helped to walk over to the temple, the one who…was cute, about the right height to cuddle…. Bad Daphne. Bad brain…she could flirt later? Once they were safe.

“If…If. We can defend the door, it'd be a narrower approach. not Great but far better than in the open.” Daphne said with more confidence than she started with and moved to feeling better, it would be easier to defend the Temple with its limited access ways. It was a fairly solid structure and better than nothing.

“Magic…Is not my forte, I'm fast, and can be even faster. But i'm no sage” She said with honesty about her abilities, they had to work together, they had to be honest about what they could bring to the fight. “Honestly…I have no clue… most blightborns I encountered…this is nothing like those. Maybe It's the proximity to the dead lands? The heart of the blight? Most people flee the other way if their sane, not build newr it.” Daphne thought about it, they were very close to the light borders and no one had ever really tested the theory, it was far too dangerous and this was why.

“You got dirty alright. Your help is welcome, We hold the door, we have light, we have shelter, and fuel. Rushing is more dangerous than waiting. Plus they are not fast yet.” They could last out for a while if they had to wait, they had two ill / wounded to think about too. They would be slow if they tried to relocate and more vulnerable In the dark streets. That and the less the guards had to be jumpy about the better, she did not want to get a jumpy arrow in the back from a guard with a nervous twitch. She tried to joke and lighten the mood. “Any more and we get a show.” She said with an evident teasing, Daphne was better at setting people at ease than the others.

Daphne was a little distracted by Nathanial that she did not notice Katherine's glances her way and wandering eyes. She inadvertently out on more of a show as she stretched her arms up to free her back up and placed the short sword's weight Off her hip placing them next to her instead of sheathed a matching pair of Lunarian castle forged gladius blades with her master's sigil on the pommel.

It had been a proud moment she had been granted permission to do so. one day shown would earn her own, or be granted use of the family one… but she would have to be family… that might not work as being inducted into a household was a huge thing.

“I've had far worse, and far less pretty company. We might have to share blankets.” Daphne did not even fail to reply to the comment and why… did she do that? Her brain was going ahead of her own brain and just deciding without even giving her sense and reason to have a chance to stop it.

Her eyes registered what she just said and… Sigh. she Could not undo without hurting her, she did not want to hurt Kat. When did she become Kat by her mind's eye. Now she was more alert, she paid a little more attention and Kat seemed pretty even when she was a tired and cold mess from a crime scene. She was no fool and thought she was concerned but she chalk that up as shock as her behaviour seemed odd.

“Its alright, let the shock pass, if you fight it, it's worse.” She said softly dropping next to Kat and talking more quietly, her misdiagnosis of her concerns.

“Breath slowly, feel the warmth soak into you, Sir Abel can wait a little, you cannot help him if you cannot help yourself. One thing at a time.

Everyone has a limit, you're not weak, just taken too much in a short time.”
Daphne said trying to do her best and reached over to hold her hand and guide her through the exercise… That was totally needed, Daphne told herself… Normal Sure.. She was just anchoring the Woman… sure…

Totally not enjoying this at all Daphne Brain said to herself as she sat next to the woman enjoying the warmth and her violet eyes tracing her looking for signs of a panic attack. The view was entirely secondary… sure. "Il take good care of her Persephone, you'll get your wedding." She said to the older woman with same tone to not startle her too much.

Banned. For trying to walk into Mordor..
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