Talik “The Fox of Ryloth” Gida

| {Full Name} |Talik Skirata
| {Other Aliases} |- The Lethan Devil
- Terror of Ryloth
- Talik Gida (Talik uses her given surname to suppress the fact she's related to Kada, not wanting to put her family in Grevious' line of fire)
| {Age} |26
| {Species} |Twi’lek
| {Gender} |Female
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |Yes - Talik is currently unaligned, as she has received no training beyond a very limited force sense and precognition. However, there is a strong taint of the dark side upon her soul.
| {Appearance} |Talik is a rather tall, athletic, and battle-hardened girl. Albeit, Talik is still regarded as quite attractive by most standards. Standing at about 6'2 she is considered to be tall for a girl. When not wearing her Beskar, Talik's style can be described as 'Punk'. She favors darker colors, and often enough shows skin on her arms, legs, and abdomen. Typically in a way to highlight the 'Sith' tattoos that adorn her body. Her clothing is meant to evoke a sense of a distinct style. One unique to Talik, an gives a further sense of independence. Although, she also does have various outfits to look elegant, should the situation call, or to blend in with CIS officers/culture for her various rebellion activities.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |- Her Father's Old Lightsaber
- Black Beskar'gam
- A Repaired Lucrehulk
- The Rebellion's Fleet (Former Clone Wars Ships & Current Gen Ships brought by the owners of the ship).
- Various Outfits
- Modified BARC Speeder Bike
- DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle
- Tri-Shot Implanted in Vambrace
- Custom Rocket Launcher "Skeleton Key"
- TIE Advanced
- A Holo-Projector
| {Physical Abilities} |- Close-Quarters Combat: Talik learned how to fight close quarters from various teachers over the years. It started with Captain Ordo, her adoptive father, then moved onto her adoptive grandfather, Kal Skirata, then onto the two padawans recruited into her rebellion. The end result being that Talik is quite competent a fighter at close range. Be it in hand to hand, with a vibroblade, or even limited skills with a saber.
- Gunplay: Talik has learned over the years how to handle a multitude of blasters. Something one learns after being in so many firefights and coming out the otherside alive. She specializes in using rapidfire/heavy weaponry.
- Stamina: Talik has a rather good stamina from her time fighting, comparable to most trained soldiers.
- Tinkering/Mechanics: Talik has learned quite a bit about modifying armor and guns/building them.
- Piloting: Talik has had much practice over the years and is quite adept at piloting fighter class ships.
| {Force Abilities} || {Limitations} |- Pride: Talik's pride and confidence in her own capabilities leads her to often overestimate what she is capable of doing. This can lead to her getting into conflicts which she is not capable of winning on her own.
- Self-Control: Talik does not have very good control over herself when it comes to overriding the emotional responses with logical responses. While on some cases this means the girl is unable to leave behind a wounded ally, or those in need despite it being logically smarter… it also means in situations where taking an enemy live is more advantageous, she might still take their life.
- Dark Side Corruption: Talik's lineage means she is tainted by the dark side. This plays into her lack of self-control, resulting in the girl's fuse being rather short and burning rather brightly. It can also drive her to delve into those darker parts of her psyche.
- Force Resistance: Talik is currently unable to really resist force abilities all that well.
- Force Suppression: Talik is currently unable to suppress her presence in the force, so other force users will likely know she is sensitive herself.
| {Personality} |Talik can often be portrayed as a bit of a firebrand. Feeling passionately and strongly about her cause, she is often quite capable of motivating others to rally behind her banner. Talik is every bit charismatic that one would expect out of a leader for something as a rebellion. She often seems so sure of herself, as if she has already managed to seize a victory from her opponents. Every action from the girl has a sense of pride and purpose, something which emanates into those who follow her. She is kind, friendly, easygoing, and at times can even be a bit flirty whenever not actively working as the leader of the rebellion. When fulfilling said role, she still cracks jokes and has a confident smile for those around her, but is much more focused on the job at hand. Towards others, Talik can come across as loyal, protective, and compassionate about others in need. As she is more than willing to stop to help those who truly need it, even if it has no benefit to herself. She is also very reluctant to leave an ally behind in the field. All that being considered about her kindness, Talik is willing to do what must be done and take out the enemies who are corrupting the society she sees.
Internally, Talik's confidence is not quite as strong as one might think. Sure, the girl is confident in her own abilities on the field, but of her decisions and whether they were the right ones? That same confidence does not exist. Every setback, civilian death, and rebel death weighs heavily upon the girl’s consciousness. Talik’s emotions run strong, often enough overriding some of the logic behind her actions. This manifests in ways such as when Talik lashes out in violence towards others who have provoked her ire. Talik also has a darker side which she is typically not proud of and tries to keep suppressed. The girl finds a certain enjoyment in fighting, reveling in battle. A part of herself that leads to that darker part of her soul, one which she actively tries to avoid. One which to a skilled force user is clearly caused by the dark stain upon her very soul from the sith lineage in her blood.
| {Place of Origin} |Talik was born to a single father, and an unknown mother four years ahead of her younger half-sister from a different mother; Kada. They were raised by their father, a simple contractor on Coruscant, and lived two years in the lower levels. Though when she was six, Coruscant was reduced to ruins by General Grievous, and her father passed in the attack. The two girls were later found by a Null ARC Trooper, Captain Ordo, and eventually found their way off that planet.
| {Background} |Born to a single father in the lower levels of Coruscant, Talik was born into what should not have been a prosperous life. Her father tried to raise the two girls to the best of his ability, differently than the environment he grew up in. Yet, some traditions he still saw passed down, as his oldest daughter received the black tattoos his family had borne since their ancient ancestors. Talik’s mother was absent from her life as far as she could remember, although Talik only has vague concepts of what life might have been like in the younger years. As the girl was only born six years before the Republic was shattered on the fateful day that General Grievous reduced the capital to nothing more than rubble and glass. Due to this Talik and her younger sister, Kada, were left as orphans of war at the ripe old age of six and two years respectively. The bombings has left the sisters stuck within their apartment. Buried beneath an impossible amount of rubble for the two youths to have a hope of escaping. Scared and alone, only the sounds of the young girls crying carried softly out of the piles of rubble that created their tombs. The two were much too young to have any concept of how long they were under the rubble. Alone, hungry, thirsty, and scared. The two clung tightly to each other in that lonely darkness, desperately hoping for a savior to come to rescue them from their tomb.
Their savior would eventually come for the two youths, as a harsh light suddenly burned its way into the darkness. The two girls cowered from this sudden burst of light, terrified of the unknown after the events that the two had already survived just to reach this point. However, when the world did not shake as if trying to throw them, nor the invisible fists slammed into them that had come so recently before the girls slowly moved towards the light. Only to immediately cower back at the sight of the large metal… thing towering over the hole that had been made in the rubble. Yet the thing would slowly crouch down and place its hands on either side of its head before lifting. Beneath the metal head, was a human who wore a kind expression as he holstered some kind of black object at his hip and held out a hand towards the two girls. ”Easy Adiik, I’m human. Not like those clankers.” He said in a soft tone, clearly trying to keep the two little girls calm. As Talik made the first move forward he gave a small smile towards her. ”Atta girl, lets get you out from under there.” The man said as she gently placed her small hand in his much larger, gauntleted one. Talik’s other hand stayed wrapped tightly around that of her sister, to ensure she was coming along right behind them. In Kada’s free hand, a silver tube that would be easily recognizable to any who had once served alongside Jedi. A tube which had once belonged to their father from a time long ago. Soon enough, the man led the two girls out of that little tomb and out into the rubble that was once their home world.
After surviving five years on the surface of that hell, Captain Ordo and the two girls managed to get a ship off the wreckage of Coruscant. Granted, the ship originally belonged to a slaver coming for easy prey, but the Null had managed to ‘convince’ the man to give it over to them. At the point of a blaster. Nevertheless, the trio managed to get off the planet in their little freighter. From there, years were spent going about the galaxy as they learned that it was not quite the galaxy they once had remembered. During their adventures about the galaxy, Ordo had taught the two a bit about how to live in the galaxy. Seeing it as his job to care for these two girls, much in the way Kal Skirata had done for him and his brothers when they were young. During these times, Ordo had done a job for the Mandalorians with the repayment being the serum they had supposedly concocted to slow their aging. That way Ordo would have more time to spend with his girls, for he had officially adopted the young girls on just before Talik's 10th birthday. It was a peaceful time for the small family, as they hadn’t made it back to Mandalore to reunite with his family quite yet, as it always seemed that somebody else had something that needed help. Which regularly the Null would’ve ignored, but a young Kada and Talik refused to accept. Thus, they were always stopping to go help out some group or another. Often times, they stopped by the ruins of Coruscant so they could help other unfortunate souls make it off the surface of the planet.
Over the years, the two siblings started to travel down very different paths despite their bond remaining strong. Talik, heading down a path that had her learning to fight more and more from her father than Kada who learned just simple self defense. While her sister decided to move on with her life and not let her past influence her, Talik chose another path. Instead she chose to face what had happened in her past, and do something about it. Training under her father to learn even more skills from the ARC about topics such as guerrilla warfare. The training was not easy, and attempting to convince her father was even more of a challenge than the training itself. This because Talik had chosen a life of battle, choosing to lead a rebellion against the same entity that had obliterated her home in her youth. The girl first went to Ryloth, where the Twi’leks were experiencing the worst that the CIS had to offer. Starting small, the girl eventually built a reputation with her clever tactics and effective maneuvers against the CIS as she outmaneuvered them again and again. Which in turn earned her followers, and the title of ‘The Fox of Ryloth’. The rebellion itself earned the title 'Firith Tar'don' meaning Defenders of the Home in Ryl, a name which Talik has then tied more closer to her organization to put another wall between herself and those she cares for the most.
In the years since then, the Firith Tar'don had grown in size and power. To the point that she has scavenged, and repaired a Lucrehulk from the ruins around Coruscant to use as a mobile shipyard, staging ground, base, and flagship of her rebellion. Inside, the facilities to maintain her small fleet, as well as the rebellion she runs, as well as both those entities are contained. She has even earned her rebellion a powerful ally in the shape of the Empire. As they have a common goal, and Talik has chosen to believe the Emperor’s sincerity when speaking about his beliefs. So positive their relationship is, that she was gifted a TIE Advanced Fighter that the girl uses as her personal craft. Not long after being given this gift, Talik also managed to scavenge, and reactivate a Magna-Guard drpod. One reprogrammed to protect and guard her younger sister, while the other to do the same for herself.