Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"Owie!" Katherine complained as she was bonked on the head for bad behavior. "It's probably the same heavy-handed punishment either way." Katherine groaned as Mari threatened to tell the Mistress on her. That is, right before the very same maid almost tripped over herself, purchasing a small snicker from Katherine after she turned around again. After they were on their way again, she pulled a little close to Eliz smiling a small bit. "No hard feelings, I hope. Oh, and nice butt. Ten out of ten." The firbolg teased before heading along her way.

The meeting they made it to was about as expected. The next meeting was of course about the next mission they'd be sent on. Someone got their hands on a dangerous demon weapon it would seem. And holding a ball to show it off it would seem. Katherine's eyes lit up and she seemed to be day-dreaming a small bit. After Lucrecia finished her dangerous statement, she added her own point. "I too look forward to this! A ball! How glamourous! Let me join the ball in a pretty dress. I'm really good at fitting in with these types of people." She excitedly requested with stars in her eyes.
"Batties, do not harm any of the humans. Collect blood from beasts and the dead residents if you can do so without getting hurt. Our goal is the survival of these humans, after all." Akyasha whispered to her Gorebats as she exited Julene's house with her Blood Weapon axe in hand. "What an odd sort of enemy." The Cleric told herself as she jumped at the enemy Julene faced, bringing her axe to cleave the creature in twain. "I'm ponderous as to what happened to my compatriots if these beasts are all here."

The good news was that with all these dead humans and the beasts about, she might be able to summon the stronger of creatures she could summon of her Goddess' minions. The bad news was that she was afraid of all the humans dying. If they could come to an agreement they could have had a limited blood supply but.... Now, that might not be the best option.

The Vampire looked around to see just how many enemies made it into the village and kept her ears open to hear which buildings the beast had made it in already. The more humans that survived, the more possible blood there was to take later.
Luna gave Sucaria a questioning look when the maid mentioned she must sleep because of the travel. She wanted to question it a bit more directly as she only meant it as a joke about not being able to sleep at night. "Yes, well, I understand. Sleep is rather important." Luna mentioned as she and Sucaria started to work together on a tent, working fast as if the two were use to such things.

That was when Elnith mentioned missing her bed. A thought Luna could only relate to. "I understand what you mean. I've spent so much time on the road myself that a nice bed feels like a barely tangible dream at times. Enclosed by walls that keep you safe and warm and not having to concern yourself with what bandit or wild monster is going to creep up on you at night." Tents weren't too difficult if you had multiple people working on them at least.

After listening in on what Fio mentioned to their new giant friend, Luna spoke up herself. "Ancient smithing techniques, impressive as I would expect from a giant smith." Luna mentioned, "I've read on it some small bit so you must be very well trained." The Knightess continued, complementing the giantess. "If my understanding is correct at least."

After mentioning that compliment, Luna turned back to Sucaria, "Did you want to share a tent with me again, Sucaria? I wanna make sure you don't go wandering off at night again." The Knightess teased her maid about their last little journey. "There's nothing to compel you like last time I suppose but I don't want my dear maid to wander off without me again."
In response to Eliz's response, Katherine smirked. "Yes, but it's not often you seen a Demon joining a Demon Hunting group formed by non-demons. Wars aren't necessarily fought because of the hatred from man to man. Bounty hunters are in it for the money. But, who knows." The Firbolg mentioned as the fitting was finished up. It didn't take Tiki too long to finish up her craft since a lot of the fabric was ready as it were. "Well, you're looking like a cute proper maid now, Eliz." Katherine mentioned as they were collectively ushered out of the dressing room. She'd have to keep that in mind for later, but for now.

"Right, we're going to go talk to that impatient g-- I mean, kind and understanding Mistress of ours." Katherine corrected herself, clearing her throat. "I'm all ready to go. No questions here." Though she did have one thing to do. She took a small pacing around as they readied to go, finding herself pacing somewhere behind Eliz. With a motion, she swung her hand delivering what felt like the 3rd smacking of some poor sentient creature's rear end. It was not a rough slap of any sort. She didn't wish to start some horrid incident with the demon girl that had just finished fighting with one of the instructors.

After the slap was delivered, Katherine swiftly made some distance in case the demon decided to try and beat her within an inch of her life. "Now you're officially a maid here, Eliz~" Katherine teased, hoping not to be brutally torn apart by a demon in their own demon hunter's headquarters.
"You give such boring answers, you know?" Akyasha mentioned to the ever stubborn Julene. She was hoping for a more interesting answer but all she got was, "I'll never change for any reason." Truly there was no possibility of that being a truth so Akyasha sat there, pondering what next to say to Julene. That is until she felt a surge of vampiric power. The Cleric frowned. "What did they manage to do?" She questioned herself. "Julene, I think it's best we prepare for the worst."

"Batty, come here." The Cleric commanded the Gorebat to her before turning it's blood-bloated body to fuel for her casting to summon more. She needed more eyes and ears now in case something happened to the village. While realistically she didn't care much if the humans lived or died, it was nice to have a source of blood if needed. Besides, having a place that was safe enough to rest at was nice. "I recommend you prepare in the worst of cases, Julene. It wouldn't be good if something happened to this village. I'm going to bring forth more of these useful little batties." Akyasha mentioned as started using the Gorebat's blood to summon forth more of its kin. "My little bats are adorable but also quite useful."

Luna giggled a little at the interaction with Gunnrun before her attention was turned back to Sucaria. "Ahh. The drink? Well, perhaps a small bit bitter but I think I can feel myself being energized by it!" It didn't taste very good, truthfully. Coppery, perhaps, though it was difficult to say as such to someone that already looked hurt. "Much appreciated for the drink." Luna mentioned before looking toward where Sucaria had looked earlier, Fio. "And, don't worry about anything Fio has to say, if she said something to insult you. She's a bit of a grouch isn't she?" Luna whispered to the maid before looking toward Elnith putting the tents up.

The other warrior mentioned going to get the tents together. "For now, shall we help Elnith? It'll be nice to have a place to sleep for the night after all." Luna mentioned. "Course, I wonder if I'll be able to sleep after downing a bit of that drink you gave me." The knightess teased her maid.
"So, demon-butt, how does it feel finally getting your own maid uniform and becoming one of us?" Katherine asked the demon with a kind smile belying her chaotic intentions underneath. "It feels a small bit odd having a demon becoming a demon hunting maid though. Probably not the weirdest thing ever though, I suppose." The cat mentioned, smiling, considering her future plans of teasing the demon without losing a limb or two. Well, they could probably be reattached... Hopefully. "I'm sure you'll do fine." For now, Katherine made herself comfortable standing, trying to not step on anything or anyone accidently.
Luna wasn't sure how to feel about Gunnrunn using a single finger to rub her head like some small animal. Really, she didn't mind. At least she didn't try to outright squash her like many other creatures of similar sizes would do. And she offered to carry them to the city of the giants? Wonderful! Is what she would say, but she wasn't the leader of the group and, in fact, Fio even seemed to decline the offer to be carried there.

Their leader's reply was to merely say they were making camp. Luna's face changed from a sincere smile to a questioning look with her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as she pondered why Fio would decline the offer. "I... Well... Suppose we will be sleeping here for the night." Luna mentioned, frowning a small bit. They could have gotten finished travel but now they were going to camp again? Well, fair enough. Luna scratched at the back of her head. She glanced slightly at Elnith, wondering if she could gauge the woman's opinion on the matter. Her thoughts on the matter were fairly obvious if one paid attention to her.

The knightess had some small mind to openly object to Fio's decision but, she didn't want to speak against the assigned leader by Her Majesty. Not when it was over something not so dangerous. "Well, thank you for the offer regardless Gunnrun. I suppose Fio would prefer to get some rest before head out."

Katherine followed along after Tiki graciously allowed them in the room where she did all of her work. It was a nice enough place, for a cluttered sewing workplace where it felt like something skulked the rafters. Katherine kept her mouth shut for the most part though. She didn't have much to add to the conversation until Mariarca said the magic words. "Eliz, undress."

Not that she was bothered, but how straight the head maid said it was unexpect. Katherine looked toward Eliz, though, knowing what kind of demon Eliz was suppose to be... Well, the reaction was expected. She proudly showed off her assets and Katherine just watched for some short seconds before turning toward Tiki. She considered what was mentioned earlier. This maid had a great desire for coffee? Well, there were probably some places in this maison to find it and it's not like she had never made it before. Perhaps she could use it to her advantage later. For now she'd be ready to create mischief. "Well now, the hard part is taking measurements. Well, if Eliz is too proud to let her measurements be taken at least."
As Elnith and Luna talked, she'd notice her maid slink up behind them rather sadly and offer a drink. Without hesitation, Luna smiled, nodded and took the container before taking a drink from it and handing it back. "Thank you for the drink, Sucaria." Lunalel said before turning back to what Elnith said about "returning affections". "W-what!? Af-affections!? I-I'm not sure what you speak of." Luna retorted quietly before abashedly looking away.

But she didn't have long before there were a small band of bandits running at them. An eyebrow raised for some short seconds before her brow furrowed then unsheating her sword quickly in tandem with Elnith and pushing her other hand out as if blocking the gang from even thinking about moving toward Sucaria. "Come no furth...er?" She commanded before noticing the bandits running past them, away from a large woman now appearing in her sight-line.

The Knightess relaxed and lowered her blocking the bandits from Sucaria as she realized that their comment about "she has a boulder" had to do with this giant in front of them who seemed quite delighted to see them. "A pleasure to see a friendly giant here." Luna said with a bright smile. It was a small bit fortuitous to see a giant who could hopefully give them directions to the giant's city. "My name is Lunalel Lightsword, but please call me Luna. My companions and I were on the way to visit the City of the Giants. Might I ask the name of the Fair Giantess before us?" The Lady Lightsword asked with a smile. First impressions were always important.
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