Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

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The further and further they walked, the more and more Augusta started to question her choice. Still, it was the choice that she had made. She needed to see it through at this point. No matter the weird experiment, cryptic wall designs or tar-like plants, she would move forward with her companions! Still, it didn't mean it made her feel very good. Perhaps it was the fact that they seemed to be moving in deeper to the earth but she felt like it was getting harder to breath. Perhaps her nerves were actually getting to her. A shame, really. She had almost thought she wouldn't be afraid of dying again but the first time around was rather... Frightening.

The elven woman pushed the thoughts out of her mind as best she could and focused on the here and now. There were tar plants like back on the surface when Octavia first appeared. There was no doubt it was related. Perhaps they should prepare for more demon dogs? She stepped forward to move ahead with Isidore, ready to use her eye to their advantage if they needed to... But well, Nick was having cold feet now. Something to do with his power? She frowned, hoping they'd all go forward together despite his warning of danger. She was slightly shook, but didn't show it or try to think of it. The woman turned to Nick and smiled. "Well, it's fine if you don't. I think Isidore and I are going regardless. If it's a living thing, I can gleam information from it and all. It's probably related to Octavia there anyhow, isn't it? My curiosity will probably be the death of me, but not today." There was a confidence in her voice.

Augusta cleared her throat and spoke again. "I won't think any worse of you one way or the other. If you want to come with us ahead or retreat to the surface. Same goes for you too, Donovan, of course. Not that it's been long since I've met Nick or Isidore but it's only been some minutes." She gave them both a smile and moved towards Isidore and Octavia, ready to head forward.
Augusta the Roman Elf

Augusta was mostly off her guard until all the enemies was finished off by her teammates. She was mostly ecstatic that her thoughts were correct and she indeed casted what could be considered a Magic Missle. There was a wide smile on her face as Isidore and Octavia finished off the rest of the Wretches. Hell, she didn't even notice this other fellow join them until after the monsters were finished off, though he seemed friendly enough. Her eye activated when she looked at him. Donovan MacConaill? Seemed there were all kinds here. What was next? Some Japanese person good with guns? "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Donovan. Thank you for your assistance. Would you like to follow the cute little dog we found further down into this prison? That's quite the interesting ability you have." She was treating her goddess eye as something casual at this point. Like she had it for quite the long time. Perhaps she was adapting to the situation much too fast?

Then to address Nick. "Come now, Nick. While the majority of your power isn't immediately available, I believe it will become useful for you in the future. Plus, being able to sense danger is quite the boon." She reached down and picked up the sword the one creature dropped and handed it to Nick. "Now you can help Isidore out next time we encounter those creatures. And besides, to learn how to cast that magic bolt I had to do what can be summed up as a magical tug-of-war with a demonic pup. I can probably teach you later if you so desire. After all, we all seem to have the ability." She aimed her index finger at her magical eye, "Or so my eye says."

With that, she started to walk towards where Octavia had run off to. "Octavia, dear! Don't run off too far ahead." For her, it was given that Nick would follow, though with Donovan it was a hard to tell situation. Perhaps he would, perhaps he wouldn't. Still, Isidore was leading the way and Augusta was wont to follow his vanguard at this point.
Augusta felt like she was forgetting something as they entered the old decrepit prison once more. "Hey... Wasn't there more of those..." Augusta trailed off as the group followed Octavia and came to face the wretched things from earlier. "Things." Octavia started to bark at them and got their attention. She almost attempted a "shush-shush" but it was much too late as those things started to move toward them. It was the moments like this she wished she had a weapon. Hmmm. Perhaps? If she felt the energy draining from her when she touched the stone that Octavia seemed to come out of... Perhaps... She bit her lip for half a second before stepping slightly forward. It probably required similar components to before.

Instead of draining energy from the stone or giving it... Perhaps she could project it? That one blessing did mention they had some sort of bonus to magic... Or learning magic. Or something. It was a bit hectic at the moment. She pointed her palm at the creature with the sword and focused on gathering the energy at it. Now... Condensing it into a form of sorts... A small blue ball of sorts. Then... She launched it. Her arm moved back and pushed forward, aiming for the sword wielding wretch.

She blinked a couple of times. "Eh?" Did she really do that? She felt like it would be a bit more difficult. "Did I just shoot magic?" Augusta just slowly turned to Isidore and Nick. "I'm great, right?"

When Suzuka asked Mana what kinda music she liked, the girl had to think for a second. She'd probably make fun of her for saying anime op's but that's all she really listened to. She thought of a fake answer and hoped Suzuka wouldn't ask any more on it but... "I bet its some mega cringe anime OP's or somethin'." Suzuka had figured it from the beginning. Slightly miffed that Suzuka didn't even let her answer, she gave a small pouting face.

"Well, you didn't even let me answer." The girl managed to say confidently... It's just too bad Suzuka didnt seem to pay her any mind. Then Suzuka mentioned a change of plans and pulled her off to the backstreets somewhere! Thoughts raced through her mind! Perhaps Suzuka was going to do something to her!? N-no! Of course not! Then they passed through... Something. A barrier? How weird? Perhaps not so weird on this island but it was still something she wouldn't expect. That was, until she listened and heard fighting of some sort? Then... Ehh?! Suzuka carried her to the rooftop! She held on for dear life until she was let down. Then Suzuka asked if she could use her noble phantasm.

"Ehh!? Use your Noble Phantasm!?" Mana swallowed hard. She wasn't sure she even knew what Suzuka's Noble Phantasm was... "I'd kinda just... Prefer if you didn't..." She answered, peaking down at the servant below that she recognized from some time ago. She seemed to look slightly down, remember what happened. It caused her from giving a "no" response to the request.

Octavia is a good name, isn't it? :)
Augusta had not been very aware of her shifting skin tone. Though it did catch her slightly off guard when Isidore and Nick grabbed hold of her to assist. She had this on her own! But, well... Perhaps it was for the best. Not that she'd admit it. And then then stone stopped resisting her and if there was anything one must know about physics is that there must be an equal and opposite reaction... So the three tumbled backwards! Augusta, luckily, was the one on top of the other two in this awkward pile. She felt her head smack right into someone's chest, though she wasn't sure who. As she reeled from the blow, she noticed something interesting. The snow was melting!? What in the hell was that about? She roughly pushed off the two guys of the group as she quickly stood.

What? How odd! First, melting snow and now some sort of black sludge!? This was becoming more and more interesting! She took a step back, accidentally stepping on someone's foot as the stuff gained more of a form over time until eventually it became... A flower bulb or something of the sort? And now there's something on the ground?! Augusta was too intrigued with the puppy looking thing that plopped on the ground that she had a hard time noticing the black flowers that the bulb turned into. "W-what the heck is that!?" She questioned aloud.

Of course! She had an eye that could discern what living creatures were! She looked at it and the information screen popped up for her! "Let's see... Demon Hound Pup... Physical Attributes... Similar to you?" She questioned that bit as she looked at the pup again. Were demons that strong even in what appeared to be a child state? She gulped and continued though in a markedly smaller voice. "Black Blood... Pack Mentality... Physical Regeneration..." How strong. If only this thing were hers to command she'd feel safer. Then she got to the last part. "It wants us to follow it?" She figured adding the goddess' commentary would be a waste of breath, right?

Then she felt the rumble on the ground of that... Large... Whatever it was suppose to be! Perhaps it was coming to pick them off since they tampered with the stone?! Hmm... Perhaps they should follow the mutt, for now at least. It would be a small bit dangerous to just sit here. "With that probably colossal thing out here, perhaps we should follow the dog inside? Just to make sure we don't get crushed under foot?" Her eyes darted to the dog thing. "Besides, Octavia there is much too adorable to mean anything bad. Doesn't she seem friendly?" It appears that, despite a lack of information on the subject, Augusta had already made her decision up.

Augusta was somewhat amazed by the filling blue lights. "Ooooh! Interesting!" There was a wide smirk on her face. "I wonder what--" Her smirk broke as she felt something... More. A tugging. More on her than whatever it was in her. Magic, she supposed. There was a feeling of floatiness in her as she looked down and noticed she was a bit... discolored. "What the..." The look on her face expressioned a slight amount of confusion.

She wasn't sure what this rock would do. Maybe it would teleport her? Absorb her into some vague magical stream? "Hah! This rock is trying to challenge me, huh?" She just got reincarnated, it would seem, so she couldn't possibly disappear now! "Well, that's fine! I won't lose to some rock!" She exclaimed, looking to both Nick and Isidore. "Just you watch me, I think I get how this thing works. It's magical right?" She gritted her teeth and focused on the slab. She closed her eyes focused on how everything felt. There was some sort of magical pull on her? It seemed the most appropriate way to say it. She wasn't exactly a believer of magic before hand but it was hard to ignore what was happening in front of her.

From the beginning of touching it to now, Augusta was trying to get a feel for the energy. Now, she thought she had a feel for it. Instead of just letting the stone take her energy, she resisted and pulled the energy back into herself. Perhaps she could pull out whatever was trying to pull her in! "Watch me!" She told the stone, more than her companions.
"Ahh!?" Augusta voiced as she felt... something. How was that? There was a... What? A pull? "Heh? Ahh, Isidore. Wait a bit!" She was much too interested in this slab now. There was a pull of some sort. Then the odd swirls and shapes were lighting up! "Th-the shapes on here are lighting up?" She questioned aloud to her compatriots. Could this be related to magic as the status windows had mentioned? "I'm curious now!" She seemed determined on that. Perhaps it was pulling out magic energy from her body? Mana? Well, if she felt like she was starting to die, she'd break contact at least. Magical energy was renewable right? Maybe this was a way for her to learn how to control magic! Maybe. She wasn't really sure at all.

Still, for now, she kept her hands on the thing. Perhaps this would reveal something about this place. Her hands moved along the shapes as she retraced the lines again as they filled with the blue color. Her breathing was still as she held the air in, waiting for just about anything to happen.
Augusta had handed over the weapon to Isidore, since he seemed the most competent in combat between the three of them. She was fairly competent in her own debating and speaking skills at least, and lacking information on Nick himself, she was confident that his ability would come in handy. For now at least, she felt that they were a fairly good match. No real conflicting personalities at the moment.

When she was asked by Isidore if she could gleam anything from the rock... That was a negative. "Not so much. I think I can only use this on living things. Creatures or such." She looked around at the surrounding courtyard and then noticed two things that really stood out. The first of which was the giant pillar in the distance that seemed to reach into the sky then... In the sky itself was. "What in hell...?" Twin moons? How odd. This was definitely not Earth, she decided for sure. She gulped and pushed the fact that, despite it seeming like it was daytime there was no sun in sight, down. "How do you guys feel about that sky?" She asked as she turned to the black stone slab.

At first, it was passing curiosity. It seemed somewhat out of place with all the extra markings on it but when she walked up and touched it... It had an... Energy? Odd. "This thing feels odd. It just has a feeling to it. I don't really know how to describe it." She put both of her palms against it to try and see if she could figure a better way to describe it as she studied the designs on it.
Despite Isidore's warning, Augusta watched the sight. It was a modern world they use to live in. She was not stranger to the odd video of someone being shot. Admittedly though, a melee kill such as the young man performed was a slight bit more gruesome. Still. It felt like movie more than real life. Yes, that thing, the poor wretch, was definitely real to her senses. It wasn't some CG monster in a movie. It looked and sounded real. When it seemed Isidore had the situation under control, she moved from her spot behind cover. She closed distance as Isidore delivered the final strike to the monster. "Good work." Augusta praised, looking to the sword in the creature's hand. Yes. They should take that with them.

If Isidore performed the kill, then she should at least remove the weapon from the creature's hand. She knelt down, rubbing the odd but beautiful dress, that she just noticed she wore, against the floor. She hesitated touching the creature for a second but bite her lip and, perhaps easier than expected, released the weapon from it's grasp. When she saw that they were in peak physical condition, she wasn't expecting how much easier of a time she had prying the creature's fingers from it's weapon than she would in her prior life. Pushing that discomforting thought and any others to the back of her head for now, she took the weapon and stood. She gave it a practice swing as if she was a profession in swordplay. It seemed lighter than expected. That goddess was something else. "Right then, gentlemen, shall we make our way out and to somewhere safe?" There was an obvious way out from where they were. "Of course, we could always scout the rest of this place out but... We could always just come back. This place gives me the creeps but... Well, Isidore, Nick? What do you two think? Oh, and do either of you want to use this?"

It's not that she was leaving the heavy thinking to Nick and Isidore but Isidore was the one leading them physically and really, it didn't hurt to get everyone's opinions. Of course, she wouldn't be adverse to leaving but there was some merit in trying to find an actual weapon for everyone. "I wouldn't mind using this but if either of you have actual skill with this weapon, that would be best." Despite appearances, she wasn't just some dainty princess. It was survival now. She came back after being stabbed to death. There was no way in hell she was going to sit down and die.
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