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4 hrs ago
Current I find it interesting that caffeine supposedly helps peeps with ADHD become more calm / focused.
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2 days ago
A set up where a Bard lures people in and has their way with them, then lets the Assassin kill them in their sleep, and gives the bodies over to a Necromancer to make an army with...
3 days ago
can't wait for my friday beers 😩
5 days ago
@Donut Look Now I also did some work in Closed Captioning, and this is how companies shaft us now - they use AI to machine translate, then throw it at us for "proofreading" so they can pay us less.
10 days ago
Feel free to remind / message / tag me if you want faster replies!
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Most Recent Posts

What creatures are we able to apply as?
Hello, would you like to discuss in DMs? I'm familiar with both the TTRPG and the three games.
Interested, but have no experience in GURPS. That ok? Lots of experience in Discord play by post.
It's been a while since I did some art, and making more happens to be a resolution I'd like to make good on.

Offering free art for your OCs or requested fan art, just make your requests in this thread. First come, first served.
Though please temper your expectations, as the title says, I am not the best, but I'd like to get better.

Sample of my art here:

Gore is okay, but I won't draw R-rated sex scenes.
Hi, still looking? I'm not a pro, but I'd be happy to try to do a sketch for you.
Here's samples of my work, it's been a while since I've made some art and this seems like a good way to practice.
Very interested. Will make a character in a few days.
"Six? I don't know when we decided to label one another--"

While he took note of her name, Orwell didn't much care whatever she called herself. The less everyone knew, the better, and she was giving information away for free. Then again, she was just a teenager. Two more of them were, and both of them looked just as - if not more - unstable than Somi did. Whatever the case, Orwell had already walked away as she continued her tirade. Did she really want to risk being the first one to experience the King's punishment? By all means, she was welcome to. At least that would answer a few questions.

The door did open to the key he was given, and as he activated the light switch, it revealed something like a kitchen. The sound of the dumbwaiter made him look back, and doing so, he realized that Five had decided to follow him, but then went back to read whatever it was on the card that Somi had just taken from the dumbwaiter.

"Player #3, rip out all of Player #4's eyelashes. Player #6, consume the blood, tooth, nail, and lashes."

Whoever the King was, he had a sick mind, Orwell decided. The order was almost surreal in its violence - who in their right minds would get a kick out of watching someone eat eyelashes? He thought of people like Corvus and wondered if this was all a part of their plan to get back at him. It wasn't impossible. Money could buy anything, even amusement like this. Perhaps they were being filmed for a snuff production, commissioned by rich bastards. Nothing was out of the question.

He stepped into the room, quickly followed by Three and Four. Three's presence irked Orwell and he wished the King would order someone to shut him - he was about eighty percent certain that Three was a him - up. He listened as his eyes roved around the room, looking for answers, or at least clues to answers. The dining table was covered with several sheets of paper - receipts, upon closer inspection, and he went over to read them silently as both Three and Four -who now identified as Ryan Watts- bickered about the details on how to fulfill the newest order. His head started to ache given the fumes from whatever was in the sink, and he started breathing slowly in an attept to take in less of the fumes.

Several details in each receipt were blacked out with a marker, and try as he might, Orwell could not read any of the hidden information even as he held them up against the light. Giving up on that attempt, he continued to read the information that remained unhidden.

There was a veterinary bill, a receipt for repairs done to a funeral home - Four identified himself as a mortician, clearly a link to him -, a medical bill for a boy with the surname Cruz - his eyes narrowed upon seeing this, but he set it aside for now -, a receipt for industrial strength cleaning supplies - a highly suspicious purchase, given the bleak context they were in -, a college tuition bill - not surprising, given the age of the people involved -, as well as two payments. One payment was addressed to Somi Baek - Six, apparently did use her real first name and now her identity was fully revealed -, and the other payment involved Three - apparently the Velskaya family was an affluent one.

Here were some clues, but they only led to more questions than answers. There were exactly seven receipts, and it would be a fair guess to say that each receipt had something to do with each player. Six and Three, Somi and Riley, were possibly linked to something shady involving an exchange of money, while Four, Ryan, was linked to a funeral home, perhaps as someone linked to the mob to hide bodies. Strangely enough, Orwell did not have the same receipt of payments - a testament to how careful Corvus was, perhaps, only paying him in cold, hard, untraceable cash.

The only receipt that could possibly be linked to him was the medical bill, and then again, perhaps it was a bluff. Iris wouldn't be stupid enough to keep their kid, would she? After all, she wasn't ready for that kind of responsibility - hell, she couldn't even take care of herself after ladies' night. As far as Orwell was concerned, that kid didn't exist, and if he did, he was on his own. He took the medical bill, folded it, and kept it in his pocket, leaving the rest of the receipts on the table. Then he turned to Riley and Ryan, who were still undecided about the order.

"The order said to rip your lashes out, Ryan. That's what the order said, and it's not as bad as losing a tooth or a nail. It's your call to make. I think you're risking your neck for nothing. And maybe you're not the only one who gets punished by your mistake - what about Thr- ah, Riley and Somi?"

Orwell picked out two receipts and held it towards them.

"Funeral home maintenance bills and some kind of big transfer to the Velskaya Corporation. Sounds like you two might know something about this. I found mine too, and Somi's. This King sure did some research before he went after us, didn't he."
I'll be posting soon! Had the same concerns, as I didn't want to take all the opportunities for action by posting too frequently. Also it's kind of suspicious when your character is the one trying to investigate everything hahaha
Hi there! I'm interested in the mafia, gang leader x rival's girl, and workplace scenarios. I'm also down to play either M or F roles. Let me know if you're still looking to RP.

I also have Discord if you prefer OOCs to be done there.
The situation, as it was unfolding, was progressively becoming bloodier with each order carried out.

Two decided to literally take her nail out in the most agonizing way possible, stomping on her finger and pulling on the thing until it separated itself from her bloody flesh. For a scared girl, she put up quite a display of resolution, carrying out what the King asked without a moment's hesitation. Even he would have tried to find a way to delay or minimize the damage done to himself, had it been him given the order. It seemed that she really didn't want to die and was ready to go through any amount of pain to see it through.

In other words, she was a contender. Orwell decided to keep a watchful eye on her, sizing her up discreetly, but throwing his necktie in her direction, motioning wordlessly to her that she could use it as a bandage.

After that gruesome ordeal, the silent girl finally spoke, making some astute observations about their chances of survival, as well as the legal repercussions of murdering someone during the 'game'. Apparently, One didn't care much about living or dying, which relieved Orwell. If anyone was going to die first, it would probably be her. Without much ado, One did a faceplant onto the pliers, and off came her tooth, which she promptly threw towards the rest of them. He glanced at the bloody thing, then back at her. A mess of red now flowed from her mouth, which stained the floor as she salivated, like some injured animal. The pliers clutched tight in her hand also meant that like him, One was now armed with something.

Before anyone else could speak, Four made a sudden outburst.

"T-that's... That's Cruel! L-look... I'm just saying, don't you think that's... a bit much? We don't even know if one of us is the King! The dumbwaiter comes down from above, so wouldn't that mean he's upstairs?"

Orwell was still beside the dumbwaiter, and he peered at it as Four continued speaking. It was true that the King -or at least another person- might be personally placing the items, but it was just as possible that a remote-controlled device was used to load them into the dumbwaiter. Although Four's theory did feel congruent to the disrepair that the stairs were now in. It might be possible to send someone up, if two or three people made a human ladder.

"I mean... We have three hours to complete an Order, right? L-let's say the King is down here - He probably wouldn't target himself, right? We have three hours until we need to do anything drastic, we can think this over calmly..."

It was true that they had time to search around, but they did not have forever.

"We have about seventy two hours before we die of thirst - probably even less for those already injured, unless we decide to start drinking blood, or unless the King decides to send us some supplies, which I find highly unlikely."

Orwell raised his arm and briefly showed them his watch, which indicated that it was a little past midnight. For some reason the date displayed on the watch was tampered with; the month was clearly wrong, almost seven months past the date he last remembers, and he guessed that the day was probably changed as well. As if the King were trying to tell him that a dead man has no use for time.

Well, he wasn't dead yet, and he doesn't plan on dying any time soon.

"It might also be true that someone... maybe even another player... is up the stairs, but it would mean sending one smaller person up there to check. If there is someone up there, they are likely to be armed. Let me know if there are any volunteers willing to put their neck on the line for a shot in the dark."

He remembered the key in his pocket and started heading towards the only closed door. If there was something horrible waiting for him there, Orwell decided that he wanted to get it over and done with. The crumpled picture in his pocket felt like it weighed a ton.

"The rooms - could be something useful in them. Hints, tools, bandages, food? Wouldn't hurt to find out. There's got to be a reason why the King chose us."

As Orwell reached the door, he took out the key and to placed it in the keyhole right below the worn knob to see if it would fit. He could have sworn that the room had gotten much colder - or was it just his imagination?
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