Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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At the Redwyne Pavilion...

As evening fell life truly found its way to the Pavillion. Locals and Nobles passed by one another, or were standing shoulder to shoulder ordering drinks and food from the different stalls.
Outside the tents jugglers and fire eaters were performing their craft and the Redwynes had ordered several smaller bracers to be lit so the paths would be properly lighted.
Wine and Beer flowed richly, whilst a bard strummed his lute as he entertained the smallfolk farther away.
Lady Honora was accompanied by Lord Domenic and his wife the Lady Cyra, awaiting the arrival of the Tarly’s as courtesy having send out the dinner invitation.
It would be the first time they would meet and they needed to make a good impression.
Lady Cyra had motheringly managed to get the Twins to dress a little more modestly, instead of the tight laced corsets and shimmering silks that barely concealed anything. Domenic and Arnaud were dressed in their usual leathers, but had donned their shorter cloaks and clasps in effort to be a little bit more formal. To Honora’s great relief had Arystide been nothing but pliable, he had donned a silk shirt in their house colours and a brown leather overcoat. Odette had been hidden away. As surprise for the young lord and to hopefully impress the man.
Nadiya had put her in the best jewels they brought and Lady Cyra had been making the final alterations to the dress this very afternoon. Hopefully it would all work in their favour.

The Tarly contingent had arrived with several bannermen in tow, all present to display a show of the house's might and for said knights to compete in the lists. Lord Talbert had prioritized having their entourage set up and encamped before any other undertakings, and by the time everything had been set in place, dusk had arrived.

As they approached the Redwyne pavilion, Talbert allowed himself only a minute scowl at the sheer extravagance of it all before his face set into a stoic mien, as unchanging as stone. Behind him, however, his two children didn't fail to notice.

"The way Father's acting, you'd think it was him that was marching off to an unwanted marriage." Samwyle murmured aside to his sister, who scoffed.

"Oh, I'm fairly certain you'll change your tune with one look at the girl if she's pretty enough." Mina said dismissively. "Frankly, watching you flail around trying to woo her is payment enough for the price of Father parading me around the lords."

"Quiet." Talbert said once as they approached the pavilion at last, where the Redwynes seemed to be awaiting them. "Our hosts await. Come."

The Tarlys approached, with both Talbert and Samwyle clad in sturdy leathers and tabards bearing House Tarly's heraldry, while Mina wore a crimson dress.

"House Redwyne." Talbert stepped forward with a brief, but courtly bow as they finally came into range. "House Tarly thanks you for your hospitality on this day. May I introduce my son and heir, Samwyle, and my only daughter, Mina."

Both Sam and Mina approached, smiles on their faces. Samwyle's was a good deal warmer at the very least, with Mina's body language being more cordial than anything. Despite himself, Samwyle couldn't help but make a brief scan of the Redwynes with his eyes, trying to match their appearances and ages up with what descriptions of his betrothed he'd been given.

*you can add in between wherever you feel like

Lord Domenic nodded curtly, knowing lord Talbert's usual demeanor and allowed Honora to perform the proper courtesies.
Honora smiled warmly,her soft voice rang clear and managed to make itself heard despite the busy atmosphere.
"My Lords Tarly, Lady Mina you are most welcome. Most welcome indeed to our Pavillion. I am the Lady Honora Redwyne, eldest daughter to Gorlois Redwyne, it is so good to finally have a face to put to the writing." Honora spoke before explaining thing to lord Talbert.
"I wrote father's letters for him and was asked to receive you in his stead. Father alas was not fit enough to travel, but please do not take it as a discourtesy towards your mighty selfs. He pressed upon me the urge to seal this betrothal properly and let you be our most honoured guests. Therefore thy delegation need not lift a purse during this Tournament whilst they spend their time here." She courtsied bending fluidly and elegantly before offering introductions.

"Of course." Talbert nodded curtly at Honora, his expression not revealing his opinion on Honora taking her father's place in the negotiations at all. "And how is your lord father's health?"
"Father was suffering from gout Lord Tarly and had been looking forward to conversing with you, but Maester Tyburn convinced him to remain behind, much to his own displeasure as he would have preferred to 'give' our Odette away himself." She answered.

"Good Lords, Sweet Lady, allow me to introduce you to the rest of the family before we shall seat ourselves at the dinner table. If you permit me...my Lord Tarly," Honora said as she placed her arm upon Lord Tarly's allowing him to support her.
It all was show and partly good manners, but it would also allow her to be in physically on the outside, placing the Tarly's in between. There was a smooth and natural warmly kindness radiating off of her that it would be hard for a man to keep grumbling or remain unpleasant.
Honora had dealt with those kind of men far more often than she would like, yet such was the case when dealing with matters of diplomacy.
"These are our Uncle and Aunt, Lord Domenic Redwyne, my father's younger brother and the Lady Cyra Peake, sister to our late mother. Should you have any further grievances or need for pleasure...please turn to them, they will attempt to accomodate you in whatever way we can." She spoke allowing Lord Domenic to add to it, having met Lord Talbert before, though explaining he had been a great deal younger then before asking how his wife and second son were.
After which Honora went passed almost her entire family, so all the Tarly's would at least have a name to their faces, for the moment.
Arnaud bowed cordially and in competitive fashion stated he was eager to see the both of them compete, as he was curious to see the fabled strength and swordskill of the Tarly's, offering a conversation topic for Samwyle to fall back on.
Arystide stayed on his best behaviour as did the twins Serenei and Rowanne, though they couldn't hide the playful smirks and mischievous glints in their eyes, as a giggle escaped their lips it was perhaps all Honora could hope for as she quickly continued.
At the end all were introduced save for one.
The potential bride to be.
"Come, we shall head to the Feasting Tent, where you shall meet our dearest sister." Honora promised as she leaned upon Lord Talbert's arm and guided them, whilst the rest of the family did the same in proper procession. Armand less tall and intimidating as his brothers offered the Lady Mina his arm, whilst Samwyle was flanked by the two elder brothers asking pleasantly about the Tarly's home, the hunting grounds and the lands surrounding them.

Samwyle responded animatedly, speaking at length about the hunting available in the woods surrounding Horn Hill and asking the same of the Arbor in return. Meanwhile, Mina seemed to barely regard Armand.

As they arrived at the Feasting Tent it showed the Tarly's that the Redwynes family table was separated from the rest of the hall and slightly raised so they would be able to overview the entire tent. In between them was a smaller stage usually reserved for a speaker or performer and at the other end of the Tent was a large stage for larger groups of musicians or performers.
The Table itself was large and fitted to seat everyone save the soldiers of the Tarly's entourage, but they would have a table closeby near theirs and the bar, also decked out and prepared with a lavish spread of food and drink.

Honora smiled at the sight of the lone figure standing in front of their table. Like a final mystery for the Tarly's to discover. It was ofcourse the figure of their youngest sister who stood there. Her face was hidden away in the deep hood and rich dark blue of her cloak, which was fastened with an eleborate clasp in the form of their House's sigil. As Honora approached her she smiled to lord Talbert and Samwyle.
"My Lords and finally...allow me to present you my sister, Odette, our Arbor's Flowerqueen and who's birthday we will be celebrating in a couple of hours hence." She mentioned as Odette courtsied first, more deeply before unveiling herself by pulling her hood back.
The young lady that stood before them was a proper mixture of the brothers and sisters fairest attributes, whether it was the fairness of skin, the length of her lashes, the elegant curve of her face and nose, the lushness of her long cascading red hair, the light brightness of her blue eyes or the perfect rose petals that formed her lips all could not deny that Gorlois had spoken true when he claimed her to be 'his most precious of jewels'.
Her delicate rose gold necklace of grapevine leaves and chain tiara twinkled and glittered every time it caught the light of the lit candles. Her dress made of soft shimmering pale blue silk and lavender satin were set with Rose golden claps with beads of amethyst 'grapes' and was only giving a hint of reveal without being too promiscuous about it.

Her voice was gentle and one could hear the clearness that lay within it.
"My Lords, My Lady...It is an honour to make your acquaintance." She spoke the carefully rehearsed words, though there was a slight tremble and a quick glance at Honora to check for approval, whose smile made her rest a little easier, though she still was somewhat terrified of the gruff man in front of her, before glancing carefully at her supposed 'betrothed'.

Samwyle took in his betrothed with the expression of someone who expected the worst receiving something far better instead. After a moment in which he followed her stare towards his father, he gave her a hopefully reassuring smile.

"My lady Odette." He proffered a hand for her to take. "I am Samwyle. The honor is mine. I hope to prove myself worthy of your hand and of your family's alliance."

For his part, Talbert regarded the young girl with little more than a nod of his head at her gaze. At Armand's side, Mina gazed at Odette with a critical eye, as if judging her every move to see if she was a worthy match for her brother.

As Odette tenderly took his Honora suggested they'd be seated so dinner could start.
As drinks were poured and fresh food was brought in and set down before them Odette stood up from her seat again, slightly more nervous and gestured to one of the servants that had remained standing off to the side.
"As...in a few hours I will celebrate my nameday I had thought of offering our honoured guests some gifts of mine own." She uttered as parcels were put before the lord Tarly and Lady Mina. A proper bottle of granate red port for him and a package containing some of the finer silk fabrics for the Lady Mina.
For Samwyle however there was a smaller package.
"I do hope it will fit..." She uttered slightly unsure as when the package was unfolded a handsome green open sleeved vest came out, but holding a fair decoration of an embroidered archer.
"It is my gift to you Lord Samwyle." She offered with a slight blush before she hastily sat down again.

"You have my thanks." Talbert nodded to Odette before gesturing for one of his own men to take the present away while another set different parcels in front of Odette and Honora. "We would be remiss to have not brought gifts of our own for your nameday, of course."

He gestured towards Honora's. "This was meant to have been given to Lord Gorlois, but in his absence, I hope you can convey our well-wishes back to the Arbor for him." Within the package was a luxurious ermine cloak, with House Redwyne's heraldry stitched onto it. Similarly to Mina's, Odette's contained a selection of fine furs befitting a noblewoman.
Honora smiled knowingly.
"Undoubtedly my Father would praise you for the effort acquiring such a luxurious gift, true to thy sigil, it is a statement of perseverance and discipline. You astonish us Lord Tarly, with your generosity." Honora praised.

Speaking of, Mina regarded her present with some appreciation, nodding and smiling politely. With that done, however, she returned to watching Odette, as if to gauge her reaction.

Samwyle looked at his present with a grin of genuine delight, his fingers tracing over the embroidered archer for a moment. "It is very well-made. I'd change into it right now, but I fear it'd be rather untoward to strip down in front of this much company." He joked, trying to set her at ease.

Odette tenderly touched the furs lifting one and brushing it against her cheek in appreciation of its softness.
At Samwyle's words however she blushed stating with a slight tremble.
"I am glad it pleases you Lord Samwyle, I was quite pleased with making it, it forced me to do some research into threading it in such a way that it would create a leveling effect." She explained ignoring the stripping comment she did not dare to imagine anything further.
"Did you hunt down the animals for the furs yourself? I was told your family were outstanding hunters." She asked growing a bit bolder.

Armand meanwhile attempted to strike up a conversation with the lady Mina.
"Is it your first tournament Lady Mina? I cannot recall whether I saw you at Balon Swan's tourney last fall." He asked politely, before adding.
"You seem somewhat concerned for you brother. Trust me, Odette is the least terrifying of all my sisters." He added jokingly.

"Just Samwyle, if it pleases you. I'll not be a lord in truth for many more years, hopefully." He chuckled. "And indeed. Both Father and I hunted the pelts ourselves once word of the arrangement reached us." Samwyle leaned in slightly, whispering the next words so as not to offend the subject in question. "He didn't quite trust the castle huntsman to do the job properly, I'm afraid. Thought it was important enough to oversee everything himself."

"Indeed, it is." Mina replied to Armand. "Father believed myself to still be too young those few years ago. As for those two," She flicked her eyes back over to Samwyle and Odette for a moment. "Perhaps she is. Still, I would have liked to see him struggle with someone more...difficult." Mina took a sip of wine at that. "You've several younger sisters yourself, so I'm quite certain you understand how much we like to see elder siblings embarassed."

"Your lord father honours me with his care and consideration and you as well...Samwyle."She tried the name out carefully before taking a sip of her drink.
"I know you must have felt your reservations about someone like myself, to be attached to your person, but I hope I have not disappointed you too much in that regard." She asked. "Would you care to tell me more about your preferences...if I am to be your ladywife I would like to do a decent job and not vex my lord husband." She asked.

"To be frank, my lady, I knew very little of you before I came. I still do, in fact." He chuckled slightly at that before continuing on. "Well, I enjoy hunting and riding, mostly. Between that and arms training, I spend more of my days outdoors than in, although I've begun aiding Father more in administrating Horn Hill as time goes on. Are you an avid rider at all, Lady Odette? Or have any interest in hunting? I know that outside of my family, women aren't wont to take part in the hunt much, but do you engage in falconry?"

Odette was growing slightly more comfortable around him listening to him as she got a better look of him and he explained his own interests.
"Oh, I am not much of a rider, barely average, but not as bad as Nene. But I have my own peregrine falcon called Kieran, he's an excellent flyer and incredibly fast." She explained. "I sometimes get to go with our elder brothers to go hawking, mostly rabbits though." She said turning to him. "Other than that I of course have my needlework and enjoy painting, but I am often found with my brother Armand as he accompanies me in my singing." She spoke more confidently now, knowing her strengths in that regard.
"Should you wish it I could sing for you later." She offered. "As I wasn't sure what would please you best, I mainly studied upon a couple of ballads."

"I should be pleased to hawk with you some time, then." Samwyle nodded and took an appreciative sip of Arbor Red. "I've a goshawk, myself. Though he's an ornery old bird at this point. As for song, well, we've not much of that at home in Horn Hill." His gaze flicked in his father's direction for but a moment as explanation. "Any music would be appreciated, truly."
"All right..." she nodded before turning her head to Honora with a nod.

"Father cares little for bards, singers, or fools. Horn Hill only has song when we host the company of other lords." Mina murmured aside to Armand in explanation. "Though I'd surmise that wouldn't come as a surprise at this point."
Armand who had been paying attention as well smiled wryly, feeling a poor situation come up.
"Well then this will be rather unfortunate..." He stated as he picked up the lute from the side of the table, having put it there earlier in the evening.
Odette stood again, this time Honora and Nadiya raised as well, smiling encouragingly at their baby sister as she waited for Armand to play.
Armand's fingers easily strummed a gentle tune, bringing in the melody of a familliar ballad before Odette gently started the melancholy tune, her voice slowly raising in volume and power as her sisters accompanied her by adding their voices as backup.
Whilst Lord Domenic and the others looked on with pleasure, Armand kept his eyes fixed upon Lord Talbert's expression, hoping the man wouldn't burst out in frustration.

As the song began, Talbert's only visible response was just the narrowest thinning of his lips, followed by a long sip of wine. Regardless, he simply waited patiently for the song to end while Samwyle and Mina listened attentively.

Renar Hagen

And there it was. Damnation and hellfire. Renar had just enough time to witness the flaming tree splitting the knights off from each other before he was accosted by a warhammer-wielder. Worse still, it was evident from the first stroke that his foe very much knew exactly what he was doing. Even as Renar stepped back from the attempted sweep at his legs and retaliated with a swipe of his poleaxe, his foe raised the haft of his hammer to parry the blow.

Even as the pair exchanged practiced strikes and parries from various guards, the griffin's cry still had Renar's blood run cold for a moment. He recognized the sound, of course, but could take no opportunity to confirm it for himself as he shifted to the boar's tusk stance in response to his foe's guard of the lady. The enemy hammerer grinned, thinking he had the knight, and drew his warhammer back behind his shoulder, preparing to bash Renar's head in. Renar stepped forward, the veteran bandit brought his hammer down, and the bastard of Brias made his move. Renar shifted after he stepped, narrowly evading the bandit's downward smash with a sidestep, and thrust his poleaxe under the man's arms, straight into a thin joint of the man's armor. With one hand still keeping his poleaxe stuck in the bandit's side, Renar took the other and drew a dagger, plunging it into his enemy's throat and finally felling him.

A breath. Two. Renar afforded himself but a moment to catch his breath as he made sure there were no foes approaching before he ripped his dagger out of the bandit's throat and sheathed it, kicking the man's fresh corpse over and onto the ground. Going by Dame Tyaethe's words back before the charge had begun, they were to deal with the primary threats with all due haste: those being the griffin and Jeremiah. The Bandit King was out of the question at the moment: he was simply too far away for Renar to reach in time. As for the griffin...

Renar's planning was interrupted as he saw one of his fellows struggling for an instant. Ah, right: Lucas Storm. He was losing to his foe. Unsurprising. For a moment, Renar was genuinely tempted to let the boy die. He'd never proven himself as an Iron Rose. Never accomplished any great feat for admission like every other member of the order had. Should Lucas fall, that simply meant he'd never been cut out for this life to begin with. But there was always a chance someone was watching, even in the midst of a pitched battle. So with a look of resignation beneath his helmet, Renar hefted his poleaxe up and started to charge forward to save the idiot boy's life. Only to find out that he didn't need to. In a stroke of blind luck, """Sir""" Lucas managed to save his own life...and immediately move to throw it away again by running full tilt towards the griffin.

Lamplighters take him, this was absurd. Renar hadn't been the only one to notice Lucas's mad charge, either. Another pair of veteran bandits spotted the boy knight charging the griffin and brandished their weapons, preparing to take him from the side. With a heavy sigh, Renar dashed forward to intercept, his own charge taking one veteran completely off guard as they prepared to execute their rush. As Renar bashed that man's head in and began to duel the other in earnest, he bellowed out in Lucas's direction.

"Watch your damned flanks, boy! Next time, I'll let you die if the griffin doesn't have you first!" He snarled even as he continued to exchange blows with the second veteran, all subtlety and tact gone in the heat of battle.
Fiona and Bianca

Fiona hadn't been back to her childhood home in...well, quite some time, really. With her parents away on a long cruise and no other family in the area anymore, she hadn't really had any reason to visit the Crown Tundra outside of nostalgia. Still, the main reason she was here today, soaring above it, was because of the person accompanying her.

"How ye doing back there?" Fiona called out towards the figure on her Corviknight from atop her Salamence. "Raptor treatin' ya alright?"

"A-Ah yes, quite alright!" Bianca reassured her with a smile. Fionn flew close by them just in case, but mainly to stretch his wings out. "T-Though I really should consider catching my o-own flying type. Thank you again f-for letting me join you all!" She gently pet Raptor's head as she spoke.

"Don't worry yer head over it none!" Fiona yelled back as Felon flapped his wings beneath her, the highland chill seeming to barely affect him despite his weakness to it. "Least I could do after that shiteshow a couple days ago!"

Their destination came up beneath them, and Fiona rapped her knuckles against the Salamence's back twice, signaling for him to descend. Bianca's mount followed in turn, and both touched down at the base of a massive, frozen tree, with a building surrounding it.

"Welcome tae th' Crown Shrine." Fiona slid off her mount, helping Bianca off Raptor after she did so. "Thought ya could use a break from it all."

"Woah..." Once she slid back down to the ground Bianca took in the exterior of the shrine in awe. Her eyes wandered upwards to the massive tree towering above them. "H-Have you been here before?" She asked Fiona, taking a few curious steps towards the entrance.

"Once or twice." Fiona shrugged in response, wrapped up in her jacket. Despite it being almost summer, this part of the Tundra was as frozen as ever. Did it make sense? Of course not. But that's what her home was like.

"Ain't surprised ye've never been. Lotsa people in Galar don't bother comin' all tha way south. Bit of a frozen shitehole, really." She stepped back, allowing Bianca the opportunity to look around for herself. In the meantime, Fiona turned back to her Pokemon, tossing both Raptor and Felon an Aspear Berry each to help with the cold.

"Either of ya want back in?" She held their Pokeballs up, to which both shook their heads while munching on the warming fruit.

"I-I'll be the judge of that!" Bianca called back out to her with clear optimism.

Meanwhile Fionn lingered in place for a moment. He glanced over to his trainer, who was stepping further into the shrine, then to Fiona and her pokemon. The frosmoth saw she had some berries, and flew over to lightly bump her side.

"Eh?" Fiona blinked as she was nudged, glancing down to Fionn. Upon seeing his trainer accosted, Felon snarled lightly, wisps of dragon flame coming out the sides of his mouth. His trainer looked back over at the sound, shaking her head. The Frosmoth only squinted his eyes in response.

"Oi, none of that shite. He's just bein' friendly, so stop actin' like a cunt." Fiona lectured before turning back to the Frosmoth. "Want one, then?" She casually lobbed another Aspear Berry up underhand into the air, waiting for Bianca's Pokemon to catch it.

Fionn flew up a few inches to catch the berry in his mouth wherever that may be.... He nodded to Fiona in thanks as he chewed, then flew to catch up to Bianca.

"Right, then." Fiona nodded over towards her two flyers, both of whom began lazing around. "Stay out here, shout if anything happens, yeah?" She ordered before following after the Frosmoth to see where Bianca had gone up to.

"Biancaaaa! Enjoyin' yerself?" She called out, trying to get an idea of where her friend was from the direction of her voice.

"Oh! W-We're alright, over here!"


Once Fiona and Fionn followed the direction her voice came from, they'd see that Bianca had brought the rest of her pokemon out to play in the snow. Mister and Aurora were busy trying to build a snowman, while Nyx and Weiss were caught up in a snowball fight, technically cheating by using their battle moves. They soon dragged Fionn into it when a stray snowball struck him dead in the face. He wasn't impressed. Bianca could be seen looking around with the only one of her pokemon who wasn't as active as the rest, Orpheus. She waved Fiona over to them. "Hope you don't mind the o-others taking in the sights. A-Anything to stave off the s-summer heat." Bianca chuckled.

"Ain't my shrine." Fiona shrugged and grinned in response, idly watching Bianca's Pokemon play around. "Local legend says some shite about this bein' dedicated tae some ancient king." She stuck her hands into her coat, looking to Bianca with a blank expression on her face.

"All this shite wit' Ryker. How ya feelin' about it now that ye've calmed down some?"

Ancient king? Hm. Better be careful not to accidentally wreck something, regardless. Don't wanna get haunted by any angry ghosts when she gets home. Orpheus kept a close eye on his teammates in that case. Bianca was curious though. She wanted to ask Fiona what all she knew about this king, but Fiona spoke up first.

"I-I'm alright now. It was just...a-alot to take in at once." Bianca answered with a nervous chuckle. She then frowned. "I'm still worried about R-Ryker. But I-I don't think there's anything I c-can do, you know? We're not supposed t-to intervene."

"Chairman said we can't do nae shite, true. But when'd I ever fuckin' listen tae a thing I was told?" Fiona chortled, lightly slapping Bianca on the back. "He ever get on our arses about it, just put all th' blame on me. Ain't like I care if I get fired. Boss man cans me, I go straight back on tae professional circuit."

Fiona squatted down in the snow, idly scooping some up and tossing it around. "Speakin' of, any opinion on th' new ones we got this season? Or new one? I dinnae remember, was it just water boy, or we get someone else movin' up too?"

Bianca shook her head. "J-Just Mr. Tomas. And I'm not sure w-what to think of him yet. He doesn't seem like the s-social type."

"Mister?" Fiona snorted. "He don't look that much older than you. Hell, I think he ain't older than me." She shrugged. "So who do ya feel like gossipin' about, then? Figure we might as well talk shite about someone while we're here."

"Hm. I don't k-know, I'm not exactly one to g-gossip." Bianca crossed her arms in thought. "I've known H-Hestia long enough to see through her brashness, I d-don't really care much for Nordrin's...attitude, to put it lightly," She began to list off, idly stepping around.

"Pffthahahahaha," Fiona broke out into laughter as Nordrin was mentioned. "Och, he ain't that bad deep deep deep deep, deeeeeeep down." Brief memories of some good times a few years past came to the forefront of her mind, but she waved them off to focus on the conversation.

"Nae, but really, he's a softie somewhere in his heart." Fiona paused for a moment, as if trying to remember something. "Ya know we're exes, right?"

Wait what.

Bianca came to a complete stop. She slowly turned her head back to Fiona with widened eyes. "U-Uh. No? No. I don't t-think you've ever told me t-that." She shook her head. Maybe she should reel back on calling Nordrin bitchy when he wasn't paying attention.

"Huh, really?" Fiona tilted her head in thought before chuckling. "What, no questions? 'How'd ya put up with that cunt? What's he like in bed?'" She cackled in a slightly perverse manner.


Well, if Fiona was trying to fluster Bianca, she hit the mark there. An embarassed blush turned her face even more rosy than the usual.

"Because clearly, ya need tae get laid." Fiona shrugged in response, a shit-eating grin on her face, as if she knew exactly what kind of reaction she'd get. She probably did.

"You are a menace..." Bianca groaned, rolling her eyes. She was still red in the face.

"Too bad fer ya I don't kiss an' tell. Oh, well. Now ya know. It was a good few years back, when we were both studyin' in Kalos. Real fuckin' shocker seein' him when I came into th' league, I'll tell ya. Ever been outside Galar, then? Expand yer horizons a bit?"

Now that's something she knew about. She visibly perked up at the question. "O-Once or twice! Mainly when my m-mother tries t-to bring me along to her expiditions." Bianca explained with a small grin.

"Oh, yeah?" Fiona looked to Bianca in interest. "Where'd ya end up going? Anywhere particularly fun?"

"E-Ever been to Hoenn??" She tilted her head.

Fiona shook her head. "Nae, closest I've been's Sinnoh." She jerked her thumb back in the direction of the shrine's entrance.

"If yer wonderin' about Felon, picked him up in Orre."

"It's p-pretty nice. T-Though I wasn't as willing to go near the volcano as she was, haha..." Bianca sheepishly grinned. "The cities there were q-quite small compared to Galar, but it had stuff like S-Sea Mauville and Soothopolis' situation. I always w-wondered how they made living in a c-crater work." She rambled. "I also got t-to see Alola at one point. Mother p-picked Nyx up from there." She added, motioning to the vulpix in question.

"Oh, I've been tae Alola on vacation." Fiona nodded. "Spent a good bit there seein' th' sights and hittin' their circuit. Their League's still bush-tier, but that Battle Tree ain't bad fer a pro facility."

"H-Here's hoping they get their league off the ground. Did you get t-to see the beach on that island? T-The black sand's pretty cool."

"Aye, right pretty sight. Sun, beach, mai tais, what's not tae love?" Fiona responded simply, still watching Bianca's Pokemon frolic in the snow. "Speakin' of Alola, think I'm startin' to miss th' sun. Ya want we should head back soon enough?"

Bianca, and Orpheus in turn both glanced back at the pokemon as well. "Yeah. Who k-know, we can always revisit!" She smiled at Fiona.
Dragan Meszaros

"A skeletal paladin, still bearing a silver blade?" Dragan turned to the thrall, an eyebrow raised underneath his helmet. "How my former brothers have fallen. Fortunately, the blade will be all we have to fear. As for this Society," He nodded in response to Ilena's words. "We've no reason to seek them out for now. No need to start unnecessary fights."

Foreknowledge of the enemy would be invaluable. As he was now, Dragan had no doubt that most lesser undead would fall under his sway once more. This skeletal paladin sounded to still be beyond his grasp, however. Precautions would need to be taken. The Death Knight glanced back towards the rest of his companions, turning to venture deeper into the cathedral.

"I imagine some among us have preparations to make before we set out, myself included. When I'm finished, I will meet you near the west gate, past the yard."

Centuries-old memories led Dragan to the armories he knew the cathedral possessed. A quick search of said quarters revealed a collection of weapons, many still more or less usable. None were of the highest craftsmanship, but experience and knowledge of steel told the vampiric knight which were servicable and would hold up in a fight. He hefted a two-handed warhammer into his hands and took a practice swing, nodding in satisfaction. This would serve, for now. A blunt smashing weapon would be the most effective against the skeleton that barred their way. It wasn't his old mace, but it would be more efficient on his blood reserves than conjuring one up.

Once he returned outside and regrouped with the others in the courtyard, Dragan stepped forward towards the gate. The sound of shuffling undead had him extending a hand out, the other clutching his warhammer.

"Serve." He commanded, exerting his will to take command over as many lesser undead as he could in the immediate area of the gate without taxing his blood reserves too much.
Lord Talbert Tarly

Two weeks prior...

A knock on the door. "You wanted to see me, Father?" His son's voice resonated from the entrance.

"Enter." Talbert replied curtly, seated at his desk. He looked up from his ledgers, nodding to his son, Samwyle. "Sit. Drink." The lord of Horn Hill gestured to a chair placed in front of his desk, as well as a goblet of wine in front of the seat.

Samwyle did so without delay, reaching for the cup as soon as he sat down. He met his sip of wine with appreciation and a raised eyebrow in question. "Arbor red? What's the occasion, Father?" What went unsaid was how his usual taste of wine in private was far more reserved, typically favoring more local vintages than the finest the Arbor had to offer.

"For you." Talbert said simply, raising his own goblet in a brief toast before taking slow sips. "You've proven yourself as an able combatant, leader of men, and my heir. Were I to die now, I would hold no hesitation in leaving Heartsbane to you." Such praise from the man was rare. Which only served to have Samwyle bracing for the inevitable comedown. "As such, I've taken the liberty of finally arranging a wife for you. Gorlois Redwyne has agreed to have you be betrothed to his youngest daughter, Odette. I'm told she's the fairest of all his daughters, and his favorite. It's a great honor for you." He passed the letter in question that confirmed Lord Gorlois's approval for the match over to Samwyle.

Samwyle stared at his father for a moment in mute silence, with Talbert inwardly waiting for him to get over his shock and get on with the matter. "Father, I..." He stared down at the letter he was given, reading it over for a few moments before looking it back up. "She's fifteen? That's younger than Mina."

Talbert raised an eyebrow. "She is of age. Or would you rather I find you a child bride? Is that what you're saying?" He challenged, to his son's immediate denial.

"Of course not!"

"Then you should have no problems with the matter. Of course, your dalliances will come to an immediate end. I'll not have you dishonoring your wife-to-be, our pending alliances with the Redwynes, and our good name. I tolerated such when you were a bachelor and barely a man. Now that you've matured and have a betrothal, the time for these things is over."

Samwyle looked as if he was going to protest, but thought better of it and nodded. "I...understand. Thank you for your lenience, Father."

Talbert's expression softened in response, but only slightly. To anyone who didn't know him better, it would seem his stoic demeanor hadn't cracked at all. "I understand this is a sudden change, son. But you've proven yourself as a man. I wouldn't have begun making these arrangements for you had you been a disappointment. I did as much as I could to secure a good match for you as well. The girl is reportedly a beauty, and you'll be meeting her soon." Samwyle's head shot up at his father's next words. "You've heard of Prince Maekar's upcoming tourney at Summerhall? We'll be attending."

"You despise these, though." Was Samwyle's only response. "What was it you said the last time I wanted to attend one? 'Wasteful pageantry that ill-prepared men for real battle'? Of course, I didn't understand until after I joined you on campaign."

"It still is. But the Redwynes wish for you and Lady Odette to meet there. Get to know one another. It seems they're as intent for this to be a good match as I am. Which indicates that Lord Gorlois's glowing words of praise about his daughter may not be as empty as I fear. Mina will be coming with us as well. It's about time that a match be made for her, and there will be many lords in attendance. Your mother will remain behind to watch over Victor and manage the day-to-day affairs of Horn Hill." He took another sip of Arbor red, as if to marshal his thoughts.

"Does this mean...?" Samwyle's voice carried hope in its tone, to which Talbert nodded.

"Indeed. You'll compete in the lists. Quite frankly, you care more than I do of your performance in that mummer's farce. But both of us will enter the melee. We both know where your real strengths are, and there's no shame in such. Though I imagine you'll want to impress your bride-to-be, regardless." The ruler of Horn Hill rose from his seat, making his way over to his son and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You will do House Tarly proud. I know this." Samwyle smiled up at him as he finished his wine. "Now, be off with you. I imagine you've your own affairs to take care of before we leave in a few days."

As Samwyle left the solar, Talbert turned his attention to another letter he'd be reading before. This one marked with the seal of House Bracken. Daemon Blackfyre was to be the one to champion their aspirations and grievances, then. Very well. He'd have Maekar's tourney to take the bastard's measure. Talbert rolled the letter up and fed it into the flames of his hearth, unwilling to chance risk of discovery even from otherwise vague and benign words.
Fiona MacConnell

Fiona's face betrayed nothing at Chairman Hyacinth's words, even as several other Gym Leaders, her friends among them, raged and seethed. What a shitshow this turned out to be, really. She shot sympathetic glances towards Astrid, Mika, Bianca, Nordrin, and Hestia as they all left in turn, but made no move to get up herself. As every other Gym Leader filed out, Fiona casually finished off her bottle of water, staring Hyacinth down until the last Leader left.

"Make what call ya think's best, boss." Fiona finally stood up to leave, seemingly unbothered by all the furor and commotion. "An' I'll do tha same. Let's be honest here, though, I dinnae give two shites about any 'severe punishment'. Go on, fire my fine arse. I'll run off tae Kalos, heard they might have some openings soon. Wouldn't that be a coup fer them an' an embarassment fer you?" She gave a jaunty, mocking wave as she turned to leave.

"Don't worry yer head off too much, though. I got no intention of fuckin' with tha coppers' investigation." What went unsaid, of course, was whether or not she'd be undergoing one of her own. As Fiona sauntered out the door, her smile faded and she pulled her phone out, already pulling up her contacts list and firing off one text after another. She'd made quite a few friends during her post-Challenge career before she took up this Gym Leader gig, and it was time for all that to start paying off.
Renar Hagen

Finally, finally, they'd reach the camp of this so-called Bandit King. By the time Jeremiah's camp came into view, Renar was practically chomping at the bit in his own mind to dive into the fray. They'd been waiting long enough, and the previous batch of bandits had proved to be poor sport overall. That's all this was: sport. And a bit of pest control. These men had signed their own death warrants the moment they committed themselves to pillage and plunder as a way of life. There was no pity afforded to them, only contempt for their choices.

As the Knight-Captain began to call for the Iron Rose to separate into three assault groups, Renar joined the second, led by Paladin Tyaethe, simply because she'd been the closest to his proximity. Hopefully, she'd dive into the heaviest fighting. He simply nodded in response to her standing orders to focus on the two largest threats should they appear. It was sensible, and it guaranteed that he'd have his shot at the biggest targets among this lot. All in all, just fine for him.


The assault began, and Renar charged alongside his group, his poleaxe lowered to prepare for a thrust. He ran a good distance away from Tyaethe, trusting that she was more than able to make short work of anything in her immediate vicinity. Instead, the bastard of Brias was a good distance away, the tip of his weapon already thrusting into a bandit's neck.

A well-armed bandit in a coat of plates and bearing a halberd counter-charged, and Renar frowned beneath his helm's faceplate as he turned to meet the attack. The bandit had longer reach with his halberd, and if he knew what he was doing, it'd be a problem. Hopefully, he hadn't trained as extensively in the polearm-to-polearm counters as Renar had. Said halberd-bearing bandit raised his weapon and swung down. His first mistake. Renar narrowly evaded the downward swing and thrust his poleaxe down himself, locking the haft of the bandit's weapon beneath his own.

With the bandit taken by surprise from the counter, Renar raised his left foot and stomped down on the halberd's head, keeping it locked in place. He drew his poleaxe back and thrust it straight into the man's unprotected face, killing him instantly as his poleaxe tip pierced the bandit's brain.

Comparatively, the next few bandits to come before him fell much easier, all dying in single strokes, slashes, and thrusts. Oh, these men were experienced and decently-equipped, to be sure. But he hadn't been obsessively training day in and day out for nothing. That, and Renar had faced down orc warbands with parity in numbers before. Compared to those memories, these men didn't amount to much.

"This is actually growing concerning." Renar murmured to anyone in his immediate vicinity who could hear him as he withdrew the spiked butt of his poleaxe from a bandit's torso. "This Bandit King is hemorrhaging men, and yet he's still not made a move."
Dragan Meszaros

Dragan merely kept his head bowed as he received his orders, waiting for Ichor's light to disperse before he dared stand once more. As he did, the Death Knight contemplated the directives they'd all been given. Head west, and resurrect the seven vampire lords in the Queen's service before bringing back the Queen herself. Understandable goals. If the current group had all been brought back to life, it stood to reason the same could be done for the greatest among their number.

Of course, there were some that Dragan would have preferred not be brought back, but a command from the Goddess was inviolatable. The Blight Lord and the Sanguine Regent were stains upon their shared race as a whole, but their abilities and knowledge were invaluable. No matter his opinion, though, what was left of the paladin inside of Dragan drove him to follow Ichor's decree. Even he could see the logic in bringing them back, and if what he assumed of the crusade had been true, vampires had been all but wiped out until their recent rise.

"Westward, then." Dragan murmured as he placed his helm back atop his head, turning to exit the balcony. He turned back towards the others. "For those of you that just joined us, Lady Ilena is already bearing the heart that the Goddess mentioned. It ought to be safe in her care until the time comes for it to be used."
Renar Hagen

As soon as the wounded bandit finished giving Fanilly his information, Renar dropped the wineskin into his lap and patiently waited for the man to guzzle down the contents. Given the choice, he'd seriously debate whether or not to actually waste wine on a soon-to-be dead man, but he was also within the presence of both his captain and a comrade, so breaking his given word wasn't exactly a wise option at the moment.

Regardless, as the bandit dropped the now-emptied wine skin with a belch, Renar nodded to him, hefting his poleaxe up.

"Ready to see the Lamplighters, then?" He asked casually, as if discussing the state of the weather. The bandit only snorted in response.

"You mocking me, Sir Knight? We both know there ain't no light, the way I'm headed."

Renar only inclined his head at that, conceding the point before swinging down, taking the man's head clean off with the ax blade. With that settled, he saluted Fanilly before turning away and rejoining his fellows.

Or at least, he would have if Paladin Tyaethe hadn't suddenly roped him into...piling up bodies? Seriously? Renar knew that she had certain tenets to adhere to as an anointed knight of the church, but now? He supposed that it was something to do while they were waiting for the scouts, but it still felt like a waste of time.

Regardless, he complied with the order and started lugging bodies along, grumbling to himself in dissatisfaction, to which anyone nearby him also dragging bodies would hear as well.
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