Jennifer Whittemore
Enemies, enemies... what was she best off dealing with? The pilot could only wonder for a few seconds as she hung above the battlefield, currently quite out of the reach of immediate danger before diving in. Why not go for the biggest and nastiest ones? If she stopped those from ambling forwards, then the others would be able to fight through the weaker ones to join her in any case. And they definitely didn't want to let the things lurch and wobble their way into range of soldiers, fighting them there might get other people hit anyway!
Descending abruptly to hover in front of one of the things, her attack was immediate: a vague jab, definitely something like a punch, but without much in the way of good form. Not that it mattered, the gentle tap more than close enough range to a bright blast of energy right into the hard-to-reach face. Not enough to destroy the head in one go, sadly, and it was already swinging, but Albion's unparalleled mobility just let her smoothly pull to the side, throwing the other hand in another quick jab, redirecting it and rocking it, and for all that it was faster than a shambling corpse, it still only had two arms and couldn't turn to keep up as quickly as she could gracefully drift around it, throwing punch after punch--and blast after blast--all the while.
It was almost no time at all before the repeated blasts finally broke through, making the head pop rather... grossly, and Jennifer gave the body a little kick--itself with another blast--to make sure that it fell away from the line before pulling back up to pick another target. Ah, the freedom of height, and there wasn't anything these lines of warped could do even if a few of them were starting to notice as she selected another one of the larger warped and dived in again...
This was actually pretty fun. Was it meant to be?