Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

@Pyromania99 would this RP mostly take place in the digital world or would there be a chance to show how our characters in the real world? I have a character that I might be able to adapt for this but the juxtaposition between her real world and digital selves would be a fundamental part of it.

Also, I'll need to think of another Digimon pairing since @Rune_Alchemist stole my idea almost exactly... Rafflesiamon is so cool.

There are definitely going to be Real World portions and EDEN/Digital World portions. Sometimes you need to investigate stuff in the real world after all. I'll say more stuff will likely be done in EDEN, but yes, the real world still exists and stuff happens there.

Ufufu. Are we? Well, I certainly don't think so~~ I mean, guess it depends on how the players play it out, don't you think? We're certainly not... Evil... At the least.
Digimon Hackers: Jormungundr

Tokyo, Japan; 2045

Japan leads the world in world class virtual reality technology and a company rises from apparent nothingness to greatness as they release the EDEN Digital Device. The company, Hatsu Softworks, was founded by a woman named Ayako Hatsu. What started as a one woman project was quickly funded by mixture of crowdfunding and happy corporate partners. The EDEN headsets were easy to mass produce within 8 years and is available to most people even today, 8 years later.

The headset itself is revolutionary. It allows for what is called a “Digital Dive”. A full Virtual Reality where you leave your body connected to the device and your mind travels to the different worlds in the system with the main one known as EDEN Central. Design-wise, it looks like a park of sorts. There are trees, open grass fields and other things that exist in real-world parks. One caveat however, is that no matter where you go in EDEN things feel… Off. By any account one could describe it as digital. Weird digital. At times, textures will be missing and replaced by a static look, weird rectangular outlines of non-existent things… Basically, they’re all things to remind people that they are in a fake world.

Eden has few rules as most are hard to enforce. The first of which is that there are to be no major changes to your avatar as it is basically a copy of you. The changes that are allowed are not majorly radical. Clothes, hairstyles, etc. This is checked by the system when you “log” into a public server. Most other rules are typical ones that most normal people follow or don’t have to bother with.

Then there are those that go against those rules every day. Hackers. Groups of people, many without a particular affiliation even. It is said that three years after EDEN was opened to the public, one individual found an exploit in the system that allowed them to mess with the system itself. What one could do, really, was only stopped by one’s skill.

And with that came about the top Hacker Groups. Among them, one was extremely notable as many of the most skilled Hackers joined, Jormungundr. Their activities were varied from recovering accounts to erasing one’s social life. After two to three years of operating like this, a group rose up to stomp them out, Thor. Named specifically for the god that killed the snake in Norse Mythology.

Within months, Jormungundr’s virtual empire fell. Many of its members left with some defecting to Thor. Soon, Jormungundr was gone and Thor took the spot left vacant by the dead group.

In the wake of Jormungundr’s fall, a new addition was implemented to the system. Digital Monsters, more often called “Digimon”. Well, rather than implemented, it’s safer to say that they were brought out as a practical virus from Hackers who had somehow found a way behind a couple of firewalls to a new project. They found these monsters and unleashed them on the world.

In public servers, they’re used as AI friends and pets while in the private and back servers there are many different uses. Some use them as slaves while others use them as partners. Between hackers however, they are tools. Weapons even. Digimon are used to fight, more often than not with hackers backing them up with orders, information and sometimes support hacking.

The current state of affairs is that while Hatsu Softworks runs Eden’s public side, Thor runs it’s top Hacker groups with an iron fist. It’s leader, Tohru Okami, has a hard lock on many of the other top groups with the exception of the only thing that can be considered a rival, Fenrir. Fenrir being one of the few resistance groups to Thor. On the other hand, small

Now, a woman named Manaka reaches out with an invitation to a small number of hackers-to-be. An invitation to join Jormungundr.

Hello everyone reading this! I hope you’ve read through the jumbled mess up there and that it was enough to give you an idea of this world. Yes, I have definitely based this idea on the Cyber Sleuth games but other than a few Digimon cliches I hope this feels fairly entertaining.

Now, a few things to note. The biggest difference between today and the near future is the developed VR tech and smartphones being a bit better of course. Japan societally functions basically as it does today.

For human characters, I’d like to have the characters be between 16 and 24. Much younger and I don’t think they would receive the invitation and older than that and I don’t think they’d receive one either. Now, for skills, Jormungundr is looking for two things. Hacking abilitiy and Digimon raising ability. Both are needed they’re even willing to take in people that are good at the Digimon battling end of things and not so much the hacking end. One thing they are NOT looking for is lone wolves however. Teamwork makes the dream work, so don’t make an edgy lone wolf.

Now, digimon are going to start off at Champion this time around. Champions aren’t too difficult to reach but it does show experience in some way, shape or form. If you want to deviate from your evolution path you’ve set out, that should be fine so long as you have it be something that makes sense or we can talk about it. OH, and not only are we starting at Champion, everyone gets two! If you wanted to do something like Agumon and Gabumon to get Omnimon there you go!

Now, here’s the character sheet.

Rosalyn Bell

"My magecraft actually do something to her? Somehow I doubt that." Rosalyn had read somewhere that the only thing that could fight servants were other servants... Or presumably something at least as strong as a servant. "Well, I suppose I could try." Her last cig went out before on the ride over but that was fine. It was still usable and only half gone. "Wanna use this up for the most part though."

She reached into her pocket and pulled out her lighter, popped the cap open and clicked it on. Using her magecraft, the flame from the lighter slowly carried over in a stream to the half-used cigarette and light it on fire again. Rosalyn brought it to her mouth again, letting the sweet poisonous air into her body again. "Ahh, wonderful." She breathed the smoke aside so it wouldn't blast in Caster's face. "Don't suppose you want a puff." She teased the ancient Norse woman as she pocketed her lighter again and wrapped one hand around the maiden's waist just in case they moved.

Rosalyn Bell

Well, Rosalyn was mostly fine with Servants doing what they needed. That aside though... What was that stat distribution? "Did you just say A++ strength?!" By all that was holy, what are these shenanigans? Forget a C rank servant strength, A++ would leave her as paste on the floor is she got so much as flicked by that. "Director, if you think it's so 'cool' perhaps you'd like to come here and try it first hand, hmm?" Well, as far as she could tell... Yes, the berserker can still get a power boost... Just... From a teammate rather than her own powers.

The Master wasn't sure what to think about this. "Alright, she's still got an A rank in agility so be careful. Don't get hit! That much is an order. Mori, Archer... I'm trusting you to do your thing. Caster, I know this goes without saying, but don't kill me. I'll give you massage later if you get me out of here unscathed." She made sure to hold on tightly to the Nordswoman. There were many terrible things that could happen with a servant involved... Especially a Berserker class servant. "I'd rather not die on my first outing after all."

Albus Winterhold

Albus had been watching Isobel's regularly scheduled scuffle with Rutul. He was happy enough to watch the scuffle from the metaphorical stands. Rather than chips today, he had a bit of a sweet tooth and stole away with some cookies. Chocolate chip in particular. He just watched Isobel and Rutul do their thing... Until Rutul flew off with Isobel. "HEY! WAIT! ISOBEL!" He yelled at the two as the flew off... With a sigh, he stood up and ran after.

Soon enough, he caught up to Rutul basically throwing Isobel into the cafeteria. "Calm down you... Oversized toaster? Was it?" The boy said, imitating Isobel. He took himself inside the cafeteria to check on Isobel just in case. Of course, Isobel was fine. Not like she'd get messed up from a such a high fall... Well, of course was fine. It was Isobel. She could probably be impaled by an unlimited amount of blades and be fine. Still... That was quite the white look on Isobel's back.

"Heyo! Lorcan and.... Eric, right?" The trappy boy said, walking over to where the two stood. "That's just Isobel's thing you know? Showing her summon who's boss. That's besides the point though. Were you just a little too happy to see your cousin that you managed to stain her with some white goop? Degenerate but I don't judge."

After that slight bit of teasing, he looked over to Isobel. "Good work today, Isobel~. Looking sexy as always~. White's a new accent to ya'."

Evangeline Lindall

Evangeline was just standing there, testing the pillows. Oh how soft. Still, she listened to the proposition for the contest... At first she seemed excited about it but then she thought about it. Floofel though probably-- "Apologies, but I cannot take part in this competition. The only one I will hug is miss Evangeline after all." She gave a soft curtsy as she turned around to return to her duties.

"Ahehe... That's how it is... Anyhow, no hogging! I want a Bailey hug too!" She said, jumping up and down a bit. "Though..." She muttered. Her eyes went over to her sister and she made a jumping hug into the girl. "I'm testing everyone!" And her first target was her big sister!

Tiana and Pela

It’s been a while since school started and Pela was still a bit suspicious of her new “roommates” as they were called. ”Ooohh, Chobo. The nervousness is getting to me. I should speak to my “roommates” but… It’s so…” Pela was bemoaning her current situation, knowing that today she should at some time leave the dorm to go out and eat real food.

The bird looked at her, ”Kweh.”

”But Chobo… What if they want to do something to me?!” She exclaimed at the bird, being rather loud. ”No… You’re right.” She added, her stomach growling at the two of them. ”Why does this human body act against me.” She was obviously had an accent one could easily tell but only if they could get her to talk for more that a couple of words. ”Alright, Chobo…. We’ll take steps outside now…”

The giant bird started to walk to the door and Pela followed behind with her hand on the bird’s back. Chobo somehow learned to open doors and let itself out of Pela’s room with the girl right behind it. She peeked out of the doorway to see if anyone was around.

“Oh, hello there.”

Without any warning whatsoever, Tania was standing there, right out of sight from the girl.

“Going out?” she asked with her usual smile. “What a coincidence. I was just about to leave as well.”

”Uwa!?” The dark skinned girl cried out as she was surprised. Where? How? She wondered. Her head hit the wall as she reeled back from her surprise. As if that had no real effect, she quickly ran behind her bird. ”Leave? No! No… Leave no.” She muttered, grabbing into Chobo’s feathers. Chobo for his part practically sighed. ”There is no the going out here!” She continued doing her part to stay out of sight and keep this other girl out of her vision.

Tania’s smile transformed into an amused one as she witnessed the dark-skinned girl going all panicky over her presence. She already knew very well that her roommate was the really shy type. They barely ever spoke to each other.

She couldn’t help but find her attitude to be… adorable, to put it bluntly.

“Oh, so you’re not going out? Then why are you standing there, blocking the way for other students who’re going in and out?” She continued to drill her.

Pela had not expected this line of questioning. Or rather… Was this a test? If she answered wrong was she to have a terrible fate? ”Being question?” She foolishly answered. Her eyes never even left from Chobo’s golden feathers. ”No! That is to mean! Umm. I… Not meaning to be nuisance as it is called?” Her voice was quivering. ”Do not mind this one and be along way!”

“Well, I would be on my way, if not for the fact that you’re blocking the path I need to take,” Tania remarked with a light grin. “I need to take some things from my room before I go out, you know.”

Pela for the first time looked over the back of her bird companion, the color under her blue eyes a bit of a blush. ”Grab them.” The girl added, pulled on Chobo so he would waddle over as close to the wall as possible. ”Room past Chobo now. Fine to walk past, more room than enough.” The biggest change now was that her slightly worried and watery eyes were available to see. A step in the right direction perhaps. ”Even with goods.”

“Thank you very much, Pela.” She put an emphasis on her name as she walked through. “I’ll be sure to remember you for this generous action of yours,” she said with a smirk. “Now, if you will excuse me…”

Pela would be able to smell the sweet and alluring scent she (or, to be more exact, the butterflies flying all around her) was emitting as she went past her.

As Tiana passed by, Pela gripped into Chobo’s feathers… Though perhaps a little too hard as the bird “KWEH”ed and ran forward. It pulled Pela with her until her grip faded and she let go. In his haste to get away from the pain, he ran into Tiana and knocked the two into each other. ”Uwawawawa!” Pela was panicked. Touching. Touching… Touch… ”Much apologies!” She exclaimed as she backed off of her roommate, smelling the sweet scent off Tiana. Her eyes were looking anywhere but Tiana’s face, though they quickly examined her hands and feet in a defensive sort of way.


Pela's sudden movement took Tiana by surprise. As the other girl pushed her, she immediately lost her balance, causing her to fall flat on her butt.


She yelped when she felt a pair of hands grabbing her chest. Thankfully, said hands were quickly withdrawn, followed by their owner profusely apologizing afterwards.

"...You clumsy oaf. Urgh, you make my butt hurt. You're heavier than you look."

She picked herself up, dusting her dress in the process.

"And you groped my breasts as well. You should be glad you're a girl or I could file for sexual harassment." She lectured her, putting on a (fake) stern expression.

"So, how would you repay this little act of transgression of yours, hmm?" she asked her with crossed arms. She gave a glance towards her bird familiar. "How about you give him to me? I can use him for my experiments," she asked with a smirk.

Pela took note of how bad this “sexual harassment” sounded. ”I not understand ‘sexual harassment’ or ‘file for’. Groping breasts is but skinship for Oak tribe.” Her tone seemed a bit angrier than before though, ”And you no take Chobo! Chobo is my friend!” Despite her tone, she wasn’t looking Tania is the eyes and was still averted. This time however to the aforementioned breasts before looking away elsewhere.

"Oh, that's right. You're not from the civilized part of the world. Of course you wouldn't know of such a thing. Allow me to apologize." She gave a slight bow. "I wonder what else you don't know about. You're Virtuoso already, correct? So you should already be used to our customs here." She eyed her up and down. "For example… underwear. I know some other tribes like yours don't usually wear them. How shameless," she added with a smirk.

Pela was still a bit angry so she spoke out. ”How rude you are. The Oak Tribe has had undergarments since before we met the first traveler.” It was about that time however that she realized a couple of things. First, she had been talking with this girl… Second… Soft. She opened and closed her hand to remember the feeling before realizing once again that she had been talking back to this “civilized” person. ”I, umm, apologies…” She said, nervously playing with her hands as she apologized.

“Really?” Tania replied. “I suppose I would just have to take your word on it,” she conceded, though her smile seemed to suggest otherwise.

“As for your apology, I suppose I could take it for now. But I expect to be given a favor when I need it from you. Good day.”

And with that, she left the other girl behind, walking back towards her own room with her usual relaxed, yet regal gait.

She was certainly an amusing one, I had to admit…

When Tania walked to her room, Pela rushed over to Chobo, grabbed him and walked out of the dorm room. She was very flustered right now and wasn’t quite sure what to make of the situation she just encountered. ”Chobo, food, yes?”

Rosalyn Bell

"Come now, Caster. I'm not so dim as to think I could really hurt a servant. I'd be worried if the roles were reversed." Rosalyn mentioned as she awaited Mori's return, though she peaked over at him as he finally made his way over with something in hand. "Mori, what's that there? Let me see." She took the flyer from the lancer and read it aloud for everyone to hear. "Stole the heart and soul of the Berserker? Gordius Wheel?"

She wasn't too sure that that Gordius Wheel was, but she sure as hell knew who Arsene Lupin was. "Well, if that knight is the Berserker mentioned... Then, Arsene Lupin can steal more than I originally thought. Definitely fits the description of having "heart and soul" stolen." Rosalyn mentioned before the voice from Chaldea informed her of the Berserker situation. "I see. Hmph. Well, I'm hit with a passing curiosity. Is a Berserker weaker after having lost it's heart and soul? Or does it get stronger?"

The Mage knew about Berserkers, she read about the different servant types after all. Berserker-type servants had an ability that let them give up their consciousness and sanity for more power so she wondered if losing a soul or whatever was done to this one in particular counted towards that. "I think it's fair to say we hardly have any information. We can see how much of what this note says is true with a small skirmish at least. I'm curious if it's actually going to attack or not. Lancer, want to test that? Archer, back him up. Caster, keep me safe if you would. I'm sure you can back up Lancer while doing so, correct." After saying that, she held on to the woman tighter like she mentioned earlier. If one offers, they better not expect otherwise.

Evangeline Lindall

Eva looked amazed at Mr. Teethapus. Oh, my! He is adorable! Is he a toy or is he alive?! Either way he's adorable! I want one!" She stated, hopping up out of her seat and looping an arm around Baily's. "Can I touch him?" She asked.

Floofel brought Odhra's Raspberry Tea over to him, "Enjoy." She told the boy with a smile. Because of her predisposition to eatting sugar and sugar-filled foods, she put a single spoonful of sugar in Odhra's tea... But she didn't tell him. "That said, if you are sleeping with Miss Eva's sister, I think no less of you." She added before a strange person walked in. Floofel of course recognized it was Max and asked him what sort of tea he wanted. "Black? Understood." And she went about readying it.

Eva looked up to Max as he entered and gave a bit of squinted look to see what his "special" commission was. The girl let go of Baily's arm gently as she walked over. "What is... Is this... LOOK!! IT'S A PILLOW WITH FLOOFEL ON IT! AND THIS IS BAILEY!! SIOBAHN!" Evangeline exclaimed, grabbing them all up. "They're all mine!" She exclaimed.
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