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Updated again! Got a couple of Star Wars requests so now I'm leaning mostly towards a Naruto plot!
Bump time! Updated the preferred rp to be Naruto or Star Wars!

Kada Skirata

Interacting with: Alanna Blasaw @ASDAValueMilk

Mandalore - Keldabe Spaceport
25th Anniversary of the Founding, Noon

Only a few moments was all Kada allowed herself to take before getting back to work. "Okay!" Kada said as she stepped away from the assembled Mandos. "I'll head out first and a do a lil meet and greet, should keep the crowd happy! Then we'll be on our way." She said with a bright smile, earning a simple nod from her family as she spun on a heel and proceeded towards the exit with an obvious bounce in her step. Behind the Togruta, her ever-present shadow of an IG unit followed along closely as if preparing for some imminent threat that never seemed to arrive. As she touched the panel to slid the access-way open, Kada was immediately greeted by the sounds of over-eager cheers and calls for her attention. A typical scene on arrival, but always a bit of a rush to the girl as she bounded out towards the waiting crowd. A brilliant smile on her lips, and waving with both hands as she approached right up to the waist-high barrier that'd been set up to keep the crowd away from the disembarking popstar. Already, the Togruta noticed a couple of Holocams pointed her way and reacted appropriately. She struck a few poses, blowing a kiss directly towards one of the cameras so they'd have plenty of good angles to publish later. Better to control the angles they got of her than letting the cameras catch an unflattering look. With her lekku twitching eagerly, Kada once more waved to the whole crowd best she could.

"Wow!" She exclaimed, playing up a shocked expression just a little bit for those who'd gathered. "Did I miss somethin'? No way you're all here for me!" She said, offering a playful expression as she stuck her tongue out for a moment. Then she moved towards the barrier, offering a hug to a human girl who seemed like she was about as thrilled as she could be. Somewhere in the crowd, Kada heard a call saying something along the lines of 'we love you' and blew a kiss back in that direction. "Well, since you're all here anyways..." Kada said softly, turning away from the crowd as she gestured towards IG. The droid turned back towards towards the access way, saying something in droid-speak. Moments later a floating holocam came through on its own, making its way towards Kada and the assembled crowd behind herself. "Lets get a memory of this, yeah? Everybody gather up, come on~!" She called behind herself, waving the crowd in as she put one arm around a fan on either side of herself who leaned in enough. Both hands held up two fingers in a 'peace' sign as she wore a dazzling smile, waiting for the camera to flash to tell them the picture had been taken. The Togruta released her two victims, spinning around to thank them both and wave once more towards the assembled crowd. "I gotta get going, or IG's gonna get real grumpy with me for running late!" Kada called to her fans as she spotted her family making their way through the access way. "I better see you all again at the concert later. Our picture will be on the Holonet, so make sure to go look at it~!" She called, before swiftly turning on a heel and heading down the hall with a couple more waves and blown kisses.

"I've no clue how you do that, ad'ika. Handling crowds like that." Came her father's voice from off to her right, earning a little shrug from the Togruta. "I just like people! It's fun to interact with them all..." She said softly, giving a friendly smile and a shrug. "I do, however, need to stop by a droid repair shop if ya know one? IG's wrist actuator is a bit messed up and I don't have the parts." Kada said quietly, even as one of her uncles immediately stepped forward. "I know a real good one, The Magic Mechanic. Alanna is second to none." The man said, earning a raised eyebrow from the Togruta. "Sounds to me like a crush, Uncle Artak." Kada said to the clone trooper walking with the group... and earning him a healthy amount of laughs aimed at his direction. "But sure, lead the way?" Kada asked, although she could practically see the blush under the man's helmet.

Not long after, Kada followed her Uncle into the shop. The man calling out as he entered the shop some flirtatious remark that Kada didn't particularly pick up. Still, the Togruta rolled her eyes a bit as she stepped into the shop and was followed quickly by IG. "Hello? Uncle Artak here said I could come here for droid repairs? I've got an IG unit with a broken wrist actuator, and I didn't have the parts to fix it. Are you able to help?" Kada asked softly, looking around for the owner of the shop...

Talik “The Fox of Ryloth” Gida, The Rebel

Interacting with: Vrokro Olkzar (@Sep)

The Liberator - Teth, Baxel Sector

"The Vanguard report in?" Came a a calm, even tone from the rear of the Liberator's Bridge. The voice, though not raised, was projected easily by a helmet's onboard speakers to reach the ears of the man standing over the control pit of the massive ship. As the question was asked, the man turned back towards the approaching figure. A large twi'lek woman, dressed fully in midnight-black Beskar with an E-Web strapped onto her back. As she approached, she saw a small smile and nod appear on his features as an early response to her question. "Ah, yes. Vanguard reports that the ships holding orbit," Wullf Yularen said in his typical refined tone, gesturing on the holographic display towards a grouping of ships holding position above the planet. "Appear to be the reported... terrorists, I believe the CIS is calling them. Triumph reports picking up scans of shuttles and the like heading down to planet, estimated landing was here." He said, gesturing again towards the projector showing a line coming from a Consular-Class marked as the Triumph. The line went down towards the planet, where further analysis showed what seemed a CIS Outpost of sorts. "The Vanguard should be coming within range of our terrorists there within a minute. Shall we attempt to hail our friends before shots get fired?" He asked, earning a simple nod from the Twi'lek as she reached up to remove her helmet. Long, crimson lekku fell free as she moved her helmet away. The lethan's crimson skin was covered in black tattoos, and her orange-tinged eyes.

"I'll do the talking, if you don't mind Admiral." Talik said firmly, offering a friendly smile as the man nodded back with a small chuckle. "As always, ma'am." He said as he stepped away and started issuing orders to bring the Liberator in towards the planet. Talik turned back towards the Holoprojector and took a couple of steps back to ensure she was properly in frame. The twi'lek's lekku twitched lightly as she allowed her eyes to drift close, taking a moment to compose herself as the massive ship rumbled as its powerful engines turned it in the direction of the vanguard ships. She sent a silent mental message to her sister, as she always did before going into combat, hoping that somehow Kada would feel her touch across the galaxy... just in case this battle were to be her last. Yet, she soon closed those emotions off from her mind and forced her eyes open once more. The nervous twitching of her lekku died down instantly to be replaced with a cool confidence, just as the holoprojector sprang suddenly to life. Before her, Talik saw the figure of a Mon Cala, seeming to study her carefully with a wide-eyed look.

"This is Talik Gida, aboard the Liberator. We're inbound towards Teth as we speak, you should see our first three ships coming already." She said softly, yet firmly, and continued before giving the Mon Cala a chance to respond.
"Intel indicated that the CIS was going up against a group of terrorists, as they're apparently labeling you, and we thought we'd offer our aid." Talik said with a small, confident grin appearing on her features as she finally gave the Mon Cala a chance to respond. As she did, she made a slight gesture towards the Admiral and watched from the corner of her eye as he issued orders to start spooling the Hyperdrive.

"Copy that, Liberator. We did not expect the Firith Tar'don in this sector, but would welcome the assistance. Tagging your ships with friendly IFF now." The Mon Cala said, earning a raised eyebrow from Talik.

Starting to get recognized, Tali, means we're doing something right. She thought to herself, even as she listened in while the Mon Cala gave a quick briefing on the situation on the ground. Leaving just enough details out of the way for caution's sake. "The Liberator is jumping in now," Talik said, as the Lucrehulk drifted out from behind one of the planets moon's to complete a microjump to their target. Immediately, Talik watched nearby screens light up with activity as friendly and hostile signatures were marked. Intelligence came streaming in from the sensors, and comms lit up as the vanguard took up positions around the newly-arrived Liberator. "We're here, and I've got some interesting details lighting up on scans. I will be heading groundside, and handing over command of my fleet to Admiral Yularen here," Talik said as she gestured towards the Admiral who had already returned from issuing orders. "He'll be your contact from here."

The Mon Cala then turned and talked into a commlink for a few moments, then turned back towards Talik and spoke once again. "Our Captain, Vrokro Olkzar, is groundside. Allow me to patch you through to him." With a curt nod, Talik switched the call to audio comms as she slipped her helmet back on. Turning immediately and heading towards the hangar where she knew Sumari and Tivva were already waiting aboard a shuttle. A quick mute of the comms was made as she looked over her shoulder towards Yularen. "Admiral, keep me advised of any changes in the ground situation." She said, hearing his affirmation as she then un-muted herself on comms. While waiting for the Mon Cala to do whatever it was they needed to do.

Moments later, Talik was climbing into the dropship alongside her two squad mates and a another squad of rebel soldiers. The doors slammed shut, and the LAAT immediately shuttered as it lifted off. At the same moment, Talik got a notification of the connection to Olkzar being made on comms.

"Captain Olkzar, this is Talik Gida of the Firith Tar'don. Heard you could use a hand down there, so be advised of friendlies inbound. Where do you want us?" She asked, waiting for his response.

Kada Skirata

Interacting with: N/A

Mandalore - Keldabe Spaceport
25th Anniversary of the Founding, Noon

The slight shudder of a ship settling onto its landing gear drew her attention away from the full-length mirror that adorned one side of her cabin. With a small twitch of a lengthy lekku, the blue-skinned woman moved quickly over to tap a panel that turned an entire side of her quarters into a 'window', which in truth was just the view screen displaying the image outside her ship as captured by one of the myriad of cameras built into the Orca's hull. The girl felt a a smile grow across her face, and her lekku twitched in eager little spasms. It'd been forever since she'd been home, seen her family again. Kada could barely contain herself, even as she looked over towards the Holo Projector showing a Lethan woman in midnight-black Beskar. "We just landed, Tali, anything ya want me to say to the fam'?" The Togruta asked, as she finished putting together her outfit. "Tell 'em I miss them, and I love them." The voice came back, a warm tone easily flowing through the speakers of the projector unit. "Softie. I'll tell 'em, but you gotta stay safe out there. We'll call tonight, if we can, once the lines are secure." Kada said softly, even as her lekku twitched in a small motion to convey the words 'Love you' towards her sister, whose own Lekku made the same motion. "Will do, little sister. Now go, they're waiting for you." Talik responded before the comm unit cut off.

Kada then turned back towards her mirror, inspecting her outfit once more. It was a more typical casual look for the Togruta, one that many of her fans would already be familiar with. Tight, black leggings with brown stripes running up the sides ended in a matching pair of boots. A little hint of her midsection was on display under a black jacket that ended just above her core, with pink stripes running along the edges and on each arm. Her head was adorned with a golden 'crown' of jewelry, with a little point on her forehead as a piece of her species' own cultural identity. Then around her neck were a loose pair of headphones, more akin to what humans would wear but would work fine when worn on her own montral. Plus... it was more of a fashion statement than all else. Giving a little twirl and deciding she was satisfied with the look, Kada then collected her blaster pistol and slipped it into the hands of the IG Unit standing near the door to her cabin. "Carry that for me, IG, will you? I don't expect you'll need to use it but my father would kill me for being unarmed." She said softly, as the droid wordlessly into a holster on its hip.

With that, the Togruta set off while humming a little tune to herself while using the droid's heavy footfalls as a beat for her song. It wasn't long before she was coming down the boarding ramp to the Orca, and noticed a few figures standing just by the door leading back into the spaceport. In the middle, stood a very familiar man in dark red armor. In a mere few seconds, Kada had crossed the distance between them and threw her arms around the man in a hug that practically caused him to stumble back off his feet. "Heya, Dad. Missed ya." She said softly, holding the embrace for a long few moments as even her lekku shifted to hug the man how they could. Stepping back only after a few minutes, she then moved to hug her grandfather and uncles who'd also come to welcome her back home. The exchange was sweet, bringing out a warm smile and bright look in the girl's eyes as she looked over her family. "Tali says she loves ya all. Typical 'I don't say much else' kinda thing from her, but she meant that she misses you too." Kada said softly, giving a light shrug as she filled in the extra words for her elder sibling.

"Either way, how bad are the crowds out there? Am I gonna have to do some meet and greets before we can head home?" Kada asked, peeking her head around the group as she noticed a small crowd of fans already gathered on the other side. " 'Kay. Lets... take a few moments before we head out there? I would like some time with my family before its back to work!" The girl said with a pleasant note in her voice, turning her attention back towards her family and away from the crowd.

It was good to be home.

Here we are, the siblings have arrived~!

Bump with updoots! Looking for Star Wars rn!
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