Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Oh jeez! She was late for the meeting! Well, that much should be fine, right? They'd understand if she told them that someone was helping a teacher carry some boxes far too heavy for one person and she, in turn, helped them. Right? Well, she was cute too so that didn't hurt. She was briskly walking back to the room they held club in when she took note in the hallway that there was no one around. "..." She took another look around to make sure. "Well..." She took a step forward and used her power to create a small icey pathway that she started to slide across with a step.

The Yuki-Onna slid easily across the surface and came to a stop in front of the club room with a wide grin across her face. She opened the door and started to slid on in. There wasn't much clearance but she was fine with that. She could always stop herself if she needed. This room was filled with people she didn't need to hide from really. Tomoko had invited her to the club after Mugi mentioned her search for her "fated one" and the Yuki-Onna thought it would be a good place to search for someone. Of course, she wasn't really sure of that yet. Tomoko seemed to be talking about something serious.

Seven children kidnapped? That seemed like... What was that? Police? Yea, Police. Something for them to deal with. Right? Human society was still weird to her but she supposed they didn't have the resources to deal with the "paranormal" or something. Well, either way, it wasn't relevant to her was it? She just kept skating around the room until the girl finished what she was saying and even beyond that.

"I don't know anything about kidnappings. Sorry I was late though. I had to help this cute girl carry some heavy boxes to the storage room." The Yuki-onna just continued skating around the room with a smile on her face. She seemed to be getting out some energy. "Was it a "big bad wolf?" I heard a story once of a little girl trying to bring goodies to her grandmother only to fall victim to a "big bad wolf!"
Wakana and Tinkermon

"I see..." Wakana mentioned as she listened to all of Wisemon's words. All these digimon sounded like... What? Myth? How odd, really. She would have asked more questions lending to how these books could spur digivolution as it were called but something... Weird happened.

"W-woah!" Tinkermon yelled in reply to the screams of the library keeper. "He's going berserk!?" The small pixie seemed very concerned about that.

"Take the books?" Wakana questioned, not really caring much for the state of this digimon. The scream was not something that bothered her much. This felt like some weird story more than it felt like real life. She quickly reached for the one with the diamond on it. It felt odd that the very thing that had accused them of stealing a tome was now telling them to take them but she won't complain. "What's even going on?" She asked as she started to turn around to run for where they came from.

"Data corruption!? I-I don't know exactly! There's a few things it could be!" The little pixie said as she followed after, taking peaks at the ultimate level digimon. "Do you know where we're going?" She questioned as she followed behind her friend.

"No idea. Just hoping we can go back the way we came, to be honest!" She looked at the others in the room. It seemed Estelle grabbed a book too. Perhaps she heard the talk Tinkermon and her had and was interested in the possibility of digivolution? Well, that much was fine then. "Grab a book and run, idiots!" It was too good a chance to pass up. Might as well make sure the others grabbed something.
I got the character sheet done.... Pretty much.

There's such a very small step between love and lust. I think I'd have Wakana grab Plutomon's book when I get to a post

Mana was still surprised overall. She was a slight bit frightened by Suzuka's change of character. The least threatening things to her right now were her new Master friend and her servant. The adorable girl that made her think of a bird, though... Suzuka didn't seem to share the same opinion. Then there was the scary girl that she was about 75% sure was going to eat her. She didn't directly call out to her or anything, but she could feel a gaze on her. She didn't know what was the worst thought in her head right now. The fact she thought that she might have royally pissed off Suzuka or the fact she was afraid of being eaten.

She had a chance to make her happier now! "T-totes b-besties?" She questioned a bit... Making sure she knew the slag right. "I... Well, I'm pretty sure Suzuka is my best friend..." She muttered as her servant showed the little bird girl pictures. Then she saw the devastated look on Suzuka's face. Mana raised a curious eyebrow at this as she shuffled over next to Benienma to take a look at it. "ten out of ten thiccest booty master, change my mind"

She blinked a few times before her face went massively red. Her mouth flapped wording nothing in particular. "Thiccest booty!? Ten out of ten!?" There were two parts yelling at her internally. One was saying that this was just a mean joke and that the fox didn't mean it. There was another part though. A lot quieter, of course, and it said "This is a compliment, you should thank her~"

She just spurted out the first thing that came to mind. "W-w-when did you take that, Suzuka!?" She questioned, not really sure what she was saying. This would look really bad for Suzuka with someone she knew, right. "I-i-it's a well taken picture! T-thank you for the compliment!?" She was unsure of what the proper reply was other than maybe, "How dare you!" But that's not what she did. She wasn't really sure how to react anymore and she was super embarrassed so she grabbed the nearest thing... Benienma, and hugged her not even realizing who she was hugging.

Depends on how the next GM post goes /shrug

Mana wasn't sure how she really should respond here. "Swi-swi-swipe right? That's bad, right?!" Mana panic'd, trying to figure out what "swiping right" meant. "B-but I leave the house enough. The girl stuttered as she looked between Hakuno and Suzuka. Gah! She couldn't figure out what the fox meant. She listened to Hakuno's introduction and followed her gaze out the door to a little girl looking servant? Was that the Benienma that Hakuno mentioned?

"Ahh, that girl is pretty adorable looking." Mana said with a small smile coming across her face. Then she saw the one patting the bird servant's head. A very beautiful woman. Something tug at Mana's senses as she watched on. Her heart sank as she watched on. "She's... So beautiful..." Mana seemed in awe of sorts. Whatever dreamlike state she seemed to be in was busted as she turned to Suzuka and grabbed on to her clothes. "She's too pretty, Suzuka! She's going to eat me alive and spit me out! That's what those kinds of girls do to girls like me!" She moved behind Suzuka to hide, though, her features weren't obscured very well by Suzuka's body.

Wakana and Tinkermon

Wakana was a bit dumbfounded by the guy who almost looked like he was going to flip out and go on a tantrum or something. He... Seemed like he was going to be an issue in resolving this calmly if he kept it up. How annoying. The others... Well, they haven't attack the Wisemon yet though she was half-way worried about the little black dinosaur thing. It looks like its human partner had it under control for now though. Well, at least Wisemon was moving them along now and everyone seemed to go along with it. Well, everyone but the curl haired dumbass.

"Of course the idiot doesn't want to help the situation at hand." Wakana sighed as she heard Estelle mentioned exploring the library more. She went into the room with the books, curious about what they looked like. They looked like thick leather-bound grimoires. "Hmmm." Wakana mused as she looked over the ones remaining. "Hmmm. How odd."

"What's odd?" Tinkermon asked as she rested herself on Wakana's head. "The books?" The little pixie joined Wakana in looking over the books.

Wakana gave a silent nod as she moved her hand up to her mouth in a thinking pose. "Well. The books are a bit odd looking." One called to her. The one with the diamond shape on it. "Not to mention... I find it odd that Wisemon wouldn't know where it is or who took it if he knows what goes on in this library." She scratched her head and sighed. "Obviously, if it's true that Wisemon knows everything in this library, if he doesn't know about it, then it's not here. It's quite likely somewhere else."

Tinkermon's eyes lit up. "Oh wow, Wakana! You got really smart!" The small fairy said as she gleefully patted the high-schooler on the head.

"Huh? N-no... Anyone could figure that much out." Wakana sighed as the fairy continued her patting. She watched the girl attempt to touch the book earlier and noted there seemed to be no guard against touching it probably. "I'm curious who could have got to it before us. Well, it's that or Wisemon is lying to our faces." The girl continued to muse.

Tinkermon gave a forced laugh at something that was an obviously not a joke. "Hahaha... I don't think that's the case.

"Probably. Wisemon would notice there was no guilt in Wakana. None outwardly at least. There was a bit of agitation, though it seemed like it stemmed more from lack of information than anything about the room. Probably. "So, these books can cause a calamity. Bypass natural life cycle, increase power, intake data?" Wakana said as she tried to put the pieces together. She didn't have enough information on digimon to really say anything.

Luckily, Tinkermon was around. The small fairy nonchalantly spoke, "Huh. Thinking about it, that's kinda like Digivolving, ain't it?" She pondered aloud before getting that Wakana was confused by that. "Oh, right, so... You know how we mentioned Wisemon is an Ultimate level Digimon? It's like a stage of a Digimon's life. I'm a Rookie. Petermon is a Champion. There's a clear power divide between stages, ah! But, I can still beat up Petermon when I want to!"

"So, the books can be used to force that?"

"Ahh... Maybe. I don't really want to try it out myself. I'm happy as I am, thank you very much."

"So, someone came into Wisemon's library without him knowing and stole a book that can possibly cause Digivolving?" Wakana questioned aloud. The more and more she thought about it, the more and more this seemed like some fever dream she was concocting in her head. Well, whatever the case, that was the what, why and where. An old looking grimoire because it could possibly cause digivolution in this library. Who though? Likely wasn't Wisemon. Then who? Another human? Wisemon said Digimon can't open it at least.

Now she was invested in this mystery. It was like one of her books. "Caper in the Digital Library!" She giggled, electing a raised eyebrow from Tinkermon. "Either way, I didn't know that was even a thing... Wisemon. Wakana got his attention after he was done with the other... pedantic questions. "You don't remember there being other guests-visitors-invaders in your library before us? For a time before that book was stolen. Or, perhaps you talked to someone about these before?"

"Uwah!" Mana yelped as her card slipped out of her fingers and clattered a bit away from her. It was somewhat amazing how far it went. "Card-chan..." Mana groaned as she started to shuffle her feet over... That was, until someone picked up her card and handed it to her.

At first, the thought of another person being there scared her and then she looked at who was handing her card back to her. It was a cute girl. For Mana, she was very non-threatening. She felt somewhat relaxed around her. She was sort of starting to get use to Suzuka, but this was quite a bit different. "Ahh! I-it is! T-thank you..." She swallowed as she cautiously took the card back and exhaled in relief. "Hayama Mana. My, uhh, name. Thank you for picking my card up." She was nervous. Hakuno and Suzuka could hear it in her voice but she needed to introduce herself right? It was easier with this girl than with some bishoujo or gal-type.

She felt somewhat confident now at least so she turned to Suzuka... Alright, well, not all that confident really. "I-I did it." She uncomfortably gave her a V sign with her fingers. Then she seemed like she remembered something and turned to the relaxing girl in front of her. "And this is my servant, Suzuka." She motioned to the JK foxgirl. "She's prettier than me so it makes me a bit nervous. Hahaha...."
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