Avatar of Pyromania99


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3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

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Isla's two Pokemon seemed to work together fine enough. Between a sand attack and a quick attack, they prevented a rather dangerous attack from landing on the Eevee. Excellent. Camila smiled at it, though she noticed a glance from Isla. She didn't exactly seem happy or was that her imagination? Shrugging that thought off, she watched as... Isla started to grab a Pokeball.

Did she mean to catch it when it has hardly taken damage? Curious.

“Dancing! Swiper! Get ready to get rid of it!” The girl ordered.

"Get ready to get rid of it?" Camila muttered to herself. Whatever did that mean? With a raised eyebrow, she reached for a pokeball on her person. The one containing the Pidgey she had caught earlier. As Isla threw her Pokeball at the Heracross, Camila released the bird pokemon from it's sphere.

"Giii!" It cried out as was freed from it's ball, hopping along the ground to catch it's bearings. It looked to it's trainer after doing so, ready for orders it seemed. "Pidgey, if and when that Heracross escapes from the Pokeball, use Brave Bird on it." She told the Pokemon that took to the air and started to fly around, ready to strike.
Camila followed Yasu out of the house and toward the shrine. She was curious what it would look like in the end. Big? Overgrown? There were a number of things she could quietly consider on the way there. She kept her eyes open, waiting to see what Pokemon would possibly attack them. Hatty kept staring back at both her and Isla on the walk, making Camila wonder if she had done anything wrong. Soon enough, however, they came to that tree that marked they were on the right way. "We've made some fine progress then if we're here."

The assistant mentioned with a smile. The path from here was more interesting. A dirt path with talismans hanging from the trees. She was curious about them, at least until a Heracross revealed itself. The surprise appearance made her recoil back a small bit out of shock, but she quickly recovered because of Yasu's surprisingly girly shriek. The Hattenna rolled across the ground as Yasu fell back. Isla was on the ball, however, as her Pokemon attacked the Heracross in response to it's aggressive posturing.

Camila could call out Snow, but there was no real need. She wanted to see what Isla was capable of. Would she catch this Heracross? Her curiosity overpowered her sense that she should probably help. Regardless, Isla helped Yasu up so the Assistant quickly made her way over to Hatty and make sure the cute little thing wasn't injured. "Are you alright?" She asked the little Pokemon, reaching for it to check for any place that looked like it hurt. "I'll get you back to Yasu."

"Hmm. How odd. Someone's hiding something here aren't they?" Camila mentioned as she looked through the records. She started to ponder where they might have been hidden, if not outright destroyed on purpose. Before she had a chance to look around much more, Yasu asked her if she were ready to go in that typical, slightly irritated voice. "Oh! Yes!" Camila said, surprised by the break in her train of though. She quickly put all the materials back where she had found them. She didn't want to give this girl more of a reason to dislike her and no one liked someone messing their home up and then leaving.

"So you're taking us to the shrine?" Camila questioned as she joined Yasu, Isla and their Pokemon. "Well, I certainly won't say no to it. It'll be easier than finding it on our own." She mentioned with a smile. Nothing better than a local to take you where you needed to go. "You're not too busy I hope."

"Ahh, sorry. I'll let you get back to work so the professor doesn't get too mad at you. Thanks for the information. I'll let you know morea about this later." Camila said, hanging up the phone. Well, at the very least the sources corroborated each other. So about a hundred years ago, a child went missing during a festival and it was cancelled after that. Strange as that may be, Camila found it was a bit weird that they never ran the festival again. Festivals were things to entertain the masses though, if the festival was for Celebi and a child went missing then it wasn't too far a thought of them never wanting to host a festival Pokemon.

Still, this seemed to repeat itself. Or, something happened ten years ago. The professor got involved with them here it seemed. If a hundred years ago a kid got spirited away... It wouldn't be too off to think it happened a decade ago. Or, there was an attempt at the least. Camila knew she wouldn't get any information out of the professor if she called. It's been a busy day and she seemed frustrated with Freida earlier. If it was only a decade ago... Then the victim of such a situation could only logical be one of two options. Yasu herself or perhaps even a sibling.

She pondered asking Yasu bluntly but didn't think that would do very much. Not unless she had a little more information about her. That was when her eyes went wide and she looked in the room she currently was in. This was where the records were. She had focused so hard on the far past she hadn't thought to check the more recent pieces of data. While Yasu was still busy talking to Isla, Camila took the chance to do a little digging about recent records. Surely there was something around here about a missing child, or even small references that make no sense if one doesn't know the context. If not, perhaps there was something... like what they discussed with the professor outside of that."
Camila was unsure of what exactly Yasu would tell them. She could stand and listen to the girl tell more, but she could just leave that to Isla and make a call or two. She had someone in mind at the very least. "Pardon me, Yasu. Do you mind if I look at those records and make a call? I'll see if my friend at the lab could assist me any bit." Without a word, she took the chance to go look at those books and records the girl mentioned. Perhaps there was a written accord of the Pokemon they were looking for.

She pulled out her phone and looked through her contacts for Freida. Perhaps her lab mate would be able to give her some information, and Freida was probably one of the best people for it. Well, hopefully. Once she found her number, Camila hit "call". The phone rang and she waited for Freida to answer. When she did, Camila gave a smile. "Hello there, dearest Freida. How have you been? Well, I hope." Taking a breath and giving Freida some small chance to speak before continuing. "Would you perhaps know much on the Legendary Pokemon Celebi and it's potential habitation in the Forest on Route 1?" She asked, a bit of hope in her voice as she asked. "Sorry, I figured either you or the professor might know if anyone but I'd much rather contact you."
Camila couldn't help but show a small bit of surprise on her face when Yasu asked if she would be able to search and find Celebi. Was it a possibility? Well, Celebi was more than just words of rumor but she had no idea where to even start on that. Heck, she didn't even know if Camphor would have any information on that. "Finding Celebi is a rather tall ask, Yasu." Camila stated before listening to Isla's statements. She seemed rather tense for some reason. This caused Camila to raise an eyebrow a small bit and pat the girl on the back. If her train of thought was anything to do with what she was saying, well, she needed to relax a bit.

"Isla, take a breath. I can take a guess what you're thinking but just take it easy for the Hatterene." She said, wanting Isla to not worry so much, and concerned how the Hatterene might react. She then turned back to Yasu, "First thing first, Yasu, Celebi is known as the Guardian of the Forest so if we were to find it we would probably need to scour the forest the town here borders. If it's there. I don't have a magical tool that points me to where Celebi likes to hang out all day." Camila mentioned to the shrine maiden with a slight frown for the briefest of seconds. "I have little to no information on Celebi even being in the forest so the best I can help you with at the moment is educated guesses. If you want more help, I'd probably need a bit of a nudge in the right direction from you." Camila said, looking a bit more serious than her countenance usually showed.

Camila wasn't sure how much Yasu would be willing to share, so it was hard to say what the girl would even mention next. Even then, it wasn't sure how much Camila would be able to help with such a variable such as Celebi. It had plenty of legends and rumors that it was hard to sort the fact from fiction in the best of times. Even if Yasu gave her some really good information, there was no guarentee that Camila could even do much to help so she had to just wait to tell.
Camila was fairly impressed with the artisanship she witnessed as the entered the temple proper. She managed to not look all over the place like a tourist and kept her looks and musing as professional as possible. She was glad that Yasu allowed them permission inside the place all things considered. "I'll respectfully keep my hands to myself." Camila replied to Yasu's request to keep calm and not touch anything. She didn't quite understand the request about not being excitable until she saw the Pokemon Yasu called out to. "A Hatenna? I can see why you wanted us to not be excitable."

Hatenna as a species senses emotion and strong emotions make them run away or it makes them tired. "I can respect your care for such a cute thing." Camila mention with a gentle smile. "I rather like fairy-type Pokemon so I'm a small bit jealous of you having such a cute friend." Nothing with too much emotion behind it.

Then, Yasu asked a question. "A Pokemon with a small, green body and two antennas?" Camila pondered it for a small bit. She thought through a few of the more typical options but none of them fit realistically. After, she moved on to some of the descriptions of legendary Pokemon and one finally landed in her head. But Isla beat her to the punch, suggesting Celebi. "Yes, exactly my thoughts as well. Of the many Pokemon I know, only Celebi really fits the bill for this one. Well, as for known Pokemon at the least. There's always the possibility for some unknown Pokemon being out there I suppose, but Celebi seems the most likely. May I ask why you ask that question? Is this temple, perhaps, related to Celebi?" She asked in response.
The walk to the place wasn't all too long. It was down a worn dirt road with scenery that at least Camila thought was beautiful. Totems of Pokemon at the entrance surrounded by a field with Pokemon all around. The assistant had to wonder if they belong to anyone or if they were wild. None seemed to be especially afraid of her or attacked as she walked the path with Snow so she assumed they were very use to humans if they were wild ones. That's when Camila and her fox arrived at the front of the old, wooden building.

“...we’re closed.”

Well, Camila was sort of hoping to be able to visit this place a little more closely. It was a place she'd not had the chance to see before but what seemed to be the caretaker of the place seemed to be saying the place was closed. That was... Odd. No, it almost seemed like she just didn't want people around the place for some reason. Like she didn't want to bother. At least, that was sort of a gut feeling that the assistant had. "What do you mean by closed?" The place didn't seem to be in disrepair and it seemed to be rather busy around here, though it was mostly Pokemon and not so much the people. "I'm one of the assistants at Professor Camphor's lab. I was on my way through the town and thought I'd come visit the place since it was here, but if it's closed... Well, could you at least tell me when it'll be open again? Or why it's closed down?" The woman asked with a smile.

It was then that she heard another person before she saw them. From behind was a familiar face. One of the workers that Professor Camphor brought in. "Oh! Umm, Isla, was it?" She felt like she had used that exact same wording not all too long ago. "I'm surprised anyone came out this way toward Pine's End." The assistant mentioned to Isla. "Is your Eevee doing well?" She asked before her eyes lit up remembering something.

"Oh! Sorry Isla, one minute." She then turned to the girl with the glasses. "So, yes, apologies. When will you reopen? I have a scientific curiosity... Not to mention a personal one at that."
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