Avatar of Rai
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    1. Rai 10 yrs ago
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Current I need an AI generated RP partner.
4 yrs ago
"Oh! Ofcourse!" Famous last words.
4 yrs ago
Pixar films can change your life.
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Only a rp can turn 4 days into 4 years
5 yrs ago
Interested in creating an OC with limited options and fighting others in a test of skill and wit? roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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A little about myself and why Im here. Im an adult mid twenties with a serious addiction to fantasy stories and art, metaphysics and dimensions. Plus history and politics. My stories rarely involve fairy dust and rainbows. I aim to reflect the deepest and rawest parts of humanity into my work. Then have it reflect back to others.

Check out my album on here with my sketches.

I have a roleplay called Ascension.
A tale of 7 bloodlines. 5 elements combine with Dragons & Seraphim. Mix them as you will. Then explore and create in a changing world. I've out years of thought into this roleplay. If you're looking for a high fantasy with a active GM. If you love long term roleplays, ones where characters grow old and die. Here you go. roleplayerguild.com/topics/171791-asc…

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Ok. Hope it feels like a fresh start to something good. I wont mind the inactivity. Hope you dont mind others stealing your "im the badass" spotlight for a bit. ;P
Ha ok. Well he does seem like one doesnt he? Dark monk Singard. Soon to be on the NPC list.

More wip

What did you all think of the music I put on my post. Did it give you the creeps? :D

In your post it mentions a funny man. Is that the man, Singard? Did you attack him or just the random cultists?

Well now. We have a badass over here.
I have no issues. Welcome to the fray
The King of Vrondi is at the capital. So have fun if you want to fly there.

Thank you <3

@Landaus Five-One
Would you expect any less? Lol
Its okay. I ended up lying myself. Its not exactly easy to be precise.

I hope my post was inspiring enough for you. :D
Blood nd Guts.

I posted

Finally !!!

The field of battle was scattered with putrid decorations that appalled the senses of the majority of those amongst the Vrondi ranks. These soldiers looked at their barricade of vines being burned away by the blue flame. A cold sweat could be seen making its way down the cheek of a soldier standing still with a sword and shield in hand. Centimeters apart from his fellow soldiers he stood as a pawn amongst many. These soldiers made the majority of the ranks who formed a circular formation around the Elites and finally in the middle of the battalion was the guardian. It's height made it tower over the others even as they stood atop their dragon steeds. These steeds had white eyes and matched the vibrant colors of the nature it surrounded itself with. A high class of traveling or combating companion that reflected the nature it was surrounded by just enough to not be noticed from a distance. Their claws acted like hooves and clawed and stomped into the ground. These beasts also had long flowing hair that swayed in the breeze. Their backs were fashioned with a saddle made of gold and leather decorations sewn into its fine edges. The riders of these steeds were Vrondi Elites. Their armor elongated on the head and covered everything from the eyes up with shadow. Their enigmatic aura radiated with a purity of light. Their shining auras was amplified by the guardian standing behind them, a massive body of constantly fluctuating energy covered by impenetrable armor. It shined with rays of glory and vibrant sunrises, a contrast to the nights sky and the foes that approached them.

Alexis's left shoulder was grasped and pulled by a female soldier. She looked like a Sol as her pale complexion and piercing red eyes attested to. She towered over Alexis though and her right hand that held her shoulder was cupping it with its size. "Achers are to the east!" With that she dragged Alexis through the filed lines of soldiers who watched as Suleykaar soared the skies and rained flames on the cultists. When reaching their destination they went into the jungle and out of the field. A path was set and was lighted by fireflies. After walking down the path and making a left heading north they met Vrondi soldiers who were patiently waiting in the shadows of the trees with bows and arrows in their hands. "These are the archers. Get up that tree and make yourself useful kid." She had a stern voice but it was strangely friendly. "We have a mental communication line that will let you know what is happening next or why something is happening. Just try not to flood it with your own thoughts." She began to speak to Alexis mentally as other messages began to be heard like whispers. The mental link was open and it was born from the Sunfire tree and resonated from it to the soldiers and all those given access. Just so the minds of those who were on the battle field was invaded, their memories read and their knowledge gained. Alexis was free from this invasion however and all those with mental barriers. The mind readings, the voices and whispers rang as such..

The flames are eating away at the barrier... When it does remain in formation..
Archers fire at will. But do not disclose your location.
Watch your backs, there's word of something nasty afoot..
You mean besides that giant fucking ba-...
Zakiel? ZAKIEL!!??


As the clouds began to scatter the rays of moonlight below and cover portions of the battle field with traveling shadows a silhouette of a angel could be seen plummeting down from the skies above Sunfire. As Suleykaar waged war against the cultists. As Soron made plans with the soldiers. As Alexis tried her best to help. And as everyone watched and wondered what to do next a turning point of validity arose. A seraphim's body hit the ground from above with a loud thud and disfigured roll across the ground. His pure white garments were stained red. His neck was twisted several times and blood escaped his closed eyes. His head was covered with short blonde hair and he had tattoos of the symbol of Aion. His bow and arrow still sat on his back, made from fine materials that almost glowed in the moonlight. He laid in the battle field like another dead cultist in the decorations of corpses across the half a mile field. The Vrondi elites seemed to take notice of this occurrence, as a voice rang through their heads. A high ranking Aion was just taken out without a sound. This Aion was above it all and was observing and relaying information. If things got too out of hand he was capable of being a huge asset to the battle. But he was gone without warning, bypassing all soul detection and mind reading within the area. The Vrondi soldiers were confused, and then angered. The spark of fury was clear as their commander, a Vrondi elite soldier wearing a white cape, pierced the air with his blade held up high and raised his beast by pulling back on its reins and then tossed forward as it landed on all fours and began racing forward. The Vrondi elites leaped over the flames. As they did their hands began to absorb the light from the flames, making them disappear and form spheres of blue light in their palms. These orbs were then absorbed into themselves as they disappeared from their palms like a whirlpool. Unsheathing their blades their steel glimmered with a blue light before glowing entirely so. A hand whipped the blade across the chest of a cultist and almost within the same instant this cultist was ignited and burned to ashes. This was a drop of the powers of the elites. As they galloped across the field they made a path for their soldiers to come forward, and rushing as they did. They did not scream or yell a battle cry, the Vrondi soldiers were calm meditative warriors that believed a calm mind ruled over all. The cultist came to meet them all the same. Their second wave rushed forward to meet the elites who wiped them away with their cohesion of strikes, no elite soldier killed an enemy that directly threatened them. Only the ones that threatened another were appropriate targets for the elites. This was their training and creed to live and die without regret for another.

A few minutes after the soldiers met the cultists up close on the field the Vrondi soldiers began to set up a barrier of shields and spears. These allowed soldiers to enter and exit the fray. Soron being one, and kept a safe distance from Suleykaar. His presence as a dragon certainly came as a surprise, but amongst the confusion they could see he wielded flames that allowed him to act alone. The Vrondi elite commander looked over to Suleykaar after seeing a spark of flames erupt from Suleykaar's position. His mouth could be seen smirking before returning to the battle. Soron made his way toward the Basilisk, having little trouble besides the numbers of cultists in his way. This was a short lived issue however as the Vrondi elite marched forward at a greater speed. Creating a path for Soron as they cut through the cultists, and after each slash the remains blew in the night winds as nothing more than dust. It was just as the naked man and the dark robed one began to come into clear sight, the head of the massive basilisk poking out above the forestation. When a silhouette of a large descendant came crashing into the blade of the Vrondi commander. This clash was instant and happened without warning. The struggle then began against the elite and the mysterious figure. The commanders blade holding steady after the initial impact force shook the ground around him, throwing the elites behind him off balance on their steeds but not enough to fall. A Elite looked back to Soron and yelled. "GET BACK!" With heavy stress and immediacy. The moons light revealed this figure, This Man. His large black blade held the clash of forces between the commander and himself for quite some time before pushing off into the air as if he was weightless and landing without a sound. His blade was retuned to his back before he landed. He stood there at approximately 7 feet tall and with his hands in a meditative stance. The golden cloth the was wrapped around his body flowed in the air as if it would float away if not attached to his body.

"IF you seek to do disrespect or to do harm to our savior and to not kneel before him..." The hilt of his blade was wrapped by the cloth as if it had a mind of its own and then miraculously it began to lift the large heavy blade into the air without effort until it was above his head. "I will return you to darkness." His body began to appear weightless as he lifted himself up with one foot until he stood on one left big toe. His stance not changing beyond this as he awaited a response. The commander of the Vrondi pointed to the man and yelled for them to rush forward. Two soldiers ran past the commander, blades in hand and made their way to the newcomer. However before they could get within striking range and within only an instant, as a loud metal sheering sound could be heard for those close by, the soldier's steeds were crippled. Their legs flew midair severed from their bodies as well as the Vrondi soldiers as they went flying with them. As the bodies and legs of the dragonic steeds were hitting thr ground the two Vrondi elites landed with grace. They then immediately rushed in from both sides to the man whose stance has yet to change. His cloth and blade however did not, as blood stained the black blade with crimson. The cloth moved with feathery swiftness as it launched the blade into a Vrondi elite from above, the speed and force flattening him before striking at the other with a swing that met a solid barrier around the armor of the elite. However this barrier was visibly broken as sparks and shattered concentrated light could be seen on the impact. This impact sent the soldier several meters into the air before landing with a loud thud similar to the seraphim from earlier. The other elites began to rush forward, but were met with similar fates. Only the commander stood there and watched, Soron finally catching up. He looked to Soron who had no choice but to witness this as he did. "I believe you were told to remain back. No matter." His glowing blade was raised as he gestured to the man fighting his soldiers. "What will you do about that?"

Sunfire the peaceful tree of sustenance bubbled those within in a zone of unawareness. The word was out about the battle. But to be within the tree, and then within a building within said tree kept most of the chaos of the battle that was a mile away as nothing more than louds sounds and lights. A spectacle almost as one peered over the jungle tops to see the flashes of fire and the sounds of blades clashing from the distance. Smoke rose as well from the battle now and gave a eerier composition to the nights sky for those looking out in wonder. Either through a window or on a ledge, or on the very tops of the tree, as many who flew chose to do. A drink in hand for some, many having left over booze from earlier indulgences by a certain rich patron. Within the tree was Velai and Lila. They watched as the orb in the room that belonged to Mirror, the leader of the Aion, glowed with a visible vibe to snow storms and even imitated the sound. Soon they would, especially Velai who could see it all, knew it was not just an illusion. A cold began to creep into the room even as the window revealed the smoke rising from the battle afar. "Y-yes! Mirror it's me Velai!" Velai got closer to the orb to speak but was met with a rising whirlwind of cold air that surrounded the marbled sphere that now emitted an all white glow, like snow in the sunlight. "Good. Is Lila there?" Velai shouted a yes over the increasing sound of whirling wind. "Good.. Lila, can you hear me?" Not waiting for very long for a reply Mirror continued. "I'm on my way. But I've run into some issues while on my way. Lila, I need to use you in my stead. I assume you've had your fill of my blood to give you strength." The wind and cold suddenly stopped. All of it was retained within the orb now. Then a solid stream of ice began to emerge from the orb. It soon met the ground in front of Velai and Lila. A snowflake symbol was soon made on its surface. This strange symbol had many words on its edges and itself was made entire out of ice. It then glowed with a soft blue hue as the ice seemed to be constantly forming and evaporating into small snow flakes that floated into the air before disappearing. "This will take you to the battle Lila. Once they recognize you they'll likely tell you to get on the frontlines. Don't over exert yourself though..."

Upon arriving at the battle field Lila will be summoned at the west to those facing away from Sunfire and toward Vrondi. She would be a few meters from entering the flat open field the battle was in. But she was in another battle of its own immediately upon arrival. She was within the Jungle, on its floor but her arrival was met with a surge of ice and cold erupting like deadly spirits that captured and skewered those unlucky cultists who stood there. Within the west jungle was where many of the cultists sought to flank the Sunfire soldiers. Soldiers of Vrondi that knew the jungle well leaped across the night trees without effort and either arrowed or slashed down cultists as they soared across the tree tops. One was then met with a arrow from the cultists that had him land before Lila and her half frozen and dead cultist decorations around her. This soldier bled profusely and begged someone to help him as he coughed up blood. The arrow was in his throat and his breath was like a sucking sound, only to be filled with blood rather than air. A few cultists moved down from the tree tops themselves, claws they had as they effortlessly made their way around the trees to circle Lila before going for wild lunges one after another. Their appearances were almost dragonkin but their thin limbs made them resemble a starving descendant. A hiss could be heard from each as they moved in, their sweat glands filled the air with the intent to kill.

"Oh dear Seraphim.. do not worry for me. I am a mere messenger. It is those who pray that need your help. If you say the Aion has requested your help then go to the soldiers outside of Sunfire.. they will know what to do.." She gently grasped the cloth from Shanna's hand with a gentle bow and began to wipe her face with simple strokes. She turned back to the statue. "It is true one cannot have light without darkness. But one must never stray too far into darkness. Or be lossed by its empty abyss.." Luna then returned to placing her hands together in prayer after placing the stained red cloth on her lap. She let a smile emerge on her lips as Shanna floated off. Let fate guide us through this uncertainty.

"Zargoth is it? I remember you. I am." His arms spread out as he smiled with sheer joy. "King Vrondi! Ruler of all you see before you. Apologies we seem to be under attack. Fly from high above into the kingdom below. As long as you do not present yourself as a foe you will not be harmed. We welcome all." His arms folded back together as he then began to float off of the back of Zargoth. With a mysterious gentleness he did so. His solid movement did not match the flight speed of the dragon. Instead he floated as if the speed they were going was slow motion for him. He turned midair to the others and removed his smile for a more serious tone. Giving a half bow. "Sorry for the sudden intrusion on your travels but I hope you understand the nature of the situation." He looked each one in the eye almost simultaneously as their minds were read and knowledge was briefly gained. Delving into their minds was only possible if they had no barriers. Vrondi smirked again as his mood seemed to lighten.

Goodbye for now..
The voice spoke in their minds in a calm and friendly way. Vrondi glowed brighter as all of his details began to disappear. He formed into pure light and beamed off in different angles before spiraling into the cultists battling before Vrondi's capital. A bright flash of light cutting through them like blades of fire. Ligaments disintegrated as they were severed from their base from odd angles. Vrondi stood before the cultists, his eyes glowed with light that resembled flames. His mouth opened with similar auras escaping from it. He seemed far more sinister in this form than when greeting his guests. Even more so as he sliced through the cultists with rays of light that scorched all it touched to cinder.
@Landaus Five-One

"This night is fascinating me more and more.. I have been away for so long. I want to see more wonders. No." He stopped his walk and turned to the moon. His body glowed with similar ambience as the moonlight and his hair flowed gently like the wind. His jet black hair seemed to glisten with small stars just as the bright night did. The shadow that was cast beneath his feet began to move on its own. It crept up his toned legs and covered his body as it went up with a dark almost coal like color. It kept rising up his body until it took form. Giving him a clothed yet dark and eerie appearance. However this did not take away from his beauty. His companion skulked forward a bit with his cane helping him with each step. His silver mask hid his expression but his posture spoke of a broken man beneath the swallowing tattered cloak. "We will show them more wonders.." Spoke the man who stood tall and elegantly. "Yes lord.. We have many test subjects for tonight's experiment.. All will know you are true after this night." Cackled the man beneath the mask in his aged and raspy voice. With that they turned to face the ensuing battle between the Vrondi soldiers and the mysterious man. "We will wait for Singard to make a path for us.. He is quite interesting."
Ill post tomorrow. Likely in the morning
I mean some of your characters might know what is happening. Especially those old enough to be around when the first descendants were born. Soon after that the war began.

@FallenTrinity@Landaus Five-One
Your characters hit over 2k range am I right? So they should know the rumor, after looking at him, that this is the second child of the first seraphim, who ascended long ago. He was known for commanding the night battles while the first born, his sister, commanded the day. He was known to be able to harvest souls.

He disappeared with the other ascended after the dragon wars.

The rest is a mystery even to those who know a lot. Besides that these people seem to be of a strange order that seems to worship this man they call death.
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