Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

The first thing Luna got as she entered the hall was Vyrell giving his slight doubts about her report. Her eyes lowered into a look of tired annoyance. "Oh? And what reason do you have to--" Where she was cute off by the Queen before she could add another word to that statement. That conversation was over as the Queen made her way over to doubly confirm some details in the report. "Indeed, your Majesty. One was named Sarah and they carried such a crest as such I remember." The Knightess confirmed while adding, "I think beautiful would describe her." Luna added with a small blush before continuing. "She said that she was looking for someone. Tall, Eyes reminiscent of a clear blue sky. Long blonde hair while 'incredibly handsome and knightly disposition' though always incredibly irritable and constantly scowling." Luna got a good look at her Queen with somewhat scrutinizing eyes.

"Queen Sorcha, I had a sn-" That is, until she noticed a certain woman standing as if in a trance besides Queen Sorcha. And just as soon as she had arrived, she started to speak. Constantly. On and on about elves. Questioning about them and then answering her own question in half the time she even asked. Luna was unable to get a word in edgewise and merely stood there flabbergasted until the hermit pulled out a spear-head and she witnessed the sight of her fight with Sarah. Almost weakly replying to the comment about being jealous about testing steel against an elf, "Are... you?"

Soon enough the woman finally introduced herself as Luana which, really, was easy enough to surmise but Luna had little time to think with the constant barrage of words, questions and thoughts. Once she was finished with proclaiming her love for elves, Luana had mentioned that they would become good friends and to call her Luna as well. When she said she would go back until she was needed, Luna merely answered, "Y-yes. Let us talk later then..."

With that... Situation finished, Luna turned back to Sorcha with a slightly confused face. "Umm, I guess there are two Lunas now." She mentioned before trying to return to the original topic. "Yes, well. Back to the topic of..." Luna looked back toward Luana and carefully chose her words. "Sarah's people. Well, if you have any more questions about the report I am at your service. Though, I would wonder if I had any of my own." Luna mentioned, thinking about how Sarah's face changed when the Queen's name was mentioned.
"It's rude to wake a woman up from a restful slumber that way. I didn't do it to wake you up." Katherine said, sounding so high and mighty about it. "Hmph. Anyway, no you can't have one. I need these to work." After the doll was flicked on the head, another one came up behind her with a rolled up newspaper and smacked her on the ass. It was hard to tell if it was revenge from Katherine or for the doll that had it's head flicked. The one that was flicked seemed to complain at her a small, inaudible bit before turning and walking away. It didn't seem to mind the pets but the flicks were a step too far. The one that smacked her had walked away as well.

"But right. I forgot about the Lady coming here." Katherine said with a small rubbing of the temple. "Do I really have to go to that dungeon? If she's going to punish me couldn't she just drag me in that office and wag her tongue at me there instead?" Katherine asked with a sigh. "Feels like such unnecessary punishment for working on my tools of the trade. Anyhow..." Katherine lifted her legs up while sitting on the stool. "You can carry me there." The lazy cat-like woman said with a smile.
Lillian looked embarassed and Anne was absolutely flustered. Well... Perhaps it was due to her interference, but was the Heroine this flusterable in the game? Serrica pondered that for some seconds as Anne continued to try and stammer out an answer to the Prince's question which she barely did. Shaking her head a small bit in exasperation, Serrica thought on what to do from here. She could just walk away since the Prince wasn't very interested in her. Nor Lillian for that matter.

"Hmmm...?" Serrica questioned herself, pondering that thought to herself for a few short second. She looked to Lillian before giving the girl a sly smile. She had formulated a plan of some sort though she wondered if she was going to anger a certain Miss Meridan in the process.

The Duke's Daughter stepped between Anne and Christopher, crossing her arms. "Forgive me for stepping between the two of you as such, Your Highness the Crown Prince." Serrica spoke in her typical fakely polite tone when addressing the Crown Prince. "But I believe my friend, Anne, has a hard time speaking to you on account of the difference in your stations." This much seemed to be true from her point of view. "She's like a scared yet adorable little squirrel trying to speak to a ravenous hound." A rather poor allusion. "That aside, I find your lack of proper introduction to me understandable but I must say I'm rather disappointed in your lack of feeling in greeting your own childhood friend."

Serrica pointed her fan toward Lillian before speaking again. "You have such an beautiful childhood friend yet here she is, a side introduction." Of course, Serrica was ignoring the fact that the conversation had gone on for not long at all and he had truly yet to say much more than ask Anne how her friend was. "If I were to be in your shoes, I would cherish such a relationship with a proper introduction. Rather, if you don't, would you mind if I were to sweep her off her feet?"
It had been a calm week following their departure from Nids End and Luna had kept a close eye on Sucaria just in case something remained with her but it seemed that there was little to worry about. She was half worried that the maid would up and leave in the middle of the night with little to seem worried of. Regardless, she had reported the threat of the Fomorian-gathering Elder Beast as soon as she had arrived as just another drop into the sea of worries that gathered around Airedale Castle.

For today, they were having a full fledge meeting. Luna had already finished a her usual bits of training on days off to keep herself at tip-top shape so when she was done, she came back to her quarters to see Sucaria and double check that she was fine before. "I'm going to wash my face off and then it's time to head to the hall." Luna went to her water basin to wash her face off and equipped her armor after to ready for the meeting.

After finishing preparing for the day, she went up to Sucaria. "Alright, my dear maid, shall we get going?" She asked, smiling at her both maid and friend. It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive where they needed. Once there, she saw everyone that had gathered already. "Greetings everyone! A fine day, is it not?" The knightess asked, looking toward everyone noting Reinhardt missing still. Well, at least she wasn't last. On top of that, there was that new woman, Luana. Luna hadn't really interacted much with her so it was hard to make a judgement on her yet but she didn't foresee having any problems. Their names were similar to Luana, Lunalel, perhaps they could get along quite well.
It had been a long night of hastily repair her dolls that had been damage. Especially the one that had been eaten by the demon. She managed to recall the majority of it back to it's ring before it hit the demon's stomach but, well, there was only so much one could do. A bit of the material was recyclable but most of it was, sadly, a lost cause. Still, most repairs have been completed otherwise and she had to start from scratch to replace the destroyed doll. Well, not that she quite made it that far. In fact, she made contact with the desk with her forehead. At some point after, she fell asleep rolling her head over to rest her cheek on the table.

That's how she spent most of the morning until a certain...


"MRrraaaaaaoowww?!" Katherine exclaimed, woken from her restful slumber by a slap to her rear. Who!? What!? Before she had the chance to turn around to see who was assaulting her behind with a resounding slap... Another rang out!


"Who!?" Katherine questioned, quickly spinning around on the stool her sat on to see a certain familiar maid from the day before. "Lyssa! How rude! Don't enter someone's room and slap their behind with such force to wake them from slumber! Why would you hit someone's behind like such?" The feline questioned, furrowing her brow as she gave some hypocritical line of question to a maid she had hit the rear of only the day before. "Hmph! What is it that you want to have to come in here and wake me so rudely? I have plenty of dolls to repair for the next combat situation." The Firbolg asked as she waved toward all the dolls in the room. One even brought the Firbolg a glass of water which she gratefully took and drank while waiting for Lyssa's answer.
"I felt it was more appropriate that throwing her over my shoulder like a potato sack, Luna." Akyasha replied to Luna's remark. "Though, your news is..." The thought was cut-off as her gorebat returned and gave her more information that she had asked for. "Cold. Underground with steel man. Heading forest. Unsure. Found something below." She repeated in the common tongue in a low whisper to herself just loud enough Giselle and Luna could likely hear, though unlikely Julene would and it would be taken as an odd muttering to herself.

The Gorebat's answer was a small bit cryptic as usual but what it said gave enough of an idea to what was going on. Well, if Dragan and Aleksia had found something, it would be worth looking into later. Perhaps it would be best to see what they had to say on the matter. For now though, "Well, as for what we were doing, I ran into Julene here and we fought a small horde of undead together. And some crafted monstrosity as well."

"I for one do not have need for sustenance at the moment though I do appreciate the sentiment, Julene." Akyasha mentioned with a smile. "That said, would you mind if I came inside to sit for a moment. Fighting that monstrosity took a bit more out of me than I like to admit." After all, in her Prime she wouldn't even have to look at such a thing and instead sent servants of Ichor after it. Now? Well. Much less so. At this point the most she could summon some more Gorebats but she'd need to be a small bit out of town to manage that. Well, unless she wanted to chance the wrath of the concerned citizens of the town.

"Perhaps you could tell me in your words what troubles ail the town. There are beasts I recall. A Vampire... And these undead from the waterfront." She peaked around to make sure none of the other humans in earshot could hear as she leaned in. "As you said, you seem to be the most proactive person in town, so I'm curious as to your thoughts since they may hold the most weight." It was an easy enough observation. If they could learn anything from her, it could make any search they had easier.
Hmm. Well, the Fomorian was right. These elves were definitely some tough folk. Well, it should be fine for now at least. "Sucaria, your heart is in the same cavity in your chest it's always at. You can't fool me." Luna said, missing any semblance of figurative speech her maid might have been attempting. That made her a little more confused at the hearty laugh the Fomorian had let out. Perhaps it's just because of how close they have always been the thought never really crossed Luna's mind.

"And... Yes. Sure. We'll sleep together so you can't go wandering off again without my knowning." Luna mentioned, more worried about Sucaria wandering off without her than any implications it might carry. "Just don't go pulling your heart out in the middle of the night alright?" With that, Luna turned to head back down the way they came up. "That said, perhaps we should just head on back to the camp."

She had no intention to be out in the open where they might get caught by an army of Fomorians. As strong as their new cyclops friend seemed to be, she doubted the three of them could fight off an army. "That said, I haven't caught your name." She mentioned to the cyclops as she started head down the hill with Sucaria in her arms. "I'm Lunalel Lightsword and this is Sucaria." She offered their names first, "Would you grant us your name as well?" She asked, curious. As far as Fomorians went, he didn't seem all too bad. Perhaps it was out of a sense of unease of his kind being enthralled by this Elder Beast, but he did inform Luna of Sucaria's situation.

"Oh! You wound me Lady Meridan! Such harsh snappings at my person wound my spirit." Serrica said, hardly serious about the matter. The rich noble didn't mind having one person that tried to put her down. And of all people, Lady Meridan would likely be the best out of anyone. Well, her and von Afah.

"And treat this place as a hunting ground? I think you will find that a place of learning is in fact the peak setting to find those with innate or hidden talents that one needs to draw out." Serrica mentioned, looking at Anne in particular. "And, if you must know what I was doing here, it's something I'm sure you would do in the same situation. Some unruly students knocked a girl over so I escorted her here and then met Lady Marielle here." None of it was false at the least."

With a smirk, Serrica looked towards Lady Meridan once more. "And, lest I forget, you should hurry up and get together with that Prince of yours. If you sadly aren't interested in me, that is." The woman teased. "I believe that would be in the best interests of everyone involved, wouldn't you agree with me, Lady Marielle?" The student had to ask the other, wondering if the Heroine found any interest in the prince.
Akyasha put the blacksmith down gently and took a step back to look at the place. She wasn't exactly surprised to see all the barrels. Or the forge. As she quietly observed, she heard another approaching and it was Luna. "Luna, how pleasant to see you again. No life threatening situations I hope." Akyasha asked, thinking back on the situation she and the blacksmith girl had just been through. Well, hopefully, they had some small minutes to catch their breath. "We ran into a situation just some minutes ago but it's all but taken care of by now. Luckily, Giselle showed up at just the right time."

Luckily, the cleric's body was starting to fix itself full and she felt somewhat just fine. "This is... The Blacksmith Girl... I suppose." Akyasha mentioned. Come to think of it, the girl had yet to introduce herself. "Hmm. I think I mentioned mine before, but my name is Akyasha. What is yours, miss, if you don't mind me asking." The cleric asked, looking toward the girl hoping she would answer it. Akyasha had on her usual smile as she waiting to see if the girl replied.
As the two made their way up the hill, Luna was at a little bit more than brisk pace. She had considered the worst but was pleasantly surprised that Sucaria was just standing at the top of the hill, transfixed on the shoreline below. Looking toward where the girl was looking, Luna joined in gazing towards an oddity on crawling along with a Fomorian entourage. It was a terrifying sight, realistically, even so far away. The tide could have easily swept her and Sucaria up if it wanted.

As she looked on, horrified by what she was witnessing, the cyclopian formorian spoke. Informing her as to what they were seeing. Ollipheist. A beast. "An Elder Beast?" She had heard rumors, perhaps, of an Elder Beast this way but she had never really put much consideration into it. "One that can control an army of Fomorians is... Do the Elves know just how close they were to this?" The Knightess asked before turning her attention back to her maid.

Frowning, Luna was worried of what Sucaria might do in such a state. Perhaps because she was only part Fomorian she could resist it to an extent. Concerned, Lady Lightsword trotted over to Sucaria and swept her up like a bride on her wedding day. "Sucaria?" She questioned as she walked back towards the one-eyed fomorian. "Snap out of it." An order seeded by worry.
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