Avatar of Queen Arya


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Awesome! Now comes the big question on if I become fast as fucc, or really spoppy (Flash vs Raven character choice)

Prolly gonna go with Raven, Lorky had a mention of Inter-Dimensional Demon Daddy in his sheet and the bait is just too good to resist. So, should be fun to see her interact with some of the other magic doods around :3
Is this still recruiting?

I might slap in a Raven or Flash character if y'all are willing to have me!
Bump again! Looking for somebody for the Naruto AU preferred :)

Location: The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

The girl watched in silence as the others went about handling the situation, or being handled in a certain person's case. Her gaze stayed locked heavily upon that person, the one who'd pulled a knife mere moments earlier. Attacked his fellows with such ease, and the person that she'd been so willing to rely upon earlier. Graves. Her gaze was a mask of emotion, not one born of any ability to hide her feelings, but rather of the muddied mess of emotions that stopped one from picking out any particular feeling in her gaze. She couldn't move, couldn't speak, just simply found herself staring straight ahead at the man. The whole while, her own mind was at war with itself over how she wanted to handle the situation. Over whether she should hate him for what he did, burst into anger and lash out. Yet, another part demanded she go to Graves, check on him, and try to understand what had caused such a shift in character for him.

Artemis knew which side she wanted to trust. She knew she wanted to check on the man she'd newly decided to trust. The one she'd allowed herself to start considering a friend, and who she'd like to think wouldn't be able to kill another so easily. As she argued with herself, Artemis clenched and unclenched her fist. The small motion seemed to keep her mind focused on the debate, at times her nails dug into her palm as a way to use pain to keep herself focused. It was a long few minutes of arguing back and forth with herself, all the while her compatriots were handling the situation... yet she couldn't make up her own damn mind on what to do. Yet, finally, she came to a decision. Something has to be wrong... he didn't seem like the type to do this... She thought to herself, content with having reached a conclusion. With her mind set, Artemis took a step forward...

And froze nearly immediately. The way he had fought, memories she must've missed during her episode, flowed back into her mind. Her body froze in place as her eyes widened, and tension gripped her heart. It took her a long few moments to realize why she'd suddenly been unable to move. A realization that sickened her, and shoved forth a bit of self-resentment for being so weak. She was afraid of Graves. Afraid that he'd snap again. Afraid that next time he got so violent, she'd be the target instead. A fear so strong that it prevented her from even approaching her new friend. A fear that screamed at her only one logical source of action. Run.

Yet it seemed she wouldn't have time to act on this either as a sweet voice spoke from nearby, and a hand landed on her shoulder. The archer jumped and let out a small yelp in surprise, quickly followed by a deep blush of embarrassment as her mind once again came rushing back to reality. "A-ah. Right, that would be nice... t-thank you." She said in a small voice, still sounding hollow from before. Slowly, the archer knelt down to retrieve her discarded weapons before standing and looking at Seele once more. "Sorry i-if I made things harder." She said softly, not quite ready to admit aloud that she'd had a breakdown mere moments before.

Here she is! Please be gentle! I can make any adjustments needed <3

Location: The City of Thorinn, Aetheria

The poor, broken form of the archer sat on her knees in the street with a gaze staring blankly ahead. While the sudden shock from her spell and losing her lunch had shaken the girl free of her hallucinations... she'd yet to actually recover from such a shocking experience. Her eyes tracked across the figures gathered in the street, aware of some commotion in the wake of the fight... yet it all seemed to be a dull buzz in the back of her mind. Words spoken, actions taken, all were but slight distractions to the roaring waves of her inner thoughts. She slowly, surely, tried to reign herself back in from such an episode... but it was slow work.

Eventually, the sound of skin hitting skin would echo cry out through the street. The source being rather obvious if one were to look toward the archer. A stinging red mark glowed on her cheek, where the girl had given herself a rather fierce slap. The pain helped. It drove down the distractions down deep in her mind and provided an immediate overload she could focus on. Artemis seized this moment to reign those horrid thoughts in. Seeking nothing more than to keep them quiet and suppressed. They couldn't hurt her that way, right? With a long sigh, the girl seemed to be attempting to gather herself once more before turning her gaze back along those assembled in the street.

Then she swore under her breath as her gaze stopped upon the blonde. It did not take any form of genius to figure out what somebody so ornately armored, and pissed-off-looking, was doing here. Certainly not in the wake of the chaos from mere moments prior. They'd managed to anger the guard, and as Artemis watched weapons slowly being stowed... she knew what had been ordered of them. What she'd missed while trying to reel herself in. The archer didn't speak a word, she didn't trust her voice at that moment. Instead, she moved to toss her bow down in front of her, away from the mess she'd made. Then moved to get to her feet just behind where the bow lay.

As she shakily did just that, the archer also rifled her hands through her cloak. Slowly, she dropped out a small dagger next to her bow, followed immediately by a belt holding a ring of small throwing knives around its whole length. She looked towards Seele as the other spoke to the woman, wondering if her words would gain any ground with the blonde or not. She wasn't overly willing to wager on the likelihood of Seele's success. With a soft sigh, Artemis kicked the weapons away slightly and turned her uneasy gaze back upon the blonde. She tried her damndest to put up a facade of strength for the group. To look as if she weren't ready to crumble back into tears with the slightest of pushes.

A futile attempt at the task, but an attempt all the same...
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