Avatar of Pumpkinlord


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9 yrs ago
Current Waterworld D&D


27 year old Pokémon VGC player from Texas who likes to RP.
I also play guitar and enjoy hiking.
My favorite RP's would be stuff like...
D&D style
Star Wars
End of the world style
Dragonball Z
Super Hero
Others I cant think of now lol

Most Recent Posts

Location: Mazitec, 9,000 years before the outpost was built.

”Hey-ya, hey hey hey ya. Hey-YAHH hey hey-ya ya hey-ya hey hey”

The shaman who is decorated with feathers, paint, wooden piercings, and tattoos and wearing a loin cloth made from rope and animal leather dances around the fire and sings ”Hey-ya hey”
Drummers wielding big padded mallets create entrancing tribal beats on their huge animal skin drums. The people of the city crowed around to view the excitement. The towering pyramid that is the center point of the city as well as the location of the ceremony is decorated with red flowing cloths that have been set like a carpet along the steps that lead to the top. At the apex of the monumental golden painted structure is the sacrificial shrine where “lucky” people will be able to give their blood, and life for the gods.
The ritual that is meant to connect the user with the spirit world must be performed exactly right and takes much concentration. The aged shaman holds his staff high up into the air, the white horned animal skull at the top of the staff starts to glow from the eye sockets. The red glow intensifies as the shaman points the staff towards the pyramid, a beam of red light shoots at the apex of the structure striking the throne and the king.
King Tek’tel ti’con looks down over his people from the top of the great pyramid that his forefathers had built. The power flowing through him feels like nothing he had ever felt, like a tornado spinning within him. King Tek’tel ti’con holds up a black leather covered book inlayed with the golden symbol of the Maztecian people, a coiled serpent with an open maw bearing venomous fangs jeweled with turquoise, ruby, emerald and pearl. The magnificent book holding all the dark rituals and knowledge of the Maztecian tribal sith kings. Each king listing there signature “Spell” that was undoubtedly raw Sith magic stemmed straight from the dark side.
Tek’tel ti’con takes a triangular relic from his beaded and feathered side pouch, touching the holo-cron artifact to the center of the book. The snakes ruby eyes on the front cover start to glow as the book is unlocked. The holo-cron is placed back in his side pouch and the book is laid out before him only being opened once every lifetime. King Tek’tel ti’con adds his “spell” to the book of his ancestors with a quill pen made from an extinct dino-bird feather. The book is closed and re sealed ready to be put away for another one hundred years. The king slowly walks down the red steps until he reaches the bottom. A narrow entrance leads into a cave like room with smooth walls decorated with bright paintings depicting ancient stories. In the center along the back wall is a stone shrine, A gold and silver plated chest sits on the shrine the box meant to hold the book and keep it safe.
Character sheet
Screen Name: MonkeyBusiness
Character Name: Kal Jaf'lo
Race: Mandalorian
Class: Bounty Hunter, currently attached to Pirates

Physical Description: 6'1/210lbs Underneath the helmet Kal has short black hair, no facial hair, grey eyes and a large scar running from his left ear down his chin line.
Personality: Kal is a ruthless person whose only loyalty is to who ever is paying him the money at the moment. He does not like to get attached to anyone as he feels it is a weakness to show emotions while on the job and that could lead to him losing a paycheck.
Equipment: Kal is a walking arsenal of weapons dispersed across his entire body.

  • EE-3 Carbine Rifle
  • Arm-mounted Flamethrower on right arm
  • Modified Z-6 jetpack with increased fuel for 3 minutes of continuous use and fitted with an anti-personnel shrapnel rocket, there is also a grappling hook launcher slotted next to the rocket which can be cycled between
  • A purple lightsaber taken from a dead Jedi
  • K-11 Blaster Pistols
  • Electrified bolas for capturing a target
  • Retractable wrist blade in left gauntlet
  • Poison Dart launchers hidden in his armor at his elbows and knees

Background history: Kal grew up on Mandalore into a military family where he was raised with a prejudice against Jedi which would lead to his eventual joining the Bounty Hunter Chapter, Crimson Nova. During the time of the Bounty Hunter Wars, he took part in the mission for the money but just barely escaped with his life when he had a run in with Bossk. After his near death experience he decided to take some personal time away from the Bounty Hunter game and just hired himself out as a mercenary for a few years where he finally ended up with this Pirate crew on the outer rim.

We are playing in a time 40 years after the death of darth Krayt. That was like 100 years after episode 6. So Bossk is long dead. Change that to a random other foe and i'll deff accept! Nice character otherwise. :) I can tell that he will be a difficult character to have to fight.
I am tempted to make a Bounty Hunter who is attached to the Pirates crew.

That would be sweet.
<Snipped quote by Pumpkinlord>

Fun fact; Trandoshian was one of the species I considered while trying to decide on Siliscus' species

I like Trandoshians alot. They hate Wookies haha. Not that i hate Wookies... i think Wookies are cool too. Both have been considered as characters (npcs)
Siliscus pirate crew is amazing.

Diratk wishes he was back on Hataks ship safe and sound with his pay load.

Location: A moon within the Mazi sector.

The Sith apprentice lands her personal space craft on the dusty surface of the moon within the Mazi system. The oxygen levels on the moon are unusually high despite being too low to support any type of humanoid lifeforms, a proper life support suit will be necessary to supply oxygen while exploring. The fact that there is liquid water on the surface of the moon is a bit strange but may be that is the reason for the oxygen levels. Heck in another thousand years or two this place could have a full blown atmosphere, less with proper tera-forming.
Izin steps out of her craft and gazes out over the horizon, the uninhabitable planet that the moon revolves around can be seen as a huge sphere in the sky. The dead gray dusty landscape feels stagnant until a strong gust of wind whips dust around in every direction. Izin makes her way towards the eerie foggy lake located in the distance.

Location: Somewhere in deep space.
Nearest sector: Arkanis sector / Geonosis system

The modified Munificent-class star frigate named “The Shaman” glides through space its captain who is human and called Hatak stands at the command center issuing orders to his loyal crew. The pirate captain holds a personal holo-communicator in his hand, the image of a Trandoshan pirate appears and begins to talk with captain Hatak.

”We have set out for the Mazi system I will loop the ships set course through are communicators, you can then access the navigational charts and record the data. I warn you though, it is said that once you enter the Mazi system you must make your way through a deadly asteroid field. I have herd the crew talking about the unlimited amounts of “spice” and other illegal and legal exports that could make a man rich in this new system. I expect to see the deposit into my account soon, this was a risky job.”

Captain Hatak gets a quick nod from one of his crew re assuring the navigational charts have been recorded before ending the communication. The Captain with a wide smile looks to his navigator and shouts,
”Plot a course to the Mazi system Mr. Lung”

Captain Hatak sits back down at the command center as he thinks to himself, ”This time Siliscus, I WILL get what rightfully belongs to me!”

Location: Aboard Siliscus ship close to the Mazi system

The traitorous Trandoshan crew member abord Siliscus ship drops the communicator he had just used and crushes it under his boot. He can’t risk being caught with it. Just then he feels the ship rumble. He catches his balance on the ships walls right as the intercom relays the message from the bridge.
”Battle stations, battle stations! The astroid field is too much, its ripping us apart!”

Location: Mazitec, Scout group.

The scout group had split up into two separate partys Alpha team made up of the Jedi Mal’Dam, the Jedi padawan Jade, Captain Yarrick, and two Troopers (NPCs). The Omega group having Imperial Knight Vect, Medic M-0018, Trooper Heavy gunner (NPC), and two Trooper one being Daxar. Both groups had been exploring for hours, they have made it quite a ways out and away from the outpost exploring the surroundings in two different directions. Team Alpha (Jedi team) and Team Omega (Imperial Knight Team) are to meet up back at the rondevu point in exactly three hours.

Team Alpha:
Mal’Dam and Jade lead the way through the forest with the troopers behind them, Yarrick ready to command his troops at any second. A few small creatures have been spotted mostly rodents and reptiles as well as a few birds soaring above. The large white stocked mushrooms soar into the sky as tall as trees there huge umbrella like caps are finned if viewed from the ground looking up. A few that have fallen over the years reveal the tops of the caps to be colored some blue some red and even a few purple ones. They mix and blend in with the different breeds of tree that make up the lush wet forest.
The air on Mazitec seemed to be almost too thick with oxygen even though the scanners said it was a perfect atmosphere for human lifeforms. The sweat forming on Trooper Brian "Eagle" Nelsons forehead was quickly evaporated by his built in helmet cooling systems, it was humid at the very least he thought to himself as he marches along with the others preforming his duty. Scouting the area to see what is out here. He stretches his neck and looks up high into the canopy taking in a deep breath and exhaling calmly. Before Trooper Eagle could even finish exhaling he saw it. A large oval looking object, dark brown and slightly ridged in texture. That’s all he had time to take in before it hit the ground right near him.
The insect hive smashed onto the ground instantly killing many of the wasp like creatures that inhabit the nest. The sheer number of “wasps” that emerge from the crushed object is mind boggling. Some must have flew out while it was falling as the insects seem to be everywhere. Near the impact zone the “wasps” form into what looks like a huge flying ball that seems to roll and change shapes like a big flock of birds high in the air. The bugs being very confused try to find any near animal to blame their anger on. The wasps engulf the group, finding their way into cloths and under armor. Each sting delivering a tiny bit of venom that will numb the area, eventually incapacitating the enemy. Meant for smaller creatures but can easily paralyze a large animal by swarming in numbers.

Team Omega:

Heavy gunner Joe Dray Troop number J-0524 holds his Z-6 as he walks between the medic and the troopers. The Imperial knight leading the pack at the front. Joe had gotten used to carrying the heavy Z-6 Rotation Blaster a long time ago, wielding it in many battles in his past and taking many enemy lives with it. He had modified it a bit just to give it some of his own personality. The trigger had been replaced with a hair trigger, it got those barrels moving a lot faster than the stock part. He had also hollowed out one of the plasma conductors just a bit to give it more power without taking away any of the accuracy. Yeah, Joe had really come to trust his “Z” but he wasn’t sure if it would get much use out here. With the wars over and Jedi back to acting only as peace keepers he found himself stationed out in the middle of nowhere on a planet that seemed pretty peaceful for the most part. Joe Had just arrived at the outpost the day before and he was already liking the breezy nature of this job, a man could retire easy like this. Joe taps the medic on the shoulder and says,
”Beautiful day isn’t it medic, M-0018 it was right? Well I’m Joe and it’s nice to meet you mate, I haven’t got a chance to really make any friends yet. What do you think of this place so far anyway?


Ghost looks through the scope of her highly powerful and modified T-28 sniper rifle. The assassin had successfully retrieved the holocron item from the dusty moon, it had proven to be a bit more difficult then she had originally thought but found the treasure with relative ease hidden under water. Ghost blends in perfectly with the surrounding forest thanks to her reflecting camo sensors. The assassin adjusts her sights focusing in on a small dark entrance to an unassuming cave that could be easily passed by. The cave entrance is near the top of a tall hill covered in forest. The assassin hops down from the mushroom she had been hiding on and heads towards the cave on the hill.
Ghost nears the entrance when she hears voices in the distance.
”Beautiful day isn’t it medic, M-0018 it was right? Well I’m Joe and it’s nice to meet you mate, I haven’t got a chance to really make any friends yet. What do you think of this place so far anyway?

The assassin quickly vanishes into the shadows of the forest background, stealth being one of her strongest abilities. She sees a small group of Imperial soldiers being led by an Imperial knight approaching her location.

”They cannot know of the book, They must be on some sort of scouting mission. So the Federation used my information well I see. I did not expect them to send out this many so soon. The planet must be in some sort of strategic location for their army.”

Ghost sinks further back into the shadows all but disappearing.
I thought I would post the first chunk of my IC post so you guys have something while I finish the other parts.

Just a note: The Assassin called Ghost is very skilled. She has killed Jedi for lots of credits. She has hunted Sith for even more credits. She is lethal. What I'm trying to say is, you cant kill her. At least not yet. not until I say she can die. if ever. Plus I need her for the story. TY
<Snipped quote by Pumpkinlord>

*pfffffffffff* Look at this guy! HE HAS A LIFE, WHAT A NORMIE.

jus sayin hhahahaa lol.

I had a Pokemon VGC online tournament today as well as having to watch my kid all day. Tomorrow I Am taking my wife and kid to the children's museum but I Will definitely get a nice long post up after dinner. Sorry for the lag. Ty

EDIT: was working on my post really late/early in the morning and fell asleep. So I'll just finish and post it when i wake in the morning. It's a good one so stay tuned.
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