Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

Welp, Akyasha had tried to watch her strength a bit but, well, she was a bit more suspicious now than she was prior. She was becoming increasingly interested in this human blacksmith girl than she was and one might argue that she was betraying the tenets in a way, but these were desperate times. She hoped that she would be able to make this girl into a beloved servant. That said, perhaps she was showing off a small bit too much.

The girl called her out a small bit but Akyasha tried to just move the comment aside. "Strong and devout?" She replied to the question of what she was. "I don't mind talking, but I think you're somewhat wrong. Anyone could punch one of these things but I wouldn't recommend it. They're filthy..." Akyasha mentioned as she made some distance after noticing the girl's plan. She would say it was a waste of oil but, well, she had no real way to get these undead creatures to leave easily. Well, she'd go away with this human's plan for now. "Fine, I'll do as you say, miss. Let me know if you need help~" Akyasha said, getting herself into a safe and comfortable place, ready to leap at something if her help was needed.

Vammy was taken aback when the metal bit retracted and some bit of glass next to a small metal grate-like thing. Then, a cracked voice spoke to her! Pres-ID. Of course, the demon jumped back slightly, bumping into Yuisa. "Pres...ID? ID? Wait, what just spoke to us? Is this some sort of magic!?" The demon questioned Yuisa while studying the glass semicircle and metal bits. Nothing seemed to attack them from it and Vammy just looked on, pondering what she should do at this point. "Do you know what an 'ID' is?" The demon asked Yuisa, pondering the situation. Then, as if having some great idea, Vammy picked up the key from her pocket and waved it in front of the glass bit. "This is the only thing we've found here." She waved it in front of the glass, hoping that it would accept that as whatever this 'ID' was suppose to be. After all, keys opened doors and locks and things. She was mostly sure this would come about with no real benefit but it was worth a try. If not, they just needed to turn around and head towards the other door.
Serrica smiled, looking Elastasia in the eyes. "Lady Aquilanne, there's an untapped market of young ladies come in stock just recently and, pardon my words, you could more easily fit in with that lot than your own." It would be interesting to see the high ranking noble and third year getting along with first years as if they were her age. "Perhaps you'll find some girl you're quite taken with in the newer students. They say love blossoms at the Academy." Of course, Serrica was referencing the Heroine and Elastasia's relationship in the original story.

"And if you do, never forget your friend who suggested to look around~" With that, Serrica smiled and turned around. "I'll let that brother of yours know you're looking for him if I see him. Until next time, Lady Aquilanne."

This time, Serrica truly did walk away confidently. If she had any more immediate plans, she didnt let on. In truth, she was curious if she could at least spot the Heroine and make note of her personality. She had no personal servant to snoop for her on campus at the moment. Perhaps she would need to send a letter back home and request someone skilled.
Sarah was rather fast wasn't she? Well, that did likely come as a speciality of elves from what she heard through word of mouth. It was almost as if she had teleported. It may have been a duel, but a strike like that would have been deadly regardless. Luna quickly raised her shield and deflected the blow to the side. "I've had my own fair of tough fights. I've cut down more than ten men at once before." Luna mentioned, not to be out-bragged. As she had deflected Sarah's sword aside, she moved one foot forward and thrust her sword at Sarah. She felt that it would not be wise to allow the elf to make distance between each other. She was far quicker than Luna was and there was little chance that she would be allowed to fight on her own terms so she had to make her own chances for victory. "Speedy aren't you, Lady Sarah?"
"Yes, all has been well so far at the academy, though... I do dread the speech next year. He has a way of dragging it on and on." Serrica gave a small sigh as the older girl asked if she had seen a certain brother. "That cute little brother of yours? Nope. If I hadn't noticed you, there's not much chance I noticed him." Serrica mentioned as she looked around the area, seeing if she could get her eyes locked on any hair matching Elastasia's. "A shame, I could not set my eyes on him for you." The taller noble said, her own eyes meeting Elastasia's. "Perhaps if I find him, I shall tell him you were looking."

Serrica started to turn away so she could head off elsewhere before she stopped and quickly turned back towards the shorter girl. "Oh! And Lady Aquilanne, I plan on holding a tea party sometime soon to celebrate the start of this academic year. The time and date will be scheduled shortly and I will send you a written invitation. Should you find any other influent-- I mean, any other fine ladies of the academy who seem like they could use conne-Friends... Let me know and I will invite them as well."

Serrica seemed proud of herself for planning this event, "You will join me, right?" Elastasia was the character that seemed to have a thing for girls, or at least the main character, in the original game. Hopefully, it meant that she'd have an eye for girls to invite to such a connection making event.

@Raineh Daze
Katherine caught the flask after the ratgirl tossed it to her. "I don't normally drink, you know. Nasty habit when you work with delicate things like dolls and clothes." The maid said before opening and taking a swig of whatever alcohol was inside. She drank it back fast making a disgusted face after finishing. "Ugh... I forget how disgusting that tastes." The Firbolg closed the flask back up and pocketed it so she could return it later. "I'll just be glad if I manage to get back to fix my dolls soon." Katherine mentioned, thinking of all the repairs she will need to do.

"Speaking of fixing things, need help with getting this thing back together when we get back? I have a couple of dolls that could probably assist you a small bit with it." The cat-like woman asked, taking a look around, making sure there were no demons coming towards the two of them. "Just an offer, maid to maid."
"My arms are probably weapon enough though?" Akyasha said before dashing towards a zombie, delivering a powerful kick towards it's midsection, launching it at at another nearby one causing them to crash together and crumple toward the ground. She gave a jump towards another, her forearm connecting with that zombie's head in a strong swing mid-air. She could probably manage to kill all these zombies in no time at all, however, she didn't want to startle this human with any of her blood magic. For now, she just needed to hold her strength back a bit and not obliterate the zombies in some simple blows.

Still, the blacksmith girl shot another bolt, taunted the zombies and ran off. "If only she'd just give me her sword." Akyasha muttered to herself before shrugging. She turned to look towards the zombies. While not threatening really, she thought on it for a few seconds as one started to close in on her. She gave a sigh before noticing that there were two lined up behind it. One swift kick to the pelvis and the one closing on her would launch towards the two behind it, causing a broken pelvis and three piled up on each other. Then, she followed behind the blacksmith. Well, if there was an abandoned house, there was probably something that could be used as a weapon. A fire poker, ax or even a board from the house. "Does this house have any weapons, miss? If there is, I'm pretty sure the two of us could easily dispatch the lot of these." She asked, wondering if she should be putting on an entertained face or worried.
How sad it was that Serrica Francesca Haldblum had to sit through this boring as hell speech when she could be out and about, doing other things. Planning a new investment project or even speaking to other nobles to try and build more connections. Not that there was anyone that didn't want a connection with her ducal family of course, well, aside a certain ducal heir she could think of. Hah. Regardless, there was... ONE other reason that she was here today. This little opening ceremony heralded the introduction of the Heroine to the school.

Serrica had to ponder that topic inwardly. As if she could mention much to anyone else. She wondered if there were any others in a situation much like hers. No other character seemed to have as much of a personality change as she had. The original Serrica was nice but, in the current one's mind, she was much too nice. She was taken advantage of in Serika's mind, though she had never played one of the routes that focused on the woman. In fact, she had played relatively few routes. An RPG route related to the Prince. Some tactical game from overhead and her favorite, a sim game focused around the market.

Her focus came back to the world at hand as the speech had ended and she pulled her trusty fan out to cover a yawn. "I was afraid such a speech would never end." She sighed, shaking her head a small bit. She had told Lydianna, her maid, to go enjoy herself for a bit. Just because she needed to sit through this audible torture didn't mean the poor maid needed to as well. Besides, she had plenty for the maid to do later. Serrica needed some nice sweet snacks and wonderful tea made.

The student waited a small amount of time for some of the people to clear the area so she could easily push her way past some of the other students that left an impression of her being a small bit rude. That was fine. Even if they thought it, they could not easily voice their opinions. Unless they were powerful enough, of course. Among them the Royal Family could say something, though if they could make her apologize or not was a coin flip in the best of times for them. Besides, most would consider it an honor to be shoved aside by such a beauty.

The thought made her laugh a small bit to herself before turning her attention to those around her. She was looking for some small number of important characters around the room. The Heroine herself who was somewhat... Plainly pretty. As far as she was aware, Serika never really had seen the Heroine in any extravagant hair color or design. No dark red hair or platinum blonde. She didn't land her eyes on the girl. Who else was there? The maid that was employed by Reginold von Afah? Not as far as she could see. Reginald... Well, why would she bother with that. The tutorial guy should be at his shop at this point. There was that student council president, Noctis. Well, for now he didn't matter all too much at the moment. He was fairly high spec as far as the RPG routes went but he offered not much as far as marketable skills mattered.

She followed the crowd a small bit and took a small step aside to get out of the flow. Perhaps she'd visit Cervantes the Merchant and offer to inve-- Serrica's thoughts were cut off as she walked into something or, rather, someone. There was no one eye level so the noble looked down to see one of the things on campus that tended to the cute side. "Oh my, Lady Aquilanne! Pardon my offence of running into you. I had not noticed you as my attention was elsewhere." Lady Elastasia de Aquilanne was another secondary character in the game. She fulfilled a role similar to Serrica's and, if she had heard right, confessed to the Heroine in one of the routes. She was a powerful mage and someone of note that Serrica wanted to turn to her side in the future so it was best not to make an enemy out of her now. "I'll assume you are well?" She asked, looking over the short upperclassman.
When Vammy first thought of this place, she thought by "workshop" this place would havr more work benches and things of the sort but the more and more they explored, the more and more it seemed like some sort of dungeon with some odd humanoid experimentation. If she didnt have this demon inside her, she wondered if she'd feel disgusted by the thought alone, not to mention the disgustingly sweet smell in the air. If a look at Yuisa were anything to note, it is quite likely.

As they reached the final floor, Vammy found herself looking toward two doors. One was sealed and likely locked door. She wondered if the key in her possession would open it but there was no visible lock. Thr other door, covered in vines, was likely where they nedded to go for the object the god had told them about. First though, she decided to check out the other door, curious a out the panel next to it. The demon even wondered if perhaps she could melt the hinges on the door to remove it but that seem silly. "Let's check this door out, Yuisa. Maybe it'll have some hidden treasure."

She led the human servant of hers over to the door and looked around it a small bit, perhaps there was a secret keyhole that one could not see from afar. She'd poke at the panel, wondering what it was doing there. She half considered trying to heat the thing to a melting point but figured if there was a keyhole behind it that would be disadvantageous to it.
"Tall, eyes like the clear blue sky and irritable?" Luna thought on that for a small bit. "Hmm..." Luna thought on that description for a bit. That sounded like her queen of course, though... The Queen seemed a bit more reasonable than that. Though... Well, it was hard to say. Rather, there was much she didn't know about Queen Sorcha. There were more than enough times that the woman was rather somber and it was hard to point at what exactly it was that made her so. "Airedale has it's eyes everywhere. We have some of the best working there. In fact, your description sounds a lot like our hardest worker, Queen Sorcha." Luna said proudly. "Let me show you that the Knights of her Majesty do not slack in their training!" She took a drink of her alcohol and set it down, taking out her sword and shield ready for a little bout. It would be an honor to be able to give a fight with a warrior from the elves.
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