Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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25 days ago
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4 mos ago
best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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1 yr ago



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Ranbu no Izayoi

Led by Eve, Goug eventually made his way back to the Kirins, grumbling in both irritation and concern the whole while.

"Ack, couldn't have saved me some strain on the ol' heart, kupo? Thought I was gonna have to find me way back to Edren on my kupoin' own for a moment there."

Unable to travel too much farther for the day, the battered and exhausted Kirins made camp on the dunes.

When sunset came, Izayoi cleared her throat to get the party's attention before beginning to speak.

"I said I would explain, and I shall. That foe we faced used the corpse of the man who taught me the sword. And his skills, somehow. I am not so blind as to not recognize my own sword style, especially when used by the one who taught me to do so. The one I killed."

Izayoi refused to say anything further on the matter after that, turning in early for the night with nary another word.


Days later, with little else in the way of options, the party returned to Kugane for the moment to regroup, recover, and plan their next move. With Ciradyl and Chisaki's aid, they made their way past the Valheimr checkpoints once more and met up with Hien in a different safehouse, this time in the western section of the city.

One summary of what they learned later, and Hien groaned to himself, holding his head in one hand as the other rapped his knuckles against the low table they all sat around.

"This is...a bit much to take in. However, I trust your word, especially that of Izayoi and Lady Ciradyl. I'll admit, I would have liked to employ your collective services for longer. But I've no hold over any of the lot of you." He rolled a map of the continent out across the table, pondering.

"I'll be frank: Edren is less of a going concern than the other two nations. It still bears strong leadership and signifcant military force.
Drana Asnaeu's ability to withstand a full-scale invasion in search of its crystal is my foremost worry regarding this scenario. Were I the one looking in on the opposite end of this situation, it would almost certainly be my next target. Unfortunately, reports from my informants say Valheim's been reinforcing the southwest border for weeks now. You'll not be able to get ahead of them on foot, and we've little access to ships. What captains are in our pocket are already occupied with missions of their own and, hm..."
He paused, rubbing his chin.

"Give me a day or two to make some inquiries. In the meantime, the lockdown around the city has eased up, and Reisa herself has been reported to have left Kugane for the moment. Take some rest, you all have more than earned it."
In SPIRITUM 8 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kalina Kovalic

Even Director Veld of all people wanted the princess treated with kid gloves, huh? Fine, Kalina would acquiesce. Not that she gave a damn, but orders were orders. Regardless, once she helped everyone patch the truck up as best they could, Kalina took the wheel once more, giving the engine a few brief revs to test it. Probably wouldn't give out on them anytime soon. Probably. Chassis was still a going concern, but as Gerard opined, there weren't any better options available at the moment.

"Pile in." Kalina grunted to the others. Once they'd all done so, she got them back on the road, not going quite as fast as she had been the previous day, but still enough to maintain a decent pace.

"Does it matter?" She pitched in to the conversation about their chances of making it to Dunbarton without further conflict. "We'll handle it. Besides, the closer we get to a city like Dunbarton, the better the chance that airship gets in the range of AA."

Kalina glanced up in the rear view mirror to where the princess was sitting, tactlessly barreling forward in the conversation.

"So, Princess. Any idea who wants you dead this badly? As I understand it, you're no one important in the line of succession."
Jaromir Zhu

"God damn it!" Jaromir cursed as he ducked into cover the moment he realized they were under attack, his pistol drawn. He tried to draw a bead and get a few shots off, but the range of the firefight was such that he didn't land anything. Didn't matter in the end, considering the pirates bugged out in a Leopard. One that hooked up to a JumpShip and got the hell out of dodge.

...Wait, that last sequence of events didn't add up. What the fuck? Considering the current state of politics and their employer, Jaromir's first line of thought was Kurita or Lyran plot. It made sense.

That train of thought lasted about as long as it took to examine exactly what the pirates had left behind. To keep up with the metaphor, the revelation that they were transporting ancient Mech parts shook the train slightly, but didn't derail the theory yet. Bizzare, but combined with the JumpShip, it raised questions. Questions that were fit for people that were actually paid to give a damn, admittedly.

"Right, now comes the good part of the job." Jaromir grinned slightly at the thought of loot, before glancing over to the CO.

"How much salvage rights did our contract state, anyway?"
Iraleth Kyrios

Iraleth afforded the professor no further words, waiting until he left the chapel before she returned to a kneeling position, contemplating what the man had just said to her.

This notion of letting Umbralists be went against everything she personally believed. What, were they supposed to wait until after the tragedy had occurred to stop it? Iraleth wasn't so selfish as to risk the lives of others just so she could feel better about not having possibly killed one that had done no wrong. And yet...

Yet that's not on her, she wasn't even born when things went wrong.

She grit her teeth, scowling. No, it didn't matter. This was duty. This was what had to be done. It was, wasn't it?

Iraleth returned to her prayer and meditation, yet Professor Alto's words never quite left her head...
Cid's face ran through a gamut of emotions at Eve's words. Anger, concern, sympathy, all shown in turn before he eventually nodded.

"I was aware of this possibility. It certainly explains why I felt Bahamut's essence up above earlier. To create life unbidden by the order of the Mother and the Seven is a sin, but the beings artificed from such sin do not inherit it. Lest they choose to do so, of course. To be as you are is no crime, girl. You did not choose to inherit the Dreadwyrm's essence. However," He closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head.

"My magics detected no trace of Odin's power. Whatever it is you faced, it has naught to do with the Eidolons."

"Undead." Izayoi cut in, her gaze far off. "It must be. I killed him. I buried him."

"A soulless affront to Etro's order." Cid's expression darkened. "Regardless, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, we return to the matter at hand." His gaze swept out over the party, softening slightly at Rudolf's troubled expression, though he said nothing further to him for now. Instead, Cid slumped slightly, his age showing.

"Four elemental crystals across the continent channel the light of the gods and convert it to the flow of elemental aether that balances and regulates nature. Water in Drana Asaneu flows to nourish the land. Wind in Skael carries the seeds of life wheresoever it blows. Earth in Edren cultivates and shelters that life. Fire in Osprey brings about cleansing destruction so that new life is free to flourish."

"Valheim cannot be allowed to seize the crystals. Here in Osprey, the Crystal of Fire is already lost to their clutches. For the moment, you must travel to each crystal in the other nations and ensure that they do not fall to darkness and Blight. Be warned, however: each elemental crystal has a guardian. Judging by their charges' corruption, they may also become equally as Blighted. Should that be the case, you must slay them. The Fire Crystal's guardian is...already lost to us." Cid shook his head mournfully at that before steeling himself.

"I would advise caution. Valheim knows of the importance of the crystals as well, and will surely send their forces to seize them. Now," He rose, supporting himself up to his feet with his staff. "That is all the guidance I possess to provide for the moment. From this point onward, the rest is up to you. Though I can speed your way to the surface-"


The doors of the cathedral slammed open, revealing the Revenant, sword in hand. Cid's eyes widened in alarm, and he brandished his staff aloft with one hand.

"Abomination! You will not pass one step further into sacred ground!" He slammed the butt of his staff onto the floor, and firey aether welled up around him. "By covenant, by binding, I call upon flame and fury! Lord of hellfire! I summon thee, come, Ifrit!"

A horned, demonic beast emerged in a burst of flame, roaring in savage fury at the Revenant. Izayoi moved to draw her sword as well, but froze as she saw a magic glyph emerge into existence below not just herself, but every single Kirin as well.


"Fly, all of you! You are in no condition to face a foe of this magnitude!" Cid bellowed back in the direction of the party, gesturing Ifrit forward to lunge towards the armored titan. "You are this continent's first and final hope! I will not see you lost!"

Izayoi snarled in fury as the teleport circles began to activate, Ifrit's fist bearing down all the while. The last thing any Kirin saw before the world faded into a flash of white was the Revenant dashing past and inside Ifrit's attack range to deliver a slash that sent the Eidolon of flame crashing back among the pews of the cathedral, Cid gritting his teeth in determination all the while.


When the Kirins next opened their eyes, they found themselves back on the surface, the ruins of the village barely on the horizon. In comparison, the airship supporting the Revenant was but a speck in their eyes. Too far away to have any chance of making it back for an assault from the party before night fell or it left the area.

Izayoi regained her bearings, looking around with her expression still furious for but a few moments before she seemed to deflate, weary and still barely able to stand.

"I suppose you have questions for myself specifically." She looked back toward the others, exhausted. "Considering what we were just told...I require time to marshal my own thoughts. Once we make camp, I will provide what I know of," Her breath caught slightly, and she turned away. "Him."
@Expllo For attributes, I'm assuming that characters start off defaulting to average and can move them around in that category? Also a bit confused at how novice/average/good doesn't line up with unseated/seated/lieutenant/captain in the ability list.
Salvator Rasch

Salvator looked over the data-spool intently, committing as much of the mission data to memory as he could. Based on what the intel stated...this was going to be a close-quarters nightmare. Investigating a half-trashed space wreck? One of this size? It'd be nothing but endless corners and tight cover all the way inside. The purple ethereal disturbances on the holograph very much weren't helping his tactical analysis of the situation. As if the tight quarters weren't bad enough, especially considering the bulk of some of their best operators, there was ethereal interference to deal with as well?

God in the Void, this was going to be a shitfest. Salvator let his face fall into a frown beneath his sealed mask, very much not looking forward to this mission at all. Nonetheless, he had his duty. They all had their duty, unwilling and reticient as some among the squad might be. And wasn't that something that they just didn't have the time to sort out? Just another day in the life.

"Do we have any preliminary readings of the ethereal disturbances past the fact that they exist? Doesn't bode well that the station's natives are avoiding them." Salvator inquired after the floor was opened, nodding his head towards the holograph readout. "Furthermore, what's our criteria for objective completion? Are we to retrieve the research vessels' data, or just confirm their existence?"
@Psyker Landshark between our characters, I'd assume they're familiar with each other as classmates. Kobe would have even asked Ageha for pointers and notes on more than one occasion considering how much of a prodigy she is. Kobe would be the type to make an effort, and contribute during class. Maybe the fact that he was actually correct often would cause Ageha to humor his questions? He might respect her talent and she might respect his effort, leading to a professional relationship now and a friendship later on in the roleplay?

Yeah all of this sounds fine. Ageha isn't so much a prodigy as just someone who's had a pretty severe head start basically.
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