Mandalore - Keldabe City
25th Anniversary of the Founding, Noon
25th Anniversary of the Founding, Noon
Kada had been mere seconds away kicking her Uncle from the brazen flirt he fired off as they entered the shop, yet stopped herself as the noticed the Twi'lek's slight blush. Oh, she likes it. The Togruta thought to herself as a thought flickered across her mind for a brief moment, but was quickly quelled as she forced it to not even show a hint on her expression. She did, however, play-up a devious grin as the Twi'lek approached them. "Uncle, I'm starting to understand why you talked about her the whole way here~" The Togruta teased, ensuring her voice was just loud enough to carry to the approaching woman. The comment, of course, causing Artak to shoot her a look and his own cheeks to color a bit themselves. "Ah, ignore the runt's comment, I merely sold your incredible work as a mechanic to her... and maybe a little about how you looked good doing it." The man said quickly, caught slightly off-guard by how his niece had so easily jumped in to tease him. Yet still, the clone wasn't safe. "You also mentioned taking her dinner as a tip for her work." Kada lied, but knew she put the man on the spot. If her read on the Twi'lek was anything close to accurate, the Togruta was willing to wager it'd work in Artak's favor anyways.
As Alanna finally stopped her approach before them, Kada gave a friendly little wave. "Ah, he was just bringing me over." Kada said to the Twi'lek, slightly annoyed that the woman had seemed to miss her previous request. Still, she didn't let the expression show as she continued to speak. "IG here has damage to his right wrist actuator, I believe. I... might've hit him a few too many times when he was teaching me how to defend himself." The Togruta admitted with a bashful expression being played upon her features, before continuing. "I'd fix him myself, but I don't have the proper parts. Nor the time with my schedule today. I was hoping you might have the part and be able to help?" Kada asked softly as she looked up towards Alanna with a pleading look on her features.
"Query: Why maintain an antiquated model? Recommendation: Upgrade to something more effective."
As IG's deadpan voice broke the silence, its question directed towards Alanna while its gaze stared openly at Sable; Kada stood there with an expression that could only be described as utter shock and horror upon her features. IG did not typically act out or speak in such a disrespectful manner, not towards strangers or when they were out. Kada stared between the two droids, uncertain of what model the other unit happened to be or why it had seemed to bother her companion so much. This time, however, the Togruta did kick. Her boot glancing off the Magna's leg enough to cause a clang but avoid causing harm to the young popstar. "IG!?! What was that about?" She demanded of her droid, before turning towards Alanna and speaking in a rather pointed tone. "Maybe you need to look at this one's behavior controls as well." She said, before letting out a little sigh.
"Sorry about him, I don't know what caused the outburst."
For her part, Kada was already staring down the Magna Droid again. Seemingly taking him apart in her mind and trying to understand the cause of his sudden outburst. Had he truly taken that much offense to the other unit's joke as it had entered? Was there some kind of programmed distaste between whatever model that other droid happened to be and the Magna Droids? Kada wore a slight frown as the thought that there might be something off with her friend's strange behavior sat heavy in her mind, yet knew that there wasn't much she could do about it right now. "If Miss Alanna decides to still help us, IG, you better behave. I do still remember how to activate your mute function." Kada threatened the droid, though both she and IG knew it to be a hollow threat meant more to express her frustration.
"I'd have muted him already."
Then Kada was wheeling back towards Alanna once again, but not before shooting a slight glare her Uncle's way for his comment. Then studying Alanna's face carefully to see if the Twi'lek was irritated at all by IG's outburst. Kada's lekku twitched slightly, a subtle movement that was really only understood by other species with similar features. A gesture to express her apology earlier for IG's outburst had been genuine. She flashed a little smile towards Alanna before speaking up again. She knew some owners were very overprotective of their droids, so Kada wanted to try to smooth over the incident in hopes she wouldn't get more fees tacked on.
"Can you fix him?" She asked softly.