Avatar of Pyromania99


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm in a post GBF Guild War state. Happy it's over but overly tired.
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4 yrs ago
Muscle girls are great. That is all. Move along.
5 yrs ago
I have a desire to play a witch of some sort in an RP now.
5 yrs ago
Welp, let's see if this Digimon RP will go through XD
5 yrs ago
Considering trying to re-run a digimon RP that didn't really take off. Dunno though. Digimon rp's are met typically with a terrible fate. :l


Hello. . . Umm, I'm Pyro. How do you do? I'm not really sure about what to say. XD

I like lots of the less serious (especially Ecchi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) anime out there and super actiony games. I rather like Touhou and Hyperdimension Neptunia too! If you want to talk about those at all send me a PM or something!

Most Recent Posts

"Hey now, Witch girl. I'm unapologetically sober right now." Rita said with a huff. "Soberest I've been since that three day straight corporate event where the banned alcohol the entire time..." remembering that horrid moment of sobriety. "Anyhow, sure. I'll follow you. It's stay her and die to that rotting smell or follow you any way."

As she followed the witch girl, she noticed the forest returned to what it once was. Peaceful and, it baring any of the traces of that horrid creature, serene. Along the way, snakey has asked her a question of if they really died and reincarnated or something. "Hard to say. I wasn't quite stacked like this before.... or short. Or green."

Not long after, the little cottage came into view. It felt like something out of a fantasy story. Collean mentioned hansel and gretal. "What, want to get fattened up and eaten by the cute witch girl?" She replied, looking around the place.

The thing that got her more curious than anything were the bloomed flowers. It would be a great way to compare this world to her own. If there were familiar flowers then perhaps more things would be similar. After she took a good look to see if she recognized any of them, she'd question the witch their names.
After Leah left Camila was just confused about what happened. "Well, that's nice. You got a VIP card to that hotel then." She mentioned to Isla with a shrug before turning to Yasu. "Right now that that lady is gone, what where you looking for here, exactly? Anything we can help find?" She asked, looking around the place. If Yasu told her what she was looking for, she'd be happy to help if not she'd probably take a peak all around the shrine and figure out what secrets it may hold on her own. "The place looks rather destroyed." Camila mentioned, looking with extra attention at where the burn marks were on some things that seemed like they were rather recent.
"Uwwwwwwaaaaagggg..... The hell is that thing! It's so damn gross!" rita was held over the medusa's shoulder and got a horrifying constant view of the monster chasing them. The smell was disgusting. Sickly sweet rot to mix with the look. The sounds it emanated, the sickly green ooze... The Centipedes... There was nothing not disgusting about this thing! "I forgot your name snakey... But I'm feeling sick..."

Soon enough however there was something odd. A girl. A... weird cosplayer? It wasn't something Rita could judge really. There was a golden wall of light seperating them and the creature. It was wanting.... revenge or something? Rita couldn't pay attention. She felt sicker than when she drank far too much. The smell just kept to her nose. As soon as the witch girl hit the medusa with her stick? Staff? Whatever. Rita used the moment to wiggle out of the snake's grasp and started to dry heave. God she felt the inner need to throw up from that smell. Nothing came up however. She made some horrifying noises herself but soon enough her nose and stomach felt a small bit better. She seemed to be cured by whatever amount of clean air there was with that light wall going up and the creature leaving. "I hate this forest. I hate that gross deer skull thing. I need beer..." She muttered to herself finding herself sitting now. She wasn't even sure when she managed to do that without knowing.

The goblin took a deep breath of air before standing up. "Listen, uh, girlie? I don't know. Whoever the hell you are. Thanks? I think. Let me get one thing straight, I'd never go to a place like that one purpose, you know? I just want to do my job and drink lots of alcohol, ya' dig?" She mentioned, "In fact, I don't know why I AM here. Was I too... Wait." It was then that something dawned on her as she turned to Colleen. "You! Uhh, Celine! Snake-head! You said something earlier, plane crash! Were we on the same plane that crashed!? I was black-out drunk, I don't remember that!" She exclaimed as both of her hands gripped around Colleen's leg and started to push and pull on it desperately. "I was too busy with work to die!"

She took a second to hold back any amount of tears she might have released as she tightened her grip on Colleen's leg a small bit before releasing and taking a step back. "Ugh... So like... Why do I look so green and short...." She looked frustrated before her eyes went wide and looked between the people present. "In spite of any change.... Am I still a bombshell like I remember?" She seemed a little excited about that as she tried studying her body as best she could. "I need a mirror."
The woman turned so suddenly and then spoke nothing for a time. Camila wasn't entirely sure if she should speak or not. As she was about to, however the woman finally gave words. She introduced herself as Leah and asked what they were doing? Before Camila could respond, Yasu did. To which Leah mentioned something about not believing in chance meetings and asking a question.

Dreams? Desires? Well, who didn't have those? Still, she wondered if she should mention any of hers to this odd woman calling herself an Old Lady. She only looked about ten years older than Camila herself. It was a little odd to Camila that a woman that looked to be in her thirties or so would call herself that. Then Yasu called the woman an Old Hag... Camila felt like she was missing something, though that could be Yasu being her own abrasive self.

Then Camila noticed the woman turn to Isla and herself and ask them to answer. Isla gave a pretty non-commital answer to the woman saying she was living her dream as best she could. Camila didn't really mention anything about her desire to run a lab like the Professor in the future but she did mention something to at least placate this "old" woman. "Perhaps fill out this catalogue of Pokemon for the Professor so I can go back to my nice assistant job at the lab?" She mentioned, half joking as this was by sheer technicality... The very same job she was doing right now...
The rest of the travel to the shrine was pretty peaceful and uneventful. That was a good thing at the least. The not so good thing was when they got to the shrine and it seemed... Devastated. It'd be one thing if it was just the ravages of time messing up the roof and doors... But there was the burn marks, a knocked over pillar and a pillar cut clean in half. Then, there was a woman standing there. Hatty didn't seem to like her at all.

"Alright, alright. No need to poke my cheeks like that Hatty." Camila mentioned to the Pokemon. The Pidgey perched on her arm took the air as she reached for Hatty and placed it in Yasu's capable hands once again before giving it a pat. Camila then stepped forward. She wasn't sure the best way to approach this. She didn't know the woman or anything but she gave off a weird feeling. The assistant took a deep breath before speaking.

"Excuse me, Miss. How do you do?" Camila asked, observing the woman in front of her. "My name is Camila. The others are Yasu and Isla." The assistant mentioned, motioning toward the other two humans present. "May I ask for your name? And perhaps if you know what might have caused these burn marks here?" She added, curious about those since she laid her eyes on them.
Forest Shrine

The forest had gotten pretty dark out. The thudding and scrapping noises got louder and louder as a smell akin... if not actually, rot began to fill her nostrils. Rita wrinkled her nose in didgust. "Eyuck. That's gross as hell. Who dumped the butcher's garbage nearby?" She asked aloud.

Green orbs appeared in the distance, followed by a figure. A tall one at that with a strange voice that seemed to be everywhere. "Wawawawhat is that thing?" She asked taking a step back, fighting the urge to violently react to the smell in the air.

It was then that the Medusa girl spoke up and grabbed the halfling girl and herself. The halfling carried underarm and her thrown over the shoulder like a sack of wheat. "Hey! Watch your hands! I ain't remotely drunk enough for any of the touchy feely shit! Especially where you got your grimy paws right now! And who's a midget!?" The goblin was very vocal for someone being carried from danger.
"Hatty has already helped Pidgey out a lot already." Camila said as she her arm up so the Pidgey could land on it. The bird Pokemon proudly did so with a little puff to hold it's head high. It found it's own combat ability to be impressive and seemed very happy with that. "You're quite proud of yourself aren't you? Well, that's fine. You did a good job." She looked at the bird for a bit. "Come to think of it, I've yet to give you a name, have I?"

The Pidgey's eyes lit up and awaited it's new nickname. Camila thought for a long minute before smiling. "Alright, you're Ace. Like the best pilots." The Pidgey seemed quite happy to the name as it took to the air and flew around for a bit. Camila smiled and ignored it for the moment. "Right then Yasu, Isla. Shall we get going?" Camila suggested, hold her arm up again for the Pidgey to land. "Oh, yes, Isla. I think it would be best advised to not do that little trick with the Pokeball again. It might do something we'd rather not happen, if you catch my drift."
Rita couldn't help but laugh at the little halfling's comment about her head hurting. "Really? You sound like me after a long night. Well, usually. Never felt clearer." She mentioned with a smirk. It was then that she was hoisted into the air by the medusa woman like some plush toy. "H-hey! Hands off the goods toots! Just cause I'm all sobered up don't mean you can put your hands on me all willy-nilly you hick!" The goblin woman complained, struggling a bit to get freed. "And your hair is red alright! And black and gold!" It was then that the snake woman made the discover on her own somehow and released the goblin.

Straight down to the ground! "Waa-oof." Rita started to exclaimed as she felt her body unable to resist the ever-present forces of gravity as her body squished onto the halfling halfling. Her forehead met the halfling's as they conked together lightly enough to hurt a small bit but really have no lasting effect other than knocking the both of them flat to the ground. "Ooooow..." The goblin complained, pushing herself up and off the of halfling. She quickly stood, rubbing her forehead where she had an unfortunate meeting with the halfling's own.

She offered a hand. "Alright girly, let me help you up before that dumbass decides to do something else stupid and freak out over her hair having a mind of it's own again somehow. By the by, name's Rita." It was then that there was the caw of a crow and then absolute silence. Rita didn't think too much of it. At first. Then as the silence continued, she thought it was a little odd. Then was the scrapping noise. Something getting closer. Footsteps.

Her eyes went wide as she stared right at the halfling. "H-h-ey. Does that noise freak you out as much as it does me.... Whatever your name is...." The green-skinned woman was shaking a small amount, clearly visible.
Forest Shrine

The short green woman started to stir. "Nnnngggg...." She groaned. She was having a dream. It was hard to tell exactly what was happening but there was a falling feeling and then an explosion of sorts. It was then that she heard some voice calling out. It felt loud. Ugh. They always seemed loud when waking her up. "Shut up. Stop yelling.... You're making my head hurt..." Actually, that wasn't true. The goblin realized it soon after her eyes opened for the first time. "Wait... It doesn't hurt. But I was drinking last night..." She mentioned, sitting up and looking around. "Where the hell am I?" She asked aloud before remembering that someone's voice had woken her up.

She laid eyes on the woman's legs before traveling up the form of the person to her head. "What the hell!?" Rita exclaimed, pushing herself back a small bit. "You have snakes for hair!?" A medusa? Was it called? The one that turned people to stone when they met eyes? Well, luckily, that happened and she wasn't stone yet. She crawled to her feet quickly though she felt wobbly at best. It was like she was shorter. Her vision was only up to that snake woman's waist and... "Why am I all green? And short? And big at the same time..." She said, taking notice of her bodily features.

Looking toward the tall snake woman again, Rita point at her. "So who are you? Last thing I know I was drunk on a plane." She then noticed some small... Cute looking person still on the ground. With a quick walk over, she poked the little person on the cheek with a sharp fingernail. "And who are you? Are you alive?" Well, she looked like she was breathing. That was good.
This Heracross was a small bit tougher than Camila had imagined. Considering it took a Brave Bird and was easily standing. Well, it was well enough. Hatty had healed the recoil damage from the attack so the Pidgey was completely ready to go from another dive. Pidgey, catch it off guard and Brave Bird again!

"Thank you Hatty!" Camila said before turning her attention to Yasu. The girl was quite frightened. Pidgey could handle itself while attacking. Seeing as Isla left the girl be... Camila ran over to the girl and kneeled next to her. "Hey, Yasu? Are you alright?" She grabbed the girl's hand to try and comfort her. "Nothing bad's going to happen."
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