Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

To be fair, Katherine is fairly silly. And kinda a bitch at times. Just gotta catch her on her good days and don't catch her eyes on bad. Easy~ Her picture is obviously her looking down on an idiot~
Here's my CS. Short but sweet~

I'm here~
"Haa... Ha...." Luna felt like she was out of breath. Was she pushing herself too much? Damn. If it were Fio that used that magic, she would have been fine, right? Probably able to cast it a few more times. She threw herself against the walls that were nearby. They should help give her cover against the arrows. She motioned for her men to join her under it. The next thing was to take care of the archers. Once her group gathered near her, she spoke to them. "Alright. These bandits are something stronger than we had expected but, we can handle this right? I'm worried about Niall since our... Sole survivor here had to retreat to us." The soldiers would know that this wasn't a denigration at least. "I plan to check on him. I don't want any more deaths. From our end, at least." The Knightess went silent. The life of a soldier was one that involved the distinct possibility of death. Luna knew that and so did every man and woman that found themselves at that fort.

"We need to do two things. Recover Niall and dispose of the archers on the wall here. Now, if you guys think you can take the archers without casualties, I'd appreciate if you could clear them. If not, I don't want heroes. Stay safe, maybe just distract them while I go and get Niall. After that, we'll have him scale the walls and I'll come back to you and we'll charge through while Niall clears them from above." Luna then slapped one of the soldiers on the shoulder. "I'm trusting you boys. Make me and you families proud and come back alive. Shields high." After all, that's where any arrows would be coming from.

With that, the Knightess ran along the walls towards where Niall should have been. She didn't know exactly what kept him over there, but she hoped that she didn't come around and find the man dead on the ground like she assumed the other three soldiers were. "Just hold on, Niall." That said, she wasn't sure if Fio was fine. She assumed the girl was fine but it could be hard to say. Still, Niall was the bigger concern at the moment.

Im here of course~
Akyasha was happily smiling at the goddess' words and pondered them after. The woman had a good idea of what the goddess meant, though she wondered just how the landscape has changed since their time of passing. Perhaps even what was west at this point. It was a bit bothersome to remember. Though, she did remember the others in front of her. Lady Luna, Sir Dragan and Lady Ilena. She was quite happy to see the lot of them and had the urge to bring them all into a hug, perhaps a fragment of her prior days as a human that she had otherwise since long forgotten. Akyasha was, of course, not her name at the time. She had even forgotten that as well, but that aside, she took the moment to greet them.

"It's great to see the three of you again. Among the goddess, no less. Hopefully, you've not forgotten me in the long age since we last met." The cleric said with a smile. "So it is to the west we go then? I'm curious to see how this world around us has changed. Though, perhaps not as much upon further consideration." The Cleric thought on how her beloved city had changed, using the dreamscape Est had shown her as reference. "As for anything to note, yes. As Miss Giselle mentioned, I had encountered an interesting creature that I was both cautious and curious of. In fact, I would have loved to have informed you both earlier," Akyasha had stated, "But for some reason the both of you have decided I am a fool and I had no chance to elaborate."

"Now to start. As we made our way through town..." The Cleric had begun to regale the lot of other vampires of her discovery. Of the giant skeletal behemoth she witness, the ghost she had dispatched, the shadowy rats and of the corpse dressed as one of those doctors of a certain Vampire Lord. Then, finally, a brief version of her somewhat lengthy encounter with Est and what she assumed to be a dreamscape of Alavaris. "And of course, she gave me a warning about 'A man that looks like he’s seen far too much and a young girl that swings around dangerous weaponry too much'. After that, I come to you with rats in hand. As cautious I was of Est, she most likely kidnapped me to entertain herself before seeing me off and gifting the three of us a meal." The Cleric thought on it a small bit more and remembered one thing. "Bring you thoughts back to the man and girl I was warned of. I assume the man was the one you two encountered and how glad I should think we are not to encounter the other. While I can't verify the rat's claims, she also mentioned, 'That girl swings around a sword that contains the power of the Old Light.' It's a curious thing but not one I'd like to examine first hand."

Akyasha seemed finished with her tale at the time. "Forgive me should I have missed something. It's been such a short time since we have awaken and much has happened. With how confusing conversation had been with Est... Well, I'm still managing the thoughts in my head. Rest assured, should something come to mind I will bring it to your attention. Now, if you all would excuse me for some moments, with the blood I have I believe I can summon a cute little bat to help us scout our path forward." With that, Akaysha broke from the group for a short time to prepare for a summoning. While simple, she wasn't sure how tiring it would make her feel after so long. With their absence, she was not sure how difficult it would be to bring forth Ichor's chosen creatures.

Luna sneared. Too many were dying. Her plan, whatever it may have been, had obviously failed. Well, the saying was "Plans don't live past first contact with the enemy". And then... There was this presence in her mind. A voice. She gripped her weapon before taking a small breath. No, she needed to keep her head. "Men! Hold these six off, use them as shields against their arrows. Kill them and none of you die." That was a command. Luna stabbed at the closest bandit to her before pulling the blade out and heading towards where the enemy reinforcements were coming from. "I'll win, on my terms."

The Knightess passed the, unbeknownst to her, sole surviving soldier from Niall's squad and run towards the biggest group of bandits coming at her. There were no other allied targets in the way now so she could go all out. "Watch as my sword of light tears you asunder!" Luna exclaimed as she charged at the bandits. She sheathed her sword and in her hands, appeared a large sword of light. It looked to be about as tall as she was and rather thick. Despite that, she seemed to wield it with ease. Her blade swung forward as she were closing into the group and she swung it in a confident attempt to bisect as many as she could. She couldn't keep this weapon up for too long, but she should be able to keep it up long enough without exhausting herself too much.
"How ungrateful the both of you! I get put in a dire position and this is the thanks I get?" Akyasha was justifiably angered. The Cleric pondered if she should help the either of them if they were in a bad situation again, considering how rude the two of the have been to her since they had woken up. She had made an oath to treat her sisters well but she felt, in the situation, that treatment didn't have to extend to the rudest of them. If their unlife were in danger, perhaps. Otherwise, they were on their own. This would not be a violation of the oath she had taken, surely.

It took some small amount of time, but the troop walked into the Cathedral proper and, as Akyasha was taking in the beautiful sight of it all, she noticed some few others here as well. Ilena, Dragan, and Luna and a thrall of some sort? Curious. "More of our fellows! Perhaps you all will be less of the rude sort than my current company." Akyasha said before hearing the voice of the Goddess. "Ahh! Goddess! To the balcony?"

The woman rushed to the top happily, "Goddess! I beseech thee, bless your unworthy children with thy words!" The cleric had said after practically sliding into a kneeling position at the top of the balcony. This was standard fare for the Cleric, of course.
The bandits that Shanil had run into were quite dead. She didn't even have to double check her handiwork. The elven woman took a look around to make sure none of the other bandit's slain by her comrades had survived... And she eased their suffering alright. If they had wounds that they would not recover from she put them down in the most humane way she could manage. This was the easy part. The hard part was the ones she couldn't just "ease into a forever sleep". She's just wave over a few men that could handle the situation from there. There was a desire to kill the ones that could be taken prisoner but she knew that it would be best not to.

The only thing she might have regreted in all this taking with the Iron Roses, is the distinct lack of allowing the rebels to suffer if she found them. That isn't to say she slowly bled them with tiny dagger cuts, but she would leave them with an untreatable gash. The woman stood in solitary thought. She didn't have much of anywhere to be unless she wanted to disobey their captain.

The elf thought more on this tradition of taking a mostly untested youth and putting them in charge of a military operation. How odd was it, that such a renown troop was headed by a young girl? The elf understood the tradition and what seemed to be of meaning behind it but it still sat as odd to her. Still, she was mostly sure that all enemy combatants were accounted for. As much as she wanted to sneak off early and crush the enemy forces, she didn't want to go against anything their Captain may have planned. Despite everything, she did have a Vampire as an advisor so even with her young age, she likely knew what she was doing.
Luna cast another lightshield so that her men were completely safe from any skybound arrows, though the same could not be said for the bandits where Luna couldn't help but think some would suffer from friendly fire. After that volley of arrows, she allowed the shield to dissipate and then plunged her blade into the nearest bandit which was assaulting a soldier on her right. They were focused on her soldiers so she had free reign now right? Not unless they turned on her. She quickly pulled the blade out of his gut and spun, dispatching one of the bandits on the opposite side by a swift lopping off of his head.

The woman grit her teeth as she saw the corpses of some of her soldiers. Angry, she charged towards the left side of where she was originally and slammed into one of the enemies with her shield. The force of her running shield first into the man was enough to cause him to crash into his fellows and disrupt their formation a small bit. Hopefully enough for her men to do something. Regardless, she plunged her blade into the first bandit she hit, removed the blade and threw the man's body to the ground.
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