Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
1 like
4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Eisamira - Raza's Shop

Eisamira looked a little confused why the girl in front of her would be agitated at being called a Kitsune, but she just chocked it up to people getting into the character as much as she did. "Ahh, I see. My apologies, young Akari." The Nun said giving the girl a small bow. Then she looked back towards the boy that had bought something from the foul shopkeeper. An invitation to the Sacred Grove? Well... She needed to keep an eye on that Ifrit.

Her face scrunched up in thought before relaxing again as she patted Akari's shoulder. "Usually, I'm off on my own doing things, but I believe teaming up with a bunch of others would be an enjoyable reprieve. I would enjoy this. Perhaps I can find some holy relic while there. Come join, Akari. I think it will be enjoyable." The Nun seemed sincere, though the furrowed brow and glance towards Raza may be a tell toward some other intentions.

I agree with Rune, I'm interested and thinking about this one.
Eisamira - Raza's Shop


Eisamira calmly waited for Ryusei's transaction to be over though in the mean time more people entered the shop. What seemed to be a witch... A fox girl... A demon? The nun's face looked slightly confused before sighing and relaxing her shoulders. She couldn't really dispense her brand of justice on this annoying Ifrit when there were so many people around. Perhaps she should leave and return later. Well, she will. First thing's first though.

There was a cute little fox girl that looked at her. Curiously, of course. There weren't many people who dressed as a nun in this game. She fixed the look on her face of wanting to decimate Raza and her curse making ways and went back to that gentle look that was ever so common on her. "Greetings, Kitsune." Eisamira said, smiling at Akarin. "This is your first time in this shop?" The nun giggled slightly. "Well, not to disparage the shop but... There's always some downside to any of the items. Think and choose carefully if you were to buy from here."

The nun then gave a few pats to the fox-girl on the head, much like she did her own daughter in real life. "That said, I am looking for those interested in following the teachings of My Lady, Amamein." She mentioned as her hand retracted back to her side, failing to mention that she's basically the only person that follows the teaching. "But, perhaps introductions are in order first." The human avatar stood back and gave a curtsy to the fox. "Eisamira, at your service. If you are in need of help, do not fret in asking. I am always available to help those of a just cause."

Eisamira - Grasspeak

Eisamira had spent a good amount of her time speaking to any who would listen. Too bad none would truly listen and heed her praise for Amamein, the goddess she may or may not have made up as she found her nun outfit. Still, it seems she made an impact on the game. She stood out greatly though perhaps not quite in a good way. Still, this was fine. It was a multiplayer game and she got into character. This much was fine. "Hmm, perhaps it's time to head out and smite some monsters and heathens. "For the Lady~" She hummed a bit as she gracefully walked towards the town exit.

"Hmmm?" Eisamira voiced as she passed the shop of a very curious and malicious person. As she continued to walk by, she noticed someone walk out of the shop with a happy look on his face. "Tch." The nun quickly trotted over to the new looking player and spoke. "Pardon me, young sir." She gave him a wide smile and that seemed to throw him off a bit. "Would you have happened to buy something from inside there?"

He looked over her odd outfit before answering. "Y-yes?" She could tell that he felt like she was going to try doing something to him.

"Ahh, good, I see." She bowed. "Might I give you a warning? This store is known for its- Shall I say... Yes, it's goods are very strong. That said, there are always downsides to them. You might want to search for it yourself." She giggled. "If you excuse me." Eisamira turned and walked into the building. The player looked confused for sure.

There she was, the Witch of Curses. A horrible person, really. Now, if she weren't in character it wouldn't bother her too much, but, in the character of Eisamira, she followed the made up tenants. Curses are bad, undead are bad and some other things. "Oh yes, increases mana capacity but drains it at the same time I suppose." The nun stood at the front of the store and cracked her knuckles with a friendly but simultaneously threatening smile. "You're still selling that cursed stuff, huh?" She looked at Ryusei since she no doubt grabbed his attention with her arrival. "Don't mind me, good man. I have business with the witch over there. Take your time."

Well, here is the Nun.
Fair enough. XD I'll be in your care.
This seems like something fun. I'd be interested if you still have room.

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