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    1. Rai 11 yrs ago
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"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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As what little time moved onward the opportune moments to twist the fate of the entire Edafos was reaching its first stages.

Being faced before Cara now, after she pushed from his grasp, showed the size difference of the two. The guard towered over her rather intimidatingly. His Dragon shaped helmet making it hard to tell if he was similar to Garooda underneath. Though his lack of heavy heaves and snarls may have given a hint. His eyes, ethereal under the darkness of his head protection, gazed on Cara's metal. He did not waver in his attraction to her, as he showed by giving her his attention still. The Fotians were always fighting and many of the female elites have augmented limbs and are seen as proud battle scars. Even in the human world scars would be considered having a attractive lure. For hardened Fotian soldiers this was very alluring, alluding to a woman's strength. "Oooh, I'm not to sure about meeting a large group of people. I was really just hoping to get to know you, and your captain there looks way to scary for me. It looks like your leaving now anyways. Maybe I can meet you at your next destination? Where are you headed next?" "We are headed to the route of the Vrondi Kingdom. There we will be doing routine checks and scouting." He watched as the door closed on the final guardsmen and only he remained. He chuckled underneath the helmet. "What's your name?"

The Bar owner looked a bit displeased by Krutik's rejection but his politeness and angelic presence left him in admiration, even if superficially. "Well then if you ever change your mind please do come back!" He voiced with a cheery tone to Krutik's diminishing form, as he left to return to other matters. The Bar owner then eyed the jewels Eden had won. He was clearly a money loving, or hungry, kind of man. Which was odd for a Sol, who were spiritual and altruistic people on average. As he watched the scene in the bar the humans suddenly stepped in through the front doors. He couldn't take his eyes off them, as they were a curiosity.

Despite all of her reactions Rai nor Sai seemed to care for Tamara's mental well being. Not taking the situation as seriously as they should and hinting to their lack of experience. However that attitude of being aloof gave rise to Tamara's temper and soon Sai was on the receiving end of it. Sai was shocked by the sudden grapple, obviously having little combat experience compared to the Dragon before her. "If you read my mind you should know how trustworthy my 'master' is. My 'master' is also the reason I'm not gnawing on your head right now. Garaten has helped me a lot and I help him in return. Now please, explain what is going on then Gare and I will help you." Sai couldn't say much in response, as she couldn't shake the fear of being skewered by Dragon claws. But as Tamara lightened up on her she felt the ease to say an apology, despite low. "I-Im sorry.. Your situation is a lot better than what I've experienced.." She muttered the last part, then returned a gaze to Tamara's eyes. Seeming to regain a bit of fire in her she opened her mouth and showed her fangs, which were a trait of the Nayudo, before speaking in a normal tone. "I'll take you up on that offer, besides a kinky bite from me doesn't feel too great." She chuckled on that last part. When Tamara rose from her person she slid off the bed and the two would head downstairs.

Eden's victory was celebrated by all and as drinks were poured the humans entered. This grasped many if not all their attentions. Some sipped in the dark corners simply watching. While this was inside Vrondi's lands it was still a open bar for all types of individuals. Slavers, assassins and others were present in this bar. The more time and events took place here the more they wanted to stay. Plots were being made for the humans as any expert on Descendant kind knew they were a rarity. The guardsmen before Cara began to notice the inflow of humans and found it taking some of his attention. The waitresses did their duties as usual and the note Astrea wrote on was whisked away unseen. The bar owner thumbed up Eden as he gestured a drink over to the humans. As the bar owner watched on he began to feel a abrupt seizure of his ligaments. He had inhaled a faint cloudy mist unbeknownst to him and anyone else, for it moved with sentient behavior, creeping along the floors behind the bar counter. With the attention on the humans none noticed the straightening of his posture, alien to his personality, and begin to sluggishly march to the human group.

Sygma listened to Alan's thoughts and nodded. He turned his head, giving Alan view of the side of his face from below his standing position. "I admit this place intrigues me. No doubt it has some secrets that may affect everything we knew about mank-" As he was speaking he was interrupted by Rai intrusion.

The moment the hooded figure that was Rai stepped into their groups circle he was inadvertently met with Sygma's guard. Rai being of a smaller stature looked up at the eye patched fellow. He felt their tension, and confusion, so his rush to speak with them was foolish. He began to feel this now and began to take down the hood some to show his face, revealing his tender human like features. Although the horns protruding from his skull said otherwise. On his face was a expression of concern, or desperation. In truth he wanted to leave as soon as possible, even more than wanting to know where these humans were from. Never having seen a human before in his life, as was true for most Descendants.

Sygma was a cool fellow. But he began to get on edge here. A few too many were getting too close and friendly. More Descendants grew an interest in the group. This was all too obvious now and Sygma felt his body tense in the way it did when he was preparing for the worse. However as a drink was laid upon his table he felt himself refresh, the almost gold looking beverage swishing in the glass reminded him of calm waters. He had been in places surrounded by odd humans, some so odd they were barely human. Reminded of this he felt his tension whisked away. Now he turned to Rai, looking past Alan for a moment while still seated. "Yes?" He said, folding his leg and leaning back in his seat. It was obvious to him and Alan that things were going according to plan, whose it was neither did know...

Before Rai could utter a word the bar owner crept from the other side of the group. Coming before Sygma's table. Their attention turned to him immediately but instead of speaking his blank eyes gave a faint glow. Then the voice echoed in Rai, Sygma and his group, and Sai's minds.

Listen Humans. I am Makhaira! I have spoken with Tevlanook! In agreement to aid you home the humans are to trade their services to safely transfer the blood seal to the kingdom of Vrondi. This one holds this seal and must be the one who delivers it. The humans may accommodate themselves within this Inn. After this you will receive the necessary materials to return home. May the cosmos waver to your will.

After the voice silenced the bar owner collapsed. His sudden fall startled the waitresses. It was only then that Sygma felt the urge to drink what was before him. After taking a sip of it he felt the urge to drink more. It was heavenly and its potency was on caliber to what humans pay top dollar for. He did not go beyond a few sips and left the swishing liquid inside on the table. "Well then.. That was weird." He looked as a few of the waitresses began to drag the bar owner to the back in a panic. Waving their healing powers over him.

"If we're going to help you I'll need to make sure my entire team isn't at risk. Meaning I'll bring some with me, but the rest will stay here and make this a base." Sygma looked at Rai for a reaction. The urgency on Rai's face was replaced with confusion, then frustration. "I'm sure that will be fine! We should leave as soon as we can.." He lowered his voice on the last part. His eyes turning to the Fotian guard still within the bar who was growing suspicious. "What's your name then?" Asked Sygma. "It's Rai and my sister, Sai, is coming with us.. maybe some other person.." As he said this he looked up to see if Sai and Tamara were coming down.

Sai came down when Tamara was ready and approached the group, forgetting to place her hood back on to entirely cover her face. Though her dark hair covered much of her features regardless. "Well what do we have here..?" She chimed in with a pleased tone. The humans were odd but they weren't ugly, not all anyways. "Well Rai and Sai. If you're coming with me I'll be calling the shots. But you'll need to direct me, you see we are not from around here." He smirked at the last part. Knowing by now it was obvious. He then presented his team before them. Doing a bit of a roll call if you will. As he went through he gave his remarks on them. "That's Viola, She's a bit wet behind the ears but she's solid with a gun and has some resourceful tricks up her sleeve." "And now this is my sword and shield, Alan. Nothing gets past this guy." He finished on Alan. He then began discussing with his group on who would come and who would stay. He mostly chose who he wanted, but most others were allowed to take position at the Bar & Inn. The radios they had setup were still functioning just fine. The snipers back on the hill were alerted to come down to the town they resided within. It was almost just like a fairy tale how things were setup, the snipers taking their scopes to the oddities surrounding them before being summoned back to the unit.

R'lyeh's ghosts would lead him onward but not even they could speak to him about what they did not know. The creatures the were spread out across the Edafos were waiting for unsuspecting nutrients to enter their sights. When R'lyeh would push onward, through the thicket of vegetation constantly surroudning him he would find a open pasture. On this field would be herbivore beasts gnawing at the plant life below their feet. These beasts were of varrying size however they were formidable in size. R'yleh would be allowed safe passage through or by their herd. His single miniscule form being of no forseeable threat to the beasts. Soon however the situation changed. They began moving about restlessly. They had sensed the presence of predators creeping about the shadows of the bushes. Emerging from their prone beneath the green foundations were a pack of feral dragons. Their size was less formidable than their preys, but their arsenal was obviously far more deadly and made up for the gap in size. Claws teeth and blood flew across the fields and sunk into a young calf of the herd. This calf squealed out in agony as the flesh from it's neck was severed from its body. The herd made their way down the field and into the jungle, making the pursuing predators unable or unwilling to continue their assault. Having taken the life of a calf was not enough however and their sights began to zone in on R'lyeh who stood now unprotected and surrounded by the four ferals that were only about half a dozen meters away.

Time : 9:45 am
Apologies. Im having computer issues, as I type this im on my phone. but i have most of it completed. Ill post it early tomorrow.
Sunday Ill be posting.
@The Grey DustWell its the usual stuff. Trading stores and shops, healing centers and schools. Mostly homes.
@The Grey DustWhatever is not stamped on the map can only be a smaller outer village or town as long as it is close to a official place. Everything else are nomadic villages and bandit camps. Ill typically put up a setting and events for each character that enters the outer world.
@rechonqYou're right but the only people with royal characters are me, you and Grey Dust. The other 3 members are not. I'm still for allowing a few more royalties to fill up the other nations. So far we have Fotia and Gaia and a bit of the water one. But none of the others really.
Alright just waiting on. @Zenphilvian & @Vicier.
I'll be having someone pick up the Nero King character for me. Also, what you all think if this had its own site?
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