Name: Rela Arel
Gender: Female
Race: Dunmer
Stands at 5'9" with a lithe, athletic build that suggests capacity for a good amount of physical exertion. Certainly more physically fit than several other mages. Her face and body bear deep scarring that look to be the result of claw slashes and weapons.
Typically favors extravagant, loud, and downright gaudy fashions. The contrast between her scarred face and richly adorned clothing produces a jarring effect that tends to catch the casual observer off guard.
Living through the twin humiliations of both the Red Year and the Argonian invasion have done evidently little to curb this Telvanni's standoffish, haughty attitude. While not as bad as her House is stereotypically made out to be (translated: she's tolerable enough to be around others), Rela is still nonetheless something of a cold bitch focused on results and achievement above all. Following after that is her research. And coming in last place is what anyone thinks of her priorities.
Rela respects no law but those that can be directly enforced against her. This means begrudging adherence to the Empress's decrees, and nothing else. Necromancy? You'll be next in the collection if you keep asking. Levitation? Why was that law even still in effect?! Breaking and entering? Now you were just taking the piss.
Unbeknowst to most who know her, however, is her longing for better times. In her youth, the Empire had control of Morrowind, and life was better. No Red Year, no ash, no unruly lizards that didn't know their place. It's this sentimentality and desire for order that keep her in the life of a Blade, no matter how much she verbally complains and protests.
Brief Backstory:
Born to a minor branch family attached to House Telvanni at the very end of the Imperial Simulacrum, Rela grew up on the mainland of Morrowind in the waning years of the Third Era and Uriel Septim VII's reign. Her early years were typical for a Telvanni youth: she learned the ways of magic, advanced in her studies, and excelled, becoming Spellwright by the time the Nerevarine prophecy was fulfilled.
To say that the next few years shaped the course of her life would be a horrendous understatement. Rela fought in the Oblivion Crisis, lived through the Red Year, and was only just managing to get her life back together when the Argonian invasion happened. Rela fought. House Telvanni fought. The Argonians fought. Many died. She didn't. The vast majority of House Telvanni's forces in Mournhold fell, along with the city itself. Somehow, Rela managed to crawl through the ash and smoke after the battle long enough to be found.
In the aftermath, Rela was given a promotion to Wizard rank due to the complete absence of any other surviving Telvanni mages, and a laboratory when Mournhold began rebuilding. Many in the House expected her star to keep rising from there. She, on the other hand, had different ideas. Instead of chasing after becoming a Master, Rela delved deep into her magical studies, becoming a recluse. While this disappointed those who promoted her in the first place, it wasn't unheard of at all within the House.
For decades after, Rela's focus was on one thing: extending her lifespan as several notable Telvanni Masters had. Her brush with death three times in the span of barely a few years had galvanized her into accelerating the timetable on this research. She didn't make pacts with Daedra, despite being very well-versed in their summoning. Instead, her path towards a very extended lifespan was through necromancy. Illegal? Who gave a damn? It wasn't as if any Imperial authorities were in a place to care. And it wasn't as if House Telvanni was going to kick up a fuss about forbidden methods.
Eventually, she succeeded. Rela's necromantic magics had successfully reverted her into the prime of her youth, and would keep it that way barring a violent end. By the time she came up for air, it was to her surprise that nearly two centuries had passed. And Morrowind was still an ash-blighted hellhole. She took the time to touch base with the current Council of Masters, confirming that she was still alive and that she was active once more. After finishing with reporting in to the last of the Masters on Solstheim, Rela returned to Raven Rock, where she intended to spend the night before returning to Morrowind. What she didn't expect was a scintillating conversation with a visiting Breton woman, where they'd spent the entire night discussing the intricacies of magic, mace work, and mace work augmented by magic.
Three years later, that night would barely register in Rela's mind until an Imperial procession appeared outside her laboratory in Mournhold, with the very same woman telling her she was...recruited? And that was when the comedy that was Rela's life entered a new chapter.
- Enchanted Robes: Fine robes, gloves, and boots colored in garish crimson and gold, enchanted for defense.
- Accessories: Amulet, rings, and circlet enchanted to enhance magicka capacity and spellcasting potency.
- Steel Dagger: Plain knife intended for utility work and last ditch self-defense.
- Conjuration
- Alteration
- Destruction
- Alchemy
- Enchanting
- One-Handed
Voice claim: Erin Yvette