Avatar of Psyker Landshark


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25 days ago
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4 mos ago
best I got's a microwave burrito and a handle of popov, straight
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7 mos ago
when you smash ron after someone else calls riichi for one han just to make sure they get nothing
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1 yr ago
To this day, I regret not being able to try pre-nerf four loko
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1 yr ago



Most Recent Posts

Iraleth Kyrios

"Understood." Iraleth took the ring without complaint, putting it on her left hand without hesitation. The stipulation made sense, and it was likely better for her own health that she not engage in any strenuous Essence or Ethos use for some time. At least this way, the temptation was removed.

Her expression shifted slightly at the mention of returning to Vaal Nero. Back home for herself so soon? Iraleth didn't deny that she loved her adopted home, but it had barely been two days. Imagine if she'd arrived back before her letter to her father did.

She was torn from her thoughts, however, by the imp making a last-ditch attempt at escape. Raja was clearly willing to risk some collateral in order to prevent that, which Iraleth wasn't at all against. At the same time...

Iraleth turned to Otis, glancing down to his fingers.

"If you've not put the ring on already, I need a hammer. Like you did for Davil. Otherwise..." She glanced around the room, looking for anything sturdy and blunt enough to smash into stone. Obviously, her own sword wouldn't do in the absence of any Essence to enhance it.
Ranbu no Izayoi

What fresh hell was this? How, in the name of Dhinas, Imir, and the Mother, had their current situation come to be?

Why was she even asking herself this? Izayoi had been there for all of it:

The Kirins had parted ways with Grovemaster Isolde once they'd reached Cascona Landing, but not without her giving them precise instructions for how to conduct the ritual to begin the Trial of Tides.

They'd reached the site of the trial the next day: a cliff overlooking the sea, some ways away from Costa del Sol. At its peak was an ancient altar designated to veneration of Leviathan in olden times, before worship of the Mother and Her Seven became commonplace. While the Eidolons were no longer worshipped directly by most in the current era, they still held a place of reverence in the Mother's light as regulators of the land's aether.

The party performed the ritual to the exact letter as they had been instructed by Isolde. As if bid by command, Leviathan arose from the ocean in moments, summoned by the call given to her. The Lady of the Whorl loomed over the cliff, her serpentine head staring down at the Kirins.

"You dare offer challenge?!"

And then she'd reared back before firing a jet of pressurized water out of her mouth to sweep across the party.

Izayoi peered out from over the fallen rubble she'd taken shelter behind, reaching down to her sword. What the hells?! They'd conducted the ritual precisely as they were bid to! Was the trial supposed to be a damned deathmatch? Small wonder the Grovemasters didn't wish to risk Neve, then!

"The Eidolon leaves us no choice! We fend her off, or we drown in her tides!" Izayoi hurled her cloak and hat off, glowering all the while. "Once we finish here, I am more than inclined to make Eliane's threat to those sanctimonious bastards in Brightlam come true!"
Yeah, was meaning to get around to it this weekend.
Renar Hagen

The serpent was dead, none of his own side were dead, and the clearing was peaceful again. Just another day in the charmed life of an Iron Rose Knight. While he still would have preferred wheeling and dealing backroom politics, Renar couldn't deny that there were perks to this life beyond just the prestige.

After all, without all the free and effective training he'd gotten just for being fortunate enough to be arbitrarily picked by the Knight-Captain these past few months, the Renar of but half a year ago would most certainly be dead by this point. Or at least gravely wounded.

"This sword-swinging buffoon would appreciate a touch of gratitude for creating that opening for you." Renar had walked closer towards the others just in time to pick up the gist of the conversation, deciding to smarmily chime in. Because why not rile the arrogant little mage up some more? "Unless you'd like to have a go at holding a beast's attention yourself next time. Wouldn't that be a sight to see?" It was funny. With that said, he clapped a hand on Fionn's shoulder briefly before moving on to business.

"Right, then. Now for the matter at hand: how exactly do we find more fae? I confess I find the idea of simply going around broadcasting our intentions until someone deigns to answer to be somewhat inefficient." And undignified. But if that was what it took...

You mean we got katanas? I held back on my shameless vergil coding for nothing?

Iraleth Kyrios

Four days. And with the High Bishop himself in attendance? It hadn't been that long since Iraleth had seen High Bishop Verne last, but still. This was deathly serious, if he was in attendance. Still, there wasn't any other decision she would make in this moment.

"Of course I will attend." Iraleth nodded dutifully to Raja, taking a brief note of Otis's reaction. In all honesty, she'd expected him to try to somehow weasel his way out of this. "It will be good to finally have a conclusion to this madness, regardless of whatever judgment is dealt."

Astra, what a headache this situation had turned out to be. If they hadn't fought to a farce of a draw, Iraleth would have had no compunction against slaying her in open battle. But summary execution of a prisoner? Without so much as a trial? No matter how much Iraleth would have liked to after seeing what Ciara was capable of, it was still wrong.

Gimme a day or two, just got back to my apartment and I'm exhausted + need to deal with some housekeeping shit

"Hell, I hate it when they've got half a brain." Sagan grumbled under his breath as he pulled back on the controls and flicked a switch to shift the Watchdog's shield onto its arm mount while hitting the boosters and ascending. His Frankenmech deployed its shield to block the incoming salvo of autocannon rounds while evading from side to side all the while, minimizing any profile for the enemy Fenrirs to draw a bead on.

Fortunately, all the mad boosting meant the sword-bearer was evaded in short order, and Sagan started to engage the multi-lock again while surveying the field. Incoming fire toasted a Skollr with Rhino mopping the rest up, Rabbit and Hex still hadn't killed each other yet, and-

<<Alert. Coalition MAS entering battlespace. Designation: Fafnir. Uploading unit specifications now.>> He bit back a curse as he briely looked over the specs. Obvious weak points, but Christ, he wouldn't mind flying one of those.

<< Livin' the dream, Rhino! >> Sagan queued comms in response to his wingman's inquiry, finally having managed to manuever the melee Fenrir into shooting range of the gunner and causing a friendly fire incident. << Get your ass over to Commie and Rook and help 'em out with that big lug! I got these cocky little pricks. >>

Just then, the signal that he'd gotten tone blared across his cockpit, and Sagan punctuated the last of his communications with a holler.

<< Vulture, Fox 3! >> A trio of SPAMRAAMs shot out of the Watchdog's shoulder compartments, launching vertically before homing in on each of their individual targets. Distracted by the friendly fire incident and the Espada's better-than-average tracking, the three Fenrirs left were cored in short order, their reactors going critical from missile impact. With that, the Watchdog turned to face the remaining Fenrirs in the current area of engagement, opening fire with the HPK once more.
In my lane. Moisturized. Locking in.
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